Create FREE AI Images and Design with Stylar AI | Complete tutorial

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13 Jan 202419:52

TLDRStyler AI is an innovative AI-powered image generation tool that allows users to create stunning visuals from simple text prompts. The platform offers control over image composition and style, enabling the creation of a wide range of images from realistic portraits to abstract art. Users can either start from scratch or modify existing images, with a variety of styles to choose from. The interface is user-friendly, with features like text to image, image to image, and an AI assistant to automate prompts. The tutorial guides viewers through the process of signing up, selecting styles, importing and modifying images, and adding text to create a personalized design. The final step involves exporting the design in high quality, offering a seamless experience for users to bring their creative visions to life.


  • 🌟 Styler AI is a powerful image generation tool that allows users to create stunning images and designs from simple text prompts.
  • πŸ“ Users can create anything they can imagine, from realistic portraits to abstract art, using just a text prompt or by modifying existing images.
  • πŸ’» To get started with Styler AI, users need to sign up or log in to their account through the website.
  • πŸ” The platform offers a variety of styles to choose from, enabling users to generate AI images in different artistic styles.
  • 🎨 Users can start a new project by setting up their canvas, aspect ratio, and project name.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ The import images feature allows users to generate AI images from existing images, while the text to image feature creates images based on textual descriptions.
  • πŸ”„ The AI assistant helps automate the prompt generation process by understanding user requirements and suggesting appropriate image styles.
  • πŸ“ Users can manipulate images by scaling, removing backgrounds, and inserting objects to create a personalized design.
  • βœ‚οΈ The layer panel allows for easy management and organization of different elements within the design.
  • πŸ“„ The export function enables users to download their final design in various formats and qualities.
  • πŸ’‘ The video tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on how to navigate and use Styler AI to create unique and personalized designs.

Q & A

  • What is the main feature of Styler AI?

    -Styler AI is a powerful image generation tool that allows users to create stunning images and designs from simple text prompts, offering control over image composition and style.

  • How can users get started with Styler AI?

    -To get started with Styler AI, users need to open a web browser, type 'Styler AI' in the search box, click on the link, and either sign up or log in to the platform.

  • What types of images can be generated with Styler AI?

    -With Styler AI, users can generate various types of images, including realistic portraits, abstract art, and beautiful AI images, among others.

  • How does the AI tool utilize text prompts to create images?

    -Users can input text prompts describing the desired image, and Styler AI will generate images based on the content and style indicated by the prompt.

  • Can users modify existing images with Styler AI?

    -Yes, users can upload existing images to Styler AI and modify them using various tools and features provided by the platform.

  • What are some of the editing options available on Styler AI?

    -Styler AI offers editing options such as changing the aspect ratio, renaming the project, removing backgrounds, inserting objects, and adjusting the structure match of the generated images.

  • How does the AI assistant feature work on Styler AI?

    -The AI assistant automates the prompt generation process based on the user's description of what they are looking for, making it easier for users to create specific designs.

  • What is the process for generating an image from text on Styler AI?

    -To generate an image from text, users can click on 'text to image', input their prompt, choose a style, and then click on 'Stellar' to generate the image.

  • How can users export their final designs on Styler AI?

    -Users can export their final designs by selecting the desired file type and image size, and then clicking on the 'export' button to save the design or designs as a zip file if multiple layers are exported.

  • What are the benefits of using Styler AI for image creation and design?

    -Styler AI offers a user-friendly interface with a wide range of styles and tools, making it easy for users to create unique and personalized images and designs without the need for advanced graphic design skills.

  • How can users provide feedback or suggestions to the Styler AI team?

    -Users can provide feedback or suggestions by using the 'Give Feedback' option on the Styler AI platform, allowing them to contribute to the improvement of the tool.



πŸ–ΌοΈ Introduction to Styler AI and Its Capabilities

The video begins with an introduction to Styler AI, an innovative image generation tool that allows users to create stunning images and designs based on simple text prompts. The AI tool offers control over image composition and style, enabling users to generate a wide range of images, from realistic portraits to abstract art. The video will demonstrate how to use the Styler AI website, starting with accessing the site through a web browser search and signing up for an account. It also mentions the various styles available on the platform for generating AI images and encourages viewers to follow along to learn how to use the tool effectively.


πŸ“ Navigating the Styler AI Interface and Features

This paragraph delves into the navigation of the Styler AI interface, highlighting the various features and tools available for users. It explains the process of signing up or logging in, and introduces the popular styles section, showcasing the variety of AI images that can be generated. The video then guides viewers on how to start a new project, adjust canvas dimensions, and select aspect ratios. It also touches on the zooming and navigation tools, as well as the undo and redo functions. The paragraph concludes with an overview of the points system, which renews every seven days, and the feedback and export options available to users.


