Fletch & Hindy enjoy a night out at the Richmond Race Club | Fletch and Hindy | Fox League
TLDRفي هذا الفيديو، نتبع رحلة مثيرة حيث يذهب ناثان والمضيف إلى مسابقة تسابق الكلاب في ريتشموند لحضور تصفيات السباق الذي يبلغ جائزته المليون دولار في سبتمبر. يشاركان بكلبين، 'باناما بيبر' و'فوتو مان'، مع تسليط الضوء على التحضيرات المضحكة والمواقف الطريفة التي تحدث قبل السباق. يتخلل الفيديو مقابلات مع المدربين ونظرات فاحصة على تقنيات التدريب الفريدة، بالإضافة إلى التوتر والإثارة التي تسبق السباق. ينتهي بمشاهد مليئة بالتشويق لكلابهم وهي تتنافس بقوة، مع إظهار روح الدعابة والصداقة بين الشخصيات.
- 🐕 الزيارة إلى مسابقة Richmond Dogs لحضور التصفيات للسباق الكبير بقيمة مليون دولار في سبتمبر.
- 🛣️ رحلة استغرقت ساعتين ونصف للوصول إلى مكان الحدث، مع تعليق على بُعد المسافة عن Bondi.
- 🏆 تضمنت الخطط الاهتمام بمتابعة أداء كلبين في السباق، مع التركيز على تحليل نماذج الأداء والاستعدادات.
- 🍹 جو مرح واجتماعي عند الحدث، مع التأكيد على الاستمتاع بالمشروبات والتواصل مع الآخرين.
- 📊 استراتيجية اختيار الكلاب للمراهنة عليها استندت على النصائح والتحليل الدقيق بدلاً من الاختيار العشوائي.
- 🐾 تم التركيز على كلب يُدعى 'Panama Pepper' وأُشير إلى أصوله وأدائه القوي والنشيط في السباقات.
- 💬 تم التعرف على تقنيات التدريب الفريدة ومقارنتها بتدريب الخيول، مع ذكر السباحة كتمرين مفيد للكلاب.
- 🎉 الفرحة والتشويق بعد فوز 'Panama Pepper' في السباق، مع التركيز على الأمل في النجاح في السباقات القادمة.
- 👥 تفاعل اجتماعي حيوي بين الشخصيات المشاركة في الحدث، مع تبادل الدعابات والتعليقات المرحة.
- 🏁 التأكيد على أهمية الحدث القادم في 16 سبتمبر بحديقة Wentworth، مع تلميح لقربه من Bondi والترقب لمشاركة الكلاب المفضلة.
Q & A
ما هو سبب ذهاب الشخصيات إلى ريتشموند دوجز؟
-ذهبوا لحضور التصفيات المؤهلة لسباق المليون دولار الذي سيقام في سبتمبر.
ما العلاقة بين الشخصيات والكلاب التي ظهرت في المخطط؟
-الشخصيات لديها مصلحة في بعض الكلاب المشاركة في السباق، وهم مشاركون بشكل مباشر في التحضير والترتيب للسباق.
لماذا كان أحد الشخصيات محبطاً أثناء القيادة لمدة ساعتين ونصف؟
-كان محبطاً لأنه اضطر للقيادة لمدة طويلة، وهو لا يعيش في بوندي، مما يعني أنه قادم من مكان بعيد.
ما الذي كان يقصده أحد الشخصيات بـ'حساب الأموال أثناء الجلوس على الطاولة'؟
-هذا تعبير يشير إلى الحاجة لتكون حذرًا ومنتبهًا أثناء القيام بالرهانات والأنشطة المالية، خاصة في سياق السباقات.
لماذا رفض أحد الشخصيات النصائح المقدمة من زميله؟
-رفض النصائح لأنه كان يفضل الاعتماد على معلومات من شخص آخر يعرفه جيدًا ويثق به.
ما هو المعنى وراء اسم 'باناما بيبر' لأحد الكلاب؟
-الاسم يعود على الأرجح لأصول الكلب، حيث يُذكر أن والده يدعى 'سوبريور باناما'، مما قد يشير إلى ارتباط بمنطقة أمريكا الجنوبية.
ما هي الخصائص التي يصفها الشخص بأنها مميزة لكلب باناما بيبر؟
-يُوصف الكلب بأنه حيوي ويحب التقدم إلى الأمام، ولا يمانع الاحتكاك في السباق، مما يجعله منافسًا قويًا.
كيف وصل الكلب إلى الموقع الحالي كما ذُكر في النص؟
-ذُكر أنهم جاءوا مشيًا من غرب.
🏎️ Richmond Dogs Racing Experience
The first paragraph of the script revolves around the hosts' visit to Richmond Dogs for the heats of the Million Dollar Chase. The hosts express their excitement and interest in a couple of dogs, showcasing their enthusiasm for the event. They discuss their journey to the venue, the atmosphere at the location, and their betting strategies, highlighting the importance of studying the form and making informed decisions. The conversation also touches upon the dogs' names, their origins, and the unique aspects of their training, such as swimming, which is considered beneficial for their performance. The hosts' anticipation and confidence in their chosen dogs are palpable, as they eagerly await the results of the races.
