Lion of Judah
17 May 202313:00

TLDRIn his sermon based on Matthew 7:21-23, the speaker explores the stark reality that many who believe they are destined for heaven may face rejection by Jesus for lacking a true, personal relationship with Him. Despite performing deeds in His name, Jesus will declare, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.' This underscores the necessity of genuine salvation, marked not by mere religious activities but by a profound personal connection and transformation through Christ. The speaker warns against the superficial faith of cultural Christianity and emphasizes the transformative power of true salvation, urging a life of holiness and continuous growth in alignment with God's expectations.


  • 🔍 Matthew 7:21-23 warns that not everyone who professes faith in Jesus will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, emphasizing the necessity of a genuine, personal relationship with Him.
  • 🌟 The scripture highlights the danger of false assurance in salvation, where individuals believe they are saved without a true connection to Jesus.
  • ⚖️ True faith is not merely about outward religious activities or achievements, but about an authentic, transformative relationship with Jesus.
  • 🙏 Knowing Jesus involves more than just knowing about Him or performing deeds in His name; it requires intimate, personal communion and a life transformed by His presence.
  • 🔄 The text challenges cultural Christianity, which equates occasional church attendance with genuine faith, pointing out that real salvation brings noticeable life changes.
  • 🚫 The phrase 'I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness' serves as a sobering reminder that mere identification with Jesus without obedience and transformation is inadequate.
  • 🛤️ True salvation involves repentance, surrender to Jesus, and a lifestyle marked by ongoing spiritual growth and transformation.
  • 🌱 The sermon warns against the deceptive teachings that suggest one can remain unchanged after encountering Jesus, emphasizing that true encounter leads to radical life changes.
  • 🔗 The importance of pursuing holiness and peace, as per Hebrews 12:14, reflects the transformative nature of salvation that impacts all areas of a believer's life.
  • 👥 The ultimate message is that faith must be active and visible in one's life, characterized by a continuous pursuit of Jesus and His righteousness, not just through ritualistic or superficial practices.

Q & A

  • What biblical passage does the sermon 'False Assurance - DEPART FROM ME, I NEVER KNEW YOU' primarily refer to?

    -The sermon primarily refers to Matthew 7:21-23, where Jesus speaks about those who call him 'Lord, Lord' but do not do the will of the Father, and consequently, He declares that He never knew them.

  • What does the phrase 'I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness' signify in the context of the sermon?

    -This phrase signifies Jesus' rejection of those who have performed deeds in His name but lacked a genuine, personal relationship with Him. It highlights the importance of true spiritual connection over mere religious acts.

  • How does the sermon explain the concept of false assurance of salvation?

    -The sermon explains false assurance as the condition of individuals who believe they are saved because of their religious actions or heritage, without a real, transformative relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • What is the main requirement for entering the Kingdom of Heaven according to the sermon?

    -According to the sermon, the main requirement for entering the Kingdom of Heaven is having a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, which goes beyond knowing about Him or performing religious activities.

  • How does the sermon describe 'cultural Christianity'?

    -Cultural Christianity is described in the sermon as a superficial faith where individuals may participate in church rituals or attend services occasionally without undergoing a genuine transformation or having a real commitment to Jesus Christ.

  • What kind of transformation does true salvation bring, according to the sermon?

    -True salvation brings a profound change in one's life, including habits, desires, and moral conduct. This transformation is evident through a new lifestyle aligned with God’s expectations and a commitment to holiness.

  • Why is mere church attendance insufficient for salvation according to the sermon?

    -Mere church attendance is insufficient for salvation because true salvation requires a personal transformation and a sincere relationship with Jesus. Simply attending church does not equate to being saved or changed.

  • What is the significance of 'knowing Jesus' as discussed in the sermon?

    -Knowing Jesus, as discussed in the sermon, is crucial for salvation. It involves more than just knowledge of Him; it requires a personal connection, ongoing communication through prayer, and living according to His teachings.

  • How does the sermon define the role of repentance in achieving salvation?

    -The sermon defines repentance as a necessary step for salvation, involving turning away from sin, recognizing one’s need for Jesus, and embracing His forgiveness and grace as the foundation of a transformed life.

  • What does the sermon say about the consequences of self-deception in spiritual life?

    -The sermon warns that self-deception—believing one is saved without genuine transformation or relationship with Jesus—can lead to damnation. It emphasizes the need for self-examination and true spiritual renewal.



📜 The True Criteria for Entering the Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 7:21-23 emphasizes the importance of genuinely knowing Jesus to enter the kingdom of heaven, beyond merely performing religious acts in His name. Jesus warns that merely performing wonders or prophesizing does not guarantee entry into heaven; instead, a personal and intimate relationship with Him is crucial. He highlights the distinction between those who outwardly appear religious and those who genuinely know Him, underscoring the importance of an authentic personal connection rather than superficial religious activities. The message serves as a caution to critically evaluate one's relationship with Jesus, ensuring it is not merely about deeds but about a deeper, transformative relationship.


