Comment avoir les meilleurs résultats sur Parcoursup ?

19 Dec 202311:23

TLDRThe video script offers a comprehensive guide for students aiming to maximize their chances of being accepted into their desired higher education programs through Parcoursup, a stressful process for many. It outlines the stages of Parcoursup, emphasizing the importance of information gathering, application phases, and the significance of a strong academic record and motivation letter. The speaker encourages students to research thoroughly, seek advice, and actively participate in extracurricular activities to stand out from the competition.


  • 📚 Research and gather information on the different higher education programs and their admission criteria during the initial phase of Parcoursup.
  • 🗓️ Understand the multi-phase process of Parcoursup, starting from the information phase to the final results phase.
  • 📝 Prepare and submit your application and dossier during the application phase, which runs from January to March.
  • 💌 Write a compelling and concise letter of motivation within the 1500-character limit during the third phase.
  • 🎯 Create a balanced list of choices with a mix of dream programs and safer options to maximize the chances of acceptance.
  • 📈 Focus on your academic performance, especially in the final semester of high school, as it is heavily weighed in the selection process.
  • 📊 Use Parcoursup's own tools and resources to understand the selectivity and admission criteria of various programs.
  • 👥 Reach out to professors, alumni, and current students for qualitative insights and advice on the programs you're interested in.
  • 🏆 Get involved in extracurricular activities to stand out from the competition and showcase your interests and proactivity.
  • 📖 Review examples of successful motivation letters and profiles to learn how to craft an effective personal statement.
  • 🏅 Aim for exceptional teacher recommendations that go beyond generic praise, highlighting your unique qualities and potential.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video is to provide guidance on how to maximize one's chances of being accepted into their desired higher education program through the Parcoursup platform.

  • What are the different phases of the Parcoursup process?

    -The Parcoursup process consists of several phases: the information phase from the beginning of the school year until January, the application phase from January to March, the motivation letter submission phase from March to April, and the results phase from late May or June.

  • What is the significance of the second trimester of terminale in the Parcoursup application?

    -The second trimester of terminale is significant because it represents the level of achievement that applicants will have when they arrive at the higher education institution, making it the most important part of the application dossier for recruiters.

  • How can students differentiate themselves in their applications?

    -Students can differentiate themselves by being proactive, showing interest and curiosity in their classes, participating in extracurricular activities, and engaging in projects or commitments that demonstrate their unique qualities and passions.

  • What is the role of the motivation letter in the Parcoursup application?

    -The motivation letter is a crucial part of the application where students express their interest in the program, their motivations, and how they align with the program's objectives, all within a 1500-character limit.

  • What are some strategies for researching and selecting the right higher education programs?

    -Students should gather information about different programs, contact professors or alumni, participate in open days, and use online resources like Parcoursup's own tool to filter and compare programs based on admission criteria and other factors.

  • Why is it important to work on the application dossier early in the year?

    -Working on the application dossier early allows students to improve their academic records, particularly focusing on the second trimester of terminale, and to actively participate in their school community to enhance their overall profile.

  • How can students prepare for writing their motivation letter?

    -Students can prepare by watching videos, reading examples of successful motivation letters, and starting to draft their letter well in advance to refine it before submission.

  • What is the advice for students who are unsure about their career choice or program selection?

    -Students should take the time to research and reflect on their interests and goals, consult with teachers and counselors, and consider a range of programs from dream schools to safer options to increase their chances of acceptance.

  • How can students make the most of the first phase of Parcoursup?

    -Students can make the most of the first phase by thoroughly researching the programs offered, understanding the admission criteria, and attending information sessions to gather as much information as possible to make informed decisions.



📚 Understanding Parcoursup and Maximizing Admission Chances

This paragraph introduces the video's focus on guiding students through the process of maximizing their chances of being accepted into their desired higher education programs in France through Parcoursup. It emphasizes the stressful nature of the process for terminal students, who often realize they may not have the qualifications or have not sufficiently considered their choices. The video is structured to first provide information on Parcoursup and its phases, and then to offer advice on how to prepare from the beginning of the year to increase the likelihood of having one's preferences accepted.


