Finally Ollama has an OpenAI compatible API

Matt Williams
9 Feb 202410:46

TLDRThe video discusses the recent release of version 0.124 of Ollama, which now includes an OpenAI-compatible API. This allows users to leverage OpenAI's products directly within Ollama, addressing a common query from the AMA Discord community. The video provides a walkthrough for end-users, power users, and developers, demonstrating how to integrate the new API with various tools and applications. It covers setting up custom URLs for privacy and security, using Ollama with Autogen Studio for building AI-powered agents, and coding with the official OpenAI API in a development environment. The host also mentions the potential risks of running AI-generated code without supervision and suggests using Docker for safety. The video concludes by inviting viewers to subscribe for more content and share their interests.


  • 📢 OpenAI has released an API that allows others to leverage their AI products, which is popular but not the best.
  • 🗣️ A common question in the Ollama AMA Discord is about OpenAI API compatibility, which is now available in release 0.124.
  • 🚀 Users who integrated Ollama into their products did not waste their time as the new release supports OpenAI API compatibility.
  • 💡 For end-users, tools that use OpenAI can now support custom URLs, which is crucial for companies concerned about privacy and security.
  • 🛠️ A tool called 'mmac' was mentioned, which is slick and supports custom URLs, although initially it didn't seem to support Ollama.
  • 🔧 'Chat Wizard' on GitHub works well with Chat GPT but does not recognize Ollama; however, it can be configured to do so.
  • 🤖 Autogen Studio by Microsoft allows building AI agents for various tasks and now can work directly with Ollama without a middleman like Light LLM.
  • 📝 Skills in Autogen Studio are written in Python, offering nearly limitless possibilities for what agents can do.
  • 💻 Developers can use the official JS and Python libraries to work with the Ollama API directly for better performance and ease.
  • 🔗 If a tool currently uses the OpenAI API and allows setting a base URL, Ollama's compatibility will be beneficial.
  • ⚙️ For full-on developers, using tools like VS Code with Dino can facilitate creating applications that interact with the Ollama API.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the release of version 0.124 for Ollama?

    -The release of version 0.124 for Ollama is significant because it introduces OpenAI API compatibility, allowing users to leverage OpenAI products directly within Ollama without needing additional intermediary tools.

  • What is the primary concern of companies when considering the use of chat GPT?

    -The primary concern of companies when considering the use of chat GPT is the potential for privacy and security breaches, as they want to avoid their company secrets being discovered.

  • Why is adding a custom URL important for chat GPT?

    -Adding a custom URL is important for chat GPT because it allows companies to host the service themselves, ensuring that their data remains secure and private, and is not exposed to external threats.

  • What is the role of the tool called 'mmac' in the context of OpenAI and Ollama?

    -The tool 'mmac' is a client application that can work with chat GPT. It was initially not listed as supporting Ollama, but later was found to be compatible. It allows users to utilize the power of OpenAI through a more user-friendly interface.

  • How does the 'autogen Studio' application from Microsoft relate to the OpenAI API?

    -Autogen Studio is an application that allows users to build AI agents to automate tasks. It works with the OpenAI API to create these agents, which can then perform various activities such as searching the internet, parsing files, or interacting with databases.

  • What is the benefit of using the Ollama API directly with the OpenAI API?

    -Using the Ollama API directly with the OpenAI API is beneficial because it simplifies the process, improves performance, and provides a more seamless integration. It also allows for easier use of official libraries and community-created libraries for various programming languages.

  • What is the potential risk when using autogen Studio to create and run code without user input?

    -The potential risk is that the system could create and execute code that has unintended consequences, possibly damaging the user's machine or performing actions that the user did not authorize.

  • Why is Docker recommended for the Python environment when using autogen Studio?

    -Docker is recommended because it provides an isolated environment for running applications, which can help protect the host machine from any potentially harmful code that might be generated and executed by autogen Studio.

  • What is the general workflow for using autogen Studio with the OpenAI API?

    -The general workflow involves creating skills (specific activities the agent should perform) written in Python, then defining agents with a system message, model, and possibly some of the defined skills. Finally, a workflow is created to orchestrate these agents to perform complex tasks.

  • How can users integrate the Ollama API with existing tools that use the OpenAI API?

    -Users can integrate the Ollama API with existing tools by setting the base URL of the tool to point to the Ollama server, allowing the tool to communicate directly with the Ollama API as if it were the OpenAI API.

  • What is the recommended approach for developers who want to use the Ollama API in their applications?

    -Developers can use the official JavaScript and Python libraries for the Ollama API, or they can utilize community-created libraries for other programming languages such as Rust, Ruby, R, and Swift.



🤖 Open AI API and AMA Compatibility

The first paragraph introduces the Open AI API, mentioning its popularity and widespread use despite not being the best API available. It discusses the frequent questions asked in the AMA Discord server, highlighting the third most common question about Open AI API compatibility. The speaker notes the release 0.124 now supports Open AI API, although some features are not yet available. The paragraph also touches on the privacy and security concerns of companies using chat GPT and the option to host the service privately. It concludes with the discovery of a tool called 'mmac' and the process of setting up AMA to work with chat GPT, including troubleshooting and configuring the URL.


