Horse Found On Craigslist Recognizes His First Mom After 2 Years | The Dodo Faith = Restored

The Dodo
25 Mar 202104:30

TLDRIn a heartwarming tale of persistence and trust, Emma discovers a wild horse, Miko, in a government holding area waiting for adoption. Despite his initial fear, Miko gradually warms up to Emma, allowing her to touch him after weeks of patient visits. Tragically, Miko is sold due to the perceived workload, leaving Emma devastated. However, fate intervenes when Emma spots Miko in a distressing condition on Craigslist, recognizing the horse by his distinctive brand. She embarks on a 12-hour drive to reclaim him, and to her delight, Miko remembers her, laying his head on her chest in a gesture of familiarity and trust. Despite challenges and Miko's resistance to trainers, Emma commits to training him herself, dedicating two years to building a bond that eventually allows her to saddle him. Their relationship evolves, and Miko begins to trust others, as they explore trails and beaches together, showcasing the power of patience and the unbreakable bond between human and animal.


  • 🐎 Emma noticed a horse, Miko, in a holding area for wild horses that were rounded up by the government.
  • 👀 Miko was initially scared and unapproachable, but Emma's persistence led to him showing curiosity.
  • 📅 Emma visited Miko weekly, and over time, built trust until he allowed her to touch him.
  • 🔍 One day, Emma found Miko missing and discovered he was sold due to the perceived amount of work required for him.
  • 🌐 Emma searched for Miko but was unable to locate him initially.
  • 📧 Emma received an email with a Craigslist ad featuring a horse that she recognized as Miko.
  • 🚗 She drove 12 hours to retrieve Miko, unsure if he would remember her.
  • 💕 Miko immediately recognized Emma and showed affection upon her arrival.
  • 🏃‍♂️ Despite being scared and acting out with other trainers, Miko was calm and accepting of Emma.
  • 👩‍🏫 Emma decided to train Miko herself and they worked together daily for two years.
  • 🐾 After much effort, Miko eventually allowed Emma to put a saddle on him, marking significant progress.
  • 🌄 Emma and Miko now enjoy exploring trails and beaches together, building a strong bond of trust and companionship.

Q & A

  • Why was Mikko in a holding area for wild horses?

    -Mikko was in the holding area because the government had rounded him up along with other wild horses, and he was waiting to be adopted by a ranch.

  • How did Emma initially react when she saw Mikko?

    -Emma was concerned and wanted to help Mikko when she spotted him in the holding area, unlike others who were too busy to assist.

  • What was Mikko's initial reaction to Emma's presence?

    -Initially, Mikko was scared when Emma tried to touch him, but he gradually became curious as she stood quietly near him.

  • How often did Emma visit Mikko during the initial weeks?

    -Emma checked on Mikko every week, showing her commitment and care for the horse.

  • What happened to Mikko after Emma's regular visits?

    -Mikko eventually let Emma touch him, signifying the start of a bond between them.

  • Why was Mikko sold, and what was Emma's reaction to this?

    -Mikko was sold because he was considered too much work. Emma was devastated and searched for him, but he had disappeared.

  • How did Emma find Mikko after he was sold?

    -Emma received an email from a friend with a Craigslist ad featuring a horse that had a recognizable white brand. She immediately recognized it as Mikko and responded to the ad.

  • What was Mikko's reaction when Emma picked him up from the ad location?

    -Upon seeing Emma, Mikko put his head right on her chest, showing that he remembered her and felt comforted.

  • What challenges did Emma face while trying to train Mikko?

    -Emma faced challenges as Mikko acted out towards multiple trainers and was only okay with her. This led her to decide to train him herself.

  • How long did it take for Mikko to trust Emma enough to be saddled?

    -It took two years of daily work and building trust for Mikko to let Emma put on a saddle.

  • What significant change occurred in Mikko's trust towards others besides Emma?

    -Over time, Mikko started to show signs of trusting others besides Emma, which was a significant change in his behavior.