🔄 True Salvation: A Call for Authentic Transformation

True salvation is transformative and evident through a changed life, contrasting with the false security offered by cultural Christianity. This part of the sermon discusses the need for a genuine change in behavior and character as evidence of salvation, moving beyond merely attending church or participating in religious activities. It warns against a superficial faith that does not result in moral and spiritual renewal. The script emphasizes the necessity of true discipleship, which involves repentance, a profound personal encounter with Jesus, and a life that reflects His teachings, ultimately leading to lasting transformation and alignment with God's expectations.


🌟 Pursuing Holiness: Beyond Mere Religious Activity

This segment stresses the importance of pursuing holiness and peace, highlighting that true discipleship involves more than church attendance and religious involvement. It challenges believers to examine their hearts and motivations, ensuring that their faith is not just outward but involves a deep, internal transformation. The discussion reflects on the mistaken belief that formal religious participation alone is sufficient for salvation, advocating instead for a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ that results in a life characterized by obedience, peace, and holiness. It calls for a personal encounter with Jesus that transforms desires and lifestyles, aligning them with God's will.



💡False Assurance

False Assurance refers to the mistaken belief that one is saved and will enter heaven, despite not having a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. This concept is a key theme in the video, as it warns viewers against assuming salvation based on outward religious activities without true inner transformation. The video discusses individuals who perform miraculous deeds in Jesus's name but are ultimately rejected by Him because they lack a personal connection with Him.

💡Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven is a central theme in Christian theology, often described as the realm where God reigns supreme and eternal life is granted to the faithful. In the video, entering the Kingdom of Heaven is portrayed as the ultimate goal of true believers, but access is granted only to those who genuinely know Jesus and are transformed by His teachings, not merely through performing religious acts.

💡Born Again

Born Again is a term used within Christianity to describe a spiritual rebirth, contrasting with physical birth. In the video, it emphasizes the transformation required to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, suggesting that merely knowing about Jesus or performing deeds in His name is insufficient without being reborn in spirit, which involves a profound personal change and commitment to Jesus's teachings.


Lawlessness in the context of the video refers to living in a manner that disregards God's laws, despite possibly engaging in religious activities. Jesus uses this term to describe those who claim to know Him but live contrary to His teachings. The video challenges viewers to reflect on whether their actions reflect a true adherence to Christian values.

💡Cultural Christianity

Cultural Christianity refers to a form of Christianity that is practiced more as a cultural or social tradition rather than a faith based on deep personal conviction. The video criticizes this shallow practice, suggesting that merely attending church or participating in church activities without a true faith and transformation does not lead to salvation.


Transformation in the video is depicted as a fundamental change in a person's character and life, brought about by genuine faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ. It's presented as a necessity for salvation, contrasting the external, superficial changes that might be mistaken for true spiritual renewal. True transformation involves a deep, moral and ethical overhaul reflective of Christian teachings.


Holiness is defined as the state of being holy, which means set apart for divine purpose or consecrated. The video emphasizes the pursuit of holiness as essential for seeing the Lord, suggesting that it involves living a life that is in direct alignment with God's will and commandments, continually striving for moral integrity and spiritual purity.


Repentance is the act of turning away from sin and returning to God. It's a key step in the process of being born again, highlighted in the video as essential for initiating the transformation necessary for salvation. Repentance involves acknowledging one's sins, feeling genuine remorse, and making a committed effort to change one's ways.


Salvation is the deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be granted by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. The video underlines that salvation is not just a one-time event but a transformative journey that changes how one lives, reflecting a genuine relationship with Jesus.


Deception in this video refers to the condition of being misled or holding mistaken beliefs regarding one's spiritual state. It warns of the dangers of self-deception where individuals believe they are saved because of their religious actions rather than through a true transformative relationship with Jesus. The video calls for introspection to ensure one's faith is genuine and not merely superficial.


Not everyone who says to me Lord Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.

Many will claim to have prophesized and performed wonders in Jesus' name, yet will be denied entry into the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus emphasizes the need for a personal and intimate relationship with Him, not just superficial acts of devotion.

True salvation requires a transformation that is evident in one’s actions and lifestyle, not merely church attendance.

Cultural Christianity is critiqued as insufficient for true salvation - attending church during major holidays does not equate to being reborn.

Genuine salvation changes one's habits, speech, desires, and even the company one keeps.

The sermon highlights the risk of self-deception where individuals believe in their salvation without a true transformation.

Salvation is not just about turning away from sin but also about actively pursuing a life of holiness and righteousness.

Jesus' declaration ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness’ serves as a stern warning about the perils of false assurance.

To enter heaven, one must truly know Jesus and be known by Him through a genuine personal relationship.

The transcript calls for self-reflection on the nature of one's relationship with Jesus and the authenticity of one's faith.

The notion of ‘come as you are and stay as you are’ is criticized as a misleading aspect of modern faith.

The importance of not just knowing about Jesus but also having an intimate communion with Him is emphasized.

It challenges believers to reassess their spiritual lives to ensure they are not merely going through the motions.

The passage advocates for a life that visibly reflects Christ’s teachings and the transformative power of genuine faith.