ComfyUI - Getting Started : Episode 1 - Better than AUTO1111 for Stable Diffusion AI Art generation

Scott Detweiler
13 Jul 202319:01

TLDRIn this informative video, Scott Weller introduces Comfy UI, a versatile tool for AI art generation that surpasses other platforms like Automatic 1111. As the head of quality assurance at, Scott shares his expertise and daily experience with the tool, guiding viewers through its features and capabilities. He demonstrates how to build a workflow from scratch, covering aspects like model selection, prompt application, sampling, and image encoding. The video showcases Comfy UI's efficiency, customizability, and potential for advanced image manipulation, emphasizing its superiority over simpler tools and encouraging users to explore its full potential.


  • 🚀 Introduction to a powerful AI art generation tool, 'company', which surpasses other tools like automatic 1111 in capabilities.
  • 🎨 The tool 'company' allows users to perform a wide range of tasks from model training to image generation and manipulation.
  • 💻 'company' can run on most computers with over 3GB of video RAM and can even operate on a CPU, albeit slower.
  • 🔗 A link will be provided for easy installation of 'company', emphasizing its accessibility to users.
  • 🛠️ The presenter, Scott Weller, works in quality assurance at and uses 'company' daily, vouching for its reliability and utility.
  • 🌟 'company' offers advanced features and customization options, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced users.
  • 🎓 The tutorial covers the basics of using 'company', including adding nodes, working with models, and utilizing prompts.
  • 🌐 The workflow in 'company' involves a sequence from loading a model, applying prompts, sampling, and encoding the image.
  • 🖌️ Tips on organizing the 'company' graph are provided, such as color-coding nodes and using the reroute node for a cleaner layout.
  • 📸 Users can import previous images and their settings directly into the 'company' graph for continued work or inspiration.
  • 🔄 The potential for 'company' to upscale images and refine the art generation process is highlighted, showcasing its versatility.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is an introduction to a tool called Comfy UI, which is used for AI art generation.

  • Who is the speaker of the video?

    -The speaker of the video is Scott Weller, who works as the head of quality assurance at

  • What are some of the features of Comfy UI that Scott highlights?

    -Scott highlights that Comfy UI can handle a variety of tasks such as automatic 1111 functions, model training, and more. It also supports different processes like prompts, sampling, and encoding back into images.

  • What is the minimum video RAM required for Comfy UI to run effectively?

    -The minimum video RAM required for Comfy UI to run effectively is three gigabytes.

  • Does Comfy UI support working with just a CPU?

    -Yes, Comfy UI can work on a system with just a CPU, but it will be slower compared to systems with video RAM.

  • What is the significance of the 'sampler' node in Comfy UI?

    -The 'sampler' node is used to sample from the conditioned model and is a crucial part of the AI art generation process in Comfy UI.

  • How does Scott suggest organizing complex graphs in Comfy UI?

    -Scott suggests using labels, colors, and collapsing nodes to keep track of and organize complex graphs in Comfy UI.

  • What is the purpose of the 'latent image' in the workflow?

    -The 'latent image' serves as a noise input for the sampler, which, combined with the model conditioning, helps create the final AI-generated image.

  • What is the role of the 'AED code' node in the workflow?

    -The 'AED code' node is used to encode the latent image into a final image, which is the last step in the AI art generation process.

  • How does Scott suggest improving the quality of an AI-generated image?

    -Scott suggests using multiple samplers at different stages, adjusting settings like steps and schedulers, and resampling the image to improve its quality.

  • What additional feature does Comfy UI offer for loading previous work?

    -Comfy UI allows users to drag any image created within the tool directly into the graph, which will load the image along with its seeds for further work.



🎨 Introduction to Comfy UI for AI Art Generation

The speaker, Scott Weller, introduces Comfy UI as the best tool for AI art generation currently available. He explains that it surpasses other tools like Automatic 1111 in functionality, offering more versatility in tasks such as control nets, Loris, and training models. Weller, who works as the head of quality assurance at, shares his daily experience with the tool and encourages viewers to install it for its powerful capabilities. He also mentions that the tool's ease of use extends to various computer systems, even those with just CPU capabilities.


🛠️ Workflow and Sampling with Comfy UI

This paragraph delves into the workflow of using Comfy UI, starting with building a graph from scratch. The speaker demonstrates how to add nodes to the graph, such as a loader for a checkpoint and a sampler for processing prompts. He emphasizes the importance of using custom nodes and organizing the workflow effectively. The speaker also explains the process of sampling from the model, encoding images, and the steps involved in transforming prompts into visual outputs. He provides tips on duplicating nodes efficiently and highlights the tool's ability to handle complex workflows.


