Go Inside Finland's $200 Million 6,000 Person Bunker

Atlas Survival Shelters
28 Jun 202226:30

TLDRIn this video, the host explores Finland's extensive bunker network, which doubles as parking garages. The tour showcases a large bomb shelter designed for 6,000 people, complete with blast doors, air filtration systems, and diesel generators for power. The bunker's construction, with shock-isolated systems and thick concrete walls, reflects Finland's preparedness for potential crises. The video also touches on the history of Finnish-Russian relations and the ongoing efforts to build new shelters.


  • 🚗 The video explores Finland's bunker network, which doubles as parking garages, with one facility designed to accommodate 6,000 people and vehicles like 18-wheelers.
  • 🏢 The bunker has a technical area equipped with positive peace time filtration and anti-crisis time systems, including four diesel engine-powered filtration units capable of handling 12,000 cubic meters of air per hour.
  • ⚙️ Each filtration unit is backed up by a Swedish diesel engine, ensuring functionality even during power outages, and the entire system is designed to be shock-isolated for resilience against potential impacts.
  • 📅 The bunker's air filtration system is legally required to last for 30 years, with a current lifespan of 72 hours, and it was last updated in 2012.
  • 🚨 The facility includes a CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) detector that triggers an alarm and activates the filtration system in case of contamination.
  • 🛠 The bunker's design features blast doors and gas-tight walls, with the main blast doors being 5 feet thick and capable of withstanding 9 bars of pressure, equivalent to a ground zero impact.
  • 🏙️ The video mentions that Finland has many such bunkers, with enough capacity for 4.5 million people, and there are ongoing efforts to build 800 new shelters each year.
  • 🛏️ In the event of a crisis, the car park area would be repurposed as a sleeping area, with vehicles removed and the space divided into smaller sections by curtains.
  • 📈 The control room monitors the status of all doors and valves within the bunker, with an indicator light system showing their current state.
  • 🌡️ The bunker includes air conditioning units for temperature regulation, especially important for the diesel engines, and the entire facility is designed with insulation in mind.
  • 🌍 The video concludes with a mention of the uploader's plans to help build bunkers in Ukraine and encourages viewers to watch more of his videos on European bunkers.

Q & A

  • What is the primary purpose of the bunker network in Finland?

    -The primary purpose of the bunker network in Finland is to serve as a shelter for people during emergencies or crises, providing a safe and protected space for up to 6,000 people.

  • How are the bunkers utilized during peacetime?

    -During peacetime, the bunkers function as parking garages, allowing for efficient use of space and maintaining readiness for potential emergencies.

  • What is the capacity of the air filtration system in the bunker?

    -The air filtration system in the bunker has the capacity to filter 12,000 cubic meters per hour, with each unit capable of handling 1,500 cubic meters per hour.

  • How often are the air filters replaced?

    -By law, the air filters need to be replaced every 30 years, ensuring their functionality and safety.

  • What is the blast rating of the bunker?

    -The bunker is rated to withstand a blast of nine bars, which is equivalent to 135 psi, making it suitable for protection at ground zero.

  • How thick are the walls of the bunker?

    -The walls of the bunker are approximately 5 feet (or 1.5 meters) thick, providing substantial protection.

  • How many people does the Finnish government aim to provide bunkers for?

    -The Finnish government aims to provide bunkers for roughly four and a half million people.

  • How many new shelters are built in Finland each year?

    -Finland builds approximately 800 new shelters each year, ensuring that new buildings are equipped with adequate protection measures.

  • What historical context is mentioned regarding Finland's relations with Russia?

    -The script mentions that during the Second World War, Finland fought against both the Russians and the Germans, and that the Russians attempted to invade Finland about 50 years ago but did not succeed.

  • What is the significance of the bunker's location in downtown Helsinki?

    -The bunker's location in downtown Helsinki is significant as it provides protection in an urban area where there are a lot of older buildings and not many tall structures, making it a strategic point for safety during emergencies.