🐴 Emma's Encounter with a Wild Horse

The story begins with a group of people who are too busy to help a wild horse in a holding area, waiting for a ranch to adopt him. Emma, however, notices the horse, Miko, and decides to lend a hand. Initially, Miko is scared, but Emma's gentle approach piques his curiosity. Over time, their bond grows as she visits weekly, and Miko becomes comfortable with her presence. Unfortunately, Miko is sold due to the perceived amount of work he requires, and Emma loses track of him. However, she later discovers him in a Craigslist ad, recognizing the white brand on his body. Emma embarks on a journey to reunite with Miko, driving for 12 hours to retrieve him.



💡wild horses

Wild horses refer to horses that live freely in the environment without human intervention or domestication. In the context of the video, these horses are rounded up by the government and placed in a holding area, indicating a situation where their natural state is disrupted. This is central to the narrative as it sets the stage for the relationship between Emma and Mikko, a wild horse that she adopts and nurtures.


Emma is the main character in the video who takes an interest in and adopts Mikko, a wild horse. Her actions and dedication to Mikko form the core of the story, showcasing themes of compassion, persistence, and the bond between humans and animals. Emma's journey with Mikko illustrates the power of patience and love in overcoming fear and trust issues.


Mikko is the wild horse at the center of the narrative. His initial fear and eventual trust in Emma symbolize the transformative power of empathy and care. Mikko's journey from a scared, adopted horse to a companion willing to explore new environments with Emma highlights the development of trust and the impact of consistent, kind interactions.


Trust is a crucial theme in the video, representing the gradual process of building a relationship based on reliability and care. It is demonstrated through Emma's consistent visits to Mikko and her patient approach to gaining his trust. The development of trust is pivotal in the narrative, as it leads to Mikko's eventual acceptance of human interaction and companionship.


Adoption in this context refers to the act of taking in or providing a home for Mikko, the wild horse, which was initially in a holding area. It signifies a change in the horse's life circumstances and the beginning of a new relationship. The concept of adoption is central to the story as it sets the foundation for the bond that develops between Emma and Mikko.


Fear is a significant emotion portrayed in the video, particularly in Mikko's initial interactions with humans. It represents the barriers that need to be overcome to establish a connection. The video illustrates how patience and kindness can help alleviate fear and build trust.


A trainer in this context is a professional who is skilled in the care and instruction of animals, particularly horses. In the video, Emma tries multiple trainers to help Mikko, but he only responds positively to her. This highlights the unique bond between Emma and Mikko and the personal journey Emma undertakes to understand and care for him.


Patience is the ability to tolerate delays or difficulties without becoming annoyed or anxious. In the video, Emma's patience is a key virtue that allows her to consistently visit and work with Mikko, despite the challenges. Her patience is rewarded as it plays a crucial role in building trust and their eventual companionship.


Companionship refers to the state of being companionable or friendly toward others. In the video, the companionship between Emma and Mikko evolves over time from a one-sided effort to a mutual bond. It signifies the emotional connection and shared experiences they develop through their journey together.


Transformation denotes a thorough or dramatic change in form, appearance, or character. The video illustrates the transformation of Mikko from a scared, untrusting horse to a trusting companion. It also reflects Emma's growth as she learns to understand and care for Mikko, ultimately training him herself.


Persistence is the act of continuing in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or opposition. Emma's persistence is a key theme in the video, as she does not give up on Mikko despite his initial fear and the challenges they face. Her determination leads to the eventual success of their bond and Mikko's transformation.


Emma spots a wild horse in a holding area that others have overlooked.

The government rounds up wild horses and places them in holding areas for adoption.

Mikko, the wild horse, is initially scared and unapproachable.

Emma's persistence leads to Mikko showing signs of curiosity towards her.

Emma's weekly visits help build trust between her and Mikko.

Mikko is sold due to being perceived as too much work.

Emma's relentless search for Mikko leads her to a Craigslist ad.

Emma recognizes Mikko by his distinctive white brand.

Emma drives 12 hours to reunite with Mikko after finding him.

Mikko remembers Emma and shows affection upon their reunion.

Mikko's fear manifests in panic and resistance to new environments.

Emma's attempts to involve multiple trainers for Mikko are unsuccessful.

Emma takes on the challenge of training Mikko herself.

The dedication of two years leads to Mikko allowing a saddle to be placed on him.

Emma and Mikko explore trails and beaches, forming a strong bond.

Mikko begins to show signs of trust towards others besides Emma.