“Depart From Me, For I Never Knew You” | Christian Edit

25 Oct 202303:24

TLDRThe video script explores the concept of a nonbinary god and questions the traditional approach to faith. It delves into the idea of living a hedonistic life and then seeking salvation, contrasting with the biblical message that only those who follow God's will can enter heaven. The narrative includes Jesus' prediction of betrayal and the story of the centurion's faith in Jesus' power to heal without physical presence, highlighting themes of devotion, doubt, and divine intervention.


  • 🌟 Belief in a nonbinary god is central to the speaker's perspective.
  • 🎶 The use of music in the script suggests a modern and rhythmic approach to the religious narrative.
  • 🎉 A lifestyle of partying and sex is proposed before turning to God.
  • 🙏 Only those who do the will of God will enter the kingdom of heaven, not just those who call upon Him.
  • 🗣️ Many will claim to have prophesied and performed miracles in Jesus' name, but not all will be accepted.
  • 🚫 Jesus' rejection of those who claim to know Him but do not follow His teachings.
  • 🔥 Peter's willingness to lay down his life for Jesus is questioned and tested.
  • 😔 Jesus predicts that He will be betrayed by one of His own.
  • 🍞 The act of dipping bread signifies a moment of revelation and foreshadowing the betrayal.
  • 🛌 The story of the centurion and his servant highlights faith and the power of Jesus' word.
  • 😕 Jesus' troubled spirit and the anticipation of the upcoming betrayal create a somber tone.

Q & A

  • What is the central theme of the title 'Depart From Me, For I Never Knew You'?

    -The central theme of the title is the concept of judgment and separation based on one's actions and true knowledge of God, as it implies a rejection by God due to a lack of genuine relationship or understanding.

  • How does the mention of a nonbinary god affect the interpretation of the script?

    -The mention of a nonbinary god suggests an inclusive and modern interpretation of the divine, moving away from traditional gendered language and emphasizing a more expansive understanding of the divine.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'party and have sex' in the context of the script?

    -The phrase 'party and have sex' is likely used to represent a lifestyle focused on earthly pleasures and materialism, which is contrasted with turning to God and living a life aligned with divine will.

  • What does it mean when people are told they will not enter the kingdom of heaven despite calling themselves followers of God?

    -This signifies that mere verbal proclamation of faith is not enough to gain salvation; one must also live out the teachings and will of God to attain eternal life.

  • Why does Jesus say 'I never knew you' to some in the script?

    -Jesus says 'I never knew you' to emphasize that true knowledge of God and genuine faith are demonstrated through actions and obedience to God's will, not just through claiming to be a believer.

  • What is the significance of Peter's willingness to lay down his life for Jesus in the context of the script?

    -Peter's declaration shows his love and loyalty to Jesus. However, Jesus' response indicates that true loyalty will be tested and that Peter will eventually deny Jesus three times, showing the complexity of human faith and the struggle between words and actions.

  • What does the act of Jesus dipping the bread and giving it to Judas signify in the narrative?

    -The act of Jesus dipping the bread and giving it to Judas is a symbolic gesture indicating that Judas is the one who will betray Jesus. It demonstrates Jesus' foreknowledge of the betrayal and his sorrow over the impending action.

  • How does the centurion's faith as depicted in the script differ from the typical follower of Jesus?

    -The centurion's faith is shown to be profound and humble; he does not feel worthy of Jesus' presence but believes that Jesus' word alone has the power to heal. This contrasts with some followers who may focus more on physical proximity to Jesus rather than the power of his words.

  • What is the lesson conveyed by the story of the centurion and his paralyzed servant?

    -The lesson is the power of faith and the belief in Jesus' divine authority. The centurion's faith in Jesus' word alone being enough to heal his servant highlights the importance of spiritual belief over physical presence or miracles.

  • How does the script challenge traditional notions of worship and devotion to God?

    -The script challenges traditional notions by presenting a nonbinary conception of God and emphasizing the importance of actions and sincerity over mere lip service or adherence to religious rituals. It calls for a more genuine and less superficial approach to faith.



🌟 Spiritual Beliefs and the Paradox of Faith

The first paragraph delves into the speaker's belief in a nonbinary deity and the associated pronouns. It touches upon a hedonistic lifestyle, suggesting a life of partying and intimacy, followed by a turn to God. The narrative then shifts to a biblical reference where not everyone who claims to follow the Lord will enter heaven, but only those who do the will of the Father. It highlights a dialogue where Jesus speaks of prophecy, exorcism, and miracles, and warns that those who claim to know him but do not follow his teachings will be rejected. The paragraph concludes with a dramatic exchange between Jesus and Simon Peter, discussing loyalty and the ultimate act of sacrifice, foreshadowing Peter's denial and Jesus' betrayal by Judas.



