GeoSpy AI Review: How Accurate Is It?

4 Mar 202409:36

TLDRThis video reviews the GeoSpy AI, a tool designed to geolocate images. The host tests the AI with various images, including obvious landmarks and more obscure locations. The AI performs well in some cases, such as identifying a picture in Manhattan, but struggles with others, misplacing images from Sweden as Nigeria or Norway. The reviewer also challenges the AI with artificially generated images and finds that it can sometimes mistakenly identify fictional scenes as real locations. Despite its imperfections, the AI shows promise, and the video suggests potential improvements in future updates.


  • 🔍 The AI being reviewed is designed to geolocate pictures using artificial intelligence.
  • 🏙️ The AI correctly identified a simple image of a man in New York City's Manhattan skyline.
  • 🚫 The AI encountered errors when attempting to geolocate an image with no distinct geographical features except the name 'Man Miami'.
  • 🗺️ When given a Google Maps screenshot from Sweden, the AI inaccurately identified the location as Nigeria.
  • 🏡 In another test, the AI incorrectly identified a Swedish location as Norway due to similarities in architecture and landscape.
  • 🇺🇸 For a North Carolina image, the AI accurately identified the location as Holly Springs, noting the architectural styles and landscape.
  • 🌳 The AI struggled with a Mexico image, lacking distinct identifiers, and did not provide a conclusive location.
  • 🧐 The AI was tricked by an AI-generated image of a person walking in Manhattan, but it did correctly identify another generated image as Buffalo, New York.
  • 🏢 An image of the purported 'Omnitech' offices was identified as Houston, Texas, based on architectural and vegetation similarities.
  • 📈 The reviewer acknowledges the AI's current limitations but is optimistic about future improvements, noting the current version is 0.1.4.
  • 📚 The AI's process seems to involve cross-referencing images with a database, likely of Google Maps or similar, to find matches.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the GeoSpy AI?

    -The purpose of the GeoSpy AI is to geolocate pictures using artificial intelligence. It is designed to identify the location of a picture based on its content.

  • How accurate is the GeoSpy AI in identifying locations?

    -The accuracy of GeoSpy AI varies. It correctly identified a photo of New York City, but had difficulty with other images, such as a picture named 'man Miami' and a house in Sweden that it incorrectly associated with Norway.

  • What was the issue with the 'man Miami' stock image?

    -The 'man Miami' stock image did not have any clear geographical indicators within the image itself, and the AI had difficulty identifying the location, resulting in errors.

  • How did the AI perform with a picture taken from Google Maps?

    -When a picture taken from Google Maps in Sweden was used, the AI incorrectly identified the location as being in Nigeria, indicating a significant error in geolocation.

  • What was the result when a picture of a house in Sweden was analyzed by the AI?

    -The AI incorrectly identified the house in Sweden as being in Norway, based on the architecture of the house and the landscape.

  • How did the AI perform with a picture from North Carolina, USA?

    -The AI accurately identified the location as Holly Springs, North Carolina, noting details such as the architectural styles of the houses and the landscape.

  • What was the AI's performance when given a picture with no clear geographical indicators?

    -The AI struggled with a picture that had no clear geographical indicators and incorrectly identified the location as being in Mexico.

  • How did the AI handle a generated image of a person walking in Manhattan?

    -The AI was able to identify the generated image as being in New York, specifically Buffalo, recognizing a building in the image.

  • What is the current version of the GeoSpy AI?

    -The current version of the GeoSpy AI is 0.1.4, which suggests that it is in the early stages of development.

  • What is the reviewer's overall impression of the GeoSpy AI?

    -The reviewer found the GeoSpy AI to be an interesting tool that can be fun to play around with, but noted that its accuracy is inconsistent and it can be fooled.

  • Will there be a link provided for viewers to try the GeoSpy AI?

    -Yes, the reviewer mentioned that they will leave a link in the description for viewers to try the GeoSpy AI for themselves.

  • What was the reviewer's observation about the presence of ads in the AI service?

    -The reviewer noted the presence of ads in the AI service, but stated that they did not mind them as long as the service is provided and the company can be compensated.



🔍 Testing Geolocation AI with Stock Images

The video begins with a request to subscribe to the channel. The main subject is testing a new AI that claims to geolocate pictures. The host is excited to see how well the AI performs. The testing starts with a straightforward image of a man in New York City. The AI quickly identifies the location as New York City, which is expected due to the city's distinctive skyline. The second test is more challenging with an image titled 'Man Miami', but it fails to identify the location correctly, resulting in errors. The host then uses an image from Google Maps of a location in Sweden and the AI struggles to pinpoint the exact location. The AI also misidentifies a house in Nigeria as being in Sweden based on architectural and landscape similarities. The host concludes by testing the AI with various images, including one from North Carolina, which the AI accurately identifies. The host also leaves a Google logo in an image to see if the AI would recognize it, but it mistakenly identifies the location as Holly Springs, North Carolina.


