Microsoft Bing AI Image Generator Complete Tutorial: Make Money With AI Images (NEW)

Mr. Money
9 Oct 202309:57

TLDRDiscover the potential of Microsoft's Bing AI Image Generator in this comprehensive tutorial. Learn how it differs from other generators like Mid Journey and Leonardo, and how it can be utilized for monetization through freelancing and social media content creation. The tutorial walks you through the process of generating images, experimenting with styles, and leveraging the tool to earn money by creating unique and high-quality visual content.


  • 🚀 Microsoft has released a new AI image generator, Bing AI Image Generator, which is integrated with Bing Chat and Edge browser.
  • 🔍 Bing AI Image Generator can search the internet (Google and Bing) to provide up-to-date information, unlike other AI chat models like ChatGPT.
  • 🎨 Users need to create an account on Microsoft to use the image generator, and the service operates on a credit system where credits are used to generate images.
  • ⏰ The image generation process might take a few minutes, and credits refresh weekly, encouraging users to generate images regularly.
  • 💡 The generator allows users to describe what they want to create and offers a formula to help structure the prompt effectively.
  • 🎭 Users can experiment with different styles for their images, such as photorealistic, pop art, and graphic design.
  • 🌟 The quality of the generated images is high, and the AI can correct minor issues like drawing extra fingers with a negative prompt.
  • 📈 Users can monetize their generated images through freelancing platforms like Fiverr or by providing content for social media channels.
  • 💼 Success with the AI image generator depends on personal effort and dedication to finding clients and creating content.
  • 🔄 The AI image generator offers a 'Surprise Me' button for inspiration without using up credits, allowing users to refine their prompts.
  • 🌐 The video script suggests that the Bing AI Image Generator has the potential to compete with other popular image generators like Mid Journey and Leonardo.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a tutorial on using Microsoft Bing AI Image Generator to create images and potentially make money from them.

  • How does the Bing AI Image Generator differ from Chat GPT?

    -The Bing AI Image Generator is not limited to information and can search on Google and Bing to provide up-to-date information, whereas Chat GPT does not have real-time search capabilities.

  • What is the process for creating an image with the Bing AI Image Generator?

    -To create an image, users must describe what they want to create, then click 'join and create'. They need to have an account on Microsoft, and the image creation process uses 'boosts' which refresh weekly.

  • How can users generate more boosts?

    -Users can generate more boosts by spending reward points earned from each image generation or by waiting for the weekly refresh of boosts.

  • What is the formula for creating effective prompts for the image generator?

    -The formula involves an adjective, a noun (the subject), a verb (what the noun is doing), and a style. Users need to experiment with these elements to create the desired image.

  • How can users find inspiration for their prompts?

    -Users can browse recent creations by others or use the 'surprise me' button for new prompt ideas without spending boosts.

  • What are some monetization options for the images created by the Bing AI Image Generator?

    -Monetization options include freelancing on platforms like Fiverr, creating content for social media, and running one's own channel using the images to attract followers and generate revenue.

  • What is the importance of dedication and hard work in successfully monetizing AI-generated images?

    -Dedication and hard work are crucial because success depends on personal effort in finding clients, creating content, and building a presence, regardless of the AI tool being used.

  • How does the video demonstrate the quality of images generated by the Bing AI Image Generator?

    -The video shows the creator using a simple prompt and then reviewing the generated images in different styles, highlighting the quality and potential minor issues like finger count.

  • What is the role of negative prompts in the image generation process?

    -Negative prompts can be used to correct minor mistakes in the generated images, such as fixing the number of fingers on a character.

  • How does the Bing AI Image Generator compare to other image generators like Mid Journey and Leonardo?

    -The Bing AI Image Generator is presented as a potentially superior tool due to its ability to generate high-quality images with simpler prompts and its up-to-date search capabilities.



🖌️ Introduction to Microsoft's Image Generator and Bing Chat

The speaker begins by discussing the prevalence of image generators and highlights the recent release of Microsoft's new image generator. They compare it favorably to Bing Chat and Chat GPT, noting that Microsoft's tool is up-to-date and can search the internet for real-time information. The speaker then delves into their experience with Bing Chat, mentioning the necessity of using the Edge browser. They further explain the process of using the image generator, including the need to create an account, the credit system for generating images, and the waiting time for image creation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of crafting the right prompts and experimenting with different styles to achieve desired results. They also mention the possibility of monetizing the generated images through freelancing and social media, and encourage hard work and dedication in utilizing these AI tools effectively.


