TLDRThis humorous narrative unfolds as a group of friends recount their most memorable crush stories, spanning from elementary school adventures to the absurdity of falling for political figures like Nancy Pelosi. With tales involving secret elementary school admirations, misunderstood gestures, and the bizarre twist of affection towards fictional characters and unexpected political crushes, the video script encapsulates the hilarity and awkwardness of youthful infatuations. Through a series of funny anecdotes and the reveal of long-held secrets, the video explores the universal experience of crushes, blending nostalgia with a touch of whimsy and unexpected turns, ultimately showcasing the diverse and often comical nature of early romantic experiences.
- 😂 The script is a humorous compilation of fictional crush stories from the storytellers' childhood and early school years.
- 👦 Many of the stories revolve around having crushes on girls in elementary/grade school and the awkward attempts to interact with or impress them.
- 📧 One storyteller recalls exchanging emails with his childhood crush and proudly preserving the email conversations as 'evidence'.
- 🤕 Another storyteller recounts crashing into his crush while trying to impress her, injuring her nose in the process.
- 🏫 One story involves a student being moved to the 'stupid class' in the basement after struggling to focus due to a crush.
- 💌 The stories often involve exaggerated, humorous attempts by the young storytellers to get the attention of their crushes.
- 👀 Obliviousness, immaturity, and lack of understanding about relationships and attraction are common themes across the stories.
- 🤖 There are some bizarre tangents and non-sequiturs, such as crushes on fictional characters or political figures.
- 👕 The video also includes promotions for merchandise from the creators.
- 🤣 Overall, the script aims to provide an amusing, relatable, and comedic take on childhood crush experiences.
Q & A
What is the overall theme or topic of the script?
-The script appears to be a comedic recounting of various people's stories about their childhood crushes and infatuations.
How many distinct stories or narratives are presented in the script?
-There are four distinct stories or narratives presented in the script, each told by a different person.
What is the first story about?
-The first story is about a person who had a crush on a girl named Emily in elementary school. They exchanged emails, but never really talked in person.
What unusual detail is mentioned about the second story?
-In the second story, the narrator mentions blowing a giant bubble from their nose during lunchtime, which caused their crush to laugh at them.
What fictional character is mentioned as a crush in the third story?
-In the third story, the narrator mentions having a crush on the character Sebastian from the anime 'Black Butler' when they were younger.
What political figure is jokingly mentioned as a crush in the script?
-Nancy Pelosi, a former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, is jokingly mentioned as a crush by one of the narrators.
What children's TV show character is mentioned as a childhood crush in the fourth story?
-Dora the Explorer, the titular character from the popular children's animated series, is mentioned as a childhood crush in the fourth story.
What unusual consequence is described in the final story due to the narrator's crush?
-In the final story, the narrator's crush on a girl in his class led to his father causing a scene at the school, and the narrator being moved to a class in the school basement with disruptive students.
What role does humor and exaggeration play in the script?
-Humor and exaggeration play a significant role throughout the script, as the stories often contain absurd or implausible details for comedic effect.
Are there any references to merchandise or self-promotion in the script?
-Yes, there is a brief mention and promotion of merchandise like hats, shirts, and stickers at one point in the script.
😍 An Elementary School Crush and Its Evidence
The narrator shares a story about having a crush on a girl named Emily D. during elementary school. He talks about being in all the same classes with her but never really talking. Surprisingly, one day she approached him and asked for his email address. He gave it to her, and she sent him an email that evening. The narrator claims to have saved all the emails as evidence of this crush, which he plans to share.
👩💻 The Email Exchanges with Emily D.
The narrator begins sharing the email exchanges with Emily D., starting with her first email on February 27th, 2012. They bonded over commonalities like piano lessons and having dogs. After a two-year gap, the narrator replied, and they continued their conversation, with Emily revealing she now had an iPhone. The narrator tried to impress her by mentioning being at a tennis school, but that was the end of their exchanges.
🤔 A Different Email Thread and More Cringe
The narrator mentions another email thread with Emily D. where she noticed him riding his bike and suggested they hang out. The narrator's delayed and uninterested response is presented as a deliberate attempt at playing hard to get. He expresses pride in his elementary school 'game' despite the cringe-worthy interactions.
💥 A Disastrous Attempt to Impress a Crush
The narrator shares a story about trying to impress a different crush named Jessica in the 4th grade. In an attempt to show off, he jumped off a swing set, but instead of sticking the landing, he crashed into Jessica, knocking out his tooth and seemingly breaking her nose. Despite the disastrous outcome, the narrator seems to view it as a romantic gesture.
🤯 A Crush That Disrupted School and Life
The narrator recounts a crush he had on a girl in the 3rd grade that led to him being unable to focus in school. His father's over-the-top reaction and accusations towards the school staff resulted in the narrator being moved to the basement class for underperformers. The narrator was initially excited, thinking he would be in the same class as his crush, but was disappointed to find she was not there.
