How to Make ChatGPT AI Content Sound Human: Humanize AI SEO Strategy

Julian Goldie SEO
1 Apr 202416:13

TLDRThis video script offers strategies for humanizing AI-generated content, emphasizing the importance of editing for accuracy and originality. It discusses fact-checking, using tools like Originality and Undetectable AI for content refinement, and manual quality control. The script also highlights the value of personalized prompts and leveraging unique data sets for more authentic and SEO-friendly content. Additionally, it suggests alternatives like Claude for a more natural tone and recommends a combined approach for competitive advantage and effective SEO.


  • 📝 Fact-checking is crucial for AI-generated content to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • ✅ Google advises editing AI content to avoid spam ranking and maintain content quality.
  • 🔍 Use tools like originality checker and fact-checking platforms to verify the information in your content.
  • ✂️ Edit AI content for brevity and human-like sentence structure to reduce detectability by AI detectors.
  • 🔄 Rewriting AI content with humanization tools can result in 100% original content, though it may read unnaturally.
  • 📝 Implement a manual quality control checklist to refine content for human appeal, expertise, and trustworthiness.
  • 📈 Utilize unique datasets like Kaggle to add fresh, fact-checked information to your content.
  • 🌟 Enhance content with unique images and new FAQs to increase its originality and value.
  • 📝 Generate content line by line for a more natural and human-like flow.
  • 🤖 Explore alternative AI tools like Claude for a potentially more natural content output.
  • 🔥 Combine various techniques to gain a competitive edge and avoid common pitfalls associated with AI-generated content.

Q & A

  • Why is it important to humanize AI-generated content for SEO?

    -Humanizing AI-generated content is crucial for SEO because Google prefers content that is edited and improved upon by humans. This ensures the content is accurate, reliable, and useful to readers, leading to better rankings and conversions. Unedited AI content can appear sloppy and may not rank well due to inaccuracies and lack of reliability.

  • How does fact-checking help in improving AI content?

    -Fact-checking helps in verifying the accuracy of the information presented in AI content. By ensuring the facts are correct, the content becomes more reliable and trustworthy to readers. It also prevents the spread of misinformation and improves the content's SEO value, as search engines prioritize accurate and reliable content.

  • What is the role of a quality control checklist in editing AI content?

    -A quality control checklist provides a step-by-step guide to editing and improving AI content. It includes steps like removing fluff, formatting the content nicely, adding expertise and trust, re-fact checking, and adding SEO signals. This ensures that the content is not only free from errors but also engaging and optimized for search engines.

  • How can using a tool like 'Originality' help with fact-checking?

    -Tools like 'Originality' offer a built-in fact checker that can scan a list of facts and highlight which ones are true or false. This feature helps in quickly verifying the accuracy of the information, making the content more reliable and useful to readers.

  • What is the purpose of using a humanizer tool to edit AI content?

    -A humanizer tool is designed to alter the structure and phrasing of AI-generated content to make it sound more natural and less machine-like. This helps in making the content more engaging and relatable to readers, thereby improving its overall quality and appeal.

  • Why is it recommended to combine multiple techniques when humanizing AI content?

    -Combining multiple techniques when humanizing AI content ensures a more comprehensive improvement of the content's quality. It helps in achieving a higher level of uniqueness, relevance, and engagement, which are all crucial for SEO success. Using a variety of methods also helps in avoiding detection by AI content detectors and prevents the content from appearing generic or spammy.

  • How can using a personal data set improve the uniqueness of AI-generated content?

    -Incorporating a personal data set into AI-generated content introduces new and unique information that may not be available in the general data used by other AI tools. This not only makes the content stand out but also increases its value by providing readers with insights that they may not have encountered elsewhere.

  • What is the advantage of generating content line by line rather than in one big block?

    -Generating content line by line allows for more control over the content's flow and structure. It enables the creation of a more natural and conversational tone, making the content feel more human and engaging to readers.

  • How does using alternative AI tools like Claude contribute to humanizing content?

    -Alternative AI tools like Claude can offer a different approach to content generation that may feel more natural and conversational. By comparing outputs from different AI tools, you can select the one that best achieves the desired human-like tone and quality.

  • What additional steps can be taken to make AI content more engaging and human-like?

    -Additional steps include adding unique images, answering new FAQs, and manually editing the content to remove fluff and enhance readability. These steps not only improve the content's appeal but also add new information and context, making it more valuable to readers.

  • Where can one find a free SEO course that covers humanizing AI content?

    -A free SEO course that covers humanizing AI content can be accessed through the links provided in the video description or comments. The course includes tutorials on various SEO topics and offers strategies for improving the quality and effectiveness of online content.



📝 Humanizing AI Content for SEO

The paragraph discusses the importance of humanizing AI-generated content for SEO purposes. It emphasizes that Google does not want unedited AI content to rank, as it often lacks fact-checking and reliability. The speaker introduces strategies to edit and humanize AI content, such as fact-checking and using tools like Originality's Fact Checker. The goal is to create content that is useful, accurate, and reader-focused, which will naturally lead to better rankings and conversions. The paragraph highlights the advantage of differentiating from competitors who do not follow these practices.


