I Visited A Football Team On A TINY Island!
TLDR在这个视频中,我们跟随主持人探索了位于英格兰和爱尔兰之间的马恩岛,这个小岛上的足球俱乐部Island Man FC。俱乐部成立于2019年,拥有“释放乌鸦”的口号,并且是当地社区拥有的。视频中介绍了俱乐部的一些有趣事实,包括球队的队长轮换,官方和非官方的吉祥物,以及他们的主场“烧碗”。主持人和嘉宾Kieran在岛上体验了当地的风土人情,包括品尝威士忌和探索岛屿。尽管比赛本身可能并不激动人心,但视频以幽默和轻松的方式展示了马恩岛的独特魅力和足球文化。
- 🏝️ 视频讨论了位于英格兰和爱尔兰之间的马恩岛,岛上有一支名为Island Man FC的足球队。
- 📅 Island Man FC成立于2019年,是一支在英格兰足球金字塔体系中比赛的球队。
- 🤝 该球队是社区拥有的,并且每支来访的客队都需要支付旅行费用。
- 🏠 球队的所有球员都是本地人,除了一位爱尔兰球员Dean Kars。
- 🦅 球队的官方吉祥物是一个普通的熊,但一些支持者认为不适当,因此他们创造了非官方吉祥物Raymond P Raven。
- 🏟️ 球队的主场是位于道格拉斯的Bowl体育场,能容纳3500人,被昵称为Burner Bowl。
- ⚽️ 视频作者和K Carin先生一起访问了马恩岛,并体验了当地的足球文化。
- 🕒 比赛在下午6点开始,这个时间点让作者感到困惑,因为它不像常规的足球比赛时间。
- 🍔 作者和K Carin先生在比赛前去了一个酒吧和烧烤店,体验了当地的美食。
- 🎥 视频记录了他们在岛上的所见所闻,包括与当地球迷的互动和对球队的了解。
- 🎉 视频以幽默的方式展示了马恩岛足球的独特之处,包括球队的历史、文化和比赛体验。
Q & A
-视频中提到的岛屿是马恩岛(Isle of Man)。
-视频中提到的足球队叫Island Man FC,他们的网站口号是'unleash the Ravens'。
Island Man FC成立于哪一年,他们在哪个足球体系中比赛?
-Island Man FC成立于2019年,他们在英格兰足球体系中比赛。
视频中提到的'the Bowl in Douglas'是什么?
-视频中的'the Bowl in Douglas'是Island Man FC的主场体育场。
Island Man FC的官方吉祥物是什么?
-Island Man FC的官方吉祥物是一个普通的熊,但一些支持者认为这个熊不合适,因此他们制作了自己的非官方吉祥物Raymond P Raven。
视频中提到的'6 p.m. kickoff'是什么意思?
-视频中的'6 p.m. kickoff'指的是比赛在下午6点开始。
视频中提到的'Raymond The Raven'是什么?
-'Raymond The Raven'是Island Man FC的非官方吉祥物,由一些支持者制作。
🏝️ 探索岛屿足球之旅
视频脚本介绍了一个位于英格兰和爱尔兰之间的小岛,岛上有一支名为Island Man FC的足球队。小岛人口仅84,000,长度为33英里,非常小。Island Man FC成立于2019年,是岛上唯一的足球队,其网站标语为'unleash the Ravens'。俱乐部是社区拥有的,所有球员都是本地人,除了一名爱尔兰球员。本赛季的队长经历了几次更迭,最终由Steve Whitley接任。俱乐部的官方吉祥物是一个普通的熊,但一些支持者认为不合适,因此他们创造了自己的非官方吉祥物Raymond P Raven。主场位于道格拉斯的Burner Bowl,能容纳3,500名观众,昵称为'the Bowl'。视频以幽默的方式介绍了小岛和足球队,同时提到如果视频获得10,000个赞,他们将在一个热带岛屿上进行下一次冒险。
🍽️ 岛上的足球与美食体验
视频继续展示了岛上的生活和足球文化。作者和K Carin先生一起探索岛上,讨论了Island Man FC的一些趣事,如球队需要为客队支付旅行费用,以及球队的队长轮换情况。他们还提到了俱乐部的两个吉祥物:官方的熊和非官方的Raymond P Raven。在Burner Bowl观看比赛时,他们注意到了体育场的独特设计,感觉离球场很近但又有距离感。作者和Kieran决定成为客队的支持者,并在比赛前享受了当地的美食和饮料。视频还展示了他们与当地人的互动,以及对岛上足球文化的幽默看法。
🎉 岛上足球赛事的幕后故事
视频深入探讨了Island Man FC的运作方式,类似于一个国家队,由岛上26支球队中的最佳球员组成。作者采访了一位当地球迷,了解到俱乐部的一些背景信息,包括他们为升级赛吸引了3,000名观众。尽管作者和Kieran支持客队,但他们也对Island Man FC表示了敬意。视频中还展示了一些轻松幽默的时刻,比如作者错过了进球,以及他们对球场上的一些奇怪现象进行了评论。此外,视频还提到了岛上的一些其他活动,如捐赠足球装备给尼日利亚的孩子们。
📹 视频创作与岛上足球体验的反思
视频的最后部分,作者和Kieran反思了他们在岛上的足球体验。他们讨论了岛上足球文化的独特之处,以及Island Man FC在英格兰足球金字塔中的位置。作者提到了岛上的一些有趣现象,比如足球比赛中缺乏动作,以及球员们似乎对比赛结果漠不关心。视频以作者和Kieran的幽默对话结束,他们讨论了视频创作的过程,以及如果视频获得足够的点赞,他们将在热带岛屿上进行下一次冒险的可能性。
Island Man FC的口号是'unleash the Ravens',俱乐部成立于2019年。
Island Man FC是社区拥有的足球俱乐部,需要为来访的客队支付旅行费用。
Island Man FC的球员都是本地人,除了一名爱尔兰球员Dean Kars。
本赛季Island Man FC的队长先后由Shaun Kay, Chris Bass Jr和Jack McVey共同担任,后由Steve Whitley接任。
Island Man FC的官方吉祥物是一只起源不明的通用熊。
由于球迷认为官方吉祥物不合适,他们创造了自己的非官方吉祥物Raymond P Raven。
Island Man FC的主场叫做Bowl in Douglas,能容纳3,500人,被昵称为Burner Bowl。
Island Man FC的比赛在下午6点开始,给人一种欧洲客场的感觉。
Island Man FC的比赛场地远离球迷,给人一种现代球场的奇怪感觉。
Island Man FC的球迷非常热情,尽管比赛在寒冷的天气中进行。
Island Man FC的非官方吉祥物Raymond P Raven在比赛中出现,给比赛增添了乐趣。
Island Man FC的比赛吸引了26支岛上球队中最好的球员,就像一个国家队。
Island Man FC的主场Burner Bowl曾有3000名观众观看他们的晋级比赛。
Island Man FC的比赛在岛上的酒吧里不一定会被转播,这让人感到意外。
Island Man FC的比赛场地Burner Bowl的票价非常合理。
Island Man FC的比赛虽然在寒冷的天气中进行,但球迷们的热情不减。
Island Man FC的比赛最终以Raymond P Raven的出现和球迷的互动结束,给人留下深刻印象。
yes Islands when you hear the word
you're probably thinking of hot weather
tropical seas and Luscious sandy beaches
I thought that too then I realize what a
bloody Channel we were so let's discuss
today's adventure today we're off to
watch a team that play the football on
an island between England and Ireland as
a population of 84,000 is 33 Mi long
which for anyone isn't aware it it's
really small if it was been compared to
other Islands it would claim it was
small size was due to cold weather and
it promises when it warms up it'll be
bigger sorry I'm really sorry that's
terrible I'm sat at typing this and
hating myself sorry anyway the Islanders
home of Island Man FC whose website has
the slogan as unleash the Ravens the
club was founded in 2019 and playing the
English football pyramid so H
pathetically they could one day play in
the Premier League without further Ado
let's head to the airport 10,000 likes
and we'll do this on a tropical island
genuinely please give me a tab welcome
to a away
off to an island of man who is it this
week then who's our victim who's our
guest it's Mr K Carin sorry could I grab
a photo