🥰 A Childhood Crush on Dora the Explorer
The narrator admits to having a childhood crush on the cartoon character Dora the Explorer when he was around 8 years old. He doesn't provide many details but expresses his fondness for the character, stating that he couldn't wait to watch the show because of his crush on Dora.
💡Elementary School Crush
💡Email Exchange
💡Crush Stories
💡Merchandise Promotion
💡Awkward Interactions
💡Delayed Response
💡Unrequited Love
💡Social Dynamics
Introduction to sharing crush stories from childhood involving a wide range of crushes including girls, boys, animals, robots, and cartoons.
A story of holding onto elementary school crush evidence for years, highlighting childhood innocence and attachment.
The alpha male narrative in elementary school, humorously portraying attention from a wide audience including women, men, and teachers.
The crush, 'Emily D', was in every class, showcasing the heightened significance of elementary school crushes.
The humorous depiction of childhood attraction based solely on gender.
A crush story turning into a merch promotion, blending humor with marketing.
The unexpected approach by a crush in elementary school, leading to a humorous exchange about not having a phone.
The transition from asking for a phone number to asking for an email, highlighting the communication methods of the time.
The amusing confession of replying to a crush's email two years later, emphasizing procrastination and missed opportunities.
The story concludes with a humorous twist on political crushes, specifically on Nancy Pelosi, blending politics with personal narratives.
A failed attempt to impress a crush in elementary school by jumping off a swing, ending in physical comedy.
A crush on Dora the Explorer, revealing childhood innocence and the attraction to fictional characters.
A story of love leading to academic downfall, humorously blaming a crush for being placed in a 'stupid class'.
The realization that being madly in love can lead to unforeseen consequences, such as being transferred to a basement class.
The narrative ends with a call to action to buy merch, humorously tying back to the crush theme.
crushes we all had them girls boys
animals robots cartoons we're going to
be telling our funniest Crush stories
and at the end you're going to know who
Everyone likes I'm a crush on you get
away from me I'm going to tell you guys
a true Crush story that happened in
elementary school and I still have the
evidence to this day for some reason
what do you mean evidence bro has been
holding on to this for the rest of his
life I've been keeping it a lock bro
still waiting for her to say yes bro
so back in my Peak Elementary School you
know the peak of all Peak people you
know the alpha male I was okay obviously
I received a lot of attention from women
and you know even some men and you know
even some teachers teachers teachers
what do you mean by that I had this
crush on this girl for a long time we
we'll call her Emily D Emily a baddie
yo in elementary
school thatway is in elementary school
still she was in every single one of my
class classes for math science
literature you name it okay we were in
all our classes we we never really
talked to each other but that was kind
of normal in elementary school you know
like the boys sticked with the boys and
the girls sticked with the girls you
know and
honestly exactly and you know honestly I
didn't know anything about her all I
knew is that she was female and I liked
it good enough and I liked it it's crazy
dang sxi been looking fine recently oo
noce it must be my look maxing routine
100 reps of mewing 100 reps of Hunter
eyes 100 reps of looking in the mirror
and being depressed uh I don't think
it's like that I think it's the hot new
merch you got on dang straight man we
got hats we got shirts we got
sweatshirts all the things you would
expect from socks merch what about we
even got stickers put them on your PC
put them on your phone put them on your
dog my dog wa that's the cutest stuff
I've ever seen what about you know socks
you you think I'm stupid or something
you you think I'm are you calling me an
idiot are you trying to call me out of
course we got
sucks and they're comfy too click the
link in the description and get some
merch today at socks
store all right one day the strangest
thing happened okay she actually came up
to me wait found okay this is where this
starts this is fake this is where it
start gets made up oh oh dude wait till
the evidence comes in my bro it's going
to blow your mind goodz you have it's
going to blow your mind you're going to
be mind blown he actually came up to me
like why did she approach me okay I
stared blankly like into her eyes I
didn't even say anything like what was
there to say and then she asked me for
number what you had Elementary School
you had a phone at elementary school
well that's what I'm saying I I stare
blankly into her eyes Okay my cross just
asked me for my number but you know
what's crazier than that I I didn't
who had a phone in elementary school and
I'm pretty sure they didn't even exist
back then bro how old are you I'm like
10 or something or nine okay hold are
you now cuz just to have phones back
then I I didn't even get a flip phone
till High School okay high school phone
flip how are you real I forgot how young
that way was I thought that was only in
shows bro
what how young are you people actually
went around dude people went around it
all makes sense that you are actually 14
it actually makes sense think it's in
the show it means it existed once Ali do
not be talking you need a cave bro I
don't want to hear it oh my God bro why
is she catching a stray damn well okay
dude she asked me for my number right so
