Generative AI: what is it good for?

The Economist
29 May 202306:19

TLDRThe discussion revolves around generative AI and its significant impact on various online tools, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of this technology. The introduction of the Transformer model by Google in 2017 marked a technical breakthrough, enabling AI systems to produce more coherent and extended outputs. GPT-3.5, launched as a chatbot, saw rapid adoption, showcasing the technology's potential. These AI models excel at processing vast unlabeled data and performing tasks like text generation and pattern matching. However, they suffer from a lack of transparency and understanding, making them unreliable for fact-finding tasks. The economic implications of AI are vast, with potential to affect a significant portion of the workforce, though full automation is still a challenge.


  • 🚀 Generative AI has become a widespread technology, with applications ranging from conversational query answering to generating realistic images from text.
  • 🌟 A significant improvement in AI capabilities came in 2017 with Google's introduction of the Transformer model, which enhanced the systems' ability to produce coherent, longer outputs.
  • 📈 GPT-3.5, launched as ChatGPT, marked a milestone with its rapid adoption, attracting 100 million users in the first two months and highlighting the technology's potential.
  • 🌐 Large language models excel at processing vast amounts of unlabeled data, providing a broad understanding derived from hundreds of billions of words.
  • 📝 AI is particularly adept at text generation, pattern matching, and style transfer, as exemplified by its ability to write a love letter in a complex, specified style.
  • 🎓 AI has shown proficiency in standardized tests, including passing the U.S. medical licensing exam and some legal tests, indicating its capability in text-based tasks.
  • 💡 One of the significant opportunities for AI is in writing code, where immediate feedback helps in quickly identifying and correcting errors.
  • 🔍 A major weakness of AI systems is the lack of transparency, as they operate like black boxes with complex mechanisms that are hard to interpret.
  • 🔧 AI systems are not yet reliable enough for tasks that require high accuracy and fact-finding, which are critical in government, intelligence, and journalism.
  • 📊 Economic models suggest that for AI to significantly boost productivity, it needs to automate entire processes, as partial automation may not yield the desired exponential growth effects.
  • 🌍 While AI continues to progress, its current limitations mean it remains a tool to assist human research and development, rather than achieving superintelligence on its own.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the term 'Generative AI' in the context of the script?

    -Generative AI refers to the technology that powers a variety of online tools used globally. These tools can perform a wide range of tasks, from answering queries on numerous topics in conversational language to generating realistic photographs from text prompts.

  • What major development in AI technology occurred in 2017?

    -In 2017, researchers at Google developed a more effective retention mechanism called the Transformer, which significantly improved AI systems' ability to produce longer, coherent outputs such as text or computer code.

  • How did the launch of GPT-3.5 impact the visibility and adoption of AI technology?

    -The launch of GPT-3.5 as ChatGPT made AI technology more accessible and visible. It was released as a chatbot that anyone could sign up to use, leading to an unprecedented level of public engagement, with 100 million people trying it out within the first two months.

  • What is one of the key strengths of large language models like GPT-3.5?

    -One of the key strengths of large language models is their ability to process vast amounts of unlabeled data. Unlike traditional AI, which requires labeled data, these models can analyze and learn from vast quantities of text from the internet, producing a 'blurry picture' of countless words and patterns.

  • In what ways is generative AI particularly adept at handling text?

    -Generative AI excels at generating convincing text, pattern matching, and style transfer. It can produce text in various styles, such as a love letter in the style of a pirate from the 14th century with an Irish accent from the Bahamas, and it has even passed standardized tests like the U.S. medical licensing exam.

  • What is one of the main opportunities presented by generative AI in the field of coding?

    -Generative AI provides a significant opportunity in writing code. The advantage is the immediate feedback loop - if the code is incorrect, it is quickly identified by the interpreter or compiler, allowing for rapid correction and refinement.

  • What is a major weakness of generative AI systems?

    -A major weakness of generative AI systems is the lack of transparency. They operate as 'black boxes,' with over a hundred billion attention weights and values that are complex and difficult for humans to interpret and understand.

  • Why might generative AI not be suitable for jobs that require discovering new facts?

    -Generative AI systems are not ideal for jobs that involve discovering new facts because their outputs are based on existing data. They are not designed to generate new, factual information that hasn't been previously input into their learning datasets.

  • What is the potential economic impact of generative AI on the workforce?

    -Generative AI has the potential to significantly affect economic activity. It is estimated that around 20% of the US workforce could have about 50% of their tasks impacted by generative AI in the coming years, suggesting a substantial shift in day-to-day tasks and processes across various industries.

  • How does the concept of an 'intelligent explosion' relate to the adoption of generative AI?

    -The concept of an 'intelligent explosion' refers to the idea that to achieve exponentially increasing rates of economic growth, the entire process needs to be automated. Generative AI, while powerful, is not yet capable of fully automating processes, which may limit the potential for such an explosion in economic growth.

  • What is the overall impact of generative AI on the pace of progress?

    -Generative AI continues to contribute to the pace of progress, particularly in research, by assisting with tasks and improving efficiency. However, it has not reached the point where it can fully automate and thus accelerate progress without human intervention, indicating that humans remain a crucial part of the process.