please cost about 20 gr morning how are
you look on my face that's how I am oh
that's a shame I'm good I'm sprightly
I'm excited let's go to an
island please pay
attent right welcome to the aisle of man
I'm disappointed I've seen several
females uh Ken I just realized just
checked the pictures 6:00
kickoff 6:00 kickoff on the other what
possible reason could it be to off home
see all do you want to let's go get a
coffee and then I'll sit down and tell
you some fun facts about is man FC okay
very fun facts got some facts from from
the official Wikipedia of FC alaban so
it starts off quite nice to Club as a
local community owned Club nice lovely
we also have to pay for every away team
that comes to the a of man like their
travel which once again quite quirky
every player from them is local by one
they have one Irish player called Dean
Kars and I bet that makes some dressing
room hygiene to oh Dean isn't from here
team this is the team captaincy line for
this season are you ready team captaincy
was initially shared between sha Kay
Chris Bass Jr and Jack McVey before
Steve Whitley took over it's a season of
a four captains which feel feels
excessive official mascot of FC man is a
generic bear which is of Uncertain
origin has trotted out the various
sporting events around the irland for a
team nicknamed the Ravens a group of
supporters deemed the bear to be wholly
inappropriate therefore they made their
own unofficial mascot Raymond P Raven so
there's two mascots at the club there's
a bear and Raymond P Raven finally the
stadiums called the bowl in Douglas 3
and half th000 CA and it's been
nicknamed the burner
Ball come on that's good is it it's all
very good The Raven thing is phenomenal
to me 6 p.m. kickoff just feels mental I
think we I think we we arrived before
the opposition we're very quickly
realizing we no idea what to do for like
until 6 I don't I don't know how to
navigate this island let's go to Douglas
and just see what happens just Douglas
is the
this is genuinely Lovely isn't it we're
on an island and we're in the UK but
this nice k i thoughts on the island um
it's good uh I've been recognized one so
it's pretty pretty intelligent place it
seems like the water's very calm
actually so this is this is a football
channel sometimes I forget this is a
football channel but look at that that's
really calm water it's clear water I
promise at some point there will be a
should we go explore the island for a
bit Yeah the BS are from the island man
they did the
um that one that's good in it are they
live this suggest that they might not be
car in the middle of the sea that is
cool isn't it oh it's a bird shouldn't
be any birds in the Y
man oh women just came to TK Max see if
we can find a shirt for the game but
it's not that eagle has been seen
elsewhere there hasn't it that's not
something you want to counterfeit we
looked up things to do in the island man
and the most popular thing to do around
the area Rim is 1886 which is a bar and
grill so I reckon let's go get a fancy
meal straight rum straight whiskey
cheers to the aisle of man with another
man what whiskey have you g double
M the most popular whiskey brand okay
that one
Fair yeah it's little secret and not
every knows it when I go to the bar they
just know this guy this guy's part of
the the whiskey cabal the away team have
clearly heard about it being good
because they've also joined us the
beauty for 6:00 kickoff yeah they must
feel like they're paying a European away
fixture I'm hoping they get P if any of
them SS a pint it' be phenomenal our
food has been delivered on a
did get it well that doesn't
work he's he's living it half the
way there go Ste foret and your halum if
they have to bring the cutlery out to us
anyway what's the point in the Box I
don't I I do like technology but I also
sometimes do like real people you've got
to feel sorry for Kevin Webster and
Coronation Street this signature is only
worth 10 even even Jamie lus from Holio
is 20 hour Wasing kick off the be of
being on the island is there's no rules
the local pub may or may not have the
football on why would you have a free
blackout a play one team who apparently
only play
6:00 we're at the burner ball yes gang
gang ice cream so good we've we've
