First Time Hearing | USA For Africa - We Are the World (Reaction)

Duane Reacts
21 Jul 202311:06

TLDRThe video script is a heartfelt reaction to the song 'We Are the World,' highlighting the importance of unity and collective action for a cause. The reviewer expresses deep appreciation for the song's message and the coming together of numerous artists to create a powerful musical moment. They reflect on the impact of music as a form of therapy and a tool for change, and express a desire to see similar collaborative efforts in the present day.


  • 🎶 The speaker expresses appreciation for the song 'We Are the World' and its message of unity and helping those in need.
  • 🌍 The song serves as a reminder that there are times when the world must come together as one to address pressing issues.
  • 🙌 The importance of lending a hand and the value of life is emphasized through the lyrics and the speaker's reaction.
  • 🎤 The speaker admires the various artists involved in the song, acknowledging their talent and the positive impact of their collaboration.
  • 💖 The message of love and unity is highlighted as essential in the song and the world at large.
  • 🎶 The speaker wishes for more music that is heartfelt and deep, similar to 'We Are the World'.
  • 😢 The emotional impact of the song and its video is evident as the speaker almost sheds a tear due to its moving nature.
  • 🌟 The song is referred to as 'real music' and 'art', showcasing the power of music to touch souls and bring people together.
  • 👥 The speaker reflects on the difficulty of gathering so many big artists today without huge financial incentives.
  • 🌈 The potential of music to change lives and spread important messages is discussed, emphasizing the therapeutic power of music.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the song 'We Are the World'?

    -The main theme of 'We Are the World' is unity and coming together to make a positive change in the world, particularly to aid Africa during the time of its release.

  • How does the YouTube dealer feel about the current state of music compared to songs like 'We Are the World'?

    -The YouTube dealer feels that while there is good music today, there is a need for more heartfelt, deep, and meaningful songs like 'We Are the World' that bring people together and spread important messages.

  • What emotional impact did the song and its music video have on the YouTube dealer?

    -The song and its music video moved the YouTube dealer emotionally, giving him chills and almost bringing him to tears due to the powerful message and the unity displayed by the many artists involved.

  • Which famous artists参与 did the YouTube dealer wish to know more about after watching the video?

    -The YouTube dealer expressed interest in learning more about Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder, two of the many artists参与 involved in 'We Are the World'.

  • How does the YouTube dealer perceive the role of music in society?

    -The YouTube dealer sees music as a powerful force that can change people, act as therapy, provide energy, and motivate. He believes music is one of the greatest things humans have ever created.

  • What does the YouTube dealer suggest about the possibility of creating a similar song with today's artists?

    -The YouTube dealer thinks it would be cool to see a similar collaborative effort with today's artists, but he wonders if the right cause could still bring them together without the high costs and personal interests that might be involved today.

  • How does the YouTube dealer describe the impact of 'We Are the World' on him personally?

    -The YouTube dealer describes feeling really good about things after watching 'We Are the World', and it left him with a positive and inspired outlook.

  • What was the YouTube dealer's initial expectation before watching the 'We Are the World' video?

    -The YouTube dealer expected to like the video but was unsure of how much it would impact him, as he came into it with a somewhat reserved expectation.

  • What does the YouTube dealer propose as a way to bring about change?

    -The YouTube dealer suggests that individuals should take lessons from their past and create moments rather than just waiting for change. He emphasizes the importance of action, acceptance of challenges, and the willingness to work towards creating a better future.

  • How does the YouTube dealer describe the collective effort of the artists in 'We Are the World'?

    -The YouTube dealer views the collective effort of the artists as a significant and commendable act, highlighting that their participation speaks volumes about their commitment to the cause and the impact they could have on their collective fan base.

  • What is the YouTube dealer's stance on the future?

    -The YouTube dealer mentions that he doesn't believe in the future in the sense of relying on it for change; instead, he focuses on taking lessons from the past and actively creating the present moment.



🎶 Reflecting on 'We Are the World' - A Heartfelt Tribute

The speaker begins by expressing appreciation for the audience and introduces the song 'We Are the World' by USA for Africa. They admit to not having heard it before but were intrigued by a friend's reaction. The speaker delves into the song's message of unity and helping those in need, highlighting the importance of love and compassion. They are impressed by the collective effort of the artists involved and suggest that modern music could benefit from more heartfelt, unifying messages. The emotional impact of the song is emphasized, with the speaker nearly moved to tears by the powerful visuals and the song's spirit.


🌟 Great Artists Unite - The Impact of Music on Society

In this paragraph, the speaker reflects on the significance of great artists coming together for a cause, as exemplified by 'We Are the World.' They express a desire for more music that promotes unity and spreads positive messages. The speaker pays tribute to Michael Jackson and shares their personal connection to his music. They also speculate on the logistics of assembling such a star-studded lineup and suggest that the artists' commitment to the cause was likely a driving force. The paragraph concludes with a contemplation of how music has the power to change lives and the potential for collaborative efforts to make a difference.