🌐 Importing and Manipulating Images with Styler AI

The paragraph focuses on the process of importing images into Styler AI and the various manipulation techniques available. It explains how to import images from a device and use the platform's tools to modify them, such as removing the background or inserting objects. The video demonstrates how to use the 'text to image' feature to generate images based on textual descriptions and how to combine these with existing images to create a cohesive design. It also introduces the AI assistant, which can automate prompts based on user input, and shows how to generate images with different styles, such as 'holiday' themes, to enhance the design.


🎨 Finalizing and Exporting the Design with Styler AI

The final paragraph of the script covers the steps to finalize and export the design created using Styler AI. It guides viewers on how to add text to the design, adjust text properties, and combine different elements to create a unified final product. The video explains the process of exporting the design in various formats and sizes, and how to handle multiple layers within the export function. It concludes with a call to action for viewers to try out the Styler AI website, share their creations, and provide feedback on their experience with the tool.



πŸ’‘Styler AI

Styler AI is the main subject of the video, an AI tool that generates images and designs based on text prompts. It offers users control over image composition and style, allowing them to create anything they can imagine, from realistic portraits to abstract art. The video provides a tutorial on how to use Styler AI, demonstrating its capabilities and interface.

πŸ’‘Text Prompt

A text prompt is a piece of text that serves as an input for Styler AI to generate an image. It is a crucial element in the image creation process as it guides the AI in understanding what kind of image to produce. The video emphasizes the importance of text prompts in controlling the output of the AI tool.

πŸ’‘Image Composition

Image composition refers to the arrangement of visual elements within an image to create a harmonious and balanced design. In the context of Styler AI, users have control over the composition, meaning they can decide how the elements of their image are positioned and arranged.


Style in this context refers to the visual appearance or aesthetic of the generated images. Styler AI allows users to select different styles for their images, such as realistic, abstract, or caricature, which affects the final look and feel of the AI-generated designs.

πŸ’‘AI Images

AI images are visual outputs created by artificial intelligence, based on inputs like text prompts or existing images. These images are not created by human artists but are generated through AI algorithms that learn and mimic the process of image creation.


The interface refers to the visual and interactive elements of a software or website that users interact with to perform tasks. In the video, the interface of Styler AI is discussed, highlighting its features and how users navigate through it to create and modify their images.

πŸ’‘Aspect Ratio

Aspect ratio is the proportion of an image's width to its height. It is an important consideration in image composition as it affects how the image is displayed and perceived. The video explains how users can choose different aspect ratios in Styler AI to suit their design requirements.


In the context of image editing, a layer is a transparent sheet that can contain images, text, or other elements. Layers allow for non-destructive editing, meaning that individual elements can be modified without affecting the entire image. The video demonstrates how to use layers in Styler AI to build complex designs.


Exporting in the context of the video refers to the process of saving or downloading the AI-generated images or designs from Styler AI. Users can choose to export individual layers or the entire design in specific file formats like PNG or JPG.

πŸ’‘AI Assistant

The AI assistant in Styler AI is a feature that helps users generate images by automating the prompt creation process based on user input. It simplifies the image generation process by suggesting relevant prompts or styles, making it easier for users to achieve their desired outcomes.


Styler AI is a powerful image generation tool that offers control over image composition and style.

Users can create anything they can imagine, from realistic portraits to abstract art.

The AI tool can generate images from a simple text prompt or modify existing images.

New users can sign up with Google or use an email and password for an account.

The interface provides a variety of styles to generate AI images from.

Users can start a new project and adjust the canvas dimensions and aspect ratio.

The AI tool offers a points system that renews every 7 days for continued use.

The platform includes an AI assistant that automates prompt generation for users.

Images can be imported, and the background can be removed or objects inserted using the AI.

Text to image functionality is available for creating designs from textual descriptions.

Users can combine AI-generated images and text to create unique designs.

The AI tool allows for the adjustment of structure match to control the resemblance of generated images to the original.

Designs can be exported in various file types and image sizes for high-quality output.

The AI assistant can generate prompts based on textual descriptions for further design creation.

Multiple layers can be exported separately or combined for a final design.

The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Styler AI for designing.

The video description contains a link to the Styler AI website for easy access.

The AI tool is user-friendly and suitable for both beginners and experienced designers.