🤖 Advancements in Generative AI

This paragraph discusses the evolution and current state of generative AI, highlighting its widespread use in various online tools. It emphasizes the technical breakthrough with the introduction of the Transformer model by Google researchers in 2017, which significantly improved AI systems' ability to produce coherent, longer pieces of output. The launch of GPT 3.5 as a chatbot allowed millions of users to interact with AI, showcasing its versatility and leading to rapid adoption. The strengths of large language models are underscored, such as their ability to process vast amounts of unlabeled data and excel in tasks like text generation, pattern matching, and style transfer. However, weaknesses are also acknowledged, including the lack of transparency and understanding of the complex inner workings of these AI systems, which poses challenges in ensuring their reliability and accuracy for fact-finding tasks.


🚀 The Economic Impact of AI Innovation

The second paragraph delves into the economic implications of AI innovation, referencing the concept of an 'intelligent explosion' and the need for full automation to achieve exponential economic growth. It argues that partial automation does not yield the same benefits, as the human element often becomes the rate-determining step, slowing down progress. The discussion also touches on the current use of AI in research and suggests that while AI has made significant strides, it still requires human intervention to reach its full potential. The paragraph concludes with a mention of an exclusive event for Economist subscribers, where the risks and opportunities of AI are discussed in greater depth.



💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to the class of artificial intelligence systems that are designed to create new content, such as text, images, or music. In the context of the video, it is the driving force behind the latest online tools that have gained widespread use, enabling tasks like answering queries on various topics and generating realistic images from textual descriptions.


The Transformer is a type of deep learning architecture introduced by Google researchers in 2017, which significantly improved the performance of AI systems in handling sequential data like text. It is the key retention mechanism behind the 'T' in GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models, allowing for better and longer coherent outputs.


GPT-3.5 is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, which is an advancement of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series. It is capable of generating human-like text across a wide range of topics and has been made accessible to the public as a chatbot, leading to its rapid adoption and diverse applications.

💡Large Language Models

Large Language Models (LLMs) are AI models that have been trained on extensive datasets to understand and generate human language. They are capable of processing vast amounts of unlabeled data, learning patterns and structures of language, and producing outputs that mimic human-like text generation.

💡Pattern Matching

Pattern matching is the process of identifying and utilizing regularities in data to make predictions or generate outputs. In the context of AI, it refers to the model's ability to recognize and replicate linguistic or stylistic patterns, such as writing a love letter in a specific style or accent.

💡Standardized Tests

Standardized tests are assessments that are administered and scored in a consistent manner across different settings. They are used to evaluate knowledge, skills, or abilities in a standardized way. In the context of the video, AI's success in passing tests like the U.S. medical licensing exam demonstrates its advanced understanding and application of complex information.

💡Code Writing

Code writing, also known as programming, involves creating a set of instructions or a script for a computer to follow. In the context of the video, AI's potential in code writing is highlighted by its ability to generate code and receive immediate feedback, which can be beneficial for refining and optimizing the code.


Transparency in AI refers to the extent to which the processes, algorithms, and decision-making mechanisms of an AI system are understandable and interpretable by humans. The lack of transparency is often associated with 'black box' systems, where the inner workings are not clear, making it difficult to understand how certain outputs are produced.

💡Economic Activity

Economic activity refers to the activities involved in the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within an economy. In the context of the video, it discusses the potential impact of generative AI on various economic activities, suggesting that a significant portion of the workforce may see their tasks affected by AI in the coming years.

💡Innovation Economics

Innovation Economics is a field of study that examines how economic factors influence the development, diffusion, and impact of innovations. It considers the role of various elements, such as research and development, market structures, and intellectual property, in fostering or hindering innovation. In the video, it is discussed in the context of the potential for AI to drive exponential economic growth.

💡Intelligent Explosion

An 'intelligent explosion' is a hypothetical scenario where artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence at an accelerating rate, leading to rapid technological advancements and transformations in various domains. The concept is often discussed in the context of the potential future impact of AI and its ability to drive significant changes in society and the economy.


Generative AI is driving a wave of new online tools used by millions globally.

Some AI tools can answer a wide range of queries in conversational language, while others can generate realistic photographs from text.

The introduction of the Transformer model by Google researchers in 2017 significantly improved AI systems' capabilities.

GPT-3.5, launched as ChatGPT, has been incredibly successful with 100 million users in the first two months.

Large language models excel at processing vast amounts of unlabeled data, providing a 'blurry picture' of countless words.

AI is particularly adept at generating convincing text and performing pattern matching and style transfer.

AI has shown the ability to pass standardized tests, including the U.S. medical licensing exam and some legal tests.

One of the significant opportunities for AI is in writing code, with an immediate feedback loop for corrections.

A major weakness of AI systems is the lack of transparency, often likened to a 'black box'.

AI systems struggle with tasks that require discovering new facts due to their complexity and limited understanding.

Economists predict that around 20% of the US workforce could have about 50% of their tasks affected by generative AI in the coming years.

For AI to drive an 'intelligent explosion' or exponential economic growth, the entire process needs to be automated.

AI currently assists with research but is not yet able to fully automate the process.

The pace of progress continues as it has been, with humans playing a crucial role in AI's development.

The discussion highlights the risks and opportunities presented by AI, emphasizing the need for a balanced and informed approach to its integration.