💡nonbinary god

The term 'nonbinary god' refers to a concept of divinity that transcends the traditional binary understanding of gender. In the context of the video, this suggests a belief in a divine entity that is not limited by human gender categories, promoting an inclusive and diverse spiritual perspective. This concept is introduced at the beginning, setting the stage for a discussion on spirituality and personal beliefs that challenge conventional norms.


In this video, 'pronouns' are used to refer to the linguistic devices that replace nouns in sentences, but they also carry a deeper meaning in the context of gender identity. The speaker implies a preference for pronouns that reflect a nonbinary understanding of self, which ties into the broader theme of challenging traditional gender roles and expectations. This keyword is particularly relevant as it sets the tone for a discussion on personal identity and its intersection with spirituality.

💡party and have sex

The phrase 'party and have sex' is used in the script to represent a lifestyle choice that contrasts with religious devotion. It is depicted as a worldly pursuit that the speaker initially considers before ultimately choosing a spiritual path. This keyword highlights the tension between earthly pleasures and religious commitment, a common theme in discussions about faith and personal values.

💡kingdom of heaven

The 'kingdom of heaven' is a term with deep religious significance, often used in Christian theology to describe the ultimate state of eternal bliss and communion with God. In the video, this concept is used to illustrate the rewards of living a life aligned with divine will. It serves as a focal point for the discussion on morality and the consequences of one's actions in relation to spiritual attainment.


In the context of the video, 'prophesy' refers to the act of predicting or foretelling events, often with a religious connotation of speaking on behalf of a divine entity. The script mentions individuals who claim to have prophesied in the name of the Lord, emphasizing the importance of actions over mere declarations of faith. This keyword is used to underscore the message that true devotion is demonstrated through one's deeds rather than just words.


The term 'demons' in the script represents evil spirits or forces that are often associated with temptation and sin in religious contexts. The mention of driving out demons signifies a struggle against negative influences and the assertion of good over evil. This keyword is relevant as it ties into the broader narrative of spiritual warfare and the battle for one's soul.


Miracles, as referenced in the video, are extraordinary events that are believed to be the result of divine intervention. They serve as evidence of a higher power's presence and are often used to inspire faith and devotion. In the context of the video, performing miracles in the name of the Lord is contrasted with true spiritual devotion, highlighting the importance of genuine faith over superficial displays of religiosity.


The 'betrayer' in the script symbolizes the act of betraying trust, particularly in a profound and consequential manner. The reference to someone who will betray Jesus points to a central conflict in the narrative, emphasizing themes of trust, loyalty, and the complexity of human relationships within a spiritual context. This keyword is pivotal as it introduces a critical moment that tests the protagonist's faith and resolve.

💡Simon Peter

Simon Peter is a key figure in Christian tradition, known as one of Jesus' twelve apostles and later as the first pope. In the video, Peter's questioning and subsequent commitment to lay down his life for Jesus illustrate the themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the transformative power of faith. His character serves as an example of the depth of commitment expected from those who follow the spiritual path outlined in the video's narrative.


The concept of 'heal' in the video refers to the act of restoring health or curing illness, often associated with divine intervention or spiritual power. The request by the centurion for Jesus to heal his servant showcases the theme of faith and its manifestation in miraculous acts. This keyword is significant as it highlights the power of belief and the role of spiritual leaders in providing comfort and relief to their followers.


In the context of the video, 'paralyzed' describes a physical condition where an individual loses the ability to move. The centurion's servant, who is paralyzed and suffering, represents those in need of divine assistance. The keyword underscores the theme of hope and the belief that faith can lead to physical and spiritual healing, as the servant is to be healed through Jesus' word alone.


I believe in the nonbinary god whose pronouns are

why don't I just party and have sex my whole life and then turn to God

everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven

only the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven

many will say to me on that day, Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name

I will tell you, 'I never knew you, away from me you evildoers'

down Simon Peter asked him Lord where are you going

Jesus replied where I going you cannot follow now but you will follow later

Peter asked Lord why can't I follow you now I will lay down my life for you

then Jesus answered will you really lay down your life for me very truly I tell you before the

crows you will deny me three times

Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified

one of you is going to betray me

I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish

he gave it to Judas the son of Simon

when Jesus had entered Capernaum a centurion came to him asking for help

my servant lies at home paralyzed suffering terribly

Jesus said to him shall I come and heal him

the Centurion replied Lord I do not deserve to have you come under my roof

just say the word and my servant will be healed