Genius Awakened After 3700 Years And Used The Power Of Science To Save The World!

29 Oct 2023120:29

TLDRThe story revolves around Senku, a genius who awakens after 3700 years of petrification, using science to revive humanity and save the world. With his friend Taiu, Senku embarks on a journey to restore civilization, facing challenges and conflicts, including a rivalry with Tsukasa, who opposes the return to the old world's ways. Through innovation and determination, Senku and his allies work to overcome obstacles, harnessing the power of science to create weapons, medicine, and technologies, ultimately aiming to defeat Tsukasa and bring about a new era of peace and enlightenment.


  • 🌱 The story begins with humanity being petrified, leading to a world where only animals and the conscious Taiu remain.
  • 🕰️ Taiu, one of the few conscious beings, survives for millennia, witnessing the rise and fall of modern civilization.
  • 💡 After waking from his petrified state, Taiu embarks on a mission to revive humanity, starting with his crush, Yuzu.
  • 🌿 Taiu's best friend, Senu, has also survived and has been counting the seconds since petrification, showing his dedication to science.
  • 🔬 Senu and Taiu use scientific knowledge to create a solution to dissolve petrification and revive humans.
  • 🍇 In their efforts to survive and restore civilization, the duo produces wine, showcasing their resourcefulness and adaptability.
  • 🥽 Senu's culinary skills extend beyond wine-making, as he also produces salt and uses it to season their meals.
  • 🔥 Through experimentation, Senu discovers how to create a mixture that can dissolve petrification, saving a bird and giving them hope for humanity.
  • 🥋 Physical strength and survival skills are also important, as demonstrated by Taiu's hunting and farming abilities.
  • 🤝 The importance of teamwork is highlighted when Senu and Taiu combine their scientific and physical skills to overcome challenges.
  • 🏹 The story emphasizes the power of perseverance and hope, as Taiu and Senu never give up on their mission to revive humanity and rebuild civilization.

Q & A

  • What was Taiu's initial plan before the green light appeared?

    -Taiu's initial plan was to confess his feelings to his crush, Yuzu.

  • What caused the petrification of all humans?

    -The petrification of all humans was caused by a mysterious green light that enveloped the Earth.

  • How did Taiu and Senu survive the petrification?

    -Taiu and Senu survived the petrification due to Taiu's protective powers and Senu's constant counting of seconds since the petrification, keeping them conscious.

  • What was the first thing Taiu did after waking up from petrification?

    -After waking up from petrification, Taiu's first action was to break out of the rock he was petrified in and check on the state of humanity.

  • What was Senu's ultimate goal after the petrification?

    -Senu's ultimate goal was to recreate the world from scratch and save all humans.

  • How did Taiu and Senu attempt to revive the petrified humans?

    -Taiu and Senu attempted to revive the petrified humans by experimenting with various substances, including nitric acid, to find a solution that could dissolve the petrification.

  • What was the significance of the message Taiu found for him after waking up?

    -The message Taiu found was significant because it provided him with a direction to follow in order to find a potential solution to reverse the petrification.

  • How did Taiu and Senu manage to produce wine in the Stone Age?

    -Taiu and Senu managed to produce wine by using their knowledge of farming and the natural resources available to them, eventually distilling the alcohol to create wine.

  • What was the turning point for Senu in his quest to revive the petrified humans?

    -The turning point for Senu was when he successfully created a mixture that dissolved the petrification on a bird, proving that his scientific approach could indeed reverse the petrification process.

  • Why did Taiu and Senu decide to revive Tsukasa first?

    -Taiu and Senu decided to revive Tsukasa first because they needed someone strong to help them in their fight against the challenges of the Stone Age, including the threat of wild animals.



💡 The Quest for Love and Petrification Solution

The story begins with Taiu, who is hesitant to confess his love for Yuzuriha. His friend Senu jokes about a love potion, but the focus shifts to a global petrification event. Taiu tries to protect Yuzuriha during the chaos, and they both end up petrified. centuries later, Taiu awakens to a world transformed and begins his journey to revive humanity, including his love, with the help of science.


🌿 Adapting to a New World and the Search for Solutions

In the Stone Age world, Senu has been counting the seconds since petrification, showing his dedication to science. Taiu and Senu work together to rebuild civilization, with Senu constructing a shelter and Taiu foraging for food. They attempt to make wine and use scientific knowledge to survive. Senu's goal is to recreate the world from scratch and save all humans.


🥂 The Discovery of the Petrification Cure and New Challenges

Senu and Taiu make significant progress by discovering a solution to petrification using nitric acid. They successfully revive a bird, bringing hope to their mission. However, they face new challenges when a lion threatens their safety, leading to a dramatic escape and the realization that wild animals pose a significant danger in this new world.