decided we're going to be away fans cuz
we can't imagine any way fans ever come
uh I brought some coins to throw some
people uh I think that's what I wa to do
I'm going to down the burner bowel as
well bowel burner bowel movement yeah on
the brain I guess so I guess I said bow
into the bowl why' you always stood
there like with your hands together I
see a lens now become Mr Bean welcome to
the Bowl Stadium no alcohol smoking or
drugs so you better they they're like
the three best things to do
at right let's have a look at the the
bow Stadium this is really
this is really really cool this is
really good look just quickly I've just
spotted this just that feels like in
2023 a really good
price let's go get one go
nice that is so good that is really
good4 as well can these players feel
like like celebs around the island like
oh yeah I play for the team the this is
Island man so these are who boo
basically which is really backwards cuz
we're actually here to see them this is
the burner ball I mean it really is cuz
we've got a very unique view of I've
never been like close to pitch but like
curved if that makes sense it's really
weird that you'd make a
modern brilliant it's really weird you'd
make a modern pitch far from the fans I
don't know well there's our team we're
rooting for today just me and Kieran on
you greens come on the greens Green Army
in important news here we're yet to see
either a raven or a bird mascot which
will show its face first The Unofficial
or the official I want the ra the bird
to have a scrap I sort was that was one
for all like you know when like on WWE
when like there would be an unofficial
title holder and the official title
holder would fight each other and you'd
be like oh who's the real Champion I
want to be like a modded uh FIFA game so
just like big bird comes out as keeper
they both play in net theic and me can't
help but feeling that a 3 and a half
thousand seater Stadium on an island of
880,000 people was a bit optimistic but
that's just me more on League about a
keeper not want to use his hand to save
the ball because it's cold you
ready he's just not interested
absolutely no interest in Saving the
look lack of movement is just incredible
he's not any shot that he straight at
him he's not going to use his hands
for what's the point what's the point in
a warm up
where I don't understand you're not
watching Man City anymore if we somehow
hit 10,000 likes on this and get to go
to Trop
this will feel worth it but currently it
very much is a November in the UK I
cannot feel my legs good luck he's he's
ped me off he's ped off the opportunity
to save up a shot as well so don't
really bother
me few about that how hard is it to say
every footballer whatever level they're
at will always act the same they'll
always have a bit of swagger about them
and back themselves you got to back
yourself in these times in these these
games but to be honest is he a football
he might be a footballer he might just
be a club Legend icon and all the
above here we come don't forget we will
be observing a minute no Raven no bear
oh my God it's Raymond The
phenomenal that is that is Nightmare
fuel isn't
it what is going on
Raymond you do we spoke to a local fan
who is U really informative basically
about the club and out works and
essentially the way this works is like a
national team so there's 26 teams on the
island which feels a lot of teams and
basically the best players in that get
put into this team which is really cool
it's like a national team in the English
league system but still we wanted to
just be and it's actually a really good
club they got they had 3,000 here for
their promotion game so
little snide comments earlier we
actually just wrong what is funny is us
two rooting for the away team we
traveled all the way here and only us to
brave enough
to man what can I say just a couple of
menes I of
hunk oh dear that's
not get the real that's the real that
was just you not are you not cold in the
shorts now he's you know me that's
really embarrassing that's really
embarrassing oh nothing's really
happening in the you've stood up why you
You' stood up for the game what annoys
me about this is if we are the two to
celebrate a pin and goal and they peel
