LensGo AI : Free AI Video and Image Generator COMPLETE TUTORIAL (2024)

Mr. Money
19 Dec 202309:00

TLDRLensGo AI is a new tool that simplifies video and image generation, offering a range of features for content creators. The tutorial demonstrates how to create images and videos using text prompts and selected styles, emphasizing the importance of consistency in content creation for platforms like Instagram and YouTube. By leveraging AI tools, users can produce engaging content without extensive design skills or hiring external help.


  • 🎨 Introducing LensGo, a new AI tool for video and image generation that rivals existing platforms like Peeps and Runway ML2.
  • 🚀 The speaker is not affiliated with LensGo and shares the tool purely for informational purposes, emphasizing ease of use and free access for content creation.
  • 📸 LensGo offers a straightforward interface where users can create images and videos by simply inputting text prompts or uploading images.
  • 🎞️ The tool provides various models to choose from, each offering a distinct style, and it also allows users to select image dimensions based on their platform needs (e.g., Instagram, YouTube shorts).
  • 📈 The importance of being a conscious content consumer is highlighted, with advice to analyze trends and the financial success of content creators, especially among the younger generation.
  • 💡 Content creation has become more accessible with AI tools, reducing the need for specialized skills or hiring external professionals for graphic design or video editing.
  • 🎥 LensGo's video animation feature allows users to create cinematic scenes with camera movement and other effects without prior expertise in video production.
  • 🦁 An example of creating a video with LensGo is provided, showing how to generate a lion roaring on a mountain during the golden hour with camera movement.
  • 📊 The script emphasizes the value of consistency in content creation, using the example of Instagram theme pages that started with simple quotes and basic designs but gained followers over time.
  • 🔄 The importance of learning and gaining experience with AI tools is stressed, as it can significantly improve the quality of generated content.
  • 🌐 AI tools like LensGo are recommended for those interested in content creation across various platforms, such as YouTube and TikTok, where attention is the currency.
  • 🍀 The tutorial concludes with a message of encouragement for anyone interested in exploring the world of content creation, highlighting the potential longevity of AI-assisted tools.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is an introduction and tutorial on using LensGo AI, a free AI video and image generator tool.

  • What is LensGo AI capable of?

    -LensGo AI is capable of generating images and videos based on text prompts, and it offers various features and models to create content.

  • Is the speaker affiliated with LensGo AI?

    -No, the speaker is not affiliated with LensGo AI and is simply sharing the tool as a helpful resource for content creation.

  • What types of people are there in the content creation world?

    -There are two types of people in the content creation world: consumers and producers.

  • Why is being a conscious consumer important?

    -Being a conscious consumer is important because it allows you to understand trends, the type of content being made, and the potential earnings from it, which can inspire you to become a producer yourself.

  • How has the expansion of AI tools made content creation easier?

    -The expansion of AI tools has made content creation easier by providing users with accessible and user-friendly ways to create graphics, videos, and other content without needing to hire professionals or learn complex software.

  • What are the steps to start creating images with LensGo AI?

    -To start creating images with LensGo AI, you need to create an account, choose a username, select a model, set image dimensions, decide on the number of images, and enter a text prompt or upload an image.

  • How does the text guidance scale work in LensGo AI?

    -The text guidance scale determines how closely the AI tool follows the prompt, with higher values making the generated content more aligned with the prompt.

  • What is the significance of consistency in content creation?

    -Consistency is significant in content creation because it helps build an audience, improve skills, and increase the chances of success in the competitive world of content production.

  • How can AI tools like LensGo AI help in creating Instagram theme pages?

    -AI tools like LensGo AI can help in creating Instagram theme pages by generating high-quality images with minimal effort, allowing creators to focus on consistency and growing their audience.

  • What is the speaker's advice for those interested in content creation?

    -The speaker advises those interested in content creation to learn a few tools, be consistent, and dive into the world of content production, as AI tools have made it more accessible than ever before.



🎥 Introduction to Lens Go and Content Creation

The speaker introduces a new tool called Lens Go, which simplifies video and image creation. They clarify that they are not affiliated with the product and are merely sharing their discovery. The focus is on the ease of content creation, especially for those new to the field, and the importance of being a conscious consumer. The speaker emphasizes the monetary potential in content creation across platforms like Instagram and TikTok and encourages the audience to explore their potential as content producers. They also discuss the evolution of content creation tools, highlighting how AI has made the process more accessible and user-friendly.


🎨 Using Lens Go for Image and Video Creation

The speaker provides a walkthrough on how to use Lens Go for creating images and videos. They explain the process of setting up an account, choosing models, and generating content based on user prompts. The importance of consistency in content creation is stressed, and the speaker shares their personal experience with the tool. They demonstrate how to create a video with camera movement and discuss the potential of using AI tools to enhance content creation without the need for extensive design skills. The speaker concludes by encouraging the audience to be consistent and make the most of the opportunities in the content creation space.




