Google’s ‘Gemini’ Is Even More Manipulative Than We Thought

Matt Walsh
23 Feb 202416:15

TLDRThe video script discusses the controversy surrounding Google's AI platform, Gemini, which has been accused of altering search results to exclude white individuals from images. The speaker suggests that this is part of a larger issue with Google's products, which they believe are designed to manipulate users' access to information and promote a specific ideological agenda. The video also touches on the personal biases of Google employees and their potential impact on the company's AI technology.


  • 🚨 The launch of Google's AI platform, Gemini, has resulted in a significant controversy due to its failure to recognize the existence of white people in the images it generates.
  • 🤖 Gemini's output has been described as 'aggressively anti-white,' raising questions about the AI's programming and the intentions behind it.
  • 🌐 The issue with Gemini is not just about manipulating search results but rather altering the search terms themselves without user knowledge or consent.
  • 💡 It's been revealed that Google has inserted code in Gemini that changes search terms to prioritize diversity, effectively editing user prompts.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ The AI's internal parameters can be exposed through injection attacks, which have shown that Gemini adds words like 'diverse' or 'inclusive' to search terms.
  • 🎯 Google's promotional material for Gemini did not disclose any alterations to user queries, presenting the AI as a direct responder to user prompts.
  • 💥 The Gemini debacle has exposed a deeper issue with Google's products, which are designed to 'save' users from themselves by controlling the information they access.
  • 🧐 The narrative suggests that Google's vision for the future is politically and ideologically driven, with a particular focus on promoting a certain view of diversity.
  • 📊 Analysis shows a significant political bias in Google News, with a majority of articles coming from sources leaning left or liberal.
  • 🔍 The underlying message is that Google, through its products and AI like Gemini, is shaping a reality that aligns with its own ideological objectives rather than reflecting the true diversity of the world.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue with Google's new AI platform, Gemini?

    -The main issue with Google's AI platform, Gemini, is that it does not recognize the existence of white people in the images it generates, regardless of the search query. This has led to criticism that Gemini is promoting an anti-white agenda.

  • How does Gemini alter search queries?

    -Gemini alters search queries by adding terms like 'diverse', 'inclusive', or specifying ethnicities such as 'South Asian' or 'Black', and even genders like 'non-binary', without the user's knowledge or consent. This changes the original search request and produces results based on the modified query.

  • What was the previous name of Google's AI platform before it was rebranded as Gemini?

    -The previous name of Google's AI platform was Bard.

  • What does the term 'injection attacks' mean in the context of AI?

    -In the context of AI, 'injection attacks' refer to the method of tricking AI systems into revealing their internal parameters by asking the right questions. These parameters are hard-coded by the creators and can be exposed, showing how the AI is programmed to handle and modify inputs.

  • What was the reaction of Google's AI ethics manager, Jen gai, to the criticism of Gemini?

    -The script does not provide specific details on Jen gai's reaction to the criticism of Gemini. However, it mentions that she has previously admitted to treating white people at Google differently from other ethnic groups, implying a potential bias in the development of AI products.

  • What is the claim about Google's promotional material for Gemini?

    -Google's promotional material for Gemini suggests that the AI will respond directly to users' questions without adding anything to their queries. However, the actual functioning of Gemini, as revealed by the debacle, shows that it modifies search terms to promote diversity, which contradicts the initial promise.

  • What is the significance of the engineer named Alex Younger's interaction with Gemini?

    -Alex Younger's interaction with Gemini is significant because it exposed the AI's manipulation of search queries. By asking Gemini to draw a portrait of a leprechaun and then inquiring about additional arguments passed into his prompt, Younger revealed that Gemini had added terms like 'diverse' and 'non-binary black' without his knowledge, altering the original request.

  • What is the broader concern about Google's products and their impact on users?

    -The broader concern is that Google's products, including search, are designed to filter and control the information users can access. Google is accused of manipulating search results and AI outputs to conform to its ideological and political objectives, potentially preventing users from accessing the information they intend to find.

