DIE BESTE KI, UM BILDER ZU ERZEUGEN - Leonardo.ai ist wie Midjourney, aber gratis und ohne Discord

Digitale Profis
23 Apr 202315:42

TLDRThe video script discusses the search for a good alternative to Discord after the chaos with its linked cost. It introduces an AI image generation tool named Leonardo.ai, which offers high-quality image generation through a user-friendly web app, free of charge. Despite a waiting list due to high demand, the tool is praised for its specialized models and features, including the ability to create custom models. The script provides a step-by-step guide on how to access and use Leonardo.ai, highlighting its various options for image generation and editing, as well as the potential for community involvement in model creation.


  • 🛡‍ Leonardo.ai is highlighted as a standout image AI tool, distinct for its web app interface and no requirement for Discord, offering an accessible and free platform for creating high-quality images.
  • 🔒 Access to Leonardo.ai is gated by a waiting list due to high demand, but registration is straightforward, requiring only an email sign-up for early access.
  • 💻 The platform features an intuitive web app interface, simplifying the process of generating images through specialized models tailored to various artistic needs.
  • 💎 Users can explore and select from multiple specialized models within Leonardo.ai to produce images that cater specifically to their creative visions.
  • 📧 After signing up, users receive a confirmation email and can potentially expedite their access by joining a Discord server and completing a form.
  • 💸 Although the base service of Leonardo.ai is free, it utilizes a token-based system for generating images, with users receiving a daily allocation of tokens.
  • 📸 Leonardo.ai supports a wide array of image generation options, including adjusting image dimensions, applying negative prompts, and choosing between different models for varied artistic styles.
  • 📝 The platform allows for creative experimentation with image generation, including features like prompt magic for more adherence to prompts and options for upscaling or editing images post-generation.
  • 📱 Users can further personalize their experience by training their own models or utilizing community-created models, enhancing the diversity and specificity of generated images.
  • 🚨 Leonardo.ai is continuously expanding, recently introducing 3D texture generation capabilities, showcasing its potential as a comprehensive tool for digital creators and game developers.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue users are facing with the Discord server and the linked cost?

    -Users are struggling with the Discord server due to its chaotic nature and the linked cost, which may not be suitable for everyone.

  • What are some alternatives mentioned to the Discord server for image generation?

    -The script mentions Dali and Stability Fusion as alternatives, but they are criticized for producing poor quality images. On the other hand, an unnamed AI that runs on a web app and offers high-quality image generation is recommended as a good alternative.

  • How can users access the mentioned web app for image generation?

    -To access the web app, users need to visit 'Leonardo.Pt AI' in their browser, click on the 'Get Early Access' button, and enter their email address to be placed on a whitelist.

  • What is the main challenge users face with the recommended web app?

    -The main challenge is that the web app is in high demand, resulting in a waiting list. Users need to be patient to gain access.

  • What features does the web app offer for image generation?

    -The web app offers various specialized models for image generation, allowing users to choose the best fit for their needs. It also provides a dashboard for managing user accounts and accessing different features.

  • How can users select and use different models on the web app?

    -Users can select different models from a list on the homepage or directly in the AI Image Generation tool. They can experiment with various options and choose the best one for their specific needs.

  • What is the role of 'tokens' in the web app?

    -Tokens are used as a form of currency within the web app. Users are given a certain number of tokens (e.g., 150) that replenish every 24 hours, which they can use to generate images or perform other actions.

  • How does the 'negative prompt' feature work in the web app?

    -The 'negative prompt' feature allows users to specify elements they do not want to appear in the generated image. This helps guide the AI to create an image that better matches the user's preferences.

  • What are some additional features offered by the web app for image manipulation?

    -The web app offers features like image zoom, background removal, and an image editor that allows users to make adjustments, add elements, or manipulate existing images in various ways.

  • Can users train their own models on the web app?

    -Yes, users can create and train their own models on the web app, which can then be used for image generation. The app provides resources and tutorials to guide users through this process.

  • What is the significance of the 'Textur Generation' feature in the web app?

    -The 'Textur Generation' feature allows users to create 3D textures from uploaded images, which can be particularly useful for game development. This represents an innovative use of AI in generating assets for gaming environments.



🌐 Introduction to Leonardo AI and Its Features

The paragraph introduces Leonardo, a web application that offers an alternative to Discord for image generation. It highlights the difficulty of finding a good alternative to Discord's version 5, which produces high-quality images. Leonardo AI stands out with its intuitive web interface and the absence of fees. The only challenge is the waiting list due to high demand, but it's easy to sign up and gain access quickly. The process involves visiting the website, signing up for early access, and following a setup guide. The application offers various specialized models for users to choose from, allowing for the creation of superior images.


🎨 Exploring Leonardo AI's Image Generation Tools

This paragraph delves into the specifics of Leonardo AI's image generation capabilities. It explains the selection of different models, including those created by the community and by Leonardo itself. The user is walked through the process of generating an image using a chosen model, adjusting settings, and experimenting with prompts and styles. The paragraph also discusses the token system, which is replenished every 24 hours, and the various options for image generation, such as the number of images produced and the ability to upscale images with different techniques.


