FAVORITE ACTING BY ACTRESSES: Cher in Moonstruck (1987)

23 May 201303:24

TLDRIn the script, Johnny is faced with a difficult decision when his fiancée, Loretta, discovers the truth behind his marriage proposal, which was made to save his dying mother. Loretta, feeling betrayed, ends their engagement. However, in a twist of fate, Johnny's brother Ronnie proposes to Loretta, who accepts, revealing her true feelings. The family dynamics and personal relationships are tested, leading to a dramatic and humorous resolution.


  • 🤝 Introductions are made among family members, establishing relationships and setting the scene.
  • 🎶 Music plays a background role in the script, indicating a shift in mood or scene.
  • 💍 The central conflict revolves around Johnny's promise to marry Loretta due to his mother's illness.
  • 😷 A sense of urgency is conveyed as characters discuss health and the well-being of family members.
  • 💔 The engagement between Loretta and Johnny is called off due to the revelation of the true motivation behind it.
  • 🗣️ Strong emotions are displayed through accusations and confrontations between characters.
  • 💖 A spontaneous proposal occurs, highlighting an impulsive decision in the heat of the moment.
  • 😲 Surprise elements are present, as characters react to unexpected events and announcements.
  • 👰 Loretta and Ronnie agree to marry in a sudden turn of events, indicating a change in relationships.
  • 😔 Mixed emotions are evident, with expressions of love and disappointment intertwined.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The importance of family is emphasized, as they are involved in key moments and decisions.

Q & A

  • Who is the speaker of the first line in the transcript?

    -Ronnie, Johnny's brother.

  • What is the reason Johnny initially gives for his mother's recovery?

    -Johnny claims that his mother recovered immediately after he told her they would be getting married.

  • What does Loretta accuse Johnny of being when he breaks off their engagement?

    -Loretta accuses Johnny of being a liar and a son who doesn't love his mother, suggesting that he is still being controlled by his mother at the age of 42.

  • Why does Johnny believe marrying Loretta would lead to his mother's death?

    -The text does not provide a specific reason for Johnny's belief, but it implies that he might have made a promise to his mother that his engagement and potential marriage to Loretta played a role in her recovery, and he fears that breaking off the engagement would reverse her recovery.

  • What does Loretta do in response to Johnny breaking off their engagement?

    -Loretta throws the engagement ring at Johnny and tells him she will come to his funeral in a red dress, expressing her anger and disappointment.

  • How does Ronnie propose to Loretta?

    -Ronnie proposes to Loretta in front of her family, asking her to marry him after Johnny breaks off their engagement.

  • What does Loretta's mother, Rose, say when she learns of Loretta's love for Ronnie?

    -Rose expresses a pessimistic view of love, saying 'Oh, God, that's too bad,' implying that love often leads to complications and heartbreak.

  • What is the significance of Loretta's transformation before going to the opera with Ronnie?

    -Loretta's transformation from a 'sloppy' appearance to a more refined and elegant look symbolizes her journey towards self-discovery and embracing her feelings for Ronnie, despite her initial pragmatic approach to marriage.

  • What does Loretta's father, Cosmo, suggest about the relationship between luck and marriage?

    -Cosmo suggests that Loretta's bad luck with her first marriage, which resulted in her husband's death, might be related to the lack of a traditional wedding, and he advises her against marrying again due to this belief in bad luck.

  • What is the central theme of the film Moonstruck as expressed by Ronny's plea to Loretta?

    -The central theme of Moonstruck is the complex nature of love and its impact on relationships. Ronny's plea highlights the idea that love is not about perfection or niceties, but rather about taking risks, facing heartbreak, and embracing the messiness of life.

  • How does the screenplay of Moonstruck contribute to the exploration of love and relationships?

    -The screenplay by John Patrick Shanley masterfully weaves together the characters' personal struggles and evolving relationships, providing a nuanced portrayal of love that can both destroy and rebuild connections, ultimately challenging conventional notions of romantic relationships.