I didn't I didn't have a phone so I
stared directly into her eyes with no
reasoning and I just said no wow the
game you got is crazy the rizzler the
rizzler I get it he's playing the long
game he's playing the he's playing can't
catch me game I I followed up quickly I
said I don't have a phone I I thought
that would be the end of it you know I
thought she would just walk off but no
she smiled and said what about an email
email listen you guys might have been in
elementary school but you guys y'all are
old that heart holy crap email email was
the thing back then okay email was a
thing there was nothing else there was
no there was no Facebook or Myspace that
didn't exist bro there's something crazy
called Picto chat bro just DS up what is
pin Chad I are you guys bro I do not
want to be in but and I did have an
email so I wrote it down and I gave it
to her okay I just gave my crush my
email okay and she just walked off and
we never talked ever again okay for the
rest of the school day I was still in
shock and to be honest I didn't know
what just happened as soon as I got home
I checked my PC and she sent me an email
oh she said won't you and you know
what's going to be really funny it's
time to show you my Elementary School
Riz because I I have all the emails that
I sent to
the every single one first she sent me
an email on February 27th 2012
20 2012 she said hey Nick what's up how
wait okay before you like keep going how
did you find it how did you find this he
started he started why did you start bro
have you been just looking back on this
every single day single day I told you
this is the peak of my life I mean
everything's downhill after this I still
waiting for for her to say yeah bro so
okay she sent me a message so you know I
got to show her my Elementary School RZ
right so you know I I I send her the
classic you know I said this I say not
much just sitting around waiting for my
piano teacher to come you oh yo you
smart you showing her I had the Emojis
Deck I cannot make this up this is so so
true this is I tell you I I got the best
risk cuz you know what she sends right
back that's so weird I just got back
from piano she plays piano too I'm F in
it's written in the stars no way she's
lying no way locked in is crazy Bros
been locked in since the since grade one
I I don't reply to this I don't reply to
this okay I don't reply lock down okay
she follows up she doubles down she
double down again and she sends me a
picture of her dog want to see my new
puppy his name is Sparky a cute puppy
and I don't really hate cats by the way
I actually kind of like them which I
don't understand so I might have said
something in school because she's
replying to my last message so it
doesn't really make sense we got a
picture of her dog things are happening
what did you do what did you do next I
reply 2 years later 2 years you can't do
that I've been very busy I say hey sorry
I have not been responding in a while
I've been very busy that is a very cool
dog by the way did you get a phone by
that or something did you graduate what
happened she probably doesn't even have
that email anymore does she reply please
tell me she replies right away on the
same day that's damn 2 years later she
says no worries how's life sent from an
iPhone so she's upgraded it's a whole
new it's a whole new century so she she
says no worries how's life so this is my
chance okay I haven't responded in 2
years Dam
I can redemption right and you know I
actually follow back you know right
right away I said this long story short
I'm at tennis School bro that the W RZ
and honestly that you might think that
like would turn her away no she replied
right away wow really that's cool still
in NC or like boarding school she's
engaged she's engaged what
engaged are you sure these aren't AI
generated comments God I will show you I
will pull up the eail after this and
I'll will show you it's all real can I
Emil her that would be kind of weird
maybe that would be so fun who freaking
asked that but you know this is like the
most conversation I ever had with like a
female so that was too much I had to
close it right I had to say you know
still here in NC but I got to go to
sleep now I'm waking up 5:00 for
practice and she said oh my God have fun
it's 8:00 p.m. I had to go to bed I had
to go to Old Man bedtime that was our
whole conversation was that it that's it
that's all but it gets better turns out
there's other email threads that we had
so this was just one email thread there
was another one this one's actually this
has even better RZ than the first one
she said hey Nick I saw your riding your
bike oh my God just looking for you w
she noticed you why don't you approach
each other so weird you know we never
talk to each other in person and you
know maybe I I I should have asked you
know want to go like a park or something
do some activity you know you know what
I did LOL Bro you suck at this how how
is she still text you like were you like
were you a cool kid told peak of the
peak wait wait wait wait I'm just
realizing you texted her 13 days later
oh yeah that's how much I care Y no
that's the Riz girls like it when you
seem uninterested s bro you were making
like Minecraft faction videos on
tutorials no this was before that I
wasn't even dude I was nine are you sure
that this was your first crush doesn't
seem like you had a crush under at all
dude honestly I don't even think like
you could have a crush that young to be
honest I don't I don't know I think
female were just like wo females you
know but yeah that was my insane
Elementary School RZ and honestly I'm
pretty proud of myself you know and uh
this is not even a crush story then if
you're proud of my RZ you should
subscribe you'll never guess who My
