Experts warn of 'risk of extinction' from AI, stirring debate on the technology's development

ABC News
1 Jun 202308:21

TLDR350 experts and tech executives have signed a statement highlighting AI's potential risks, urging global prioritization of mitigating AI-related extinction risks, akin to pandemics and nuclear war. While some argue AI's rapid development could lead to malevolent uses and societal destabilization, others emphasize AI's potential in solving existential threats. The debate underscores the need for a cautious approach to AI development, with calls for regulation and ethical standards to prevent misuse and ensure its beneficial application.


  • 🚨 350 experts and tech executives warn about the risks of AI leading to potential extinction and call for global prioritization of AI safety.
  • 🔍 The director of the Center for AI Safety highlights the risks associated with the rapid development of AI and the possibility of misuse by bad actors.
  • 🌐 Opinions are divided; some argue that AI should be developed faster to help solve existential problems like pandemics and climate change, while others emphasize the need for caution.
  • 💡 AI's potential positive applications include predicting and mitigating natural disasters, as well as detecting and defending against threats like asteroids.
  • 🛑 Concerns are raised about worst-case scenarios, such as AI being used to create chemical weapons or generate disinformation to destabilize society.
  • 🏹 The Wild West analogy is used to describe the current lack of regulation in AI development, with calls for oversight similar to that of nuclear or biological development.
  • 🤖 The U.S military's use of AI on the battlefield includes identifying threats, predicting maintenance needs, and processing vast amounts of information.
  • 👥 Discussions on over-reliance on AI include concerns about losing basic human skills and the impact of technology on daily life and entertainment consumption.
  • 📜 Lawmakers are urged to consider the broader implications of AI on humanity and to enact thoughtful regulation rather than waiting for negative consequences to occur.
  • 🌐 The debate on AI development and regulation is ongoing, with various stakeholders advocating for different approaches to ensure AI is used for good and not for harm.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern expressed by the 350 experts and tech executives in the statement they signed?

    -The main concern expressed is that mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority, alongside other societal scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.

  • What does the director of the center for AI safety attribute as the source of risks in AI development?

    -The director attributes the risks to the incredible speed of development and concerns about bad actors using AI maliciously.

  • How does Mike Muse, Google tech fellow, view the potential of AI in solving existential problems?

    -Mike Muse believes that AI could help solve problems like pandemics, climate change, and asteroid threats by enabling better innovation and more precise detection and prediction systems.

  • What are some of the worst-case scenarios envisioned by the center for AI safety?

    -The center for AI safety warns about scenarios such as the use of AI to build chemical weapons or generate disinformation that could destabilize society.

  • What is the current landscape for AI regulation according to the discussion?

    -The current landscape is described as a 'Wild West' with no regulatory schemas in place, and there is a call for the establishment of governing bodies similar to those overseeing nuclear or biological development.

  • How is AI currently used by the U.S military and how might its use evolve?

    -AI is currently used for identifying individuals, predicting maintenance needs, and analyzing vast amounts of information. In the future, it may be used in drone swarms and autonomous super soldiers, but there are concerns about the lack of a governing body to restrict its use.

  • What is the potential danger of humans becoming too reliant on AI?

    -The potential danger is that over-reliance on AI could lead to humans losing basic skills and becoming less human, as technology becomes an integral part of our daily lives and identities.

  • How might lawmakers approach the regulation of AI to avoid favoring specific companies?

    -Lawmakers should be thoughtful about how technology is affecting human brains and society, and they need to act to establish regulations that promote the use of AI for good and prevent harm, rather than waiting for negative effects to occur.

  • What is the 'third offset strategy' referred to in the context of U.S military AI usage?

    -The 'third offset strategy' is about achieving a significant technological advantage over adversaries, following the first offset of nuclear weapons and the second offset of global positioning satellites and precision munitions.

  • What philosophical questions should humanity grapple with regarding AI?

    -Humanity should grapple with questions about the purpose and ethical use of AI technology, the impact on human identity and interaction, and how to maintain a balance between technological aid and human autonomy.



🚨 AI Risks and Global Priorities

This paragraph discusses the potential risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) and the ongoing debate about its development. It highlights a statement signed by 350 experts and tech executives that emphasizes the need to prioritize mitigating AI-related risks of extinction on a global scale, comparing it to other major societal risks like pandemics and nuclear war. The director of the Center for AI Safety expresses concern over the rapid pace of AI development and the possibility of malicious use by bad actors. The conversation suggests that a more cautious approach to AI development could allow for the enjoyment of its positive aspects, while also acknowledging that AI could be instrumental in solving existential problems such as war and disease. The paragraph explores the dichotomy of AI as both a potential solution and a significant risk, highlighting the need for global attention and strategic development.