🔥 The Test of Loyalty and the Creation of Weapons

The narrative intensifies as Tsukasa, a physically powerful individual, joins the group and forms a bond with Senu. However, ideological differences arise when Tsukasa suggests creating a world without adults. Tensions escalate, leading to a confrontation where Senu and Taiu must decide between loyalty to each other and their mission to save humanity.


🌋 The Race Against Time to Save Yuzuriha and the Future

As the story reaches its climax, Taiu is finally able to save Yuzuriha, but they face the challenge of her awakening in a dangerous world. Senu and Taiu's friendship is tested when they confront Tsukasa, who has embraced a philosophy of violence. The power of science is pitted against the might of brute force, setting the stage for a conflict that will determine the future of their world.


🚀 The Triumph of Science and the Revival of Senku

In a twist of fate, Senu is killed by Tsukasa, but his dedication to science leads to his revival. Senku's neck, which was petrified, is the key to his rebirth. With the help of his friends, Senku manages to break free from his petrified state. His return brings a renewed sense of purpose to the group, who vow to use science to rebuild civilization and confront any challenges that arise.


🌉 The Building of a Bridge to a New Civilization

Senku's unyielding belief in science leads him to create a shelter with infrastructure and explore the possibility of reviving his best friend, Taiu. He investigates various hypotheses for the global petrification and conducts experiments to find a solution. His determination pays off when he discovers the secret to reviving petrified individuals, setting the stage for the restoration of humanity.


🌟 The Light of Knowledge and the Infiltration of Tsukasa's Empire

Senku's journey takes a turn when he encounters Kohaku, a girl with martial arts skills who becomes an ally. Together with Taiu and Yuzuriha, they infiltrate Tsukasa's empire with a mission to revive the world using science. Senku's strategic mind and scientific prowess become crucial as they navigate the complexities of their new environment and prepare for a potential conflict with Tsukasa.


🛠️ The Power of Science and the Creation of a Revolutionary Army

Senku's influence grows as he inspires others with his scientific knowledge, leading to the formation of a revolutionary army. His inventions, such as a car and a laboratory, demonstrate the potential of science to change the world. However, challenges arise when he encounters resistance from those who are suspicious of his methods and intentions.


🎣 The Harvest of Knowledge and the Bond of Friendship

Senku and Chrome form a strong bond as they share their knowledge and experiences. Senku's passion for science and his desire to cure diseases using antibiotics inspire Chrome to join him in his mission. Together, they face obstacles and work towards creating a better future, using science as their guiding light.


🥄 The Feast of Science and the Light of Invention

Senku's scientific endeavors continue as he introduces the villagers to his inventions and culinary creations. His efforts to improve their lives and advance civilization are met with admiration and curiosity. However, his actions also attract the attention of those with potentially harmful intentions, leading to new challenges.


🥽 The Ramen Alliance and the Quest for a Husband

Senku's ramen-making skills not only delight the villagers but also serve as a strategic move to gain allies in his scientific endeavors. Meanwhile, Kohaku's quest to find a suitable husband for her sister leads to a conflict with the village's rules and traditions. Senku's scientific pursuits and Kohaku's personal struggles intertwine, highlighting the complexities of their journey.


🔌 The Spark of Innovation and the Gathering of Forces

Senku's scientific prowess shines as he invents the light bulb, bringing light to the Stone Age world. His inventions inspire others, including Jen, to join him in his mission to advance civilization. As Senku's kingdom of science grows, he faces the challenge of uniting diverse individuals and talents towards a common goal.


🛡️ The Test of Courage and the Fight for Survival

The story reaches a critical point as Senku and his friends face life-threatening challenges. From the dangers of the Emerald Spring to the treacherous Grand bout, they must rely on their wits, courage, and the power of science to overcome adversity. The stakes are high as they fight not only for their lives but also for the future of their civilization.


🥇 The Battle for Love and the Triumph of Science

The competition to become the village elder and win Ruri's hand in marriage becomes a battleground for both love and science. Kohaku's determination to save her sister and Senku's scientific innovations become key factors in the fight against Magma. As the dust settles, the power of science and the strength of true love emerge victorious.


🍶 The Celebration of Achievement and the Preparation for Antivirus

Victory in the Grand bout leads to celebrations and the preparation for the creation of an antivirus to save Ruri. Senku's scientific journey continues as he and his team work tirelessly to produce the miracle medicine. The villagers rally behind him, showcasing the unity and progress achieved through the power of science.


🥄 The Success of the Medicine and the New Village Chief

Senku's success in creating the antivirus marks a significant milestone in his quest to save humanity. His efforts are recognized when he is named the new village chief, a position that brings both respect and responsibility. The story highlights the impact of science on the community and the trust that Senku has built through his actions.


