Generative AI with Google Cloud: Tuning Foundation Models in Vertex Generative AI Studio

Google Cloud Events
6 Feb 202461:30

TLDRIn this insightful discussion, Nitin Agarwal and Murari explore the intricacies of tuning foundation models, delving into various methodologies such as prompt engineering, supervised tuning, reinforcement learning, and distillation. They emphasize the importance of tailoring large language models to specific needs without extensive computation, highlighting the balance between customization and preserving the model's inherent characteristics. The conversation also touches on the practical applications of fine-tuning across industries and the potential for model migration in the context of MLOps.


  • 🔍 The session focused on the concept of tuning Foundation models, emphasizing the importance of adapting large language models to specific needs.
  • 🌐 Different tuning methodologies like Prompt Engineering, Supervised Tuning (PFT), Reinforcement Learning from Feedback (RLF), and Distillation Step by Step (DSS) were discussed.
  • 📊 Tuning can be approached by using pre-trained models and adapting them with specific data sets, without extensive computational resources.
  • 🔧 Adapter tuning involves creating an additional layer on top of the foundational model, which can be stored and managed within one's own environment, such as Google Cloud.
  • 📈 The benefits of tuning include cost-effectiveness, personalization, and the ability to retain knowledge within one's own ecosystem.
  • 🚫 Overfitting is a risk with adapter tuning, especially when using large datasets, which can lead to worse performance instead of improvements.
  • 🔄 The process of tuning involves creating a dataset, building a tuning job, and generating an adapter layer that can be deployed as an endpoint.
  • 🤖 RLF is based on reinforcement learning principles where the model learns from feedback, similar to how humans learn from rewards and penalties.
  • 💡 Prompt engineering is a quick and accessible way to evaluate a model's performance and determine if more in-depth tuning is necessary.
  • 📚 The session highlighted the importance of choosing the right tuning approach based on the use case, data availability, and desired outcomes.
  • 🔍 A demo was provided on how to implement adapter tuning in Vortex AI, showcasing the ease of creating and deploying a fine-tuned model.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the transcript?

    -The main topic of discussion is the tuning of foundational models, specifically focusing on various methods and approaches to customize and optimize large language models for specific tasks or requirements.

  • What does the term 'tuning' mean in the context of foundational models?

    -In the context of foundational models, 'tuning' refers to the process of customizing and optimizing the model's behavior and responses to better suit specific tasks or requirements by adjusting its parameters or training it with specific datasets.

  • What are some of the methodologies mentioned for tuning foundational models?

    -Some of the methodologies mentioned for tuning foundational models include Prompt Engineering, Supervised Tuning (PFT), Reinforcement Learning from Feedback (RLF), and Distillation (DSS).

  • How does Prompt Engineering work in tuning a foundational model?

    -Prompt Engineering involves carefully crafting the prompts or inputs to the model in a way that guides the model to generate the desired output. It's about providing feedback to the model and generating results without making any changes to the model itself.

  • What is the difference between fine-tuning and adapter tuning?

    -Fine-tuning involves making changes to the entire model, including its weights, by training it on new data. Adapter tuning, on the other hand, creates an 'adapter' layer that sits on top of the foundational model and gets trained with specific data without altering the base model itself.

  • What is the role of human feedback in the RLF (Reinforcement Learning from Feedback) methodology?

    -In the RLF methodology, human feedback serves as a reward signal for the model. The model generates outputs, and human feedback in the form of 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' is used to indicate approval or disapproval of the outputs, which the model then uses to adjust its responses for future inputs.

  • How does the Distillation (DSS) approach work in tuning a foundational model?

    -The Distillation (DSS) approach involves creating a 'student' model that learns from the outputs or 'rationales' generated by a larger 'teacher' model. The student model is smaller and more focused on specific tasks, and it learns to replicate the teacher's outputs with less computational overhead.

  • What are some key considerations when deciding to tune a foundational model?

    -Key considerations when deciding to tune a foundational model include identifying a valid use case, having the right team and data, budgeting for the tuning process, and selecting the appropriate AI stack and tools for managing the model.

  • How does the tuning process impact the performance and cost of using a foundational model?

    -Tuning a foundational model can improve its performance for specific tasks, but it may also increase the computational requirements and costs. However, methods like adapter tuning can help maintain economic efficiency by not requiring extensive computation or large datasets.

  • What is the significance of maintaining data privacy and security during the tuning process?

    -Maintaining data privacy and security is crucial during the tuning process to ensure that sensitive information is not exposed or misused. The data used for tuning should be handled in a way that complies with privacy regulations and is stored securely, such as in a GCP bucket as mentioned in the transcript.



📝 Introduction to Model Tuning

This paragraph introduces the concept of tuning foundational models, which are large language models. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the meaning of tuning and the various methodologies involved. The discussion will revolve around how to tune these models and the significance of tuning in customizing models to specific needs. The session's agenda includes an introduction to tuning, methods, implementation, key considerations, and a demo of tuning models in action.


🔍 Different Approaches to Model Tuning

This section delves into the different approaches to model tuning, such as pre-trained models, supervised tuning, reinforcement learning, and distillation. It discusses the trade-offs and benefits of each method, including the amount of data required and the level of customization possible. The paragraph also touches on the scalability and cost-effectiveness of tuning models for various industries.