🚀 Autogen Studio and Developer Experience

The second paragraph delves into the developer perspective, focusing on Autogen Studio, an application from Microsoft that simplifies the creation of AI agents to perform tasks. It explains the process of installing and using Autogen Studio with the Open AI API, including creating a new model, defining skills, and setting up agents and workflows. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to input the model name and API key, and how to troubleshoot potential issues with the base URL. The paragraph also briefly touches on the potential risks of running AI code without user input and the recommendation to use Docker for the Python environment. It ends with an invitation for viewers to request more detailed coverage of Autogen in future videos.


📈 AMA Growth and Future Content

The third and final paragraph addresses the growth of the AMA channel, expressing gratitude for the new subscribers and enthusiasm for creating more content. The speaker encourages viewers to continue subscribing and to provide feedback on what kind of videos they would like to see in the future. It concludes with a thank you note for watching the video and a farewell message.




The OpenAI API is a set of programming tools that allows developers to integrate OpenAI's advanced AI models, such as Chat GPT, into their own applications. In the video, it is mentioned as a popular tool that has recently become compatible with Ollama, which is significant for developers looking to leverage OpenAI's capabilities in their projects.


Ollama is a platform that has released an update (version 0.124) to include compatibility with the OpenAI API. This compatibility allows users to directly use the OpenAI products through Ollama without needing additional intermediaries. It is highlighted as a significant update for those who have been inquiring about such integration.


Discord is a communication platform used by various communities, including those interested in AI and tech. In the context of the video, it is where users frequently ask questions about the compatibility of OpenAI's API with Ollama. The AMA (Ask Me Anything) Discord channel is mentioned as a place where such inquiries are commonly made.


A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a type of computer hardware used for rendering images, animations, and video. In the video, it is mentioned in relation to a common question users have about why their GPU is not being utilized, which is a separate issue from the main topic of OpenAI API compatibility.

💡AMA (Ask Me Anything)

AMA stands for 'Ask Me Anything,' which is a common term used in online communities where people can ask questions on a particular topic. In the video, it is mentioned as a popular channel on Discord where users discuss and inquire about various subjects, including the OpenAI API compatibility with Ollama.

💡Autogen Studio

Autogen Studio is an application from Microsoft that allows users to build AI-powered agents that can perform tasks autonomously. In the video, it is demonstrated how Autogen Studio can now work directly with the Ollama platform using the OpenAI API, which simplifies the process for developers and enhances the capabilities of the agents.

💡API Key

An API key is a unique identifier used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to an API. It is mentioned in the video as a necessary component when setting up the connection between Autogen Studio and the Ollama platform via the OpenAI API, ensuring secure and authorized access to the services.

💡Base URL

The base URL is the initial part of a web address that defines the location of a website or service. In the context of the video, it is used to specify the endpoint for the OpenAI API when configuring the connection in Autogen Studio or other applications, allowing users to direct their requests to the correct server.


In the context of AI and machine learning, a model refers to a system that has been trained on data to make predictions or perform tasks. The video discusses adding a model in Autogen Studio and how users can define and utilize different models for various tasks using the OpenAI API through Ollama.


Docker is a platform that allows developers to develop, ship, and run applications in containers. The video suggests using Docker for setting up the Python environment when working with Autogen Studio, which can help isolate the application and ensure security.


A developer is a person who designs, codes, and maintains applications or systems. In the video, the term is used to describe the target audience for certain parts of the content, particularly when discussing the technical setup and usage of the OpenAI API with Ollama from a programming perspective.


Ollama now has an OpenAI compatible API, allowing users to leverage OpenAI products.

The release of Ollama 0.124 brings OpenAI API compatibility for users.

Users can now host the service themselves for privacy and security concerns.

Mmac is a tool that supports OpenAI and can be used with Ollama after a URL adjustment.

Chat Wizard on GitHub works well with Chat GPT but requires a URL setup for Ollama compatibility.

Autogen Studio by Microsoft allows building AI agents and now works directly with Ollama.

Developers can create custom models and skills in Autogen Studio for various tasks.

Autogen Studio enables complex workflows by orchestrating different AI agents.

Using Ollama directly with Autogen Studio is easier and more performant than using a middleware.

Developers can now use Ollama with official JS and Python libraries for OpenAI API.

Existing tools that use the OpenAI API can now set the base URL to Ollama for compatibility.

The video demonstrates how to integrate Ollama with Autogen Studio and run a workflow.

Ollama's debug environment variable helps troubleshoot integration issues.

For developers, using VS Code and Dino can facilitate creating and running applications with Ollama.

The video provides a code sample for integrating Ollama with an application using OpenAI's developer site.

Using Ollama's API directly is recommended for better performance and ease of use.

The community has created libraries for various programming languages to work with Ollama.

The video concludes by inviting viewers to subscribe and request more content on the channel.