Fox hosts make MASSIVE miscalculation, screws Republicans on national TV

Brian Tyler Cohen
11 Apr 202410:55

TLDRIn a Fox News discussion, hosts Mark Simone and Larry Kow analyze the Republican policy platform, specifically the controversial abortion ban. Simone downplays the impact on Trump's support, while Kow attempts to distance the Republican legislature from the court's decision. The conversation highlights the disconnect between the party's public stance and the consequences of their policies, emphasizing the importance of the upcoming election for determining the future of reproductive rights in the United States.


  • 📜 The discussion revolves around the controversial policy of banning abortion and its potential impact on the Republican party.
  • 🗣️ Fox hosts are criticized for their miscalculation in handling the topic, which may have negative consequences for their political allies.
  • 🤔 The reimplementation of an almost 200-year-old total abortion ban is highlighted, emphasizing the severity of the policy.
  • 🚨 The potential outcomes of the law, such as forcing rape and incest victims to carry pregnancies to term and criminalizing doctors, are discussed.
  • 🌟 The disconnect between the Republican party's rhetoric on freedom and their actions in limiting reproductive rights is pointed out.
  • 🏛️ The role of the state supreme court in upholding the abortion ban is mentioned, with some hosts trying to distance the Republican legislators from the decision.
  • 📊 Media coverage of the Arizona abortion ban decision is analyzed, noting the discrepancy in the amount of airtime given by different news networks.
  • 🏥 The impact on women, particularly those of lower economic status, is emphasized, discussing the potential hardships of traveling long distances for abortions.
  • 🎙️ The script includes a call to action for viewers to support progressive media and engage in the political process, especially in light of upcoming elections.
  • 📈 The stakes of the upcoming election are highlighted, with a focus on how the handling of the abortion issue could influence voters' decisions.
  • 👶 A personal anecdote about a family preparing for a baby is shared, juxtaposing the joy of anticipation with the harsh realities of the abortion ban's implications.

Q & A

  • What policy platform did the Republicans support that was mentioned in the transcript?

    -The Republicans supported a policy platform that included banning abortion.

  • What is the historical context of the abortion ban being discussed?

    -The abortion ban being discussed is a reimplementation of a total abortion ban from almost 200 years ago, a half century before Arizona was even a state and well before women had the right to vote.

  • What are the practical consequences of the law mentioned in the transcript?

    -The practical result of the law would mean that rape and incest victims would have to carry their pregnancies to term, non-viable fetuses would have to be carried to term, and doctors who perform abortions would face two to five years in prison.

  • How does Mark Simone initially perceive the impact of the abortion ban on Trump's popularity?

    -Mark Simone initially believes that the abortion ban will hurt Trump's popularity for a few days, after which people will start to realize that it's not the worst thing in the world.

  • What is the argument made by the speaker regarding the necessity of traveling to another state for an abortion?

    -The speaker argues that having to travel to another state for an abortion is not the worst thing in the world, but this is a misguided perspective that fails to consider the hardships faced by those who must undertake such journeys, especially in cases of rape or when the pregnancy is non-viable.

  • What is the point made about the separation of church and state in the context of the abortion ban?

    -The speaker criticizes the abortion ban by pointing out that it disregards the principle of separation between church and state, suggesting that those who support the ban are more focused on imposing their religious beliefs than on upholding constitutional principles.

  • How does the speaker describe the Republicans' stance on freedom in relation to the abortion ban?

    -The speaker argues that the Republicans' stance on the abortion ban is the polar opposite of freedom, as it involves subjugation and a disregard for individual rights and autonomy.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the Republicans' attitude towards the consequences of their actions?

    -The speaker suggests that the Republicans are afraid of the consequences of their actions, as evidenced by their reluctance to take credit for the abortion ban and their attempts to distance themselves from the decision.

  • What is the significance of the upcoming election mentioned in the transcript?

    -The upcoming election is significant because it will provide an opportunity for voters to hold politicians accountable for their stance on the abortion ban and other related issues, potentially leading to a shift in power.

  • How does the speaker respond to the argument that the abortion issue should be decided at the state level?

    -The speaker acknowledges that the issue has historically been argued to be a state-level matter, but points out the hypocrisy of Republicans who previously advocated for states' rights but are now trying to distance themselves from the consequences of state-level decisions.



😤 Controversial Abortion Ban Discussion

The first paragraph discusses a controversial policy platform by Republicans, which includes a total abortion ban. The speaker, Mark Simone, downplays the impact of this policy on Trump's image and the citizens of Arizona. He suggests that having to travel to another state for an abortion is not the worst thing and even compares it to a vacation, disregarding the hardships it would impose on women, especially those who are victims of rape or incest. The speaker also criticizes the notion of non-viable fetuses being carried to term and doctors facing prison for performing abortions. The paragraph ends with a critique of the disconnect between the Republican party's rhetoric on freedom and their actions, which are seen as oppressive and restrictive.


