Face Swap for Videos & Photos Free | Deepfake using Google Ai

14 Aug 202308:44

TLDRIn this engaging video, the host guides viewers through the process of creating deepfake videos and photos using free AI tools powered by Google. The tutorial is user-friendly, ensuring that even those unfamiliar with coding can follow along. Starting with uploading the 'Deepfake' file to Google Drive and connecting to Google Colab, the host demonstrates how to utilize the platform's free GPU resources. The process involves uploading a video and a photo of the desired face, replacing placeholder file names with actual file paths, and executing the code to generate the face-swapped output. The video also covers swapping faces in photos, showcasing how to replace faces with celebrities like Mr. Bean or Brad Pitt. The host emphasizes the ease of the process and encourages viewers to explore the creative possibilities of face swapping, promising a fun and educational experience.


  • 😃 The video teaches how to swap faces in photos and create deepfake videos using free AI tools.
  • 📚 The process is explained step by step, making it accessible even to those who find it intimidating.
  • 🆓 Utilizes Google AI technology, which is free of charge.
  • 💻 The tutorial takes place within Google Drive and Google Colab Notebook, accessible through a web browser.
  • 🔗 The Deepfake file is shared via a link in the video description, allowing viewers to copy it to their Google Drive.
  • 🖥️ To run the code, viewers need to connect to a GPU in Google Colab, which is available for free.
  • ⏱️ Running code may take time depending on internet speed and computer performance.
  • 📂 Users can upload their own video and photo files to the platform for face swapping.
  • 📁 It's important to note that uploaded files are temporary and will be removed once the browser session ends.
  • 🛠️ The script provides instructions on how to replace placeholder file names with actual file paths for the face swapping process.
  • 📹 The final swapped video or image can be downloaded directly to the user's PC.
  • 🤩 The video concludes with an encouragement to explore creative possibilities and impress friends with newfound face swapping skills.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to swap faces in photos and create deepfake videos using free AI tools.

  • Which AI technology is mentioned for creating deepfakes?

    -Google AI is mentioned for creating deepfakes in the video.

  • What is the advantage of using Google Colab Notebooks?

    -Google Colab Notebooks allow you to write and use Python in your web browser, and you can use powerful GPUs for free.

  • How can you share the Deepfake file from the video with others?

    -You can share the Deepfake file by hitting the 'Copy to Drive' button, which saves it in your Google Drive and allows easy sharing.

  • What is the first step to start using the Deepfake tool?

    -The first step is to get the Deepfake file into your Google Drive by clicking the 'Copy to Drive' button.

  • How can you run code in a Google Colab Notebook?

    -You can run code in a Google Colab Notebook by clicking the play button on the left side of the code block or by pressing 'Command + Enter' on Mac or 'Control + Enter' on Windows.

  • What should you consider when naming your files for the Deepfake process?

    -You should keep the file names simple, avoiding spaces, special characters, or numbers to prevent errors.

  • What happens to the uploaded file in the Google Colab Notebook after the session ends?

    -The uploaded file will be removed and will not stay in the system after the session ends or if you close your browser.

  • How long does it take to create a deepfake video?

    -The time it takes to create a deepfake video depends on the size of the file and the speed of your internet connection, it might take a few minutes.

  • How do you download the created deepfake video?

    -After the video is created, you can download it by right-clicking on the 'swapped' file and choosing the download option.

  • Can you also swap faces in photos using the same technique?

    -Yes, the video also demonstrates how to swap faces in photos using the AI tools and the process is similar to creating deepfake videos.

  • What should you do if you encounter an error while uploading a file?

    -If an error occurs, ensure that the file has a supported extension and try uploading it again. If the webpage file type isn't supported, choose a different file.



😀 Introduction to Face Swapping with AI Tools

The video begins with an introduction to the concept of face swapping in photos and creating deep fake videos using free AI tools. The host assures viewers that the process will be fun and straightforward, utilizing Google AI without any cost. The tutorial starts on the Google Drive page, specifically within the Google Colab notebook section, where a file named 'Deep fake' is shared. The audience is guided on how to copy this file to their Google Drive and then connect to the Colaboratory, a platform that allows Python coding in a web browser. The host explains how to run code segments and emphasizes the importance of patience due to varying internet speeds and computer performance. The process continues with uploading a video and a photo of the person whose face is to be swapped, replacing placeholder file names with actual file paths in the provided code.