LensGo is an AI-powered video and image generator mentioned in the video. It is a tool that allows users to create various types of visual content without the need for extensive graphic design or video editing skills. The tool is highlighted as a means for individuals to easily generate content for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, which are significant in the modern content creation landscape.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing and sharing various forms of digital content, such as videos, images, and text, to engage and attract an audience. In the context of the video, content creation is emphasized as a lucrative field where individuals, particularly the younger generation, can generate income by producing engaging material. The video encourages viewers to become content producers and utilize AI tools like LensGo to enhance their content creation process.

💡AI Tools

AI Tools, or Artificial Intelligence Tools, are software applications that utilize machine learning algorithms to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. In the video, AI tools like LensGo are presented as game-changers in the content creation industry, simplifying the process of generating images and videos. These tools make it easier for individuals to produce high-quality content without the need for extensive technical skills or hiring professionals.

💡Discord Server

A Discord server is a digital platform where communities can communicate and collaborate in real-time through voice, video, and text channels. In the context of the video, the Discord server is mentioned as a potential place for users to join when starting with LensGo, although it's not mandatory. It serves as a community hub where users can share experiences, ask questions, and get support related to the AI tool.

💡Pixar Style

Pixar style refers to the distinctive visual aesthetic characteristic of the animated films produced by Pixar Animation Studios. The video script mentions the option to choose the Pixar style as one of the models in LensGo for generating images. This style is known for its high-quality, three-dimensional, and lifelike animations, which can now be replicated by AI tools, allowing users to create content with a similar look and feel.

💡Aspect Ratios

Aspect ratios are the ratios of an image's width to its height, expressed as two numbers (e.g., 16:9 or 9:16). In the video, aspect ratios are discussed in relation to creating images for different social media platforms, such as Instagram. Choosing the correct aspect ratio is crucial for optimizing the appearance of content on these platforms. For instance, a 1:1 ratio is suitable for square images, while a 9:16 ratio is ideal for vertical videos, like Instagram Stories or TikToks.

💡Prompt Text to Image

Prompt text to image is a feature in AI image generation tools where users input a text prompt, and the AI creates an image based on that text. In the video, this concept is used to explain how LensGo operates, allowing users to generate images by simply typing in a description of the desired visual content. This process democratizes content creation by making it accessible to individuals who may not have traditional graphic design skills.

💡Negative Prompts

Negative prompts are a feature in AI content generation tools that allow users to specify what they do not want to appear in the generated content. In the video, the concept of negative prompts is introduced as a tool for refining the output of the AI, ensuring that the generated images align more closely with the user's vision by excluding certain elements. However, it is advised that users gain some experience with the tool before utilizing negative prompts effectively.

💡Attention Economy

The attention economy refers to a theoretical market in which the currency is human attention, and the competition is for the limited resource of an audience's focus. In the context of the video, the term is used to emphasize the value of creating content that captures and retains the attention of viewers. The video encourages content creators to produce engaging material that can earn 'digital currency' in the form of viewers' attention, which is highly prized in the modern digital landscape.


Consistency in the context of the video refers to the regular and persistent creation and sharing of content. It is highlighted as a key factor for success in content creation, as it helps build an audience and establish a presence on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. The video uses the example of Instagram theme pages to illustrate how consistent posting can lead to significant follower growth and influence, emphasizing that success is not just about the number of followers but also about the frequency and quality of content posted.


LensGo is a new AI video and image generator that simplifies content creation.

It offers an all-in-one solution, eliminating the need for other tools like Peeps or Runway ML2.

The tutorial shares a free and easy way to create videos and images, empowering content creators.

The tool is user-friendly, allowing creation with just a Google account and a username.

A variety of models are available to choose from, catering to different styles and preferences.

Image dimensions can be selected based on the platform, like Instagram or YouTube.

The AI tool follows prompts closely, with adjustable guidance scales for precision.

Negative prompts help refine the AI's output by specifying what not to include in the image.

The tool also supports image to image generation, allowing for transformations of specific pictures.

Creating animated videos is a standout feature, useful for reels, shorts, and TikToks.

The quality of the generated videos is impressive, with potential for cinematic scenes.

Consistency in content creation is key to success, as demonstrated by popular Instagram theme pages.

AI tools like LensGo level the playing field, enabling new creators to compete with minimal design experience.

The tutorial encourages exploring AI tools to thrive in the content creation economy.

The importance of being a conscious consumer is emphasized, understanding content trends and monetization.

The tutorial provides a comprehensive guide for new content creators to get started with LensGo.