Gemini AI is SO MUCH WORSE Than You Think - Metatron VS Gemini AI

13 May 202420:03

TLDRThe video script discusses the controversy surrounding Gemini AI, which has been criticized for generating historically inaccurate images in the name of inclusivity. The AI system is accused of altering historical figures or events to include more diverse representation, which some argue is a form of historical revisionism. The debate raises ethical considerations about the role of AI in shaping public perception and knowledge. After backlash, the developers temporarily removed the AI's ability to generate images of people and promised a fix. The speaker suggests that AI developers should engage in public dialogue, review systems, and make necessary adjustments to maintain public trust. The video also presents a test to determine if Gemini AI has political biases and calls for an open dialogue to ensure the responsible development and application of AI technologies.


  • 🤖 The controversy around Gemini AI centers on its generation of historically inaccurate images, allegedly modifying historical figures or events to include more diverse representation.
  • 🚫 Critics argue that such modifications amount to historical revisionism, risking the alteration of public perception of the past and manipulation of facts.
  • 🧐 The AI's approach to inclusivity has been questioned, with concerns that it may inadvertently promote exclusivity by being unable to generate images of certain ethnic groups.
  • 🤔 The debate raises deeper questions about the role of AI in shaping public perception and knowledge, and the potential for spreading misinformation.
  • 🛠️ In response to backlash, Gemini AI's programmers temporarily removed the AI's ability to generate images of people and promised a fix, highlighting the need for ongoing dialogue and ethical examination.
  • 🔍 The speaker proposes a test to determine if Gemini AI has political biases, suggesting that user scrutiny and critical examination of AI's language and responses can reveal inherent biases.
  • 📈 The investigation into potential bias involves formulating open-ended questions across a wide range of topics to understand the AI's thought processes and underlying code assumptions.
  • 📉 The AI's responses to questions about historical totalitarianisms, ancestry, and racism are analyzed for signs of bias, with the AI sometimes providing unasked-for information or favoring one side of an argument.
  • 🏳️‍🌈 The AI's handling of topics related to LGBTQ+ issues and gender identity is scrutinized, revealing inconsistencies and potential confusion in its responses.
  • 💰 When asked to provide examples of successful individuals, the AI's choices reflect a possible bias towards wealth as a measure of success, with some notable omissions.
  • 🌐 The importance of AI ethics is emphasized, covering fairness, transparency, accountability, privacy, safety, and the broader societal impact of AI technologies.

Q & A

  • What is the controversy surrounding Gemini AI?

    -The controversy revolves around Gemini AI's generation of historically inaccurate images in the name of inclusivity. Critics argue that this could lead to historical revisionism and misrepresent the past.

  • What are the concerns about AI systems in shaping public perception?

    -There are concerns that AI systems could spread misinformation, manipulate public opinion, and alter historical accuracy, which could have serious societal implications.

  • What was the reaction of Gemini AI's programmers to the controversy?

    -The programmers temporarily removed the AI's ability to generate images of people and promised a fix to address the ethical concerns raised.

  • How can users scrutinize AI systems for potential bias?

    -Users can scrutinize AI systems by formulating open-ended questions across a wide range of topics and examining the language and framing of the AI's responses for signs of bias.

  • What are the key aspects of AI ethics?

    -AI ethics focuses on fairness, non-discrimination, transparency, accountability, privacy, safety, human autonomy, and societal impact to ensure the responsible development and use of AI technologies.

  • Why is it important to critically examine the outputs of AI systems?

    -It is crucial to critically examine AI outputs to prevent the blind acceptance of potentially biased or incorrect information, which can lead to the propagation of misinformation and manipulation.

  • What does the AI's approach to historical figures indicate about its bias?

    -The AI's approach to historical figures, such as its reluctance to depict certain groups or its promotion of specific narratives, suggests that it may have inherent biases that have been programmed into it.

  • How can AI developers address ethical concerns in their systems?

    -AI developers can address ethical concerns by reviewing their systems, engaging in public dialogue, making necessary adjustments, and focusing on the pursuit of objectivity, truthfulness, and societal benefit.

  • What is the significance of the debate on historically inaccurate AI-generated images?

    -The debate highlights the need for ongoing dialogue and critical examination of the societal implications of AI-generated content, as well as the importance of balancing the representation of minorities with historical accuracy.

  • What is the role of public feedback in improving AI systems?

    -Public feedback is essential for developers to understand how their AI systems are perceived and to make informed decisions on necessary improvements, ensuring that the systems are more aligned with societal values and expectations.

  • How can AI systems be made more trustworthy?

    -AI systems can be made more trustworthy by ensuring they are developed with transparency, are accountable for their actions, respect privacy and data protection, and are designed to be safe, secure, and have a positive societal impact.



🤖 AI and Historical Accuracy Controversy

The video addresses the controversy surrounding Gemini AI's generation of historically inaccurate images under the guise of inclusivity. The speaker, Metatron, discusses the ethical considerations of AI systems in shaping public perception and the importance of balancing representation with historical accuracy. The video also touches on the temporary removal of AI's ability to generate images of people and the need for developers to review systems, engage in dialogue, and make necessary adjustments to maintain public trust.


🔍 Investigating AI Bias

The speaker outlines a method to test Gemini AI for political bias, suggesting that the AI may have been programmed to push specific political agendas. The approach involves asking open-ended questions on a wide range of topics to reveal potential biases. The video emphasizes the need for objectivity and intellectual rigor in the investigation and stresses the importance of critical examination of AI responses rather than blind acceptance.


