Stable Diffusion in Code (AI Image Generation) - Computerphile

20 Oct 202216:56

TLDRThe video transcript discusses the intricacies of AI image generation, particularly focusing on Stable Diffusion, a model that's becoming increasingly popular due to its accessibility. The speaker explains the process of generating images from text prompts using Stable Diffusion, which involves tokenizing the text, creating embeddings, and using these to guide the image generation process. The model uses an autoencoder to compress and denoise images, working in a latent space for efficiency. The transcript also delves into various applications of the model, such as creating futuristic cityscapes, image-to-image guidance, and mix guidance for generating hybrid images. The speaker shares their experience using Google Colab to experiment with the model, highlighting the creative potential and ethical considerations of AI-generated images.


  • 📚 The video discusses different types of AI image generation models, focusing on Stable Diffusion and comparing it with others like DALL-E 2 and Imogen.
  • 🌐 Stable Diffusion is more accessible than DALL-E 2, allowing users to download the code and run it, which is beneficial for researchers in various fields.
  • 🔍 CLIP embeddings are used to transform text tokens into meaningful numerical values that represent the semantic meaning of a sentence.
  • 🧠 The process involves a Transformer that aligns text and image embeddings to create a semantically meaningful text embedding.
  • 🖼️ Stable Diffusion uses an autoencoder to compress and decompress images, working in a lower resolution latent space, which is then expanded back into a full image.
  • 🔢 The script details a step-by-step process of generating images from a text prompt, including setting up the text prompt, tokenizing, encoding, and iterating through a diffusion process.
  • 🎨 The generated images can be manipulated by changing the noise seed, allowing for the creation of unique images with the same text prompt.
  • 🌀 The diffusion process involves adding noise to an image, predicting the noise, and then using this prediction to create a less noisy version of the image over multiple iterations.
  • 🚀 The video demonstrates the creation of images using Google Colab, leveraging its GPU capabilities for machine learning tasks.
  • 🤖 The script also explores advanced techniques like image-to-image guidance, where an original image is used to guide the generation of a new image with a specific style or content.
  • 🧬 The presenter shares personal experiences with creating various types of images, such as futuristic cityscapes and wooden carvings, showcasing the creative potential of the technology.

Q & A

  • What are the key differences between Stable Diffusion and other image generation models?

    -Stable Diffusion differs from other models in terms of resolution, embedding techniques, network structure, and where the diffusion process occurs. It operates in a lower resolution latent space, which makes it more accessible and potentially more stable.

  • How does the CLIP embedding work in the context of image generation?

    -CLIP embeddings are a method of turning text tokens into meaningful numerical values. They are trained with image and text pairs to align the semantic meaning of both, creating a contextually rich text embedding that can be used to guide image generation.

  • What is the role of the autoencoder in Stable Diffusion?

    -The autoencoder in Stable Diffusion compresses the image into a lower resolution but detailed representation, performs the diffusion process in this latent space, and then expands it back into a full image, which allows for efficient and potentially stable image generation.

  • Why is Stable Diffusion considered more accessible than some other models?

    -Stable Diffusion is considered more accessible because its code can be downloaded and run by individuals, whereas other models like DALL-E may require access to an API without the ability to modify the underlying code.

  • How does the process of image upsampling work in Stable Diffusion?

    -After generating a 64x64 pixel image, Stable Diffusion uses another network to upsample the image to higher resolutions, such as 256x256 and then 1024x1024, to create a more detailed image.

  • What is the significance of the noise seed in generating images with Stable Diffusion?

    -The noise seed is a random number used to initiate the diffusion process. Changing the noise seed results in a different noise pattern, leading to the generation of unique images even with the same text prompt.

  • How does the text prompt influence the generated image in Stable Diffusion?

    -The text prompt is tokenized and encoded into a numerical form that represents the semantic meaning of the text. This text embedding is used to guide the diffusion process, ensuring that the generated image is relevant to the prompt.

