Autonomous Synthetic Images with GPT Vision API + Dall-E 3 API Loop - WOW!

All About AI
9 Nov 202309:24

TLDRThe video script outlines a project combining GPT 4 with the Dolly3 API to create and evolve synthetic images based on a reference image. The process involves using GPT Vision API to generate a description of the image, feeding it into Dolly3 for image synthesis, and iteratively refining the process by comparing the synthetic and reference images. The project includes both a basic version, producing 10 iterations, and an evolution version, introducing new styles to the images in subsequent iterations.


  • 🚀 The video discusses a project combining GPT-4 with the Dolly3 API to create or evolve synthetic images based on a reference image.
  • 📸 A reference image is used as the starting point, fed into the GPT Vision API to generate a detailed description.
  • 🔄 The description is then used as a prompt for the Dolly3 API to synthesize an image, aiming to recreate or evolve the original image.
  • 🔄 An iterative loop of 10 iterations is set up to refine the synthetic images by comparing and improving the prompts.
  • 🎨 An evolution version of the project is also created where new styles are added to the synthetic images in each iteration.
  • 🌐 The project involves using the GPT Vision API to compare reference and synthetic images, generating improved description prompts.
  • 🛠️ The video provides a look at the Python code and functions used in the system, including image description and generation.
  • 🏗️ The process includes a sleep timer to accommodate rate limits on the GPT Vision API, ensuring the system runs smoothly.
  • 🖼️ Examples of reference images used include a famous flag and a pop culture image, with the process demonstrating the creation and evolution of synthetic images.
  • 📈 The project showcases the potential of AI in image synthesis and evolution, with the creator planning to share the code on GitHub.
  • 🔗 The video ends with a call to action for viewers to support the creator on GitHub, with a link provided in the description for access to the code and future projects.

Q & A

  • What was the main goal of the project described in the video?

    -The main goal of the project was to combine the new GPT-4 Vision API with the Dolly3 API to create a synthetic version or evolve a reference image based on its description.

  • How was the reference image utilized in the process?

    -The reference image was fed into the GPT Vision API to generate a description, which was then used as a prompt for the Dolly3 API to create a synthetic version of the image.

  • What was the role of the GPT Vision API in this project?

    -The GPT Vision API was used to describe the reference image in detail, generating a description that served as a prompt for the Dolly3 API to generate a synthetic image.

  • How did the Dolly3 API contribute to the project?

    -The Dolly3 API used the description generated by the GPT Vision API to create a synthetic version of the reference image, which could then be compared back to the original for further improvements.

  • What was the purpose of the iteration loop in the project?

    -The iteration loop was designed to repeatedly compare the synthetic image with the reference image, improve the description prompt, and generate new synthetic images, leading to a continuous evolution of the image style.

  • What was the 'evolution version' of the project?

    -The evolution version involved comparing two synthetic images and adding a new style to each prompt, allowing the image to evolve with different styles over multiple iterations.

  • How did the video creator demonstrate the project's effectiveness?

    -The creator demonstrated the project's effectiveness by running the process with a famous image and showing the progression of synthetic images, highlighting the improvements and stylistic evolution achieved.

  • What technical challenges did the creator encounter during the project?

    -The creator mentioned some bugs related to image recognition and the need for prompt improvements to refine the synthetic image generation process.

  • How did the creator plan to share the project's code with the audience?

    -The creator planned to upload the code to their GitHub repository and invited the audience to become a member to gain access to the scripts and future projects.

  • What was the final outcome of the project with the 'retro 90s illustration'?

    -The final outcome showed a clear evolution from the original reference image to a variety of styles, including a mechanical keyboard and musical keyboard styles, demonstrating the project's capability to generate diverse and creative images.



🚀 Introducing the GPT 4 and Dolly3 API Integration Project

The paragraph introduces a project that combines the new GPT 4 with the Dolly3 API. The goal is to describe a reference image and then create a synthetic version or evolve it. The process involves feeding the reference image into the GPT Vision API to generate a description, which is then used as a prompt for the Dolly3 API to produce a synthetic image. The original and synthetic images are compared using the GPT Vision API again to improve the prompt, and this loop continues for 10 iterations. An evolution version is also created where the synthetic images are compared to each other, and a new style is added to each prompt, resulting in a stylistic evolution from the reference image. The Python code for this project is briefly mentioned, highlighting functions such as image description, synthetic image generation, and comparison for improvement.


