IT'S OVER: Trump Properties Can Be SEIZED As Court Rejects Bond | The Kyle Kulinski Show
TLDRThe script discusses the financial troubles of a prominent figure, facing a potential $175 million bond issue due to fraud committed in New York. Initially ordered to pay $464 million, the amount was reduced but funding from a billionaire's insurance company fell through due to missing paperwork and registration issues. The court's rejection of the bond and inability to secure funds may lead to property seizures. The individual's potential strategies to resolve the issue, including business deals with Saudi Arabia, are also speculated upon.
- 📜 Trump faces a potential 'world of hurt' over a $175 million bond issue related to a fraud case in New York.
- 💰 Initially, Trump was ordered to pay $464 million, which was later reduced to $175 million for the fraud he committed.
- 🤝 A billionaire conservative attempted to secure the $175 million bond for Trump through an insurance company, but failed due to incomplete paperwork and lack of registration in New York.
- 🚫 The court rejected the bond paperwork due to the inability to verify the financial backing of the insurance company, Night Speciality Insurance.
- 📅 Trump was given a deadline of next Monday to provide proof of financial backing for the bond.
- 🏦 Without the $175 million bond, Trump's properties are at risk of being seized and his accounts potentially emptied by the New York attorney general, Leticia James.
- 🏆 Trump and his adult children were found liable for a scheme to unlawfully inflate the value of his assets to obtain better business deals.
- 💼 The 2024 Republican Presidential nominee maintains his innocence despite the civil fraud ruling against him.
- 🔄 Trump has previously explored various financial strategies, such as the valuation of his Truth Social company, to gather funds.
- 🤝 There are concerns that Trump may seek financial assistance from conservative billionaires or international connections, such as Saudi Arabia's leadership.
Q & A
What was the initial amount that Trump had to pay due to fraud in New York?
-The initial amount that Trump had to pay due to fraud in New York was 464 million dollars.
How was the initial amount reduced and what was the new amount Trump had to pay?
-The initial amount was reduced to 175 million dollars after some negotiations or adjustments.
What was the issue with the 175 million dollar bond that Trump thought he had secured?
-The issue with the 175 million dollar bond was that the billionaire conservative who was supposed to provide the funds did not have proof of funds, and the insurance company involved was not registered in New York to perform such work, causing the bond to fall through.
What does the failure to post a $175 million bond mean for Trump's properties?
-The failure to post a $175 million bond means that Trump's properties could potentially be seized as a result.
What did the court ask from the insurance company and Trump by Monday?
-The court asked the insurance company and Trump to show financial backing for the bond by Monday.
What happened when Trump posted a $175 million bond on April 1st?
-When Trump posted a $175 million bond on April 1st, it was rejected by the court's filing system due to missing paperwork, including a current financial statement.
What was the New York attorney general's response to the bond and the insurance company's involvement?
-The New York attorney general, Leticia James, raised questions about the sufficiency of the bond and noted that the backing company, Night Speciality Insurance, was not admitted in New York, making it ineligible to obtain a certificate of qualification from the Department of Financial Services.
What is the potential impact of the Saudi-funded League on Trump's financial situation?
-The Saudi-funded League could potentially have a significant impact on Trump's financial situation, as it is speculated that Trump could receive tens of millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia for hosting some of their events at his golf courses.
What is the speculated connection between Trump and the Saudi dictator in relation to the $175 million bond issue?
-The speculation is that Trump may have sought help from the Saudi dictator to obtain the $175 million either through a legal loophole, a secret deal, or some other hidden method to resolve the bond issue.
What is the significance of the civil fraud ruling against Trump?
-The significance of the civil fraud ruling against Trump is that he and his organization were found liable for a scheme in which the value of Trump's net worth and assets were unlawfully inflated to obtain more favorable business deals. This ruling has financial implications, as it led to the requirement for Trump to post a bond to prevent asset seizure.
What is the potential outcome if Trump fails to resolve the $175 million bond issue by Monday?
-If Trump fails to resolve the $175 million bond issue by Monday, it is possible that his properties could start to be legally seized, or his cash could be taken to meet the financial obligations of the bond.