🔍 Uncovering the Artists Behind a Musical Movement

The speaker concludes by expressing a newfound interest in learning more about the artists involved in 'We Are the World' and plans to explore their individual contributions further. They reflect on the positive emotions the song and video elicited, suggesting a renewed sense of hope and purpose. The speaker also contemplates the concept of change and personal growth, drawing parallels between their own life experiences and the messages conveyed in the song. They encourage viewers to share their thoughts and look forward to future discussions on similar topics.



💡We Are the World

We Are the World is a charity single originally recorded by the supergroup USA for Africa in 1985. It was written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie and produced by Quincy Jones. The song was a fundraising effort for African famine relief and became a symbol of unity and global awareness. In the video script, the reviewer expresses their appreciation for the song and its message, highlighting the importance of such collaborative efforts in today's world.


Unity refers to the state of being united or joined together. In the context of the video, it emphasizes the importance of people coming together as one to address global issues, such as famine and poverty. The song 'We Are the World' exemplifies this concept by showcasing a collective effort from various artists to make a positive impact.


Charity refers to the act of providing help, especially financial, to those in need or to organizations that assist people. In the video, the song 'We Are the World' is mentioned as a charitable initiative that aimed to raise funds and awareness for African famine relief. The reviewer appreciates this aspect of the song and suggests that similar efforts could make a difference today.


Artists in this context refer to the musicians and singers who contributed their talents to the creation of 'We Are the World.' These individuals came together to use their platform and influence to promote a message of unity and support for a humanitarian cause. The reviewer expresses admiration for these artists and their willingness to collaborate for the greater good.

💡Global Awareness

Global awareness refers to the consciousness and understanding of issues that affect people and the environment worldwide. The song 'We Are the World' played a significant role in raising global awareness about the African famine and the need for collective action. The reviewer's commentary reflects on the impact of such works in educating and uniting people across the globe.

💡Music as Therapy

Music as therapy refers to the use of music to improve mental, physical, and emotional well-being. In the video, the reviewer emphasizes the healing power of music, suggesting that it can provide comfort, motivation, and energy. The song 'We Are the World' serves as an example of how music can touch people's souls and positively influence their lives.

💡Social Change

Social change involves transformations in social institutions, behaviors, and attitudes. The video script discusses the potential for music, particularly 'We Are the World,' to inspire social change by spreading messages of unity and compassion. The reviewer reflects on the possibility of modern artists creating similar works that could influence societal attitudes and behaviors.

💡Cultural Icons

Cultural icons are individuals who are widely recognized and have a significant impact on society, often through their art or public image. In the script, Michael Jackson is mentioned as a cultural icon, whose influence extended beyond music to shape popular culture and inspire others. The reviewer's personal connection to Jackson illustrates the lasting impact of such icons.


Collaboration refers to the act of working together with others to achieve a common goal. In the context of the video, collaboration is highlighted by the joining of numerous artists to create 'We Are the World.' The reviewer appreciates this collaborative effort, suggesting that it resulted in a powerful and unifying musical experience.

💡Artistic Expression

Artistic expression is the process by which artists communicate their thoughts, emotions, and ideas through various creative mediums, such as music, painting, or writing. In the video, 'We Are the World' is an example of artistic expression, as it conveys a message of unity and compassion through song. The reviewer values the song for its ability to touch hearts and evoke emotions, demonstrating the power of artistic expression.


Legacy refers to the lasting impact or influence that a person, event, or work has on future generations. In the video, the reviewer reflects on the legacy of 'We Are the World' and its creators, such as Michael Jackson, whose contributions to music and culture continue to be celebrated and remembered. The song's enduring message and the involvement of prominent artists contribute to its legacy.


The YouTube dealer appreciates his audience for stopping in and introduces an interesting track, 'We Are the World USA for Africa'.

The dealer had seen a reaction video and was inspired to check out the track himself.

The song's message is about unity and coming together in times of crisis.

The dealer expresses his wish to know all the artists involved in the song due to their impressive voices.

He praises the song for its heartfelt and deep message, something he believes is missing in today's music.

The dealer wishes to see a modern remake of the song with current artists.

The emotional impact of the song and its music video is highlighted, with the dealer admitting it brought him close to tears.

The dealer expresses his admiration for Michael Jackson and his influence on the dealer's childhood.

The dealer considers doing a reaction video for Stevie Wonder, acknowledging his vocal talent.

The song is seen as a reminder of the importance of coming together and the power of music to inspire change.

The dealer questions how the original collaboration of so many big artists was made possible financially.

The dealer believes that the artists' participation in the song was driven by a sense of worthiness of the cause.

The dealer emphasizes the therapeutic and transformative power of music.

The song is considered one of the greatest musical moments in history.

The dealer expresses a newfound curiosity to learn more about the artists involved in the song.

The dealer concludes by encouraging people to help each other and appreciates the positive impact of the song.