🎨 Generating and Testing AI-Created Images

The host moves on to a more complex challenge by using another AI, called Co-Pilot, to create a realistic image of a person walking in Manhattan. The host specifies that there are multiple Manhattans in the U.S. and asks Co-Pilot to create a scene in Albany, New York, instead. The AI-generated image is not very realistic, and the host notes the presence of ads in the AI service. The host then tests the geolocation AI with the AI-generated image and an image with no basis in reality. The geolocation AI incorrectly identifies the AI-generated image as being taken in Buffalo, New York, and the non-reality image as being taken in Houston, Texas, based on architectural and landscape features. The host acknowledges that the AI can sometimes get things wrong but is also capable of being tricked. The video concludes with the host's assessment that the geolocation AI is a fun tool to play with, and they provide a link for viewers to try it themselves. The host ends with a reminder to subscribe to the channel.




Geolocation refers to the process of identifying the geographical location of a device or an object. In the context of the video, the AI is being tested for its ability to geolocate pictures, which means to determine the place where the picture was taken. The script mentions testing the AI with various images to see if it can accurately pinpoint their locations.

💡AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI refers to the field of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. In the video, the host is reviewing a new AI tool designed to analyze images and determine their geographical locations. The effectiveness of this AI is a central theme of the video.

💡Stock Images

Stock images are pre-created photographs or illustrations that can be licensed for specific uses. They are often used in advertising, design, and various forms of media. In the script, the host uses random stock images to test the AI's geolocation capabilities.


An error in computing is a deviation from the normal or expected course of operation. In the context of the video, the term is used to describe the instances when the AI fails to accurately geolocate an image. The script mentions encountering errors during the testing process.

💡Google Maps

Google Maps is a web-based service that provides satellite imagery, street maps, and route planning. It is used in the video to obtain images and landmarks for testing the AI's geolocation abilities. The host uses images from Google Maps to see if the AI can correctly identify the location.


Architecture refers to the design and planning of buildings and structures. In the video, the AI uses architectural features, such as the style of buildings and the materials they are made from, to determine the location of an image. The script mentions a red-roofed wooden house as an example of how the AI can misidentify a location based on architectural style.


Landscape refers to the natural features of an area, such as mountains, forests, and fields. The AI in the video uses landscape details to help determine the location of an image. The script discusses how the AI might use similarities in landscape to guess a location, even if it's incorrect.


A coordinate is a set of values that can be used to determine a point's position in a space. In the context of the video, coordinates are the estimated geographical location provided by the AI after analyzing an image. The script mentions the AI providing estimated coordinates for the locations of the images.

💡Suburban Setting

A suburban setting refers to a residential area located outside of a city's central urban area. The term is used in the script when discussing the difficulty of distinguishing between different suburban areas in the United States, which look similar and could lead to inaccuracies in geolocation.

💡Ads (Advertisements)

Ads or advertisements are promotional messages paid for by sponsors. In the video, the host mentions the implementation of ads in the AI service, indicating that the service has begun to include advertisements as a way to generate revenue while providing the AI tool to users.

💡Version 0.1.4

Version 0.1.4 refers to the specific iteration or build of the AI software being reviewed. The mention of this version in the script implies that the software is in an early stage of development, which could account for some inaccuracies or limitations in its performance.


The video reviews a new AI called GeoSpy, which is designed to geolocate pictures via AI technology.

The reviewer is excited to test the AI and suspects it may be similar to a 10-eye picture search with additional features.

The AI successfully identifies a photo of a man in New York City, including the state and city.

A second image with the name 'man Miami' struggles to be accurately geolocated, resulting in errors.

When tested with a picture taken from Google Maps in Sweden, the AI incorrectly identifies the location as Nigeria.

Another image from Sweden is misidentified as being taken in Norway due to similar architectural and landscape features.

A photo taken in North Carolina is correctly identified as being in Holly Springs, noting the architectural styles and landscape.

The AI struggles with a picture of Mexico, indicating the need for a more extensive database or improved algorithms.

The reviewer tricks the AI by leaving a 'Google' watermark on an image to see if it would be detected, but the AI focuses on the suburban setting instead.

When presented with a generated image of a person walking in Manhattan, the AI incorrectly identifies it as Buffalo, New York.

An image of a fictional Omnitech office building is recognized as being in Houston, Texas, based on architectural and vegetation similarities.

The AI's version is 0.1.4, and the reviewer acknowledges that improvements and updates are expected in future versions.

The reviewer concludes that while the AI has room for improvement, it performs adequately and is fun to experiment with for now.

A link for viewers to try GeoSpy themselves is provided in the video description.

The video encourages viewers to subscribe for more content like this.

Ads have been implemented in the AI service, which the reviewer accepts as a necessary trade-off for the service's functionality.

The AI sometimes relies on Google Maps images for geolocation, which can lead to inaccuracies if the database isn't comprehensive.

The reviewer tests the AI's ability to geolocate images from various locations, including those with little identifiable features.

The AI's performance is mixed, accurately geolocating some images while struggling with others, indicating potential areas for refinement.