📉 Uncovering AI's Inherent Bias

The video presents a series of questions and the AI's responses, which seem to indicate a pattern of bias. The speaker points out instances where the AI favors one side of a controversial topic, potentially reflecting a human intervention or bias in the code. The discussion also touches on the AI's handling of sensitive topics such as race, ancestry, and historical representation, raising concerns about the ethical implications of AI's influence on societal narratives.


🏛️ Addressing AI Ethics and Historical Representation

The speaker discusses the broader implications of AI ethics, including fairness, transparency, accountability, privacy, and societal impact. They argue that the correct approach to inclusivity is not to alter historical figures but to amplify the stories of marginalized groups. The video concludes with a call for an open dialogue among AI researchers, developers, policymakers, ethicists, and the public to ensure the responsible development and application of AI technologies.



💡Gemini AI

Gemini AI refers to an artificial intelligence system that has been criticized for generating historically inaccurate images. In the context of the video, it is portrayed as a system that modifies images of historical figures or events to include more diverse representation, which has sparked controversy and debate over the integrity of historical knowledge.

💡Historical Revisionism

Historical revisionism is the act of altering or interpreting historical events to fit a particular perspective or ideology. In the video, it is argued that Gemini AI's practice of generating images that deviate from established historical records could be seen as a form of historical revisionism, potentially misleading the public's perception of the past.

💡Diversity and Inclusivity

Diversity and inclusivity are concepts that emphasize the importance of representing a range of different identities, backgrounds, and perspectives. The video discusses how Gemini AI's generation of images attempts to be more inclusive by altering the racial or gender composition of depicted individuals or groups, which is a central point of contention in the debate.

💡Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations are moral principles that guide decision-making, particularly in matters of right and wrong. The video highlights the ethical dilemmas that arise when AI-generated content may spread misinformation or manipulate public opinion, emphasizing the need for ongoing dialogue and critical examination of AI's societal implications.

💡AI Bias

AI bias refers to the systematic and unintentional errors in AI systems that can lead to unfair or discriminatory outcomes. The script suggests that Gemini AI may have inherent biases, which are a concern when it comes to the representation of historical figures and events, as well as the potential for spreading misinformation.

💡Public Perception

Public perception is how the general public views and understands a particular issue or subject. The video emphasizes the role of AI systems in shaping public perception and the potential risks if these systems are biased or inaccurate in their representation of historical events and figures.

💡Political Agendas

Political agendas refer to the policies or plans that a political party or individual promotes. The video discusses the accusation that Gemini AI may be programmed to push specific political agendas, which raises concerns about the objectivity and truthfulness of AI systems.

💡Algorithmic Problem

An algorithmic problem refers to an issue that arises from the way an AI system's algorithm is designed or functions. The video investigates whether Gemini AI's inability to generate images of people was resolved by simply removing this function and whether the underlying algorithmic issues related to bias have been addressed.

💡User Scrutiny

User scrutiny is the process of closely examining or analyzing something, in this case, an AI system, by its users. The video suggests putting Gemini AI under user scrutiny as a way to test for political bias and to ensure that the AI system is not pushing a particular agenda.

💡AI Ethics

AI ethics is a field that deals with the moral and ethical implications of AI technologies. The video touches on various aspects of AI ethics, such as fairness, transparency, accountability, privacy, and societal impact, which are crucial for ensuring that AI systems are developed and used responsibly.

💡Marginalized Groups

Marginalized groups are those who are pushed to the social and economic margins of society, often due to factors like race, gender, or socioeconomic status. The video argues for the importance of uncovering and amplifying the stories of marginalized groups in historical documentation, rather than altering the representation of existing historical figures.


Gemini AI has generated historically inaccurate images in the name of inclusivity, sparking debate.

The AI system appears to modify images to include more diverse representation, altering racial or gender composition.

Critics argue that Gemini AI's practices amount to historical revisionism, risking a change in perspective of our past.

The algorithm was reportedly incapable of generating images of white people, indicating a form of exclusivity.

Controversy raises questions about the role and responsibilities of AI in shaping public perception and knowledge.

Concerns about AI systems spreading misinformation or manipulating the public are highlighted.

The need for ongoing dialogue and critical examination of societal implications of AI-generated content is emphasized.

After backlash, programmers removed AI's ability to generate images of people, promising a fix.

AI developers should review systems, engage in public dialogue, and make necessary adjustments to address ethical concerns.

The pursuit of AI systems that exemplify maximal objectivity, truthfulness, and societal benefit is essential.

User scrutiny is proposed as a method to test if the AI's ability to generate images of people was enough to solve the algorithmic problem.

The investigation into potential political bias in Gemini AI requires a nuanced understanding and commitment to impartiality.

Open-ended questions are formulated to elicit revealing responses about the AI's thought processes and underlying assumptions.

The language employed by the AI is critically examined for signs of human intervention and bias.

Inquiries about preferred news outlets and influential thinkers can shed light on possible echo chambers and biases.

The AI's responses to questions on historical totalitarianisms, ancestry, and racism are assessed for bias.

AI ethics is discussed, focusing on fairness, non-discrimination, transparency, accountability, privacy, safety, and societal impact.

The conclusion suggests that Gemini AI still has strong biases and that addressing underlying issues of bias and exclusion is necessary.

An open dialogue based on research and development of guidelines is needed for the responsible use of AI technologies.