  • How are the bunker doors designed to handle heavy loads?

    -The bunker doors are designed with an I-beam structure that supports the heavy load, and they are about 4 meters by 4.5 meters in size, allowing for large vehicles like 18-wheelers to enter.



🏰 Exploring Finland's Underground Bunker Network

The video begins with the host welcoming viewers to another episode of Atlas Survival Shelters. The focus of this episode is to tour Finland's extensive bunker network, which also doubles as parking garages. The host describes the impressive size of the bunker, capable of accommodating 6,000 people and even 18-wheelers. The entryway includes heavy blast doors, and the inside houses technical areas with advanced filtration and air conditioning systems. The host emphasizes the peacetime ventilation system, CPR, and filtration units, highlighting the four diesel engine-powered filters capable of handling 12,000 cubic meters of air per hour. The generators are Swedish-made and designed to kick in if the electricity goes down. The video showcases the bunker's readiness and maintenance, including the diesel engine's infrequent use since the shelter's construction in 2012.


🚨 Overpressure Systems and Air Intake Controls

In this segment, the host delves deeper into the technical aspects of the bunker, including the overpressure system that activates during an alarm. The control room displays the status of doors and valves throughout the shelter, ensuring safety and readiness. The host discusses the purpose of the parking garage as a bunker, including the use of shock springs to absorb impacts and the electrical panels designed to move with the structure. The conversation turns to the logistics of supplying food and water, with a 72-hour preparation period before people are to take refuge. The host also explores the different types of doors used in the bunker, such as the three-quarter-inch plate door and the gas-tight doors, emphasizing their importance in protecting the inhabitants from external threats.


🛠️ Maintenance and Functionality of the Bunker

The host continues the tour by examining the maintenance and functionality of the bunker. He discusses the air intake tunnel for the filtration units and the sleeping arrangements in the car park area during a crisis. The video highlights the division of the bunker into smaller sections with curtains and the removal of cars to create living spaces. The host also explores the blast doors, the dirty rooms, and the penetrations where cables and pipes enter the bunker. He touches on the bunker's EMP-proofing capabilities and the challenges of retrofitting such large structures. The segment concludes with a look at the bunker's rating for blast resistance, its nine-bar pressure rating, and the special wall sleeves for utilities.


🏙️ Helsinki Downtown and Historical Context

In the final part of the video, the host brings the tour above ground, showcasing the cobblestone streets and historic buildings of downtown Helsinki. He notes the absence of tall buildings and the city's focus on preserving its architectural heritage. The host also provides a brief historical context, mentioning Finland's past conflicts with Russia and the country's preparedness for potential threats. The video ends with the host expressing his admiration for Finnish snipers and their role in World War II. He signs off, encouraging viewers to like, subscribe, and watch his other videos on European bunkers and his upcoming trip to Ukraine to help with bunker construction efforts.



💡Bunker Network

The term 'Bunker Network' refers to an interconnected system of fortified structures designed to provide shelter and protection in the event of a crisis or disaster. In the context of the video, it specifically highlights Finland's extensive underground bunker system, which serves a dual purpose as parking garages. These bunkers are equipped with advanced filtration systems, blast doors, and other safety features to protect up to 6,000 people from potential threats.


Finland is a Nordic country in Northern Europe, known for its extensive and well-maintained bunker network. The country's geographical location, sharing a long border with Russia, has historically influenced its approach to civil defense and preparedness. The video emphasizes the strategic importance of these bunkers in ensuring the safety and security of Finnish citizens.

💡Bomb Shelter

A bomb shelter is a reinforced space designed to protect occupants from the effects of explosions, typically during wartime or in the event of a disaster. In the video, the term is used to describe the underground bunkers in Finland, which are built to withstand significant pressure and are equipped with features like blast doors and air filtration systems to safeguard against nuclear, chemical, and biological threats.

