How to Make ChatGPT AI Content Sound Human: Humanize AI SEO Strategy

Julian Goldie SEO
1 Mar 202411:16

TLDRThe video script outlines a comprehensive guide on humanizing AI chat GPT content to achieve top search engine rankings. It highlights the importance of making content appear more human for better SEO and engagement. The speaker shares various methods, including using specific prompts, customizing chat GPT instructions, and training AI on successful past data. The guide emphasizes the effectiveness of these techniques, showcasing how they can produce unique, personalized, and high-ranking content. Access to a free SEO course and a one-on-one strategy session is also offered.


  • 🚀 The primary goal of the guide is to teach methods for humanizing AI chat GPT content to achieve top search engine rankings.
  • 📈 Demonstrated success in ranking content number one on Google by utilizing humanized AI chat GPT content.
  • ⏰ Time-saving benefit: Using specific prompts and methods can save thousands of hours of work.
  • 🛡️ Mitigates AI risks by creating a sustainable SEO strategy that makes content feel and sound human.
  • 💡 The use of a targeted prompt can significantly improve the naturalness and human-like quality of AI-generated content.
  • 📝 Custom instructions and personal information can be used to further refine and personalize AI content.
  • 🎯 The importance of aligning content with search intent and including keywords strategically.
  • 🌐 Originality AI detection can be fooled by custom instructions, making AI content appear more human and original.
  • 📊 Training AI on past successful data can generate highly effective content, such as SEO titles and video thumbnails.
  • 📌 Adding a short, personalized answer at the top of content can establish expertise, authority, experience, and trust.
  • 💌 Free access to the guide, prompts, custom instructions, and workflows is available in the SEO system section of the speaker's website.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of the AI chat GPT humanizer guide?

    -The main goal of the AI chat GPT humanizer guide is to teach methods for making AI-generated content sound more human-like, which can help rank content higher on search engines like Google.

  • How does humanizing AI content contribute to better search engine rankings?

    -Humanizing AI content makes it more relatable and engaging to readers, which can lead to better user experience and higher rankings over time due to improved on-page metrics and user engagement.

  • What are some benefits of using the humanizing content prompt method?

    -Using the humanizing content prompt method can save time by reducing the need for extensive editing, ensure the content is SEO optimized, and make the AI-generated text sound more natural and less like a typical AI response.

  • Which version of GPT is recommended for humanizing AI content?

    -It is recommended to use GPT-4 for humanizing AI content, but if access to GPT-4 is not available, B co-pilot can be used as an alternative to get free access to similar capabilities.

  • How can one use their 'About Me' page to create a more personalized and human-sounding article?

    -By inputting the information from their 'About Me' page into GPT and using a custom prompt tailored to that information, one can generate unique, personalized content that reflects their personal story and expertise.

  • What is the significance of custom instructions in humanizing AI content?

    -Custom instructions allow for the tailoring of GPT's responses to specific requirements, making the output feel more human, personalized, and aligned with the user's desired tone and style.

  • How does training GPT on previous successful data improve the human-like quality of AI-generated content?

    -Training GPT on previous successful data helps the model learn patterns and styles that have proven effective, resulting in AI-generated content that feels more human and resonates better with the target audience.

  • What is the purpose of adding a short answer at the top of AI-generated content?

    -Adding a short answer at the top provides a quick, human-like response that demonstrates expertise, authority, experience, and trust, making the content more engaging and trustworthy to readers.

  • How can the originality of humanized AI content be tested?

    -The originality of humanized AI content can be tested using AI detection tools, which compare the content to a database of known AI-generated and human-written content to determine its uniqueness and human-like quality.

  • What additional resources are available for those interested in learning more about humanizing AI content?

    -Individuals can access a free Chat GPT SEO course and book a free SEO strategy session for personalized advice on leveraging SEO and humanizing AI content for better traffic and sales.



🚀 Mastering AI Chat GPT Humanization for Top Rankings

This paragraph discusses strategies for humanizing AI-generated content from Chat GPT to achieve top search engine rankings. The speaker shares personal experiences of ranking content with and without humanization, emphasizing the significant improvement post-humanization. The importance of directing AI to create content that not only ranks well but also deeply connects with readers is highlighted. The speaker introduces the first method, which involves using specific prompts to guide Chat GPT in producing more human-sounding content and recommends using Chat GPT 4 or B co-pilot for this purpose.


🎨 Customizing Chat GPT Responses for a Natural Feel

The focus of this paragraph is on customizing Chat GPT's responses to make them feel more human and engaging. The speaker explains how to use custom instructions to alter Chat GPT's tone and style, resulting in content that is more aligned with the user's needs. A demonstration is provided to show the difference between regular Chat GPT responses and those with customized humanizing instructions. The effectiveness of this approach is further illustrated by comparing the originality of content produced with and without these instructions.


📈 Training Chat GPT on Successful Past Data

This paragraph emphasizes the power of training Chat GPT with previously successful data to generate more human-like and effective content. The speaker shares examples of how they have used this method to create engaging social media posts and compelling titles for YouTube videos. The idea is to feed Chat GPT with data that has a proven track record of performance, allowing it to learn and produce higher quality output. The results of this method are showcased through impressive engagement numbers and rankings.