🔍 Advanced Editing and Customization with Leonardo AI

The third paragraph focuses on the advanced editing features and customization options available in Leonardo AI. It covers the ability to zoom and enhance images, remove backgrounds, and use additional tools for more intricate image manipulation. The user can access an editor that allows for detailed adjustments, including selecting areas, adding effects, and using brushes. The paragraph also mentions the option to train custom models and the new feature of texture generation for 3D textures, which is particularly useful for game development.


📢 Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Leonardo AI

In conclusion, the paragraph wraps up the introduction to Leonardo AI, emphasizing its potential as an alternative to other platforms for image generation. It invites users to like and comment on the video if they found it helpful and encourages subscribing for more content on AI and digital technology. The video aims to provide regular updates and tutorials on various topics related to AI, ensuring viewers don't miss out on the latest advancements and techniques.




Journey refers to a process of travel or a series of events leading to a particular outcome. In the context of the video, it is likely referring to a specific software or tool that users have been experiencing challenges with, such as navigating through a chaotic Discord server. The mention of Journey suggests that users are on a quest for better alternatives due to the difficulties they've encountered.

💡Discord Server

A Discord Server is a digital platform where communities can communicate and collaborate in real-time through voice calls, text messages, and shared files. In the video, it seems to be a place where users face issues, possibly due to its complexity or the difficulty of accessing certain features or content. The Discord Server is portrayed as a hurdle in the quest for a good alternative tool or platform.

💡Version 5

Version 5 likely refers to an update or edition of a specific software or tool that has been improved to create high-quality images. The mention of Version 5 in the context of the video indicates that it has been successful in producing good results, but users are still looking for alternatives due to potential drawbacks or limitations.

💡Dali or Stability Fusion

Dali or Stability Fusion could be the names of software or tools that are being compared to other alternatives in the video. They seem to have some shortcomings as they are described as 'schlecht' or bad in the context. The comparison is made to emphasize the search for a better tool that can meet users' needs more effectively.

💡AI Image Generation

AI Image Generation refers to the process of creating images using artificial intelligence. It involves training AI models to understand and generate visual content based on certain inputs or prompts. In the video, AI Image Generation is the core focus, and the discussion revolves around tools and platforms that facilitate this process, offering users different models to create specialized images.

💡Web App

A Web App, short for Web Application, is a software application that runs on a web server and is accessed through a web browser. In the context of the video, a Web App is presented as an intuitive and user-friendly alternative to Discord Servers for accessing AI Image Generation tools. It offers a more streamlined and possibly more efficient experience for users.


In the context of the video, 'Free' refers to the cost associated with using a particular AI Image Generation tool. It is highlighted as a significant advantage, as users can access and utilize the tool without incurring any charges. This is particularly appealing to users who are looking for cost-effective alternatives.


A Waitlist is a list of people who are waiting to gain access to a service, product, or in this case, a tool. In the video, the mention of a waitlist suggests that the AI Image Generation tool is in high demand, and users must join the waitlist to obtain access once it becomes available.

💡Early Access

Early Access refers to a software release strategy where a product is made available to users before it is fully complete or finalized. This allows users to try out the product and provide feedback, which can be used to improve the final version. In the video, Early Access implies that users can get ahead of the waitlist and start using the AI Image Generation tool before it is fully launched.


A Whitelist is a list of entries that are allowed access or permission to a particular service or feature. In the context of the video, an email address being added to a Whitelist means that the user is granted special access to the AI Image Generation tool, bypassing the general waitlist.


A Dashboard is a centralized control panel that displays relevant information and data in an organized manner. In the context of the video, the Dashboard of Leonardo is the main interface where users can manage their account, access the AI Image Generation tool, and view various features and models.


In the context of AI Image Generation, Models refer to specific algorithms or sets of instructions that the AI uses to generate images based on user inputs. Different models can produce different styles or types of images, and users can choose from a variety of models to achieve the desired output.


Discussion of the challenges in finding a good alternative to Discord due to the overwhelming popularity of certain platforms.

Mention of the impressive image quality produced by version 5 of a certain platform, setting a high standard for alternatives.

Introduction to a new AI image generation tool that operates through an intuitive web app, offering a free alternative to paid services.

The tool's popularity has led to a long waiting list, but the process of signing up and gaining access is made clear and straightforward.

Explanation of how to access the early version of the tool by signing up with an email and waiting for a whitelist confirmation.

Overview of the dashboard and features available once logged into the web app, including various specialized models for image generation.

Discussion of the ability to choose between different AI models to create high-quality images tailored to specific preferences.

Mention of the community creations and the option to explore and use models created by other users.

Explanation of how to use the AI generation tool, including selecting a model and formulating a prompt to create an image.

Details on the cost and token system of the AI tool, including the daily replenishment of tokens for image generation.

Description of the various settings available for image generation, such as image dimensions and scaling options.

Discussion of the experimental features, such as the beta function and the potential for more computationally intensive processes.

Explanation of the image editing capabilities within the web app, including zoom, background removal, and additional creative options.

Mention of the ability to train and create custom AI models within the platform, empowering users with more control over image generation.

Highlight of the community aspect of the platform, allowing users to save and access favorite models for quick and easy use.

Introduction to the textur generation feature for creating 3D textures, indicating potential applications in game development.

Summary of the benefits of using the AI tool, including the daily allocation of tokens and the potential for significant creative output without additional costs.