Content Automation with Stable Diffusion + GPT-3 API + Python 🤖

All About AI
2 Nov 202208:03

TLDRIn this video, the presenter demonstrates how to automate content creation using GPT-3, Stable Diffusion, and Python. The process begins with setting up the Stable Diffusion model and conducting research for the article. The script is then used to generate questions and answers from the research material, forming the foundation of the article. A standard prompt is employed with Stable Diffusion for image generation, which is integrated into the article. The presenter also uses Python to create a tweet and an email for social media distribution. The conclusion is generated using GPT-3, and the article is finalized with a featured image and additional images. The entire process, from research to publication, takes approximately 37 minutes and costs $0.96, showcasing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of automated content creation.


  • 🤖 Automating content creation with AI tools like GPT-3 and Stable Diffusion can save time and effort.
  • 📝 The process can be applied to various types of content, including articles, blog posts, social media posts, YouTube scripts, and podcasts.
  • ⏱️ The video demonstrates the creation of an article about the Soleus push-up for a health website in under 40 minutes.
  • 🔍 Research is conducted alongside setting up the Stable Diffusion model to gather information for the article.
  • 💻 Python scripts are used to automate the generation of content, including questions, answers, and social media posts.
  • 📋 A standard prompt is used with Stable Diffusion to generate images that can be used in the article.
  • 📈 The script generates a tweet and an email with a subject line based on the article's content.
  • 📊 The final article includes an introduction, information about the Soleus push-up, its benefits, and a conclusion.
  • 📸 Images are sourced from Stable Diffusion for free, and the article includes a featured image and additional images.
  • 📝 The conclusion of the article is written using GPT-3, providing an engaging end to the content.
  • 💰 The entire process, including API requests, cost only $0.96, demonstrating the cost-effectiveness of AI-assisted content creation.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The video focuses on automating content creation using GPT-3, Stable Diffusion, and Python.

  • What type of content is the video aiming to automate?

    -The video aims to automate the creation of various types of content including articles, blog posts, social media posts, YouTube scripts, and podcast scripts.

  • What is the article about in the video?

    -The article in the video is about the strange benefits of the Soleus push-up for a health website.

  • How does the video utilize Stable Diffusion?

    -The video uses Stable Diffusion to generate images that can be used in the content creation process.

  • What is the role of Python in the content automation process?

    -Python is used to write scripts that automate the process of generating questions, answers, and social media posts based on research material.

  • How long does it take to create the article using the described process?

    -The process took approximately 37 minutes and 34 seconds to create the article.

  • What is the cost associated with creating the article using this method?

    -The total cost for creating the article was 96 cents, which includes 59 requests to the GPT-3 API.

  • How does the video script help in creating the article's introduction and conclusion?

    -The script uses GPT-3 to generate a standard prompt for the introduction and conclusion of the article, which are then reviewed and edited as necessary.

  • What is the significance of the Soleus push-up in the article?

    -The Soleus push-up is discussed for its unique benefits, particularly in strengthening the leg muscles and improving overall fitness.

  • How does the video script help in creating social media content?

    -The script includes a Python script designed to generate a tweet and an email with a subject line based on the article's content.

  • What additional elements are included in the final article?

    -The final article includes a featured image, title, introduction, detailed discussion on how to perform the Soleus push-up, its benefits, and a conclusion.



🚀 Automating Content Creation with GPT3 and Python

The video begins with an introduction to automating content creation using GPT3 stable effusion and Python. The presenter discusses the potential applications, such as articles, blog posts, social media content, and podcast scripts. The workflow involves starting with stable diffusion and conducting research simultaneously. The presenter then demonstrates using a Python script to generate content, specifically an article about the Soleus push-up for a health website. The script is designed to generate five questions from research material, answer them, and elaborate on the answers to form the basis of the article. The presenter also explains how to use the script to create a tweet and an email, including adding hashtags and subject lines.


📈 Efficient Content Creation and Cost Analysis

The second paragraph focuses on the efficiency of the content creation process and its cost. The presenter highlights the use of GPT3 to generate an engaging conclusion quickly, instead of writing it manually. The process includes copying the introduction and conclusion, adding hashtags for social media, and inserting images into the article. The presenter emphasizes the importance of a featured image and previews the article with its title, introduction, explanation of the Soleus push-up, its benefits, and the conclusion. The video concludes with a cost analysis, revealing that the article was created for approximately $1, including the use of stable Fusion for images, Google Collab, and the Open AI API, making it an affordable and efficient method for content creation.



💡Content Automation

Content Automation refers to the use of technology to create and publish digital content with minimal human intervention. In the video, it is the process of using AI tools like GPT-3 and Stable Diffusion to generate articles, social media posts, and other content types, which is crucial for the theme of automating the content creation process.