🤖 Common Tuning Methods and Their Differences

This part discusses the common tuning methods, including full model tuning versus adapter tuning. It explains the key differences and the technical aspects behind these approaches, such as the creation of an adapter layer in adapter tuning and the backpropagation process in full model tuning. The paragraph also highlights the importance of understanding the pros and cons of each method to make informed decisions on model customization.


📊 Understanding the Mechanics of Tuning

This paragraph provides insights into how different tuning approaches work, focusing on adapter tuning and its process. It explains how an adapter layer is created on top of a pre-trained model and how it functions with minimal data requirements. The section also addresses the concept of transfer learning and its role in model adaptation, emphasizing that the core model remains unchanged while the adapter layer customizes the output.


🔧 Reinforcement Learning and Human Feedback

This section introduces reinforcement learning-based human feedback (RLHF) as a method of model tuning. It explains how RLHF operates by using a reward function to optimize model performance based on human feedback. The paragraph discusses the process of generating outputs, reviewing them, and applying feedback for fine-tuning. It also touches on the importance of trustworthy human input in the learning loop to avoid adversarial attacks and ensure effective model learning.


🛠️ Adapter Tuning with Vortex AI

This paragraph focuses on the practical application of adapter tuning using Vortex AI. It outlines the steps to create a tuning job, the importance of creating a task-specific dataset, and how the Vortex AI platform facilitates the creation of an adapter layer. The section also discusses the benefits of adapter tuning, such as cost-effectiveness and the preservation of data privacy and security within the user's environment.


📈 Key Considerations for Model Tuning

This section highlights the key considerations when undertaking model tuning. It emphasizes the importance of identifying valid use cases, having the right team and data, budgeting for the tuning process, and selecting the appropriate AI stack for model management. The paragraph also mentions the orchestration of the tuning process and the tools available for end-to-end orchestration, such as Vortex AI platforms.


🎯 Fine-Tuning Demonstration

This paragraph presents a live demonstration of fine-tuning a language model using the Vortex AI platform. It walks through the process of uploading a tuning dataset, creating an adapter layer, and deploying the fine-tuned model as an endpoint. The demonstration shows the difference in output between a fine-tuned model and a foundational model, illustrating the effectiveness of fine-tuning in providing context-specific responses.


💡 Final Thoughts and Q&A

In this final section, the presenters conclude the discussion on model tuning by addressing questions about the process. They cover topics such as the appropriateness of tuning on previously tuned models, the frequency of retuning, and the effectiveness of parameter-efficient fine-tuning. The session ends with an invitation for further questions and feedback, emphasizing the importance of ongoing learning and exploration in the field of AI and model tuning.



💡Foundational models

Foundational models refer to large language models that serve as a base for various AI applications. In the context of the video, these models need to be tuned to customize their responses to specific user needs. The video discusses different methods of tuning these models, such as adapter tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), to make them more effective for particular tasks.


Tuning in the context of the video refers to the process of customizing or adjusting a foundational model's behavior to better suit specific tasks or data sets. This can involve techniques like supervised tuning, RLHF, and adapter tuning, which aim to improve the model's performance and responsiveness to certain inputs.

💡Adapter tuning

Adapter tuning is a method of model tuning where an 'adapter layer' is created on top of a foundational model. This layer is trained on specific data sets to modify the model's behavior without altering the base model itself. The adapter layer can be stored and used within a specific environment, providing a customized model without the need for extensive computation.

💡Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)

RLHF is a tuning method where human feedback is used to train and improve the model's responses. This approach involves generating outputs, reviewing them with human feedback (thumbs up or down), and then using this feedback to update the model's weights and generate better outputs over time.

💡Parameterized Efficient Fine-Tuning (PFT)

PFT is a tuning technique that involves fine-tuning a model with a smaller set of parameters, making it more efficient than full model tuning. This method allows for customization of the model's responses with less data and computational resources compared to other tuning methods.

💡Model drift

Model drift occurs when a model's performance deteriorates over time due to changes in the data it is processing or the environment it operates in. This concept is crucial in the context of model maintenance and continuous improvement, where one must identify and address model drift to keep the model performing optimally.

💡蒸馏 (Distillation)


💡迁移学习 (Transfer Learning)


💡模型微调 (Fine-Tuning)


💡模型部署 (Model Deployment)



Introduction to foundation model tuning, focusing on large language models like text bison and chat bison.

Discussion on the complexity of the word 'tuning' and its various definitions and methodologies.

Explanation of foundational models, emphasizing their use in language processing tasks.

Preview of a demo showing how to quickly and efficiently tune foundation models.

Introduction of the speakers, their backgrounds, and the session's agenda.

In-depth exploration of tuning methods like RLF, PFT, Laura, self-tuning, and DSS.

Discussion on various types of tuning, including prompt engineering and supervised tuning.

Overview of different tuning approaches and their suitability for specific tasks or models.

Detailed explanation of the Laura method for low rank adaptation in model tuning.

Comparison between full model tuning and adapter tuning, including their pros and cons.

Introduction to reinforcement learning based human feedback (RLF) for model tuning.

Presentation on the distillation step by step (DSS) approach for model tuning.

Demonstration of model tuning in the Vortex AI platform and its practical applications.

Discussion on key considerations when deciding to tune models, including use cases and resource requirements.

Highlighting the importance of proper dataset preparation for effective model tuning.

Exploration of natural language to SQL conversion using code generation models.

Q&A session addressing specific user queries about model tuning and its applications.