💰 Trump's Financial Troubles and the $175 Million Bond Issue
The paragraph discusses the financial challenges faced by Trump due to a fraud case in New York. Initially, he was ordered to pay $464 million but the amount was reduced to $175 million. Trump's attempt to secure this sum from a billionaire conservative's insurance company failed due to incomplete paperwork and the company not being registered in New York. As a result, the court rejected the $175 million bond, and Trump's properties are at risk of being seized. The New York attorney general, Leticia James, could potentially claim cash from Trump's accounts if he fails to provide the funds. The situation has led to speculation about how Trump might resolve this issue, with concerns that he might involve other conservative billionaires or international connections to secure the funds.
🤝 Potential Saudi Involvement in Trump's Financial Woes
This paragraph delves into speculation about Trump's possible connections with Saudi Arabia to solve his financial issues. It mentions the ongoing business deals between Trump and Saudi Arabia, including live golf events and a major golf project. The speaker hypothesizes that Trump could receive substantial funds from Saudi Arabia for these ventures. Additionally, there are concerns about potential manipulation of gas prices to influence the election and the possibility of Trump receiving financial aid from Saudi Arabia to post the $175 million bond. The paragraph highlights the complex and potentially problematic international business and political ties that could impact Trump's current financial predicament.
💡Bond Issue
💡Seizure of Properties
💡Insurance Company
💡Financial Backing
💡Civil Trial
💡Saudi Arabia
💡PGA Tour
💡Republican Presidential Nominee
💡Truth Social
The individual in question faces severe financial repercussions over a bond issue, as covered by Newsweek.
The initial penalty for fraud committed was 464 million, which was later reduced to 175 million.
A billionaire conservative's insurance company was believed to have secured the 175 million, but it turned out they did not have proof of funds.
The insurance company was not registered in New York, invalidating the bond.
Without the $175 million bond, Trump's properties are at risk of being seized.
Financial Consultant John Gabrielson warns that Trump needs to produce the bond amount by the following Monday.
The court has given a deadline for the insurance company to show financial backing for the bond.
Trump's $175 million bond posted on April 1st was rejected due to incomplete paperwork and ineligible backing from the insurance company.
New York attorney general Leticia James could claim cash in Trump's accounts if the bond is not posted.
Trump and his organizations were found liable for unlawfully inflating the value of his net worth and assets to obtain favorable business deals.
Despite the civil fraud ruling against him, Trump maintains his innocence.
The penalty including interest amounted to around 454 million.
There are concerns that Trump may use connections with Saudi Arabia to secure funds.
Trump's potential involvement with live golf events funded by Saudi Arabia could be a source of income.
Speculation suggests that Trump may receive substantial funding from Saudi Arabia for various deals.
The fear is that at the last minute, someone may find a way to get the money to Trump through hidden means.
As of now, if the issue is not resolved by Monday, properties or cash could be seized legally.
all right we got some really really bad
news for the big guy here this is
something so in Newsweek they say he
could be in a world of hurt over the
bond issue so we're going to dive into
the article in a second but the gist of
it is um you know he had to pay was a
464 million or 454 million because of
all the fraud he committed in New York
then that number was lowered to 175
million then he thought he had secured
that 175 million from uh a billion a
billionaire conservative to his who has
like some form of an insurance company
turns out they didn't fill out the
paperwork they didn't have proof of
funds and this insurance company wasn't
registered in New York to be to do this
kind of work and so it fell
through so ain't no $175 million Bond
coming which means Trump has not come up
with the money which
means stay with me his properties can
start to be
seized d Dam all right here's what they
say Trump is heading for a world of hurt
unless he can come up with $175 million
bond by next Monday a Financial
Consultant has said John gabrielson and
atlanta-based Market Economist told
Newsweek that New York attorney general
Leticia James could easily claim cash in
Trump's accounts if the former president
fails to posb so that's I didn't even
know that I
thought I thought first they go after
the properties but apparently she they
could just seize money out of the
accounts a court has rejected the
paperwork for Trump's $175 million Bond
because it could not ver verify the
financial backing of the posting
insurance company posting so in other
words this conservative billionaire who
came into to save the day swoop in to
Trump they don't have proof of funds so
the Court's like why would we accept
this the court has given Trump and the
insurance company night special spe
speciality Insurance until Monday to
show Financial backing for the bond if
not James can begin enforcement
proceedings against Trump's
property Newsweek sought email comment
from night speciality insurance and
Trump's attorney general or or Trump's
attorney excuse me on Tuesday Trump
posted $175 million Bond on April 1st in