🔄 Advanced Sampling and Image Upscaling

The speaker discusses advanced features of Comfy UI, such as using the advanced case sampler and upscaling latent images. He explains how to refine the AI-generated image by resampling and adjusting various settings like the number of steps, scaling the latent image, and using different samplers at different stages of the process. The speaker also introduces the concept of using a scheduler to optimize the sampling process and the ability to connect and reroute nodes for a cleaner workflow. He emphasizes the flexibility of Comfy UI in achieving desired outcomes by manipulating different parameters.


📌 Final Thoughts and Next Steps with Comfy UI

In the final paragraph, the speaker wraps up the introduction to Comfy UI by encouraging viewers to explore its capabilities and continue learning about it through future videos. He mentions the convenience of queuing prompts and saving images directly within the tool. The speaker also shares his plans for future content, including starting a podcast and reviving membership for exclusive content. He expresses gratitude to his audience for their support and concludes the video with a reminder to stay safe and a promise to return with more content.



💡AI art generation

AI art generation is the process of using artificial intelligence to create visual art. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses a tool that specializes in this, allowing users to generate art through AI algorithms. The tool mentioned enables users to create complex and unique pieces of digital art by manipulating various parameters and inputs.

💡Control nodes

Control nodes are components within the discussed tool that allow users to manipulate the workflow and parameters of the AI art generation process. They serve as the building blocks for creating a 'graph' or network of interconnected elements that drive the final output.


Checkpoints refer to saved states of a model's training process. They are used to resume training from a specific point or to initialize a model for inference, as is the case in AI art generation. The speaker mentions loading a checkpoint to use as a starting point for creating art.


Prompts are inputs or texts provided to the AI system to guide the generation process. They serve as descriptions or ideas that the AI uses to create the desired output. In AI art generation, prompts can be positive or negative, influencing the final image based on what the user wants to emphasize or exclude.

💡Latent image

A latent image in the context of AI art generation refers to a representation of the image before it is fully realized. It contains noise and is refined through the sampling process, where the AI gradually replaces the noise with content guided by the prompts.


A sampler in AI art generation is a mechanism that interacts with the latent image to produce the final output. It samples from the model, guided by the prompts, and iteratively refines the latent image to match the desired concept.


An autoencoder is a type of neural network used for unsupervised learning, often in the context of data compression or feature learning. In AI art generation, it plays a role in encoding and decoding the latent image to produce the final visual output.


Workflow refers to the sequence of steps and processes followed to achieve a specific outcome. In the video, the workflow involves a series of actions and decisions the user must take to guide the AI in generating the desired art.


Upscaling in the context of the video refers to increasing the resolution or size of the generated image. This is done by adjusting the latent image's scale, which in turn affects the final output's quality and detail.


A seed in AI art generation is an initial value used by the system to generate a unique output. The same seed will produce consistent results, while different seeds create varied outputs, adding an element of randomness to the generation process.

💡 is the company mentioned in the video that collaborates with the speaker's team. They are involved in the development and support of the AI art generation tool being discussed, indicating a professional relationship and endorsement.


Introduction to Comfy UI as a powerful tool for AI art generation.

Comfy UI's capabilities surpass those of Automatic 1111, offering more flexibility and features.

The presenter works at as the head of quality assurance and uses Comfy UI daily.

Comfy UI can be installed via a simple git process and runs on most computers with over 3GB of video RAM.

The tool allows for the use of custom nodes, enhancing the workflow with new additions regularly.

A step-by-step guide on building a workflow from scratch, including adding nodes and setting up the process.

The importance of labeling nodes with colors and titles for clarity in complex workflows.

Demonstration of how to use positive and negative prompts to refine the AI art generation process.

Explanation of the sampler node and its role in the AI art generation process.

The use of a latent image and how it feeds into the sampler to create the final image.

The process of upscaling the latent image and the impact on the quality and resolution of the generated art.

The utilization of multiple samplers at different stages to enhance the AI art generation.

The ability to save and preview images directly within the Comfy UI platform.

The convenience of copying and pasting nodes with connections intact for efficient workflow management.

The potential for collaboration with the company, hinting at future updates and integrations.

The presenter's intention to continue creating content and exploring new models and features within Comfy UI.