🤣 Humorous Exchange and Upcoming Races
The second paragraph shifts the focus from the dog races to a lighter and more humorous tone. It starts with a discussion about the opinions on NRL 360 and the hosts' excitement for the upcoming events on the 16th of September. The conversation then takes a playful turn, with the hosts teasing each other about their choices and the potential outcomes of the races. There's also a mention of a disagreement and a challenge issued to a character named Brian, adding a comedic element to the script. The paragraph concludes with a playful banter and the hosts looking forward to the next show, maintaining a positive and entertaining vibe.
💡Richmond Dogs
💡Million Dollar Chase
💡Rum and Coke
💡Panama Pepper
💡Training Techniques
提到了Waterloo Wharf是重点关注的对象。
提到了一只名叫Panama Pepper的狗,以及它的表现和潜力。
分享了对Panama Pepper今晚表现的积极预感。
提到了另一只狗Photo Man及其在比赛中的表现。
thank you and welcome back to the show
now last friday nathan and i headed out
to richmond dogs it was the heats for
the million dollar chase coming up in
september and nathan and i
have an interest in a couple of dogs
take a look
where have you been i've been driving
two and a half hours don't live in bondi
you've got two heaters
is there schedule here just stop you're
a mess last time we had to do this here
i was a mess there's the form i was a
mess there's the form what's it doing go
go gotta count your money while you're
sitting at the table what's this we're
not gonna just pick willy-nilly this
year i've got two tips i don't care
about your tips wally no no no no no
only the wharfy from waterloo has got
two tips for me i've got two races you
sit down we're gonna study it i'm having
a rum and coke i don't have a rum and
coke i'm having a rum and coke not
having a room this is what you do at the
it's finished
boom i've got a
panama pepper
what his form look at his time it just
seems like you picked something that
just you know went for the name well
that's what you usually do i just
thought what have you got photo man
and what race race eight but hasn't seen
the track though i don't give a i'm
gonna get i'm gonna go watch him in the
river it's not a rev up the red mark
when they get them all horny
stevie how are you buddy
pepper very interesting name obviously
it's got to do with
seasoning and stuff uh probably he's dad
maybe or uh who's his dad uh superior
panama gotcha mighta beanies um south
american neighbours south america yeah
he's ready to go tonight uh we're here
yeah he's good yeah he's ready to go
he's pretty fiery sort of a cat yeah
it's a cat
will he get out
of here
what's he what's his uh goes get out of
the box quick yeah you know he's a fiery
dude he wants to go forward and um yeah
he doesn't mind a bit of hustle and
bustle and banging and steve how do we
end up with him from western australia
ah we've walked over
i like steve
steve i do i do the job
any unique training techniques like
hydro they're swim they're swimming they
can do yeah swimming's good do they
guild them
not a good idea no why
really so you know in horses if you
guild it they usually go better yeah it
probably takes the edge out of your
enthusiasm for life a little bit though
yeah i know that for a million bucks i'd
chop your egg it's off
probably better two bucks i would yes
you're a better choice that runs through
you correct we're done left i'm 48. i
think you're going all right go on
that's why brick keeps calling me
he's a beauty
good heavy coat good set of nuts look at
the aggregates on us these are pricked
covered pepper i've got a real good
feeling about peppa not only tonight
all the way
only has to come forth tonight don't
care you don't care we're gonna make a
look at him come the pepper get his egg
it's dude give him a bit of a cuddle
i said
here he comes he's looking good
confident gun pep
why are we walking so fast i don't know
i feel like kerry saxby good luck peppa
i'll be waiting for you at the end are
you confident barry look at him
super confident
do we need to get out quick it quickly
here comes
go peppa
here we come oh yeah look at the kags on
this one
once again the pressure's back romania
yes got a pepper
good is that a good sign yeah good i
like it i'm nervous
i think it's all right when your dog was
about to run but not mine i don't like
pressure i don't do well under pressure
you notice that
there's a lot of people saying another
dog and i'm getting hurt yeah yeah who
is he prom
it's victorian he's victorian that
scares me i don't know what i'm doing
why would i pick this dog i'm officially
someone's got to run second and third to
pepper here's my dog
yeah looking good looking good looking
sharp i'm myself at the moment
because it's a bit of the pressure
because you've you've got up you've got
victory mate this this means absolutely
a bit like buzzer's opinion on nrl 360.
many people don't come on photo man
come on his stick's done well
come on photo
is going to win
go photo come on
go go
16th of september when he park
photo man
and the peppa both racing see you there
and it's close to bondi which i
that's a highlight from so can i
please get on the fudge in hindi show
uh no
but what you were saying about brian
being an absolute wanker
that is true
no you did say that i remember you said
it before you said it earlier you yelled
out i saw you hiding behind the pole
over there hey fletcher wanker go back
to bondi you want to be on the show
well look
i've got something for you
good man no worries bud no worries
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