🏆 Maintaining High Rankings Over Time with Humanized AI

The speaker concludes by reiterating the long-term benefits of humanizing AI content. They provide proof that the methods discussed not only help in achieving top rankings but also in maintaining them over time. The speaker offers free access to a comprehensive guide and resources for humanizing Chat GPT content, aiming to empower viewers to enhance their SEO and content creation strategies. Additionally, they extend an offer for a free SEO strategy session to further assist in boosting online presence and conversions.



💡AI chat GPT humanizer

The AI chat GPT humanizer refers to a set of techniques or strategies designed to make content generated by AI, specifically chat GPT, sound more human-like and relatable. In the context of the video, it is a guide that helps users rank their content higher on search engines by humanizing AI-generated text, making it more engaging and less robotic. The video provides various methods to achieve this, such as using specific prompts and custom instructions to guide the AI towards producing more natural-sounding content.

💡Content ranking

Content ranking refers to the position or visibility of a webpage or article on search engine results pages (SERPs). A higher ranking typically means more visibility and organic traffic. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of humanizing AI content to improve its ranking on search engines like Google. The speaker claims that by making chat GPT content sound more human, one can achieve and maintain a higher ranking over time.

💡SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is the practice of optimizing web content to increase its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. It involves various strategies, including keyword optimization, quality content creation, and technical SEO. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses how humanizing AI-generated content can be a sustainable SEO strategy that not only improves rankings but also mitigates the risks associated with AI content, making it more appealing and trustworthy to both search engines and readers.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, known for its ability to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. In the video, the speaker discusses methods to enhance the naturalness and human-like quality of content generated by chat GPT, which is essential for SEO and user engagement. The goal is to make the AI-generated content sound less mechanical and more like it was written by a human.

💡Humanizing content

Humanizing content involves altering or creating content to make it more relatable, engaging, and natural-sounding to human readers. This process aims to reduce the robotic or formulaic tone often associated with AI-generated text. In the video, the speaker provides methods for humanizing AI content, such as using specific prompts and custom instructions, to create content that feels personal and connects deeply with the reader.

💡Custom instructions

Custom instructions are specific directions or guidelines provided to an AI to tailor its output to meet particular requirements or styles. In the context of the video, custom instructions are used to guide chat GPT in producing content that not only sounds human but also aligns with the speaker's desired tone, style, and SEO objectives. These instructions can be incorporated into the AI's settings or used as part of the input to achieve a more personalized and optimized output.

💡Keyword optimization

Keyword optimization is a crucial aspect of SEO that involves selecting and incorporating relevant keywords into web content to improve its visibility on search engines. The goal is to match search intent and provide valuable information to users while also enhancing the content's ranking potential. In the video, the speaker discusses the importance of including keywords in the first sentence and title of an article to optimize it for search engines.


Originality refers to the uniqueness and creativity of content, which is highly valued by both search engines and readers. In the context of the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of creating original content that does not resemble generic AI-generated text. The speaker demonstrates how humanizing AI content can significantly increase its originality, as measured by AI detection tools.

💡AI detection

AI detection involves the use of tools or algorithms to identify content that has been generated by artificial intelligence. High AI detection scores indicate that the content is perceived as more machine-like, while low scores suggest a higher level of human-like originality. In the video, the speaker discusses the benefits of reducing AI detection scores to make content appear more human and, consequently, more appealing for SEO and user engagement.


Personalization refers to the process of tailoring content or experiences to an individual's preferences, needs, or characteristics. In the context of the video, personalization involves using one's own voice, story, or unique experiences to create content that feels more authentic and relatable. The speaker discusses using personal information and experiences to train AI models like chat GPT to produce content that is not only optimized for SEO but also personalized and human-sounding.


A workflow refers to a series of steps or procedures followed to complete a task or achieve a goal. In the video, the speaker introduces a workflow method for humanizing AI content that involves adding a short, personalized answer at the top of an article, followed by the longer, AI-generated content. This approach aims to establish expertise, authority, experience, and trust with the reader while providing a human touch to the content.


The guide aims to make AI chat GPT content sound human for better search engine rankings.

Humanizing content can lead to sustained high rankings over time.

Using specific prompts can help direct chat GPT to produce more human-like content.

Chat GPT 4 is recommended for better results, but alternatives like B co-pilot can be used.

Inserting keywords and using humanizing content prompts can significantly improve SEO.

Personalizing content with information from 'About Me' pages can create unique, SEO-friendly articles.

Custom instructions can be added to chat GPT to modify its response style.

Originality and AI detection tools can be used to measure the human-like quality of content.

Training chat GPT on previously successful data can produce more engaging and human-sounding content.

Using custom GPT models trained on top-performing content can generate effective SEO titles and video thumbnails.

A short, personalized answer at the top of content can establish expertise and trust.

The guide provides free access to a comprehensive system for making chat GPT content sound human.

A free chat GPT SEO course is available with additional resources and examples.

A free SEO strategy session is offered to learn about link building and improving SEO traffic.

The methods demonstrated have proven to maintain high rankings and are effective for various content types.

The speaker, Julian Goldie, shares personal insights and experiences to add credibility to the guide.