  • What are the potential ethical considerations when using AI image generation models like Stable Diffusion?

    -Ethical considerations include the potential for misuse, such as generating inappropriate or harmful content, as well as questions about the training data and the representation it may perpetuate.

  • How can one experiment with Stable Diffusion to create unique images?

    -By altering the text prompt, changing the noise seed, or manipulating the parameters such as resolution and number of inference steps, one can experiment with Stable Diffusion to create a wide variety of unique images.

  • What is the concept of 'image-to-image' guidance in Stable Diffusion?

    -Image-to-image guidance involves using an existing image as a guide to generate a new image with similar features. This technique allows for control over the generation process, even for those without artistic skills.

  • How does the mixing guidance feature in Stable Diffusion work?

    -Mixing guidance allows for the combination of two text prompts to guide the image generation process. The model generates an image that is a blend of the two prompts, creating a unique result that reflects both inputs.

  • What are the potential applications of Stable Diffusion in various fields?

    -Stable Diffusion can be applied in fields like medical imaging, where it could assist in generating detailed images for diagnosis, or in creative industries, where it can be used to generate unique designs and artwork.



🤖 Understanding AI Image Generation Systems

The first paragraph discusses various AI networks and image generation systems, highlighting the differences between DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion. It emphasizes the importance of the resolution, embedding techniques, and network structure in these models. The speaker shares their experience with Stable Diffusion, noting its accessibility and potential for creative applications. The paragraph also touches on ethical considerations and the training process of these models, with a focus on CLIP embeddings, which are used to convert text tokens into numerical representations that align with image embeddings for semantic meaning.


🧠 Autoencoders and Stable Diffusion Process

The second paragraph delves into the technicalities of Stable Diffusion's approach to image generation. It introduces the concept of an autoencoder, which compresses and denoises images into a lower resolution representation. The diffusion process then takes place in this latent space, and the autoencoder expands the image back to its original resolution. The paragraph explains how this method allows for more stable and efficient image generation at lower resolutions. It also outlines the process of using Google Colab for running machine learning models and how the code abstracts complex deep learning operations into simpler function calls.


🔍 Iterative Image Refinement with Noise Prediction

The third paragraph explains the iterative process of generating images from noise. It describes how noise is added to the latent space at each time step, and a unit predicts the noise based on the text embeddings. The difference between noise predictions with and without text is amplified to guide the image generation process. The paragraph also discusses the importance of the number of iterations and how it affects the stability and quality of the generated images. It concludes with an example of generating an image of 'frogs on stilts' using this process.


🎨 Creative Image Generation Techniques

The fourth paragraph explores various creative techniques for image generation using AI. It talks about mix guidance, where two text inputs are used to guide the image generation process, creating a blend of the two concepts. The paragraph also mentions the potential for expanding images by generating the missing parts, and the use of image-to-image guidance to create animations or modify existing images. The speaker shares their own experiments with generating cityscapes and transforming photographs into wooden carvings. The paragraph concludes with the potential for automation and the emergence of plugins for image editing software.



💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an AI image generation model that uses diffusion processes to create images from textual descriptions. It operates by adding noise to a base image and then using a neural network to reverse the process, generating images that align with the given text prompts. In the video, it is highlighted as a more accessible alternative to other models like DALL-E 2, allowing users to download the code and run it themselves, which is crucial for those interested in applying image generation to specific research areas.

💡Image Generation

Image generation refers to the process of creating images from data inputs, often textual descriptions, using AI models. The video discusses how systems like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E 2 generate images by interpreting text embeddings and transforming them into visual outputs. It is central to the video's theme as it demonstrates the capabilities of AI in creating novel images based on textual instructions.


Embeddings in the context of the video are numerical representations of text that are used by AI models to understand and process language. The script mentions 'clip embeddings,' which are created by training a model with image and text pairs to align the semantic meaning of both. They are crucial for the image generation process as they provide the AI with a meaningful context of the text, allowing it to generate images that correspond to the text's meaning.