🌟 Demonstrating the Evolutionary Image Synthesis

This paragraph showcases the results of the image synthesis project. The reference image, an Evo Yima race flag, is used to generate synthetic images through the process described earlier. The first synthetic image is compared favorably to the original, and the mission is deemed complete. The paragraph then transitions to the evolution version of the project, where a Breaking Bad Walter White image is used to demonstrate the stylistic evolution. The images progress through various styles, including a steampunk theme, and the final results are celebrated for their uniqueness and creativity. Another image, a retro 90s illustration of a computer setup, is also evolved, showcasing the project's capability to add stylistic elements and transform the original image. The creator expresses satisfaction with the results and mentions plans to upload the code to GitHub for supporters.




GPT 4 API refers to the fourth generation of the OpenAI's Generative Pre-trained Transformer, an advanced language model capable of generating human-like text based on given prompts. In the context of the video, it is used to create a textual description of a reference image, which is then utilized to generate a synthetic version of the image. The API is a key component in the process of evolving images through the project described in the video.

💡Dolly3 API

Dolly3 API is a hypothetical image generation API that takes textual descriptions as input and outputs synthetic images. In the video, it is used in conjunction with the GPT 4 API to create and evolve images based on textual descriptions provided by the GPT 4 API. The Dolly3 API is central to the image evolution process, allowing for the generation of new images that reflect the desired styles and features.

💡Reference Image

A reference image is the original image that serves as a starting point for the image evolution process. It is the basis against which all subsequent synthetic images are compared and improved upon. In the video, the reference image is first described using the GPT 4 API and then used to generate a synthetic version through the Dolly3 API.

💡Synthetic Image

A synthetic image is a computer-generated image that is created based on a textual description, rather than being captured through traditional photography or scanning. In the video, synthetic images are produced by the Dolly3 API based on the descriptions provided by the GPT 4 API. These images are then compared to the reference image and further evolved through iterative improvements.

💡Evolution Version

The evolution version refers to a modified process in the image generation loop where, instead of comparing the synthetic image to the reference image, the system compares two synthetic images and evolves the style of the image with each iteration. This results in a series of images that evolve from the original reference image, showcasing different styles and features.

💡迭代循环 (Iteration Loop)

迭代循环, or iteration loop, is a process that repeats a set of instructions multiple times, making incremental changes or improvements at each step. In the context of the video, an iteration loop is used to generate a series of 10 synthetic images, each one based on the previous iteration's output, thereby refining and evolving the image over time.


In the context of AI and machine learning, a prompt is a piece of text or input that guides the AI to perform a specific task or generate a particular output. In the video, prompts are textual descriptions created by the GPT 4 API that serve as the basis for the Dolly3 API to generate synthetic images. The quality and detail of the prompt directly influence the resulting image.

💡Image Comparison

Image comparison is the process of evaluating differences and similarities between two or more images. In the video, image comparison is used to assess the synthetic image against the reference image, allowing for the generation of an improved prompt that better matches the desired features and style of the reference image.

💡Style Evolution

Style evolution refers to the process of gradually changing and developing the visual style of an image over time. In the video, this concept is applied to the generation of images, where each iteration introduces new stylistic elements, resulting in a progression of images that showcase a variety of styles while still referencing the original image.

💡Python Code

Python code is a set of instructions written in the Python programming language that enables the execution of various tasks, such as image processing and API interactions. In the video, the Python code is used to automate the process of image evolution by interacting with both the GPT 4 API and the Dolly3 API, controlling the flow of data and the generation of synthetic images.


GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control and collaboration that allows developers to store, manage, and collaborate on their projects using Git. In the video, the creator mentions uploading the Python code for the image evolution project to GitHub, making it accessible to supporters who become members. This platform enables sharing of code and encourages community involvement in the development process.


Combining GPT 4 with Dolly3 API to create synthetic images from a reference image.

Using GPT Vision API to generate a description of the reference image.

Feeding the generated description into the Dolly3 API to create a synthetic version of the image.

Iterating the process to improve the synthetic image through multiple iterations.

Creating an evolution version where synthetic images are compared and evolve in style rather than to the reference image.

Adding a new style to each iteration in the evolution version.

Running 10 iterations to get a series of evolved images.

Using the GPT Vision API to compare and describe the reference and synthetic images to improve the prompt.

Integrating a sleep timer to manage rate limits on the GPT Vision API.

Selecting a famous image, such as the Evo Yima race flag, as the reference image for the project.

Achieving a high-quality synthetic image that even surpasses the original in terms of visual appeal.

Switching to the evolution version to explore the potential for stylistic changes and creative evolution.

Starting with a Breaking Bad Walter White image and evolving it through various styles.

Evolving a retro 90s illustration of a computer setup with a python snake to a unique and creative design.

The project's code will be uploaded to GitHub for further development and community contribution.

The creator is open to support through membership, offering access to the GitHub repository and future scripts.

The project demonstrates the potential of AI in creative image synthesis and evolution.