How To Automate Your Literature Review ETHICALLY Using ChatGPT (Prof. David Stuckler)

David Stuckler
29 Dec 202317:20

TLDRIn this informative video, Professor David Stuckler demonstrates how to ethically automate literature reviews using ChatGPT. He emphasizes the importance of defining a clear research question and outlines a four-stage writing process, including developing a search strategy and utilizing ChatGPT for editing. By integrating the PIER writing system and advocating for free research tools like Zotero and Google Scholar, he encourages ethical AI usage to enhance research efficiency without compromising academic integrity.


  • 📝 Ethical use of AI in literature review involves avoiding plagiarism and adhering to academic rules.
  • 🔍 Start by defining a clear and bounded research question to prevent getting lost in a vast topic area.
  • 📈 Use AI to help refine and generate potential research questions based on a given topic.
  • 🎯 Create an outline and structure for the literature review with AI's assistance to focus the search for relevant literature.
  • 🔎 Invert the traditional order of writing by developing an outline before conducting a literature search.
  • 📚 Utilize tools like Google Scholar for targeted searches on each theme from the outline.
  • 💡 Employ the STRIP method for forensic searches to extract relevant information from articles without plagiarizing.
  • 📋 Use a reference manager like Zotero to organize and cite literature effectively.
  • ✍️ Edit and refine the first draft using AI for an academic tone and succinct writing style.
  • 🥪 Apply the PIER system (Point, Evidence, Interpretation, Repeating Sentence) to structure paragraphs in the literature review.
  • 🚀 Enhance research efficiency by leveraging AI tools while maintaining the integrity of the research process.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of Professor Stuckler's video?

    -The main goal of Professor Stuckler's video is to demonstrate how to automate the process of conducting a literature review using ChatGPT ethically, without violating academic integrity rules such as plagiarism.

  • How does Professor Stuckler suggest defining a research question for a literature review?

    -Professor Stuckler suggests starting with a broad topic and refining it into a clear research question by setting boundaries and parameters. This helps to focus the research and prevent confusion and inefficiency during the literature review process.

  • What role does ChatGPT play in automating the literature review process according to Professor Stuckler?

    -ChatGPT assists in automating the literature review process by generating structured outlines, suggesting potential research questions, and helping develop a search strategy. It acts as a supportive tool that enhances the efficiency of the literature review process.

  • What is the 'strip method' mentioned by Professor Stuckler, and how does it relate to conducting a literature review?

    -The 'strip method' is a search strategy developed by Professor Stuckler for conducting efficient and targeted literature searches. It involves using specific, organized methods to gather relevant literature without plagiarism, emphasizing ethical research practices.

  • Why does Professor Stuckler emphasize the use of free tools like Zotero and Google Scholar?

    -Professor Stuckler emphasizes the use of free tools to ensure that all students and researchers, regardless of their financial resources, can access high-quality research tools. This aligns with his commitment to open access and reducing barriers in academic research.

  • How does Professor Stuckler recommend structuring an outline for a literature review?

    -He recommends starting with a working title and introduction, followed by a methods section, and then structuring the main body into sections that cover various aspects of the topic, such as historical context, main findings, and challenges. This helps in organizing the review systematically.

  • What is the 'PIER' system that Professor Stuckler discusses, and how is it applied in writing?

    -The 'PIER' system is a writing framework that stands for Point, Evidence, and Explanation/Reiteration. It helps structure paragraphs where each starts with a clear point, is supported by evidence, and concludes with an explanation or a reiterating sentence, enhancing clarity and depth.

  • What is the role of editing in the final stages of writing a literature review according to the video?

    -Editing is critical for refining the content, ensuring clarity, and maintaining an academic tone. Professor Stuckler suggests using tools like ChatGPT for editing to improve language and structure, particularly helpful for those whose first language is not English.

  • Can you explain the concept of saturation in the context of a literature review?

    -Saturation in the context of a literature review occurs when additional research no longer contributes new or useful information to the topic being studied. This concept helps researchers determine when they have gathered sufficient literature to comprehensively cover their research question.

  • How does Professor Stuckler view the role of AI tools like ChatGPT in the future of academic research?

    -Professor Stuckler believes that AI tools will significantly enhance research capabilities by making the research process faster and more efficient. He encourages embracing these tools to stay competitive and to supplement traditional research methods, not feel threatened by their capabilities.



📚 Ethical Automation of Literature Reviews Using ChatGPT

Professor Davis Suckler introduces a method to ethically automate literature reviews using ChatGPT. He emphasizes the importance of using such tools without plagiarizing or violating academic standards. The video will cover defining a research question with a clear and concise approach, developing an effective search strategy, and utilizing AI to create structured outlines for literature reviews. Professor Suckler shares his experience of publishing over 400 articles and how AI could have expedited his research. He promises a secret writing tip that will enhance viewers' approach to conducting thorough literature reviews.


🔍 Developing a Research Strategy with Google Scholar and Zotero

Professor Suckler explains how to use Google Scholar for targeted searches based on a structured outline created with ChatGPT's help. He demonstrates transferring this outline into a Word document and initiating searches. He introduces Zotero as an essential tool for managing citations and ensuring that literature reviews remain free from plagiarism. Professor Suckler emphasizes the importance of creating a dedicated library in Zotero for project-specific resources. The process of selecting and annotating relevant literature pieces to fit within the outlined structure is described in detail.


✍️ Writing and Editing Literature Reviews Using the 'PIER' System

The video script describes the final stages of writing and editing a literature review using ChatGPT. Professor Suckler introduces the 'PIER' system (Point, Evidence, Explanation, Reiteration), likened to a hamburger structure, for constructing compelling academic paragraphs. The process involves integrating evidence with analysis and discussion, aimed at highlighting gaps in research. He also provides tips for engaging and clear academic writing, stressing the importance of adding citations and evidence correctly. The use of AI is advocated to refine the draft and ensure an academic tone in writing.