🤝 Introductions and Greetings

The paragraph begins with a series of introductions among the characters. Ronnie, Johnny's brother, meets someone new and they exchange pleasantries. There's a mention of a joke, suggesting a light-hearted atmosphere. The characters discuss family and relationships, hinting at deeper connections and potential conflicts.




Family in the context of the video script represents the close-knit relationships and dynamics among blood relatives. It is central to the theme as it influences the characters' decisions and actions, such as Johnny's initial proposal to Loretta. The script shows the importance of family support, as evidenced by Loretta's insistence on having her family around her during the conversation with Johnny.


Marriage is a legally and socially recognized union between individuals that is a key plot device in the script. It symbolizes commitment, love, and societal expectations. The concept of marriage is explored through the engagement and subsequent disengagement between Loretta and Johnny, which is driven by family pressure and personal realizations.


A promise in the script is a commitment or assurance that one will do something or behave in a certain way. It is a central theme as it drives the plot, with Johnny's promise to his mother being a pivotal point in the story. The concept of keeping or breaking promises is explored, leading to character development and resolution.


Conflict in the script refers to the struggle between characters' desires, beliefs, or actions. It is a driving force of the narrative, creating tension and propelling the story forward. The conflict arises from personal values, family expectations, and romantic relationships, leading to character confrontations and resolutions.


Love in the context of the script is a complex emotion that influences characters' decisions and actions. It is portrayed as both a source of joy and a cause of complications. The theme of love is central to the narrative, as it is the underlying reason for the characters' pursuit of marriage and the eventual resolution of their conflicts.


A miracle in the script is an extraordinary event that is attributed to a divine agency. It is used metaphorically to describe the rapid recovery of Johnny's mother, which is attributed to the promise of his marriage. The concept of a miracle is intertwined with the theme of faith and the power of belief in influencing outcomes.


Recovery in the script refers to the process of returning to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. It is a significant plot point as it is the catalyst for the initial promise and subsequent actions of the characters. The theme of recovery is not only physical but also emotional, as characters navigate through their personal struggles.


Engagement in the script is a period or state prior to marriage where two people have agreed to marry. It is a key element in the narrative, symbolizing commitment and the anticipation of a future event. The engagement between Loretta and Johnny is central to the plot, as it is based on a promise made under duress and eventually leads to its termination and a new proposal.


Honesty in the script refers to the quality of being truthful and straightforward. It is a value that is tested and ultimately upheld as the characters confront each other and reveal their true feelings and intentions. The theme of honesty is crucial as it leads to the resolution of conflicts and the establishment of genuine relationships.

💡Red Dress

The red dress in the script is a symbol of defiance and individuality. It is used by Loretta as a metaphorical statement of her refusal to be walked over and her determination to assert her presence, even in the face of rejection or adversity. The red dress stands out as a bold color choice, often associated with passion and courage.


A proposal in the script is the act of asking someone to marry you. It is a significant event that signifies the intention to enter into a lifelong commitment. The theme of proposal is central to the narrative, as it is the turning point for the characters' relationships and the resolution of their personal conflicts.


Introduction of characters: Ronnie, Johnny, and Loretta

Johnny's mother's recovery linked to his marriage

Johnny's reluctance to marry Loretta without family present

Loretta's revelation about Johnny's mother's condition being a reason for their engagement

Johnny's confession of his mother's ongoing influence on his life

Loretta's accusation of Johnny being controlled by his mother

The mention of the engagement ring symbolizing Johnny's commitment

Johnny's request to break off the engagement

Loretta's dramatic response to the broken engagement

Johnny's sudden proposal to Loretta

Loretta's public declaration of love for Ronnie

The unexpected twist with Loretta agreeing to marry Ronnie

The emotional turmoil of the father, confused by the sudden change

The resolution of the conflict through unexpected marriage

The underlying theme of family influence on personal decisions

The exploration of love, obligation, and personal autonomy

The dramatic use of music to underscore emotional moments