  • What is the claim about the diversity of media coverage on Google News?

    -The claim is that a majority of articles on Google News, specifically 63%, come from media outlets rated as leaning left or left, while only 6% are from right-leaning sources. This suggests a potential bias in the representation of news content.

  • What is the implication of Google's approach to AI and search results in the context of the upcoming presidential election?

    -The implication is that Google's approach to AI and search results may influence political views and outcomes by promoting certain ideologies over others. This could affect the visibility and representation of different political perspectives, potentially impacting the fairness of the election process.

  • What is the underlying criticism of Google's vision for the future as suggested by the script?

    -The underlying criticism is that Google's vision for the future is ideologically driven and seeks to promote a world that aligns with its political objectives, particularly those related to diversity and inclusivity. The concern is that this vision may not reflect the reality or desires of all users and could lead to the suppression of certain viewpoints, particularly those of white individuals.



🚨 Google's Gemini AI Controversy

The first paragraph discusses the current situation at Google's campus, which is described as chaotic due to the launch of Google's new AI platform, Gemini. The AI is said to not recognize the existence of white people, leading to a significant backlash. The speaker suggests that this is a result of Google's long-standing DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives, which have now backfired. The paragraph also introduces a Google AI ethics manager named Jen, who has been accused of treating white people differently at the company. The speaker theorizes that the AI's anti-white bias may be a result of Jen and her team's influence.


🤔 Unveiling the Truth Behind Gemini's Algorithm

The second paragraph delves deeper into the controversy surrounding Gemini. It is revealed that Google has not only manipulated the AI's output to produce 'diverse' results but has also altered the search terms entered by users. This means that even if a user searches for a white individual, Gemini will automatically revise the search request to produce a non-white result. The speaker argues that this is a form of censorship, as it not only limits the results users can view but also the questions they can ask. The paragraph also discusses how this information was discovered through injection attacks on the AI, which revealed that Google had not disclosed these practices.


🌐 The Broader Implications of Google's Bias

The third paragraph expands on the implications of Google's alleged bias in its AI products. The speaker suggests that the creators of such products must be extremely narcissistic, believing they know better than everyone else and can improve the world by forcing their views on others. The paragraph also profiles two Google AI officials, Jen and Jack, who are portrayed as典型 examples of this narcissistic mindset. The speaker argues that Google's products are designed to 'save' users from themselves by controlling the information they access, reflecting Google's ideological and political objectives.


📢 The Future Google is Pushing For

The final paragraph discusses the speaker's conclusions about Google's vision for the future, which is suggested to be one with fewer white people. The speaker accuses Google of using its AI and search products to promote this vision, rather than reflecting the world as it is. The paragraph also touches on the political bias in Google's search results and news content, with a majority of articles coming from left-leaning sources. The speaker warns that Google's vision, as reflected in its AI and other products, is being pushed onto users whether they agree with it or not.



💡Google's Gemini

Google's Gemini is an AI platform that has recently launched and is central to the video's discussion. It is presented as a cutting-edge technology with the ability to generate images based on user queries. However, the platform is criticized for allegedly not recognizing the existence of white people, which has led to a significant controversy. This issue is used in the video to illustrate broader concerns about the potential biases in AI technologies and their impact on society.

💡AI Ethics

AI Ethics refers to the moral principles and guidelines that govern the development and use of artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, it is mentioned in relation to a senior Google AI ethics manager, Jen gai, who is accused of treating white people at Google differently from other ethnic groups. This raises questions about the ethical considerations and potential biases in the development and application of AI technologies.

💡Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are terms that refer to the practice of ensuring representation and equal opportunities for individuals from various backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities. In the video, these terms are discussed critically, as the AI platform Gemini is accused of being manipulated to prioritize diversity in a way that excludes white individuals, leading to concerns about the fairness and objectivity of AI-generated content.