First Crush was I actually know the date
January 22nd at 2:00 p.m. damn you know
the time 2024 I just found out about her
maybe today I don't know but okay I'm
going to give you a little hint I'm
going to try to maybe you guys can
figure it out she has brown hair wait so
wait wait what what was the date again
January 22nd 2024 2:
p.m. wait earlier today at 2 p.m. okay
let's just let's just okay guys don't
research don't look into it okay was
this GI to no no Alie no please
leave beautiful blue eyes her name
starts with an n that is taste
representative oh my
shut who is this ncy Pelosi who the
isn't she like a hundred years old let
me S an image I need images I need I I
don't know who this such a low quality
image I got you I got you guys I got you
guys look muffin she doesn't have blue
eyes oh my God her skin is like ripe
it's ready to peel off don't judge a
book by its cover okay yeah I'm just
going to say this bro I looked up Nancy
Pelosi and this popped up I'm just
putting that out there like like I don't
no just the way she talks I just can't I
just makes my heart how does she talk
she she's like Hey kid say hey and like
the way she talks makes my heart just
flutter and you might be into my grandma
bro should I put you on okay is she a
conservative I don't really know what
she is okay I'm just I just love the way
she is I got DMS got DMS from her n
Pelosi was dming a
minor don't okay let me send my images
let me send the first
DM my
go hey baby heyy you said that he said
that an hour ago that was not even an
hour ago he's an hour behind teamm that
was like a couple
minutes no no no she sent that to you
yeah that was definitely her DM I didn't
say hey baby sir don't read the bottom
text of that image by the way don't read
she must have saw uh saxophone buys you
Amazon package so that that's all we
have uh chatted so far but this is where
the story goes down a wrong holes ever
heard of um Paul Pelos who are these
political figures muffin apparently
she's married eliminate the competition
this little stinker took her listen
muffin just because it's a goalkeeper
doesn't mean you can't score you know
what I'm saying you can be the mistress
what he can be the mistress okay let me
show you the real reason why she's just
so great let me just send it that's oh
my God I might be in love with her is
that like a billion dollars dude I'm I'm
I'm going to rate that uh one Nancy
Pelosi head that's a pretty good rating
out of out of 10 what about you TVH you
got one uh I you know I have a few a few
this brings me back to elementary school
okay uh wait how old were you in like
first grade like what three no what your
first crush was when you were 3 years
old in first grade I don't know if the
age matches up like s years old first
grade okay for the sake of the story I
don't remember the girl's name because
she was not that important anymore I'm
going to call her shy you got say with
the whole
acty exactly exactly exactly me and this
girl basically talked every day she was
like my first best friend she wants you
she wants you yeah see I didn't know
anything about feelings or anything like
that I just knew that like you know I
talk to this person and I'm like
competent of her existence and that's it
I don't have her number don't know where
she lives don't really care about her
outside of school but she was my best
friend at the time okay then right this
is where all went down in she worked for
the government and she was tracking your
location to send you back where you came
anyway she was your sister but that
would have been a
bonus why are you guys so mean to me so
the story goes downhill when one day
we're having lunch okay I was a pretty
fat kid so I had my mom made me lunch
and then I went got school lunch and
then I got to the vending machine okay
so I was I was like a ball okay I was a
little rly Polly ball okay and I had to
sneeze really bad right so you know like
I don't like you know what air people
they right like how like dads usually do
that's like all Air people okay there's
a problem okay mid sneeze it it was like
stuck oh no so I I so I do like a I do
like a little cough sneeze and this is
the problem right so you know up that
movie made me cry yeah right but you
know like all the balloons I'm so s now
shut up this is why you got ghosted now
imagine all these balloons okay were one
big giant bubble that came out of my
nose I was basically
levitating did she slurp it up like a
snack no she listen that's devious that
is I don't how do I even respond to that
I blow this giant bubble I start
floating okay and I'm I'm you blow
up I am levitating in the spot okay and
then the the bubble pops and I fall back
into my seat right and I'm embarrassed
like that's like the sound like a
seven-year-old Shi looks at me and she
she covers her mouth and she go and then
she's dying of laughing in in front of
me okay and now I'm like embarrassed
like I don't want to I don't want to
ever look at you again I hate you now
okay I I despise you right but this is
the problem she laughed so she liked me
more now she like Fallen madly in love
with me she would not leave me alone but
now I'm like severely embarrassed I
don't even want to deal with this person
ever again in my life that's Riz so for
like the rest of our time in school when
we went to school for like another like
5 6 Years cuz we had like the same
school zone I just refused to talk to
this girl and every time I talk to her I
would just be an absolute meanie B
beanie pants okay and that's how the
Wizler Wiz so basically you you had a
giant booger and then cried and went
yeah but at least I talked to her like
every day and not emailed w w w wild who
wait I was being supportive of your
story I was I was patting you on your