🎉 The Festival of Unity and the Wisdom of the Ancestors

As the village thrives under Senku's leadership, a festival is held to celebrate their unity and progress. The wisdom of the ancestors, passed down through stories, continues to guide and inspire the villagers. Senku's father's legacy lives on through the tales, reaffirming the belief in science and the potential for humanity to overcome adversity.


🌱 The Legacy of the Past and the Hope for the Future

The story concludes with a reflection on the legacy left by Senku's father and the hope for the future. Senku's unwavering dedication to science and his quest to save humanity have inspired those around him. As the village looks forward to a new era under Senku's guidance, the power of knowledge and the spirit of innovation continue to shape their world.




Petrification is the process of turning organic material into stone or a similar substance. In the video, it is a central event where all of humanity is turned into stone, leading to a world plunged into chaos. This event triggers the main character Taiu's journey to save the world and revive petrified people, including his crush Yuzuha.

💡Love Potion

A love potion is a substance that is supposed to make someone fall in love with the person who uses it. In the script, Senu shows Taiu a love potion to help him confess his feelings to Yuzuha. However, Taiu refuses it, preferring to express his feelings genuinely.

💡Confessing Feelings

Confessing feelings refers to the act of openly expressing one's emotions or affection towards another person. Taiu's intention to confess his love to Yuzuha is a significant plot point. Despite the chaos that ensues, his feelings for her remain a constant motivation throughout the story.


Reviving means to bring back to life or consciousness. The concept of revival is crucial in the video as Taiu and Senu work to find a way to reverse the petrification and bring people back to life, symbolizing hope and determination in the face of adversity.


Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In the video, the power of science is what Taiu and Senu use to overcome challenges, create solutions, and attempt to save the world. It's a recurring theme that underscores the importance of knowledge and innovation.


Civilization refers to an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached. The video depicts the collapse and rebuilding of civilization, reflecting themes of resilience and the human capacity for progress.

💡Best Friend

A best friend is a person with whom one shares a mutual bond of friendship, typically marked by intimacy and affection. Senu is Taiu's best friend, and their friendship is a key element in the story. Senu's loyalty and support are vital to Taiu's mission.

💡Petrified Bird

The petrified bird is a recurring symbol in the video. Initially mistaken for a diseased creature, it later becomes a test subject for Taiu and Senu's attempts to reverse petrification. The bird's successful revival represents a breakthrough in their scientific efforts.

💡Stone Age

The Stone Age refers to a broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used for making tools and weapons. In the context of the video, the Stone Age is a metaphor for the state of the world after petrification, where modern civilization has been lost, and the characters must rebuild from scratch.

💡Distilled Alcohol

Distilled alcohol is a drink made by distilling a liquid, which increases its alcohol content. In the video, Senu's attempts to create distilled alcohol through scientific methods not only show his resourcefulness but also serve as a means of bonding and morale boosting for the characters.

💡Wild Animals

Wild animals play a significant role in the video as threats to the characters' safety. The encounter with lions becomes a turning point, leading to the revival of Tsukasa, a strong high schooler, who helps protect the group, showcasing the importance of cooperation and strength in the face of danger.


A story unfolds where humanity is petrified, and Taiu, just before the incident, plans to confess his feelings to his crush, Yuzuha.

Taiu's best friend, Senu, offers a love potion, but Taiu refuses, leading to a humorous revelation that it was just gasoline.

A green light envelops the earth, turning everyone into stone statues, leaving only Taiu conscious in a petrified world.

Centuries pass, and Taiu remains the only conscious being, hoping for Yuzuha's survival and civilization's revival.

After millennia, Taiu awakens to find humanity still petrified and civilization lost to the ages.

Senu, Taiu's friend, has also awakened and has been counting the seconds since the petrification.

Senu has built a basic shelter and has plans to recreate the world from scratch to save all humans.

Taiu and Senu collaborate to restore civilization, with Taiu's confession to Yuzuha marking a personal milestone.

The duo faces challenges, including dealing with poisonous foods and creating their own wine.

They attempt to revive others from petrification, using scientific methods to dissolve the stone.

Tsukasa, a strong high schooler, is revived and helps protect the group from wild animals, showcasing his strength.

An ideological conflict arises between Senu and Tsukasa, leading to a rift and the formation of opposing goals.

Senu creates a weapon using science to combat Tsukasa's growing threat.

The group discovers that the petrification can be reversed, offering hope for the revival of the human race.

Senu's dedication to science and his friends' unwavering support become the driving force behind their survival and the potential revival of civilization.

The story culminates in a battle between science and the Stone Age, with Senu and his friends determined to restore the world.