💡Air Filtration

Air filtration is the process of removing contaminants from the air within a confined space, such as a bunker, to ensure breathable air for occupants. In the context of the video, the bunkers in Finland are equipped with advanced air filtration systems that use diesel engines to filter out harmful particles and maintain air quality for up to 6,000 people during a crisis.

💡Blast Doors

Blast doors are heavy, reinforced doors designed to withstand and mitigate the effects of explosions or impacts. In the video, these doors are a critical component of Finland's bunker system, providing an additional layer of protection against potential threats. They are designed to seal the bunker and prevent the entry of harmful substances.

💡Civil Defense

Civil defense refers to the measures taken by a country or community to protect its citizens from the effects of warfare or disaster. This includes the construction of bunkers, public education on emergency preparedness, and the stockpiling of supplies. In the video, Finland's bunker network is presented as a key element of its civil defense strategy, highlighting the country's commitment to ensuring the safety of its citizens.

💡Diesel Engine

A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine that runs on diesel fuel, known for its reliability and efficiency. In the context of the video, diesel engines power the air filtration systems within the bunkers, ensuring a continuous supply of clean air for occupants during a crisis. The engines are designed to operate independently in the event of an electrical outage.


Overpressure refers to a condition where the pressure inside a confined space is greater than the outside atmospheric pressure. In the context of the video, maintaining overpressure within the bunker is crucial for keeping out harmful substances during a crisis. The bunker's design ensures that the pressure is carefully controlled to prevent the ingress of contaminants.

💡Shock Springs

Shock springs are a type of suspension system designed to absorb and dampen shock or impact forces. In the context of the video, the use of shock springs in the bunker's construction helps to protect the structure and its occupants from the effects of a blast or seismic activity. This design feature ensures that the bunker can withstand significant force without compromising its integrity.

💡Emergency Preparedness

Emergency preparedness involves planning and preparing for potential crises or disasters to minimize their impact on people and property. In the video, Finland's bunker network is an example of a nation's commitment to emergency preparedness, providing a safe haven for its citizens in the event of a large-scale crisis.

💡Diesel Generator

A diesel generator is a device that uses a diesel engine to drive an electrical generator, providing a backup power source when the main power supply is unavailable. In the video, diesel generators are crucial components of the bunker's infrastructure, ensuring that essential systems like air filtration and lighting continue to function during a crisis, even when the external power supply is compromised.


The video provides a tour of Finland's bunker network, which doubles as parking garages.

The bunker system is designed to accommodate 6,000 people and is large enough to drive 18 wheelers inside.

The bunker features blast doors and a sophisticated air filtration system for positive peace time and anti-crisis situations.

Each filtration unit is capable of handling 1,500 cubic meters of air per hour, with a total capacity of 12,000 cubic meters per hour for the entire center.

The generators are Swedish-made and can switch to diesel engines in case of electricity failure.

The air filters have a legal shelf life of 30 years and are expected to be replaced in 18 years.

The bunker is equipped with a CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) detector that triggers an alarm and activation of the filtration system in case of contamination.

The bunker's air intake control room displays the layout of the shelter, including the status of doors and valves.

In the event of a crisis, the parking garage area will be used for sleeping quarters, with cars moved aside and the area divided into smaller sections with curtains.

The bunker's walls are made of solid concrete, approximately 5 feet thick, providing significant protection.

The bunker is rated for a blast pressure of nine bars, equivalent to 135 psi, indicating it is designed to withstand extreme conditions.

Finland has a large number of bunkers, with enough capacity for approximately 4.5 million people.

The Finnish government is actively building new shelters, with around 800 added each year.

The bunker's design and construction are overseen by the government, with a focus on simplicity and reliability.

The video also touches on historical context, mentioning Finland's past conflicts with Russia and the country's notable military figures.

The bunker's maintenance and readiness are emphasized, with regular testing and updates to ensure functionality.

The video concludes with a reminder of the importance of civil defense and the ongoing efforts to improve and expand bunker systems.