🤖 AI's Role in Military and Society

The second paragraph delves into the use of AI in military strategies and societal applications. It begins with a discussion on the U.S military's third offset strategy, which leverages technological advancements, including AI, to maintain an edge over adversaries. The paragraph outlines current AI applications such as facial recognition for identifying suspects and predicting maintenance needs for military equipment. It also speculates on future uses, including drone swarms and autonomous soldiers. Concerns are raised about the lack of governance over AI use, especially in the context of its potential for misuse, such as developing chemical weapons or spreading disinformation. The conversation touches on the potential over-reliance on AI, drawing parallels with societal addiction to technology. The panelists emphasize the need for thoughtful consideration of AI's impact on humanity and call for regulatory measures to ensure that AI is used for good rather than harm, expressing skepticism about the proactive nature of such regulation by Congress.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, often abbreviated as AI, refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. In the context of the video, AI is portrayed as a double-edged sword, with the potential to both solve existential problems like pandemics and climate change, and pose risks like the misuse of AI for malicious purposes or the destabilization of society.

💡Risk of Extinction

The 'risk of extinction' refers to the potential for AI to cause catastrophic events or developments that could lead to the end of human civilization or the irreversible decline of the human species. In the video, this term is used to emphasize the severity of the potential negative consequences of unchecked AI development, drawing parallels with other existential threats like nuclear war and pandemics.

💡Global Priority

A 'global priority' is an issue or challenge that is considered to be of utmost importance on an international scale, requiring coordinated efforts and resources from countries and organizations worldwide. In the video, making the mitigation of AI risks a global priority means that nations and stakeholders should work together to ensure the safe and beneficial development of AI technologies, alongside other major societal risks.


Innovation refers to the process of introducing new ideas, methods, or products to improve upon existing ones or to create new solutions to problems. In the context of the video, innovation in AI is seen as a driving force for progress, with the potential to address critical issues such as natural disasters, climate change, and health crises. However, there is also a recognition that the pace of innovation must be balanced with considerations for safety and ethical use.

💡Misuse of AI

The 'misuse of AI' refers to the application of artificial intelligence technologies in ways that are harmful or unethical, such as for creating chemical weapons, spreading disinformation, or conducting cyber attacks. The video emphasizes the need to prevent such misuse, which could lead to destabilization, conflict, or other negative outcomes for society.


Regulation refers to the rules and policies established by governing bodies to control the behavior of individuals or organizations, often with the aim of ensuring safety, fairness, and ethical conduct. In the context of the video, regulation of AI is discussed as a necessary measure to prevent harmful applications of the technology and to ensure that it is developed and used responsibly.

💡Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles, also known as self-driving cars, are vehicles that use a combination of sensors, cameras, and artificial intelligence to travel between destinations without the need for human intervention. In the video, the U.S military's third offset strategy is mentioned, which includes the development of AI-attached autonomous vehicles for various military applications, highlighting the growing integration of AI in defense and transportation sectors.

💡Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks are malicious activities carried out using computers or networks to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to digital systems. In the video, cyber attacks are discussed as a potential risk associated with AI, where the technology could be misused to disrupt critical infrastructure, steal sensitive information, or cause widespread chaos.

💡Reliance on AI

Reliance on AI refers to the dependence on artificial intelligence systems for various tasks or decision-making processes, which could potentially lead to humans becoming less self-sufficient or skilled in certain areas. The video raises the concern that excessive reliance on AI could lead to a loss of human abilities or a change in the way we interact with the world.


Lawmakers are individuals or groups in a legislative body who create and amend laws. In the context of the video, lawmakers are urged to take action in regulating AI development to prevent potential misuse and ensure the technology is used for the benefit of society. However, there is skepticism about the effectiveness and timeliness of such legislative action.


350 experts and tech executives warn about the potential risks of artificial intelligence.

Experts say mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority.

Concerns raised about the incredible speed of AI development and its potential misuse by bad actors.

AI could help solve existential problems like war, disease, and natural disasters.

AI systems can improve prediction and response to events like pandemics and asteroid impacts.

The center for AI safety warns of worst-case scenarios, including AI being used for chemical weapons and disinformation.

Current AI landscape is described as a 'Wild West' with no regulatory frameworks in place.

Cyber attacks can disrupt essential services like power and water, impacting daily lives.

The U.S military uses AI in identifying individuals, predicting maintenance, and searching vast information.

AI's future use in the military may include drone swarms and autonomous soldiers.

Concerns about the lack of governing bodies to restrict the use of AI on the battlefield.

Potential risks of humans becoming too reliant on AI, similar to the movie Wall-E.

Technology, including AI, can be an aid to improve daily life and entertainment.

Critics argue that some organizations calling for regulation may have ulterior motives favoring their own interests.

Lawmakers should consider the profound impact of technology on human identity and behavior.

Congress may only act on AI regulation after significant negative effects have occurred.