📈 Avoiding AI Detectability and Enhancing Content

This section explores various methods to reduce AI detectability in content and improve its human-like quality. The speaker discusses the theory that shorter sentences may reduce AI detectability, but this approach is not always effective. They also mention that rewriting content or reducing sentence length doesn't necessarily work. Instead, using tools like Undetectable AI's humanizer feature can make the content appear 100% original. However, such content might not read naturally and may not be user-friendly. The speaker suggests using a manual quality control checklist to edit and enhance the content, making it both unique and appealing to readers.


🔍 Adding Unique Insights and Personal Touch

The paragraph focuses on adding unique insights and a personal touch to content using one's own dataset. The speaker suggests using platforms like Kaggle to obtain datasets and incorporating them into AI-generated content to make it more unique and fact-checked. They also mention the importance of using quality control, fact-checking, and humanizer tools to ensure the content's accuracy and originality. The speaker also talks about adding new FAQs, using unique images, and blending data with humanized prompts to create engaging content from AI tools like Chat GPT.


💬 Generating Content Line by Line and Alternative Tools

In this part, the speaker talks about generating content line by line for a more human and natural feel. They compare different AI tools like Chat GPT and Claude, highlighting that Claude's output tends to feel more natural and conversational. The speaker suggests using a combination of techniques, including manual editing, humanizers, and AI tools, to create content that is not only unique and undetectable by AI spam filters but also engaging and relatable to readers. They also mention the availability of a free SEO course covering these techniques and offer a free SEO strategy session for businesses looking to improve their online presence.



💡humanizing AI content

The process of making AI-generated content sound more natural and relatable to human readers. This involves editing and refining the content to ensure it is accurate, engaging, and free from AI-generated errors. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of humanizing AI content for better SEO rankings and conversion rates, providing strategies such as fact-checking and using tools like 'humanizer' to improve the content's authenticity and appeal.

💡SEO strategy

A set of techniques and approaches aimed at improving a website's visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses how humanizing AI content can be part of an effective SEO strategy, as it helps in creating unique, reliable, and engaging content that search engines and users alike find valuable.


The act of verifying the accuracy of information, particularly in the context of AI-generated content. Fact-checking is essential to ensure that the content is reliable and trustworthy. The video highlights the importance of fact-checking AI content to avoid spreading misinformation and to comply with search engine guidelines.

💡AI-generated content

Content created by artificial intelligence systems, such as Chat GPT. While AI can produce large amounts of content quickly, it may contain inaccuracies or 'hallucinations'. The video discusses the need for human intervention to edit and improve AI-generated content for better quality and authenticity.


A measure of how unique and non-plagiarized a piece of content is. In the context of the video, originality is important for SEO as search engines favor fresh and unique content over copied or repetitive material. The speaker discusses using tools to check the originality of AI-generated content and suggests ways to increase it.

💡competitive advantage

A unique edge or benefit that sets a business or individual apart from its competitors. In the video, the speaker argues that by humanizing AI content and making it more accurate and engaging, one can gain a competitive advantage over others who simply copy and paste AI-generated content without editing.

💡quality control

The process of ensuring that output from a process meets a certain standard of quality. In the context of the video, quality control involves manually reviewing and editing AI-generated content to remove errors, add personality, and ensure the content is accurate, engaging, and useful to readers.


Specific instructions or questions given to an AI to guide the type of content it generates. In the video, the speaker discusses the use of prompts to improve the human-like quality of AI-generated content, by providing clear and specific directions that lead to more engaging and relevant output.

💡data sets

Collections of data that can be used for analysis or to inform content creation. In the video, the speaker suggests using data sets, such as those from Kaggle, to add unique and factual information to AI-generated content, thereby increasing its originality and relevance.

💡humanizer tool

A tool designed to modify AI-generated content to make it sound more human-like and less machine-generated. The video discusses using such tools to edit AI content for better readability and natural flow, which is important for user engagement and SEO.

💡line by line generation

A method of creating content by generating it sentence by sentence or piece by piece, rather than in one large block of text. This approach can result in content that feels more natural and human, as it allows for greater control over the tone and flow of the writing.


The importance of humanizing AI content for better SEO rankings and conversion rates is emphasized.

Google advises against unedited AI content ranking due to potential inaccuracies and unreliability.

Fact-checking AI content is crucial to avoid misleading information and improve SEO.

Originality's fact-checking tool can help identify false statements within AI-generated content.

The use of a manual quality control checklist can significantly enhance the human-like quality of AI content.

AI detection tools can help identify content that may be perceived as AI-generated, which could negatively impact SEO.

Editing AI content for brevity and shorter sentences may reduce AI detectability but can compromise readability.

The humanization of AI content can be achieved through specialized tools like ''.

While AI tools can create unique content, it's essential to ensure it reads naturally and is user-friendly.

Using personal datasets can add a unique and fact-checked element to AI-generated content.

Incorporating unique images and answering new FAQs can further humanize and enrich AI content.

Generating content line by line can result in a more natural and human-like flow.

Alternative AI tools like Claude can sometimes produce more naturally flowing and human-sounding content.

Combining various techniques for humanizing AI content can provide a competitive edge and avoid AI spam issues.

A free SEO course is available that covers humanization and other SEO techniques.

A manual quality control checklist is provided for detailed editing and humanizing of AI content.