How to Make Money With Excel in 2024 (For Beginners)
TLDRDans cette vidéo, Mike Fasil révèle comment les débutants peuvent gagner de l'argent avec Excel en aidant les propriétaires d'entreprises à organiser leurs données. Il présente différentes stratégies pour attirer des clients, comme travailler avec les agents immobiliers, les concessionnaires automobiles et les entreprises locales. De plus, il insiste sur les opportunités de freelance sur des plateformes telles qu'Upwork et Fiverr, et encourage la création de sa propre marque en vendant des modèles Excel. L'objectif est de passer à une income passive en ligne en aidant les entreprises à devenir plus efficaces avec Excel.
- 📈 Utiliser Excel pour gagner de l'argent en aidant les entreprises à organiser leurs données.
- 💼 Les propriétaires d'entreprises ont besoin de personnes compétentes en Excel pour améliorer leur efficacité.
- 🏡 Les agents immobiliers locaux sont souvent dépassés et peuvent bénéficier de l'aide pour gérer leurs propriétés à l'aide d'Excel.
- 🚗 Les concessionnaires de voitures sont également un marché potentiel pour les services d'organisation de données Excel.
- 🏢 Les entreprises locales sont souvent en retard sur l'utilisation efficace d'outils numériques comme Excel.
- 💻 Inscrivez-vous sur des plateformes de freelance telles qu'Upwork et Fiverr pour trouver des opportunités de travail en utilisant Excel.
- 🎯 Créez votre propre marque en vendant des modèles d'Excel pour générer des revenus passifs.
- 🛒 Visitez des marchés en ligne spécialisés pour acheter ou vendre des feuilles de calcul premium.
- 🌐 Utilisez Excel pour aider les entreprises à mieux cibler leurs clients et à augmenter leurs ventes.
- 📈 Les compétences en Excel sont valorisées et peuvent se traduire en une source de revenu importante.
- 🚀 Participez à des ateliers en ligne pour apprendre à créer un revenu passif en ligne avec Excel.
Q & A
Quel est l'objectif principal du vidéo?
-L'objectif principal est de révéler comment gagner de l'argent avec Excel, même pour les débutants sans expérience, avec des gains potentiels de 100 à 700 dollars par jour.
Qui a partagé ces informations dans la vidéo?
-Mike Fasil est celui qui partage ces informations dans la vidéo.
Quel exemple de succès est mentionné pour encourager la participation à l'atelier en ligne?
-L'exemple mentionné est celui d'une grand-mère de 62 ans qui est passée de zéro à 160 000 dollars de profit en 90 jours.
Quelles sont les trois premières méthodes suggérées pour gagner de l'argent avec Excel?
-Les trois premières méthodes incluent l'aide à l'organisation des données pour les agents de location immobilière, les concessionnaires automobiles et les entreprises locales.
Comment Excel peut-il aider à améliorer l'efficacité des entreprises?
-Excel peut programmer des tâches qui prendraient normalement des heures à compléter manuellement, permettant ainsi une gestion de données et une prise de décision plus efficaces.
Quels sont deux sites Web où l'on peut trouver des clients pour des travaux liés à Excel?
-Deux sites Web pour trouver des clients sont Upwork et Fiverr.
Quelle est une autre plateforme mentionnée où l'on peut vendre des modèles Excel? est mentionné comme une place de marché où l'on peut acheter et vendre des feuilles de calcul Excel.
Quels types de feuilles de calcul Excel sont populaires sur
-Des exemples incluent la comptabilité pour Amazon et Etsy, le suivi des donateurs, et des feuilles de calcul pour le suivi des ventes et des dépenses.
Quel est l'avantage de créer sa propre marque autour des modèles Excel?
-Créer sa propre marque permet de vendre directement ses propres modèles et services Excel, offrant potentiellement une source de revenu passive.
Quel est le profit réalisé en 30 jours mentionné dans la vidéo?
-Un profit net de 43 000 dollars est mentionné comme ayant été réalisé en 30 jours.
