Private Chat with your Documents with Ollama and PrivateGPT | Use Case | Easy Set up

Prompt Engineer
19 Nov 202315:55

TLDRIn this informative video, the host demonstrates how to utilize Olama and private GPT technology to interact with documents, specifically a PDF book about success. The tutorial covers the installation of AMA, setting up a virtual environment, and integrating private GPT for document interaction. The host also shares a GitHub repository for easy access to the code and encourages viewers to engage with the content by subscribing and commenting.


  • 📚 The video demonstrates the use of Olama and private GPT (Generative Bidirectional Transformer) to interact with documents, specifically a PDF book about success and mindset titled 'Think and Grow Rich'.
  • 🤖 The presenter uses a large language model powered by Olama to facilitate communication with the book through private GPT.
  • 💻 The video addresses questions from the audience about uploading and querying different file formats like CSV, and the limitations of such interactions.
  • 🔧 The process begins with installing AMA, which is done through a download from a provided link, and is currently available for Mac OS and Linux, but not for Windows.
  • 🖥️ After AMA installation, users can start the system, which will run in the background and can be reactivated from the menu bar.
  • 📂 The presenter guides the audience to clone a specific GitHub repository (prompt engineer 48) to access the necessary code and steps for the integration.
  • 🔄 The AMA private GPT setup involves creating a virtual environment, installing required packages, pulling models, and ingesting documents into the system.
  • 📄 The document ingestion process involves creating a 'source_documents' directory and copying the document into it, followed by running a script to ingest the file into the system.
  • 🔍 Once the document is ingested, users can ask questions to the document using the private GPT interface, and the system will provide answers based on the document's content.
  • 📈 The video showcases the speed and efficiency of the system in processing the document and providing insights from it, such as reasons for failure in executing strategies mentioned in 'Think and Grow Rich'.
  • 🎓 The presenter emphasizes the potential of this technology for educational purposes and invites viewers to engage with the content by subscribing, sharing, and commenting on the video.

Q & A

  • What technology is being used to interact with the book 'Think and Grow Rich'?

    -Private GBD (Generative Broad Domain) technology is being used to interact with the book 'Think and Grow Rich'.

  • How does one get started with setting up a local language model using AMA?

    -To set up a local language model using AMA, one needs to download and install AMA, then run the command 'olama run' followed by the model name, such as 'mistl', to start the chatting system.

  • What is the significance of the 'prompt engineer 48 GitHub' repository mentioned in the script?

    -The 'prompt engineer 48 GitHub' repository is where the user has shared different folders and codes related to the video content. It contains the integration of Lang chain and the setup for chatting with documents using AMA and private GBD.

  • What are the steps to clone the GitHub repository for the project?

    -To clone the repository, one needs to visit the GitHub page, click on the green button to copy the link, open the terminal, navigate to the desired directory, and use the command 'git clone' followed by the copied link.

  • How is a virtual environment set up for the project?

    -A virtual environment is set up using the 'conda create' command, specifying the environment name (e.g., 'private') and the Python version (e.g., 3.11). The environment is then activated using 'conda activate' followed by the environment name.

  • What are the requirements for installing the necessary packages for the project?

    -The necessary packages can be installed by reading the 'requirements.txt' file and using the command 'pip install' followed by '-r' and the path to the 'requirements.txt' file.

  • How are the documents uploaded and prepared for interaction with the private GBD?

    -Documents are uploaded by creating a directory named 'source_documents' and copying the files into it. The files are then ingested using the 'ingest' script, which processes the documents and creates embeddings for interaction.

  • What type of documents can be interacted with using this setup?

    -Various types of documents such as CSV, DOC, DOCX, EPUB, HTML, and PDF files can be interacted with using this setup.

  • How is the private GBD started for asking questions to the documents?

    -The private GBD is started by navigating to the AMA directory, then to the private GBD directory, and running the command 'python 3 private' on a Mac or 'python private' on Windows.

  • What is an example question that can be asked to the 'Think and Grow Rich' book using this setup?

    -An example question could be 'Why do most people fail in executing the strategies mentioned in the book Think and Grow Rich?'

  • What are the five key learnings the script suggests one can derive from reading 'Think and Grow Rich'?

    -The five key learnings include seeking knowledge earnestly, underlining sentences that impress you, not limiting oneself to being a student, understanding that failure is possible if one follows instructions blindly, and that the forging instruction can lead to complete understanding and mastery of the principle of success.



🤖 Introduction to Private GBT and OLAMA

The paragraph introduces the concept of using OLAMA and private GBT technology to interact with documents, specifically a PDF book about success and mindset called 'Think and Grow Rich'. The speaker explains the motivation behind this project, which stems from previous video comments asking about the feasibility of uploading and querying CSV files and chatting with documents through an interface. The speaker then outlines the plan to set up a local large language model using AMA and power it with private GBT from OLAMA, allowing interaction with various files.


🛠️ Setting Up AMA and OLAMA

This paragraph details the process of setting up AMA on MacOS and Linux, including downloading, installation, and testing. The speaker provides instructions on how to download AMA, install it, and verify its running status. The paragraph also explains how to test AMA by opening a terminal and running commands to interact with the Mist model. Additionally, the speaker guides the audience on how to find and clone the GitHub repository containing the necessary code for the project, emphasizing the importance of following the steps outlined in the README file.