🎓 Leveraging AI to Overcome Challenges in Academic Writing

In the final segment, Professor Suckler reflects on the transformative impact of using AI tools like ChatGPT for academic writing. He shares a success story of a student who significantly improved his literature review process using AI. Professor Suckler argues that mastering such tools can provide a competitive edge in academia. He also encourages the use of free, accessible tools and discusses his commitment to open-access resources. The video concludes with an invitation to join his Facebook group for further learning and exchange of ideas among researchers.




The term 'automate' refers to the process of making a task or process run by itself with minimal human intervention, often through the use of technology or software. In the context of the video, it relates to the use of AI, specifically ChatGPT, to streamline and expedite the literature review process. The video provides an example of how automation can help in refining a research question and developing an outline for a literature review, thus making the task more efficient and less time-consuming.

💡Literature Review

A literature review is a comprehensive analysis of previously published writings pertaining to a specific topic or research question. It is a critical part of research that helps in understanding the existing body of knowledge and identifying gaps that require further investigation. In the video, the main theme revolves around the ethical use of ChatGPT to automate the literature review process, ensuring that it aids rather than replaces the researcher's work, and emphasizing the importance of original contribution and academic integrity.


Ethically refers to the principles of conduct that are considered correct, or acceptable in research. It involves adhering to rules and guidelines that promote honesty, fairness, and respect for others' work. In the video, the emphasis on ethical use of ChatGPT in automating literature reviews highlights the importance of not plagiarizing, and ensuring that the AI tool is used to enhance the researcher's work without violating academic standards or intellectual property rights.


ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI, which is designed to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the video, ChatGPT is presented as a tool that can assist in automating parts of the literature review process, such as generating research questions, creating outlines, and editing for academic tone. However, it is crucial to use it ethically, ensuring that the final work is original and properly attributed.

💡Research Question

A research question is a specific, focused, and exploratory query that guides the research process. It is the central issue that a study aims to address or answer. In the video, defining a clear research question is the first step in conducting a literature review. The example given involves transforming a broad topic into a precise question, which sets the boundaries for the literature search and ensures that the review remains focused and relevant.

💡Search Strategy

A search strategy in the context of literature review refers to the systematic approach used to find relevant sources of information. It involves using specific keywords, databases, and search engines to locate articles, books, and other scholarly materials. In the video, the speaker suggests using a tool like Google Scholar and applying a method called the 'strip method' to perform targeted searches for each theme in the outline, which helps in efficiently gathering pertinent literature.


Zotero is a free, open-source reference management software that helps in organizing, managing, citing, and sharing research sources. In the video, the speaker recommends using Zotero to save and manage the literature found during the search strategy. It is emphasized as a fundamental tool for researchers, especially when using advanced tools like ChatGPT, to ensure that the literature review process is efficient and avoids plagiarism.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words, ideas, or work without giving proper credit or permission, thus presenting it as one's own. In academic research, plagiarism is a serious offense that can lead to severe consequences. The video underscores the importance of avoiding plagiarism when automating literature reviews with ChatGPT by using proper citation and attributing sources to their rightful owners.


An outline is a structured plan that serves as a guide for organizing and presenting information in a written work, such as a literature review. It typically includes a hierarchy of headings and subheadings that represent the main ideas and their supporting points. In the video, the creation of an outline using ChatGPT is discussed as a means to streamline the literature review process, providing a framework that helps focus the search for literature and structure the review in a logical and coherent manner.

💡Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a freely accessible web-based search engine that indexes scholarly literature across many fields of research. It is widely used by researchers to find articles, theses, books, and other academic sources. In the video, Google Scholar is recommended as a starting point for the search strategy in the literature review process, where the speaker demonstrates how to use it in conjunction with the outline to perform targeted searches and gather relevant literature.


Editing refers to the process of reviewing and revising written work to improve its clarity, coherence, and overall quality. It involves correcting errors, enhancing the use of language, and ensuring that the content is effectively communicated. In the video, the speaker discusses using ChatGPT to edit the first draft of the literature review, employing it to refine the academic tone and succinctness of the writing, while emphasizing the need for the researcher to produce the original draft.


Professor Davis Suckler demonstrates how to automate literature reviews ethically using ChatGPT.

The presentation ensures that students and researchers can confidently use AI without plagiarizing or breaking university rules.

A key emphasis is placed on learning the proper methodology to augment research with AI tools.

The four stages of writing a literature review are outlined, starting with defining a clear research question.

ChatGPT assists in refining research questions by suggesting potential questions related to the topic.

An inverted approach is suggested where developing an outline and structure comes before the search for literature.

ChatGPT can generate a structured outline with potential themes for a literature review, saving significant time.

Google Scholar is recommended for conducting targeted searches on each outline theme using a method called the 'strip method'.

Zotero is introduced as an essential tool for organizing and managing literature, preventing plagiarism.

The 'strip method' is a forensic approach to extracting key information from articles to support the literature review.

ChatGPT's role in editing is highlighted, emphasizing its ability to improve the writing style and save time.

The 'PIE' system (Point, Evidence, Explanation) is introduced for structuring paragraphs effectively.

A secret tip for writing is revealed, focusing on the importance of rewriting and editing the first draft.

The video includes a practical example of how to develop a paragraph using the 'PIE' system and ChatGPT.

The importance of free tools like Zotero and Google Scholar is discussed in the context of promoting open access.

The video concludes with a case study of a student who successfully completed their literature review with the help of ChatGPT.

The channel's mission is to help researchers and students coexist with AI and use it ethically to enhance their work.

An invitation is extended to join a Facebook group for live chats and collaborative research practice.