📈 Parcoursup Phases and Application Strategy

This paragraph delves into the specifics of Parcoursup's multi-phase system, detailing the information phase from the start of the school year to January, the application phase from January to March, the motivation letter submission phase from March to April, and the results phase from late May or June. It advises students on how to strategically create a list of choices based on selectivity levels to ensure at least one acceptance. The importance of understanding the selectivity of desired establishments and the role of the final year's academic record in the application process is highlighted, along with the necessity of working on the academic record from the start of the year.


🌟 Enhancing Profile and Preparing for Selective Programs

The final paragraph discusses the importance of standing out from the competition, especially for selective programs. It encourages students to actively participate in school life, engage with teachers and classmates, and demonstrate proactivity and curiosity. The paragraph underscores that good grades alone are not enough; students must also strive for exceptional teacher recommendations and showcase their involvement in extracurricular activities. It suggests looking at examples of successful applications and emphasizes the significance of the motivation letter in the Parcoursup process. The video creator offers to review and provide feedback on viewers' motivation letters and encourages students to engage in activities that differentiate them from other applicants.




Parcoursup is the French national platform for higher education applications, allowing students to apply for various programs based on their preferences and qualifications. In the video, it is the central theme as the speaker discusses strategies for maximizing the chances of being accepted into desired programs through this platform.


Formation refers to the educational programs or courses that students wish to apply for through Parcoursup. The term is used to describe the specific field of study or training that a student is interested in pursuing at a higher education institution.


Dossier, in the context of the video, refers to a student's application file which includes academic records, teacher evaluations, and other relevant documents. It is crucial for the Parcoursup application process as it helps institutions assess the suitability of a candidate for their programs.

💡Lettre de motivation

A motivation letter is a personal statement that students submit as part of their application to express their interest and suitability for a particular program. It is a critical component of the Parcoursup application, allowing students to convey their passion and commitment to the program they are applying for.


Sélectivité refers to the competitiveness or selectiveness of a program or institution. It indicates the level of competition among applicants and the rigorous criteria used by the institution to choose candidates.


Vœux, in the context of French higher education, are the preferences or choices that students make when applying for programs through Parcoursup. Students can express multiple vœux, ranking them according to their preferences.


Appréciations are the teacher's evaluations or comments about a student's performance, work ethic, and personal qualities. These evaluations are part of a student's dossier and play a significant role in the application process, as they provide insight into the student's character and potential.


Proactivité refers to a student's initiative and willingness to take action, especially in the context of their academic and extracurricular activities. Demonstrating proactivity can enhance a student's application by showing their engagement and commitment.


Classements are rankings or lists that compare different educational programs or institutions based on various criteria such as quality of education, student satisfaction, or selectiveness. They can help students make informed decisions about their higher education choices.


Information in the context of the video refers to the data and knowledge that students need to gather about the programs they are interested in, including curriculum details, admission criteria, and the experiences of current students or alumni.


Résultats refers to the outcome or results of the Parcoursup application process, which typically includes the acceptance or rejection notifications from the higher education institutions.


Maximizing chances of acceptance in desired higher education programs through Parcoursup.

The importance of the first phase of Parcoursup, which is the information phase from the beginning of the school year until January.

Gathering information on various programs, their content, and recruitment criteria during the information phase.

The second phase of Parcoursup, from January to March, is for applying to programs and submitting applications.

The third phase, occurring from March to April, involves sending motivation letters and finalizing application details on Parcoursup.

The final phase of Parcoursup is the release of admission results, typically in late May or June.

The importance of choosing the right high school options to match desired higher education programs, especially mathematics for most preparatory classes.

Creating a list of choices based on different levels of selectivity to increase the chances of being accepted into at least one program.

Working on the academic record, especially the last semester of high school, as it is crucial for recruiters on Parcoursup.

The progression throughout high school is considered, but the second trimester is most important for selective programs.

Going beyond just good grades to stand out among competitors on Parcoursup, such as through active participation and extracurricular activities.

Seeking the dream recommendation from teachers, showing initiative and curiosity in class and with peers.

The significance of the motivation letter in the Parcoursup application, which should be concise and impactful.

The value of looking at other students' application files for inspiration and understanding what makes a strong application.

Differentiating oneself from other applicants through extracurricular activities, sports, associations, or unique projects.

Participating in contests and activities organized by institutions like UNESCO or the Bank of France to enhance one's profile.

Utilizing social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube to gather information and advice from those who have pursued the desired programs.

The importance of starting early to work on the application file and seeking advice from teachers to improve chances on Parcoursup.