📚 Ingesting and Querying Documents

The speaker continues by explaining the steps to clone the repository and set up a virtual environment named 'private' with Python 3.11. The paragraph walks through the installation of required packages from a 'requirements.txt' file and the process of pulling models from AMA, using 'AMA pull mistal' as an example. The speaker then instructs on creating a 'Source documents' directory and placing the 'Think and Grow Rich' book inside it. Following this, the speaker demonstrates how to ingest the documents using a Python script and how to run a private GBD instance to ask questions of the uploaded document. The example query involves asking why most people fail to execute strategies from the book, and the speaker shows the results, highlighting the speed and efficiency of the process.


🎥 Wrapping Up and Future Plans

In the final paragraph, the speaker summarizes the entire process of integrating private GBT with OLAMA, from setting up the environment to ingesting and querying documents. The speaker reiterates the steps and invites viewers to post questions for future videos. The speaker also mentions an ongoing project involving the integration of mgpd autogen and AMA APIs or server calling. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to subscribe to the channel, share the video, and leave comments, and the speaker signs off with a prompt for viewers to join them for future content.




Olama is a technology mentioned in the video that powers the private GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model. It is used to facilitate interaction with documents by asking questions and receiving answers based on the content of the documents. In the context of the video, Olama is integrated with the AMA (which seems to be a platform or tool for running large language models) to enable users to chat with their documents, such as a PDF file of the book 'Think and Grow Rich'.

💡Private GBD

Private GBD, or private GPT, refers to a version of the GPT model that is used privately or in a non-public setting. In the video, it is used to interact with documents by asking questions and receiving answers based on the document's content. The private GPT is powered by Olama and is integrated with AMA to allow users to chat with their files and extract information.

💡Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich is a book that is referenced in the video as an example of a document that can be interacted with using the technology discussed. The book is about success and mindset, and the video demonstrates how to ask questions about its content using the private GPT model powered by Olama.


AMA appears to be a platform or tool used for running large language models locally on the user's machine. It is used in conjunction with Olama to power the private GPT model, allowing users to interact with their documents. The video provides instructions on how to install and use AMA, and how to test it by running commands in the terminal.

💡CSV file

A CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file is a type of file that stores tabular data in plain text form, with each row representing a different record and each column representing a field of data. In the context of the video, the user mentions the ability to upload and interact with CSV files using the private GPT model, although the specific process for doing so is not detailed in the provided script.

💡Virtual Environment

A virtual environment is a tool used to create isolated Python environments for different projects. It allows a user to install different versions of packages and dependencies for each project without them interfering with each other. In the video, the user sets up a virtual environment named 'private' using the 'conda' package manager to work on the AMA and private GPT integration project.

💡Source Documents

Source documents refer to the files that are being ingested and interacted with using the private GPT model. In the video, the user creates a directory named 'Source documents' and places the 'Think and Grow Rich' book into it. These documents are then processed and embedded into the system so that the private GPT model can understand and respond to questions about their content.


In the context of the video, 'ingest' refers to the process of loading and processing documents into the private GPT model. This involves reading the files, splitting them into chunks, and creating embeddings (data representations) that the model can use to understand and respond to queries about the document's content.


GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git. It is used by developers to store, manage, and collaborate on code and other project files. In the video, the user refers to a GitHub repository named 'prompt engineer 48' where they have published code related to the AMA and private GPT integration. This repository serves as a resource for viewers to access and clone the code for their own use.

💡Repository (Repo)

A repository, or 'repo', is a storage location where all the files and information for a project are kept. In the context of the video, the user refers to a specific GitHub repository called 'olama' within the 'prompt engineer 48' profile. This repo contains different folders with code and instructions for integrating AMA with private GPT.


LangChain is a tool or library used in the video for integrating with the AMA platform. It is mentioned as part of the setup process for running the private GPT model. LangChain is likely a component that helps facilitate the connection between the Olama-powered GPT model and the AMA environment.


The video demonstrates the use of Olama and private GPT to interact with documents, specifically a PDF book about success and mindset.

The book used is 'Think and Grow Rich', a lengthy book of over 200 pages focusing on success principles.

The presenter's previous video received comments requesting the ability to ask questions to uploaded files, such as CSV, and chat with documents through an interface.

The system being set up locally uses AMA to run a large language model and power the private GPT.

AMA is installed and run on MacOS, with the presence of an icon indicating its operation.

The presenter showcases testing AMA by running the 'olama run' command and interacting with the Mist model for a demonstration.

The GitHub profile 'prompt engineer 48' is mentioned, where different folders related to the video content are available.

The ' AMA private GPD chat with docs' folder contains the code and instructions for the video's process.

The steps for setting up the environment, installing requirements, and pulling models are detailed in the README file.

A virtual environment named 'private' is created using conda, with Python version 3.11.

The process of ingesting the 'Think and Grow Rich' book into the system by running an ingestion script is shown.

The video shows the successful execution of the private GPT with the document, providing insights from the book in response to queries.

The presenter emphasizes the ability to ask questions to various file types such as CSV, DOC, MAL, ePub, HTML, and PDFs.

The video concludes with a summary of the process and an invitation for viewers to suggest topics for future videos.

The presenter is also working on integrating mgpd autogen with AMA APIs or server calling.

The video is a response to viewer comments and aims to provide a seamless experience for interacting with documents using private GPT.