💼 Comment gagner de l'argent avec Excel - Débutants et pros
Ce paragraphe présente différentes stratégies pour gagner de l'argent avec Excel, que ce soit en aidant les agents immobiliers à organiser leurs données, en améliorant l'efficacité des concessionnaires de voitures ou en aidant les entreprises locales à mieux gérer leurs données. Il est également question de la possibilité de se lancer sur des plateformes de freelance telles qu'Upwork et Fiverr, ou de créer sa propre marque en vendant des modèles d'Excel. L'accent est mis sur l'importance de l'organisation des données pour les propriétaires d'entreprises et sur les opportunités de générer des revenus passifs en ligne en utilisant Excel.
🌐 Opportunités de travail et de revenus avec Excel
Ce paragraphe explore les opportunités de travail et de générer des revenus en utilisant Excel, en mettant l'accent sur les plateformes de freelance telles qu'Upwork, Fiverr et Il est également question de la création de sa propre marque en vendant des modèles d'Excel sur des marchés spécialisés comme Le paragraphe montre que les compétences en Excel peuvent être utilisées pour aider les entreprises à devenir plus efficaces et productives, ce qui peut entraîner des revenus considérables pour les experts d'Excel.
💡Data Entry
💡Real Estate
💡Car Dealers
💡Local Businesses
💡Online Marketing
💡Passive Income
Introduction to the potential of making money with Excel for complete beginners, highlighting the journey from zero to significant profits.
Highlighting the universal application of Excel in business organization and the opportunity it presents for making money.
Example of local rental agents as potential clients for Excel-based organizational services.
Mention of the real estate industry as an area ripe for digital organization and efficiency improvements via Excel.
Strategy for finding clients by reaching out to rental agents on Yelp.
Introduction to car dealers as another potential market for Excel services.
The significance of efficiency and organization in businesses, especially with outdated models, and how Excel can play a role.
Overview of how local businesses can benefit from Excel for online data management.
The use of Upwork as a platform to offer Excel services and find clients.
Examples of professionals on Upwork offering Excel services at various price points.
Introduction to Fiverr as another platform for selling Excel and Google Sheet services.
Highlighting the possibility of creating and selling Excel templates on
Examples of various types of spreadsheets available for sale, catering to different business and personal needs.
The benefits of creating a personal brand around selling Excel templates for passive income.
Call to action for the viewer to explore the workshop for learning the fastest and easiest way to make passive income online.
in this video revealing how to make
money with excel and how complete
beginners earning 100 to 700
a day with no experience more at that
after than shelf
hey guys how's it going mike fasil here
welcome to this video before we actually
begin i remind you that some spots have
opened up for this week's wee workshop
where it's the fastest and easiest way
to make money online sign a ford in the
link below
we literally have a 62 year old
grandmother go from zero to 160 000
profit in 90 days so check it out now do
you remember back in like middle school
when you first learned about like
microsoft word and microsoft excel and
it was like those weird like charts that
you would go ahead and create with like
data graphs and whatnot and
and all that stuff that they taught you
when you were younger did you know that
actually make really good money with
those things that they taught you
even when you were like in eighth grade
or seventh grade
like it blows my mind that people are
actually making a full-time living with
that because
that type of way is actually very
important for business owners to go
ahead and organize their data
here's exactly what i mean like i
interview a lot of successful people on
my podcast right
like this 11 year old girl and that
turned on 30 million dollars and this
guy that makes a million dollars a month
a lot of their businesses run on the
organization that happens
in excel and if you could help these
business owners with their organization
by just like the data entry you could
actually make some really good money
with this and in this video we're gonna
break down all the ways you can make
money with excel
the first way is like for example going
up to local rental agents
and helping them organize all of their
information and data for all like the
properties that they're trying to rent
out to people
the reason because of this is a lot of
the people especially in the real estate
industry are extremely old-fashioned
they're still working with like cash and
like regular notes and paper and whatnot
they haven't transitioned anything to
the cloud or you know to like an excel
form that's used online right
a lot of people don't realize this but
you can literally go up to some of these
people on yelp just type in rental
in whatever city that you're in and
start reaching out to them
and start saying that you can literally
help them with their data entry and then
help them make
you know a lot more organized decisions
which will essentially
find you a client and allow you to go
ahead and make money with it right think
about it you only need a handful of
clients you could easily start making a
hundred dollars a day with this method
there's a lot of money in the real
estate industry but
it's a lot of people that are still
behind thinking and they don't use the
internet and digital stuff
to go ahead and optimize their
efficiency with the proper data entry
and with using excel
if these people these rental agents can