GPT-3, which stands for 'Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3,' is a sophisticated AI language model developed by OpenAI. It is capable of understanding and generating human-like text based on given prompts. In the context of the video, GPT-3 is used to generate text for articles and social media posts, showcasing its role in automating content creation.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a term that likely refers to a stable and consistent process or model for generating content, possibly related to image generation in this context. The video mentions using Stable Diffusion in conjunction with GPT-3 to create content, emphasizing its importance in the automation workflow.


Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language widely used for general-purpose programming. In the video, Python is the programming language of choice for scripting the automation process, highlighting its versatility and popularity in developing custom automation scripts.


An article is a piece of writing typically found in newspapers, magazines, or online, which presents information or tells a story. In the video, the creation of an article is automated using AI, demonstrating how content automation can be applied to produce written content efficiently.

💡Social Media Post

A social media post refers to any content shared on social media platforms, such as text, images, or videos. The video discusses automating the creation of social media posts using AI, which is part of the broader content automation theme and shows the potential of AI in various content formats.


YouTube is a video-sharing platform where users can upload, share, and view videos. The video script mentions creating content for YouTube, indicating the platform's relevance in the context of content creation and the potential for automation in video script writing.

💡Podcast Script

A podcast script is a written document that outlines the content and dialogue for a podcast episode. The video suggests that the automation process can be extended to creating podcast scripts, further illustrating the versatility of content automation tools.

💡Soleus Push-up

The Soleus Push-up is a specific exercise mentioned in the video that is beneficial for the leg muscles. It serves as the subject of the article being created, demonstrating how content automation can be applied to generate information on specific topics.

💡Health Website

A health website is an online platform that provides information related to health, fitness, and wellness. The video's article is intended for a health website, emphasizing the application of content automation in a niche that requires accurate and informative content.

💡Research Material

Research material refers to the data, findings, or literature that is used as a basis for further investigation or that informs content creation. In the video, the presenter uses research material to generate questions and answers for the article, showcasing the importance of research in the content automation process.


In the context of the video, a script refers to a set of instructions or a program, particularly in Python, that automates the generation of content. The presenter mentions two scripts: one for writing the post and another for social media, indicating the use of scripting in automating various aspects of content creation.


A tweet is a short message posted on the social media platform Twitter. The video demonstrates the automated creation of a tweet using the social media script, highlighting how content automation can be used to generate content for different social media formats.


An email is a method of exchanging messages using digital technology. The video script includes the automated creation of an email with a subject line, showing how content automation can extend to email marketing and communication.


A conclusion is a final section of a written work that presents the final thoughts or summarizes the main points. The video mentions using GPT-3 to generate an engaging conclusion for the article, underscoring the AI's ability to produce coherent and relevant end sections for content.


Hashtags are words or phrases preceded by a hash symbol (#) used on social media platforms to identify content and make it easily searchable. The video includes the manual addition of hashtags to a tweet, indicating the human touch sometimes required to optimize social media content for discoverability.

💡Featured Image

A featured image is a prominent picture that represents the content of a blog post, article, or social media update. The video discusses the selection of a featured image for the article, emphasizing the importance of visual content in attracting readers' attention.


Cost refers to the expenditure required to produce or acquire something. In the video, the presenter calculates the cost of creating the article using automated tools, providing insight into the economic efficiency of content automation.


Automating content creation using GPT-3, Stable Diffusion, and Python.

The content could be articles, blog posts, social media posts, YouTube scripts, or podcast scripts.

The process involves using Stable Diffusion for image generation and Python scripts for text.

The article topic is about the strange benefits of the Soleus push-up for a health website.

The workflow starts with setting up the Stable Diffusion model and conducting research.

Two Python scripts are used: one for writing the post and another for social media.

Research material is fed into the script to generate questions and answers for the article.

The script runs to provide a foundation for the article, which can be further elaborated.

A standard prompt is used with Stable Diffusion for creating images related to the article's theme.

The social media script generates a tweet and an email with a subject line based on the article.

Hashtags and subject lines may need manual adjustment as they are not automatically generated.

The article, tweet, and email are prepared using Python scripts for efficiency.

GPT-3 is used to generate an engaging conclusion for the article.

The introduction and conclusion are crafted to bookend the article's main content.

Featured images and additional images are selected to enhance the article's appeal.

The final article includes a title, introduction, main content, and conclusion.

The entire process, from research to final article, took approximately 37 minutes.

The cost of the article, including API requests, was 96 cents, demonstrating a cost-effective method.

The use of Stable Diffusion and Google Colab's open AI API contributed to the low cost.