away from us that would be disappointing
really underwhelming yeah don't to be
beaten up yeah by the a of men that is
underwhelming we've missed the goal oh
my God the crow is G gritty in the crow
is hitting the gritty we feels like a
low point for everyone invol no Kieran
don't I missed the go because I was
looking at a video of the water pressure
my B to show kieren and that's not even
a joke I just find it so funny just just
a ra a raven on looking at the game you
must be the warmest man I'm so jealous
of the outfit the beauty of this being
an on League game is that we can just
leave then come back this is this is
this is just K's getting a
KFC That's Not My Name hello Douglas I
love that that's really good that's
smart I'm it's not been a good after
footb it's not been a good after
football just think that the English
football pyramid is incredible isn't it
like how sick is it that an island in
between England and Ireland can Fally
get into the Premier League mental isn't
it theoretically it won't happen but
like it could there's a boot donation
bin to send your boots to Nigeria did I
read the sign before trying to put my
chicken wings in there no you had to
fish out bones in a sad fashion it's
going to be a lad in Nigeria think it's
some a total 90 with a chicken bone in
the in the sole my eyesight is
phenomenal cuz in that window up there I
don't know you can see it from the
camera zoom there's a I manag to spot
there's a signed England 1998 home Shir
uh once again you can probably imagine
how interesting the game on the pitch
has been these guys are trying to hit me
with a football um we still be the
highlight of the half this video is
brought to in collaboration with I've
never been AB Carey out the foot before
would you be willing to sacrifice a bit
of popcorn chicken to throw into my
mouth it's grap sized now this is one
Brave Point these are broad
shoulders this is courage
a sporting moment in
time no no that's shocking is that the
time that is really
embarrassing Bosch y that's been the
best chance kenson have had one the most
annoying thing about footb discourse
it's we all universally agree V is yeah
whenever I come to an on Le game or a
game about v as soon as a decision
doesn't happen they going v v can't have
both ways you can't demand V and then
also want rid of it these guys have
something to say Please Subscribe please
to thank you very much have a good one
my name my
name's well intentioned even on my own
Channel people don't know who I am a
lias a lias Elias I think any other
Creator ever has someone come up to them
on their own
channel cool the
wrong oh they hit the post and just did
you record it just imagine that we
caught that did you record my face
instead maybe yeah well I definitely got
you I gu it's amazing how
incompetent I'm trying to recall cuz I
was I was just St I definitely got you I
love this channel so much I actually do
adore it that
so nothing has happened until that
moment we the one time another shot
we're talking about my
names we've upgraded from looking at a a
tab we've got another group of lads who
want to be in the video do you want to
say you got anything of note to say um
hi hi is anything else you can
uh he's he's the he's the
speecher hang on a minute hang on a
minute hang on a minute a well thanks
guys have a good one thank you very
much this is really devolved hasn't
it you saying come on past to someone
feels like a low point for football
shouts from they know what I mean that's
a universal I love when like a f was how
switch it it's going to enter anyone's
mind on the pitch oh maybe actually
should you
know he has to be fair
what's Raymond about to
do he's doing it again let's get aot of
RAV get a photo of
Raymond want
we decided we SP man
now back to
Pok well
Karen let's
well a of
man please make us stop what how have
you enjoyed your experience um honest
yeah yeah you sure go on two words alias
platin yeah just a quick summary for me
like if you hav enjoyed the video please
like it and subscribe if we hit 10,000
likes we will do this in a tropical
location just cuz I think maybe people
think that as an island more than this
I saw a falcon hit a gitty which is a
sentence that 26 you shouldn't be saying
and goodbye
5.0 / 5 (41 votes)