become more efficient guess what happens
they make more money which is why as a
business owner it makes sense for them
to go ahead and hire someone that is
really good at excel with that stuff
and the second one for example is car
dealers car dealers exact same thing
super old-fashioned business model it's
only with people that have like
you know a car dealership where it's not
that forward thinking it's not really up
to date a lot of it is with
prehistoric apps and softwares and it's
still very very inefficient so one of
the places that you could actually make
is by making things that are inefficient
to be more efficient
the beauty about excel is you can
literally program so much things
like what would normally take you know
someone to go ahead and fill out a bunch
of pieces of paper
um like hours to do it could take
seconds with the right excel formulas
and sheets and templates and whatnot
so just going up to some of these uh car
dealerships around your area you can
start making some really good money with
and the third one is just like any local
business remember local business is
still kind of like behind the scenes of
not knowing what actually is going on in
the world
everything is moving online from online
marketing from online sales
from online data entry and that with
you know they need to start really
learning how to utilize
you know things like excel to start
being more efficient with their data
that they have
because then they can make better
decisions to attract more customers
all of these first three are just great
ways to attract clients to go ahead and
create like you know for example
excel templates with like for example
data entry to allow them to go ahead and
make more efficient decisions
which will make them more money which
will make them happily pay you
the next step is just signing up for a
free account with upwork because as you
can see if you type in excel
there's literally data entry people here
like even from russia
helping people with their excel sheets
and program certain templates they
charge 20
an hour this one charges 60 dollars an
hour you can see he's earned over 10
excel power user this one data entry
with vba
excel experience 50 an hour has earned
over 20 grand
so you can see that there's literally
people that signed up for a free upwork
and every single day there's clients
like me literally looking for someone
that's really good at excel
to go ahead and help us with their data
entry that are charging
50 an hour for this right another place
for example is
fiverr you can literally go to fiverr
and you can see this person charging a
hundred and twenty
dollar to make a professional excel
and google sheet and you can see exactly
all the people that are going ahead and
using this guy
his average response time is one hour
he's from italy his last delivery was 16
and you can see that he even has premium
offers going for
a thousand dollars with just excel you
can even go to for example and type in excel
you can see all these jobs that are
going for you can see this one four
hundred and twenty eight dollars
we are in search for entry um with uh
excel expert and you can see that look
at this 428
they're willing to go ahead and pay but
i think the most important thing is
creating your own brand around selling
your own excel templates
when you do that you can literally go to
and it's a premium spreadsheet
marketplace where you could buy and sell
spreadsheets today so you can buy
premium spreadsheets or you can create
your own store and sell your own
and there's literally so many
spreadsheets that you could go ahead and
see from
accounting for amazon etsy accounting um
donor tracking sheet amazon fba
accounting you know
ebay excel accounting sales and expense
spreadsheet bundling
and uh all these things there's so much
different spreadsheets where
if you understand how to create
spreadsheets with excels
as well as also create like templates
there are so many spreadsheets from so
many different things from business from
non-profit from
personal that you can help people get
more optimized and efficient
with the use of the productivity that
comes with using excel
and you can make money from just selling
the templates or you can even create
your own website which is like what i do
and sell your own products and services
with excel sheets like there like you
can see why i tend to go
more towards this way because of this
way with the product that i don't have
to go and worry about shipping and
handling myself
we've netted in the past 30 days as you
can see
about forty three thousand dollars now
but all of these ways
are very good ways to start making money
online with excel right this is the name
of the game where we're transitioning to
we're moving into a way where we're
going from belly to belly marketing
where we're helping these you know local
businesses get more on the online
parts of their you know organization and
their data entry
to then acquiring clients online like
with fiverr and upwork
to then creating your own brand and
start selling your own products so that
you can start winning back your time
and finally getting some peace of mind
creating maybe some passive income
online guys
if you need help with that and you want
to learn the fastest and easiest way to
make passive income online
then sign up for this week's free
workshop where we have a 62 year old
go from zero to a hundred and sixty
thousand dollars profit in 90 days
as well check out my podcast of all
these really successful people that make
a bunch of money online
like this 11 year old girl that turned
on 30 million dollars and this guy that
makes a million dollars from a profit
check it out right here and right here
hope this helps love you guys see you
guys later you
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