🎬 Creating Deep Fake Videos and Photos

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of creating deep fake videos. It guides the viewer through uploading a video and a photo of the desired face for swapping. The host advises on the naming of files to avoid errors and suggests keeping names simple. After uploading the source and target files, the video explains how to replace the placeholder names in the code with the actual file paths. The process includes setting the desired output file name and format, such as 'swapped.mp4' for a video file. The audience is then shown how to execute the code by clicking the play button and waiting for the process to complete. Once done, they can download the new deep fake video file onto their computer. The video also covers swapping faces in photos, using Mr. Bean and John Wick as examples, and addresses potential errors, such as unsupported file types. The host encourages viewers to explore the creative possibilities of face swapping and reminds them to subscribe for more AI tutorials.



💡Face Swap

Face Swap refers to the process of digitally replacing one person's face with another's in photos or videos. In the video, the host demonstrates how to use AI tools to swap faces, creating 'deep fake' videos where the participant appears to have the face of a different person, such as Brad Pitt or Mr. Bean.


Deepfake is a term used to describe a synthetic media in which a person's likeness is swapped with another's using artificial intelligence. The video showcases the creation of deepfake videos, where the participant's face is replaced with that of a celebrity or another person, creating a convincing but fake appearance.

💡Google AI

Google AI refers to the artificial intelligence technologies and tools developed by Google. The video utilizes Google AI to facilitate the face swapping process, highlighting its capabilities in creating realistic deepfake content without any cost to the user.

💡Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud storage service provided by Google where users can store and share files. In the context of the video, the host uses Google Drive to share a file called 'Deepfake' and to store the videos and photos that will be used for face swapping.

💡Google Colab Notebook

Google Colab Notebook is an online platform that allows users to write and execute Python code in a collaborative environment. The video script describes using this platform to run the code necessary for creating deepfake videos and face swaps.

💡Connect to Collaboratory

Connecting to Collaboratory refers to linking with Google Colab's online environment to write and run Python code. The video instructs viewers to connect to Collaboratory to use its GPU for free, which is necessary for the face swapping process.

💡GPU Support

GPU Support stands for Graphics Processing Unit support, which is a feature that allows users to leverage the power of GPUs for computational tasks. In the video, the host mentions enabling GPU support in Google Colab to accelerate the face swapping process.

💡File Path

A file path is the location of a file within a computer's file system. The video script explains how to copy the file path of a video or image to be used in the face swapping code, which is essential for the AI to locate and process the files correctly.

💡Source Image

The source image is the original photo or video from which a face is taken to be swapped onto another image or video. In the video, the host uses a photo of Brad Pitt as the source image to demonstrate how to swap faces.

💡Target File

The target file is the file that will receive the swapped face. It is the end result of the face swapping process. The video details how to replace the placeholder file names with the actual names of the user's files to create the final deepfake video.

💡Download Model

Downloading a model in the context of the video refers to the process of obtaining the pre-trained AI model necessary for the face swapping operation. The script instructs viewers to execute code to download the model before proceeding with the face swap.


Learn how to swap faces in photos and create deep fake videos using free AI tools.

The process is step-by-step and does not require any cost.

Utilize Google AI for face swapping and deep fake creation.

Access the Deep fake file through Google Drive and Google Colab Notebook.

Connect to Collaboratory to write and use Python in your web browser.

Use powerful GPUs for free to speed up the process.

Upload your video and a photo of the face you want to swap with.

Replace placeholder file names in the code with your actual file names.

Ensure file names are simple to prevent errors in the process.

Change the output file name and format if desired.

Run the code and wait for the face swap process to complete.

Download the resulting swapped video to your computer.

Swap faces in photos by uploading the source and target images.

Copy and paste the file paths of the images into the code.

Change the file extension to .jpg for image output.

Handle errors by selecting the correct file type with a supported extension.

Download the resulting image file to showcase the face swap.

Impress your friends with your new face swapping skills.

Explore more creative possibilities with face swapping technology.