💡Search Term Manipulation

Search term manipulation refers to the practice of altering user queries in a way that changes the intended meaning or the expected results. In the context of the video, it is suggested that Google's Gemini platform is engaging in this practice by silently modifying search terms to promote diversity, which is seen as a form of censorship and manipulation of user intent.

💡Injection Attacks

Injection attacks are a type of cybersecurity threat where malicious data is inserted into a system to manipulate its behavior or reveal sensitive information. In the context of AI, the video suggests that certain prompts can trick AI systems like Gemini into revealing their internal parameters, which are hard-coded by their creators. This highlights the vulnerability of AI systems and the potential for misuse or exploitation.


Censorship refers to the suppression or prohibition of speech, images, or ideas that are deemed sensitive or inappropriate by a governing body or authority. In the video, censorship is discussed in the context of Google's alleged manipulation of search results and AI-generated content to conform to a specific ideological viewpoint. This raises concerns about the freedom of information and the potential for AI to be used as a tool for controlling the narrative and shaping public opinion.

💡Social Engineering

Social engineering is the practice of influencing people's behavior, attitudes, and beliefs to achieve a particular goal, often through manipulation or persuasion. In the context of the video, it is suggested that Google and its employees are using AI technologies like Gemini as a form of social engineering to reshape society according to their ideological preferences, particularly in terms of race and diversity.

💡Algorithmic Fairness

Algorithmic fairness is the concept of ensuring that algorithms, particularly those used in AI systems, do not discriminate or perpetuate biases and stereotypes. It is the idea that algorithms should treat all individuals equally regardless of their demographic characteristics. In the video, this term is used critically to highlight Google's stated goal of promoting fairness through its products, while the speaker argues that this has led to a biased representation that excludes white individuals.

💡Media Bias

Media bias refers to the presence of partiality or prejudice in the reporting or presentation of news and information by media outlets. In the video, the discussion of media bias is extended to include the potential for AI technologies like Google's Gemini to exhibit similar biases, influencing the information that users receive and potentially shaping their perceptions and opinions.

💡Political Agenda

A political agenda refers to a set of issues, goals, or policies that a political party, group, or individual promotes or advocates for. In the context of the video, it is suggested that Google and its AI technologies, including Gemini, are being used to further a specific political agenda, particularly one that aligns with progressive or left-leaning ideologies. This raises concerns about the impartiality of AI technologies and their potential role in promoting certain political views over others.


Google's new AI platform, Gemini, has launched but is facing controversy for not recognizing the existence of white people in its generated images.

Gemini's inability to generate images of white individuals is seen as a significant issue, with some calling it the most aggressively anti-white product ever invented in Silicon Valley.

The AI platform was intended to be an improvement over Google's previous AI platform, Bard, with new and improved algorithms.

There are allegations that a senior Google AI ethics manager, Jen gai, treats white people at Google differently from other ethnic groups.

It is suggested that Google has manipulated the output of Gemini to ensure diverse results, which has led to the erasure of white people in images.

Google is accused of not just prioritizing certain search results but actually changing the search terms entered by users to fit a specific agenda.

The AI's internal parameters, which are hard-coded by the creators, can be revealed through injection attacks, showing that the AI is altered to include diversity and other specified factors.

Google's AI is shown to add words like 'diverse', 'inclusive', and specific ethnicities to the search prompts, altering the user's original request.

Google has not disclosed the changes it makes to user prompts, leading to concerns about transparency and user awareness.

The Gemini AI's operation is seen as a form of censorship, controlling not only what results people can view but also what questions they can ask.

The controversy around Gemini has led to discussions about the motivations and beliefs of those working at Google, particularly those in charge of AI programs.

The Gemini debacle is viewed as a reflection of a deeper problem with Google's products, including Google Search, which are designed to control access to information.

Google's commitment to promoting 'algorithmic fairness' is questioned, with critics arguing that it leads to a distorted view of reality.

There is concern that Google's AI technology is being used to further political and ideological objectives, rather than simply providing accurate and unbiased information.

The discussion around Gemini raises broader questions about the role of technology in society and the responsibility of tech companies in shaping the information users receive.