🤔 Analysis of Republican Strategy and Reaction to Abortion Ban

The second paragraph delves into the Republican strategy of pushing for the overturning of Roe v. Wade and returning the decision on abortion rights to the states. It highlights the hypocrisy of some Republicans who are now trying to distance themselves from the consequences of their actions. The paragraph features a discussion with a senator who supports the pro-life stance and believes that the issue should be decided at the state level. The senator expresses satisfaction with the Arizona Supreme Court's decision to uphold a near-total abortion ban, which was originally enacted in 1913 and 1864. The paragraph also touches on the upcoming elections and how the issue of abortion rights will play a significant role, with politicians who supported the ban being held accountable by voters.


🗣️ Call to Action: Exposing the True Nature of Republican Lawmakers

The third paragraph serves as a call to action, urging viewers to expose the true nature of Republican lawmakers and their disregard for the concerns of the American people. It emphasizes the importance of voting in the upcoming elections and holding politicians accountable for their support of the abortion ban. The speaker also addresses the political opportunism of some politicians who initially supported the ban but are now trying to distance themselves from it. The paragraph concludes with a request for viewers to subscribe to the channel and support the growth of progressive media, providing links to both the English and Spanish language channels and an audio podcast.




The term 'Republicans' refers to members of the Republican Party, one of the two major political parties in the United States. In the context of the video, it discusses how certain policies and decisions made by Republicans, such as the reimplementation of a total abortion ban, have led to controversy and public backlash. The video suggests that these actions may have negative consequences for the party and its members in upcoming elections.

💡Abortion ban

An 'abortion ban' is a legislative act that makes the practice of abortion illegal. In the video, the discussion revolves around the reimplementation of a total abortion ban from nearly 200 years ago, which would have significant implications for women's rights and reproductive health. The ban is presented as highly controversial and out of touch with contemporary values.


The term 'Draconian' is used to describe measures that are extremely harsh, severe, or repressive. In the video, it is employed to criticize the proposed abortion ban, suggesting that it is not only overly strict but also inhumane in its implications.

💡Bodily autonomy

Bodily autonomy refers to an individual's right to have control over their own body without interference from others. In the context of the video, the discussion of the abortion ban touches on the infringement of women's bodily autonomy, emphasizing the importance of personal choice and self-determination in matters of reproductive health.

💡Separation of church and state

The principle of 'separation of church and state' refers to the idea that government institutions and their officials should not be influenced by religious organizations or beliefs. In the video, this concept is brought up to criticize those who seem to be mixing religious ideologies with the creation of laws, potentially violating this fundamental principle of the US Constitution.


Patriotism is defined as the love for, and sense of attachment and commitment to, one's country. In the video, the term is used critically to point out the discrepancy between the Republicans' self-proclaimed patriotism and their actions, which the host believes are more focused on consolidating power than on the best interests of the nation.


The 'Constitution' refers to the fundamental set of laws and principles that serve as the basis for a country's legal system, in this case, the United States Constitution. The video discusses how some political actions, such as the abortion ban, are presented as constitutional issues but may actually undermine the principles of the Constitution, like the separation of powers and individual rights.


Legislation refers to the process of making laws by a legislative body, such as a parliament or congress. In the video, the term is related to the discussion of how certain laws, like the abortion ban, are created and the implications of these legislative actions on citizens' rights and freedoms.


Elections are the process by which citizens vote to choose their political representatives and leaders. In the context of the video, the upcoming elections are highlighted as a critical time for voters to hold politicians accountable for their actions and decisions, such as supporting or opposing the abortion ban.

💡Media coverage

Media coverage refers to how news and information are reported and presented by various media outlets. In the video, the term is used to discuss the disparity in how different news channels cover the abortion ban, suggesting that some media may be downplaying its significance or avoiding critical discussion.


Fox hosts discuss the potential impact of the Republican policy platform on the reimplementation of a total abortion ban.

The practical result of the law would require rape and incest victims to carry their pregnancies to term and impose prison sentences on doctors who perform abortions.

Mark Simone suggests that the abortion ban will only hurt Trump for a few days before people realize it's not the worst thing in the world.

The discussion highlights the disconnect between the Republican party's stance on freedom and the restrictive nature of the abortion ban.

Larry Kow attempts to distance the Republican legislators from the state supreme court's decision on the abortion ban.

The media coverage of the Arizona abortion ban decision is compared, with Fox giving significantly less coverage than CNN and MSNBC.

Republicans are accused of running away from the consequences of their actions after years of advocating for the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

The interviewee argues that the abortion issue should be decided at the state level, as part of the law of the land following the Supreme Court decision.

Arizona governor Katy Hobbs is mentioned as pointing out the political opportunism of those who supported the ban but now claim it is not their problem to solve.

The upcoming election is framed as a time for voters to hold politicians accountable for their stance on the abortion ban.

The interviewee, a pro-life mom and grandma, expresses support for the Arizona Supreme Court's decision to uphold the near-total abortion ban.

The conversation emphasizes the importance of state's rights in determining the legality of abortion, following the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

The potential political repercussions for Republican lawmakers and senators are discussed in the context of the upcoming election.

The interviewee criticizes the Republican party for prioritizing power consolidation over freedom, the Constitution, and patriotism.

The discussion concludes with a call to action for viewers to support progressive media by subscribing to the channel and spreading the message.