order to prevent James from seizing his
assets while he attempts to appeal the
Civil fraud ruling against him New York
judge Arthur Enron previously found
Trump pre previously found Trump his
adult son Don Jr and Eric and the Trump
organization liable for a scheme in
which the value of Trump's net worth and
assets were unlawfully inflated in order
to obtain more favorable business deals
Trump the presump of 2024 Republican
Presidential nominee has maintained his
innocence in the matter blah blah blah
Trump was hit with a penalty that came
to around 454 million after interest
anyway this goes on to just lay out more
of the uh the basics here but the bond
was the important part is the bond was
rejected by the Court's filing system
shortly after it was posted due to
missing paperwork including a Current
financial statement James whose office
led the fraud case against Trump later
raised questions about the sufficiency
of the bond and noted that the shy
backing at night speciality insurance
company is not admitted in New York
meaning it's ineligible to obtain a
certificate of qualification from the
Department of Financial Services ksic
has refiled his paperwork as a result in
an effort to get the process moving
again so I mean this is the good news
right this is falling through he could
have his property seiz which is what we
kind of thought was going to happen the
bad news is
this I still think he has more tricks up
sleeve so what do I mean by that well we
already saw they did some some uh some
truth social movement right it was the
company was valued at $5 billion which
by the way is ludicrous if that's worth
$5 billion this show is worth a billion
dollars okay my show is worth a billion
dollars my ass cheeks and worth five
billion in fact what did they they lost
like 58 million or 20 something million
or something like that in a single year
and please it's a joke but it was valued
at5 billion and Trump can cash out in
like 60 days and at a time his his
shares were worth $3 billion but now
looks like that really plummeted and
it's worth a lot less but that was one
trick that he had up his sleeve um to at
least eventually get the funds right um
but the other thing and this is what I
fear now look I will grant you upfront
this part is pure speculation on my part
this is not backed up yet this is just a
a feeling I have which we shall see if
it's backed up in one way or another but
my concern
is Trump just had a a secret meeting
with the Saudi dictator the other day
and they got a lot of business deals
churning at the moment so for example
Trump and his golf courses are used for
these live golf events live golf is like
the competitor to the PGA tour at the
moment it's the Saudi funded League they
have all the money in the world they
throw ridiculous sums of money at
Players to get them to come play for
them instead of the PGA Tour my guess is
Trump gets paid tens of millions of
dollars from Saudi Arabia just to have
some of the events at his courses that's
the first thing we already know about
the $2 billion that went to Jared
Kushner so by the way how do we know
Trump's not getting over a billion
dollars from Saudi Arabia for these live
golf deals the other thing is they're
currently working on a big golf project
in Saudi Arabia worth4 billion Saudi
Arabia is teaming up with Trump for that
again how much money is he getting for
that my other fear is they could have
been talking about hey leading up to the
election make gas prices Skyrocket which
Saudi has the power to do so it hurts
Biden helps me get elected right that's
one thing and the other thing
is why wouldn't Trump go right to the
Sai dictator who he's got phenomenal
business connections with and does
favors for all the time give
multi-billion dollar weapons deals Etc
didn't even give him a slap on the wrist
over Jamal kogi why would he not go to
NBS and say hey look I'm in a little bit
of a bind here I need you to get me $175
million so I could post this um and they
have some sort of whatever legal
loophole or way to hide the money to get
it to Trump so it could just end up in
his account and Trump can on the final
day Trump could be like hey I have your
175 million I have it in cash I'm going
to hand it to you
right I would be shocked if something
like that didn't come up because he's
been Trump has been going to
conservative billionaires looking for
help some have tried to help this one
fell through
right why wouldn't Muhammad bin Salman
be on that list why would they already
have so many business dealings they've
already done favors for each other Trump
is as corrupt as corrupt can
be so that's what I fear is that there
is at the last minute it'll be the
classic like you found a way to get out
of it because remember it's a Civil
Trial not a criminal trial so this is
just about money he's not going to spend
time Behind Bars yes he was found liable
for fraud business fraud tax fraud
insurance fraud bank fraud all types of
fraud Under the Sun but at the end of
the day it's just a fine so that's my
fear my fear is some at at the last
moment either some conservative
billionaire or or Muhammad bin Salon or
somebody is going to find a way to get
that money to Trump through some secret
hidden ways and we'll we'll move along
here right that's what I think is going
to happen but at least as of right now
come Monday if this doesn't get resolved
one way or the other come Monday they
can legally start seizing his Properties
or just taking his
cash kind of a big deal kind of a big
deal and my guess is he's
bricks right now hey y'all do me a favor
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