An autoencoder is a type of neural network that learns to encode input into a compressed representation and then decode it back into the original input. In the video, Stable Diffusion uses an autoencoder to compress an image into a lower resolution but detailed representation, perform the diffusion process in this latent space, and then expand it back into a full image. This process allows for efficient image generation at lower resolutions.

💡Text Prompts

Text prompts are the textual descriptions or instructions given to AI image generation models to guide the creation of images. The video script provides examples such as 'frogs on stilts' and 'a wooden carving of a rabbit eating a leaf,' which the AI uses to generate corresponding images. Text prompts are essential as they direct the AI on what kind of images to produce.


Upsampling is a process used in AI image generation to increase the resolution of an image. After an initial image is generated at a lower resolution, upsampling networks are used to enlarge the image to a higher resolution, such as from 64x64 pixels to 256x256 or 1024x1024 pixels. The video discusses how upsampling is used in conjunction with the diffusion process to create higher resolution images.


In the context of the video, noise refers to the random disturbances or variations added to the initial image during the diffusion process. The AI model predicts and removes this noise to generate a clearer image that aligns with the text prompt. The amount of noise added at each step of the diffusion process can be controlled, influencing the final output of the generated image.


A Transformer is a type of neural network architecture that is particularly effective in handling sequential data such as language. In the video, it is used within the text encoder to process text embeddings by considering the context of words in a sentence. The Transformer allows the AI to understand the overall meaning of a sentence numerically, which is vital for generating images that match the semantic content of the text prompt.

💡Contrastive Loss

Contrastive Loss is a type of loss function used in training neural networks, particularly in tasks that involve similarity or dissimilarity between inputs. In the video, it is mentioned in the context of training the CLIP model, where the goal is to make embeddings of an image and its text description very similar, while making embeddings of an image with a different text description very different. This process helps the model learn to generate images that are semantically aligned with their text prompts.

💡Google Colab

Google Colab is a cloud-based development environment that allows users to write and execute code in a Jupyter notebook style interface while also providing access to computing resources such as GPUs for machine learning tasks. In the video, the presenter uses Google Colab to run the Stable Diffusion code and generate images, highlighting its utility for individuals who may not have access to powerful hardware locally.

💡Ethics in AI

The ethics in AI refers to the moral principles and guidelines that should govern the development and use of artificial intelligence. The video script briefly touches on ethical considerations when discussing AI image generation, such as the potential for misuse or the need to consider how these models are trained. While not explored in depth in the script, it raises important questions about the responsible use of AI technology.


Stable diffusion is a type of AI image generation model that works differently from others like Imogen.

Stable diffusion's code is accessible, allowing users to download, run, and modify it for their own purposes.

The process involves using CLIP embeddings to transform text into numerical codes that represent the semantic meaning of sentences.

An autoencoder compresses and decompresses images, facilitating the diffusion process in a lower resolution space.

The diffusion process involves adding noise to an image and then predicting and subtracting that noise to reconstruct the original image.

Different schedulers can be used to control the amount of noise added at each step of the diffusion process.

The model can generate images from text prompts, such as 'frogs on stilts', through an iterative process of noise addition and reduction.

The number of iterations and the seed used for noise can be adjusted to produce different images from the same text prompt.

Google Colab can be used to run the stable diffusion model using its GPU capabilities.

The model can be used to generate images for specific research areas like plants or medical imaging.

Image-to-image guidance allows users to reconstruct images based on a guide image, maintaining the shape and structure of the original.

The model can create animations by generating frames that are consistent with an initial image.

Mix guidance is a feature that combines two text prompts to generate an image that is a blend of both descriptions.

The diffusion process can be expanded to generate higher resolution images by growing from a base image.

Plugins for image editing software like GIMP and Photoshop are being developed to integrate stable diffusion.

The accessibility of the code and the creative potential have led to a surge in community engagement and experimentation.

Ethical considerations and the training process of these models are topics for future discussion.