🎨 Exploring Different Styles and Monetization Options

In this paragraph, the speaker explores the various styles available in Microsoft's image generator, such as photo realistic, pop art, and graphic design. They share their experience with generating images using these styles and discuss the minor issues they encountered, such as finger count inaccuracies. The speaker then transitions to discussing the potential for monetization, suggesting platforms like Fiverr for freelancing and social media for content creation. They mention the success of a specific channel on House of Leaders and how the image generator can enhance content creation for social media platforms. The speaker concludes by stressing the importance of personal effort and dedication in achieving success with these AI tools, and encourages the audience to explore these avenues and work hard to realize their potential.



💡Microsoft Bing AI Image Generator

The Microsoft Bing AI Image Generator is an artificial intelligence-based tool developed by Microsoft that allows users to create images through textual descriptions. It is integrated with the Bing search engine and the Edge browser, providing users with a unique image-generating experience. In the video, the creator discusses their experience using this tool, comparing it favorably to other generators like Mid Journey and Leonardo, and explores its potential for monetization.

💡Bing Chat

Bing Chat is an AI-powered conversational interface provided by Microsoft that allows users to interact with it through text-based chats. It is noted for its ability to provide up-to-date information and perform web searches, which is a key feature that distinguishes it from other AI chatbots. In the context of the video, Bing Chat is mentioned as a superior alternative to Chat GPT due to its real-time information capabilities.

💡Edge Browser

The Edge Browser is a web browser developed by Microsoft, which is known for its integration with various Microsoft services and features, including Bing Chat and the Bing AI Image Generator. It is mentioned in the video as a requirement for using the image generator, indicating a specific platform for accessing Microsoft's AI tools.


In the context of AI image generation, a prompt is a textual description or a set of keywords that guide the AI in creating an image. It serves as the input for the AI system to generate visual content that matches the given description. The video emphasizes the importance of crafting effective prompts to achieve desired outcomes in image generation.

💡Boosts and Reward Points

Boosts and Reward Points are part of the Microsoft Bing AI Image Generator's system for managing image creation. Boosts are used to generate images and can be earned or purchased, while Reward Points are earned through the use of the platform and can be exchanged for additional Boosts. This system incentivizes user engagement and provides a mechanism for controlling the rate of image generation.

💡Image Styles

Image Styles refer to the different visual aesthetics or artistic interpretations that can be applied to the AI-generated images. The video mentions several styles, such as photorealistic, pop art, and graphic design, which allow users to customize the look and feel of the images they create with the AI tool.


Monetization refers to the process of generating income from a service, product, or platform. In the context of the video, the creator discusses potential ways to earn money by using the Microsoft Bing AI Image Generator, such as freelancing on platforms like Fiverr or creating content for social media.


Fiverr is an online marketplace where freelancers offer services, including graphic design and digital content creation, across various categories. In the video, it is mentioned as a platform where users of the Microsoft Bing AI Image Generator can potentially sell their AI-created images, indicating a practical application and commercial opportunity for the tool.

💡Social Media Content

Social Media Content refers to the various types of media and messages that users post on social media platforms to engage their audience. In the context of the video, the creator discusses the potential for using AI-generated images to enhance social media content, such as creating visually appealing posts for platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.

💡Content Creation

Content Creation involves the production of various forms of content, such as text, images, videos, and audio, to engage and inform an audience. The video emphasizes the role of AI image generators in the content creation process, highlighting the opportunities for creators to produce unique and engaging visual content.

💡Dedication and Hard Work

Dedication and hard work refer to the commitment and effort required to achieve success in any endeavor. In the context of the video, the creator stresses that while AI tools like the Microsoft Bing AI Image Generator can facilitate the creation process, it is ultimately up to the user to put in the necessary work to build a client base, market their services, and achieve financial success.


Microsoft has released a new AI image generator.

The AI image generator is integrated with Bing Chat and Edge browser.

It surpasses ChatGPT in terms of real-time information and search capabilities.

Users can generate images by describing what they want to create.

An account on Microsoft is required to use the image generator.

The system operates on a credit system, with four pictures per boost.

Credits refresh weekly, and additional boosts can be earned through the system.

A formula is provided for creating detailed prompts for the image generator.

Users can view recent creations by others for inspiration.

The 'Surprise Me' button offers new prompts without spending boosts.

The quality of the generated images is high, even without specifying a style.

Different styles like photo realistic, pop art, and graphic design can be applied.

There is potential for monetization through freelancing and content creation.

Success with the AI image generator requires dedication and hard work.

The AI image generator can be used to enhance social media content.

Monetization options are vast in the content creation world.

The AI image generator can be a powerful tool for those willing to put in the effort.