Automate your literature review with AI: BEST free tool in 2024 (NOT ChatGpt)

Academic English Now
10 Apr 202420:26

TLDRDiscover the AI tool that revolutionizes literature review with a single click. This innovative platform, Science Space, streamlines the process of reading and summarizing top-cited papers, offering insights into conclusions, methods, and results. With a user-friendly interface, it suggests relevant searches, provides one-paragraph summaries, and includes actual references with links. The free version has its limitations, but it's a great starting point. Upgrade for a paid subscription to unlock more features and benefits. The platform also includes a 'Co-Pilot' feature for in-depth discussions with documents, note-taking capabilities, and the ability to save and organize research in a central location. Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your academic research with this powerful tool.


  • 🚀 **One-Click Literature Review**: Science Space is an AI tool that can summarize a literature review with a single click, providing insights from the most cited papers.
  • ⏱️ **Time-Saving**: It condenses hours of reading into minutes, offering a one-paragraph summary for quick topic understanding.
  • 🔍 **Customizable Searches**: Users can input their specific research questions to receive tailored search suggestions that become more relevant with use.
  • 📚 **Detailed Summaries**: The tool provides bullet points summarizing methods, conclusions, and limitations for individual papers.
  • 🔗 **Real References**: Unlike some AI tools, Science Space offers actual references with links, avoiding the issue of 'hallucinated' references.
  • 📈 **Interactive Interface**: Users can add and toggle columns to focus on specific aspects of papers, such as results or future research suggestions.
  • 💡 **Co-Pilot Feature**: Allows users to 'chat' with documents to get more in-depth insights and answers to specific questions about the content.
  • 📒 **Notebook Integration**: A centralized note-taking feature keeps all research and insights organized in one place, simplifying the literature review process.
  • 🔑 **Free to Start**: Science Space is free to start with limitations in the free version, but offers significant value for those looking to streamline their research.
  • 💰 **Discounts Available**: For those interested in a paid subscription, coupon codes are provided for discounts on monthly or annual plans.
  • 🔬 **Related Papers and Topics**: The tool suggests related papers and topics, aiding in comprehensive literature reviews and identifying research gaps.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the AI tool 'Science Space'?

    -The main purpose of 'Science Space' is to automate and speed up the process of conducting a literature review. It provides summaries of top cited papers, insights on individual papers, and allows users to quickly understand key aspects of research without spending weeks or months on manual review.

  • How does 'Science Space' help in summarizing a literature review topic?

    -By allowing users to input a specific question related to their literature review, 'Science Space' suggests searches and provides a one-paragraph summary from the top papers, giving users a quick overview of the topic and actual references with links to the papers.

  • What is the issue with Chat GPT when it comes to providing references?

    -Chat GPT is known for 'hallucination,' which means it sometimes invents references that do not actually exist. This is a problem as it can lead researchers to non-existent sources.

  • How does 'Science Space' assist in understanding individual papers?

    -'Science Space' provides bullet points summarizing the methodology, conclusions, limitations, and practical implications of individual papers, allowing users to quickly assess the relevance of each paper to their research.

  • Can users customize the information displayed for each paper in 'Science Space'?

    -Yes, users can add or remove columns to focus on specific aspects of the papers, such as results or suggestions for future research, tailoring the information to their needs.

  • What are the different subscription plans available for 'Science Space'?

    -There is a free plan with limitations, a paid monthly plan at eight dollars a month, and a yearly plan which offers a 40% discount when using a specific coupon code or following a link provided in the video description.

  • How does 'Science Space' help in managing and organizing research notes?

    -It offers a notebook feature where users can save and organize their notes in a central place. This includes AI-generated answers, explanations, summaries, and user-added notes, all linked and searchable for easy retrieval.

  • What is the 'Ask Co-Pilot' feature in 'Science Space'?

    -'Ask Co-Pilot' allows users to chat with PDF documents to get more in-depth insights. It can answer specific questions about the content, explain complex data sets, and provide follow-up suggestions for deeper understanding.

  • How does 'Science Space' assist in finding related papers and topics?

    -After analyzing a paper, 'Science Space' can recommend related papers and topics. It allows sorting and filtering these recommendations by citation count, author, and specific topics, making it easier to find relevant research.

  • What kind of assistance does 'Science Space' provide for users who are less statistically minded?

    -For users who find statistics and equations challenging, 'Science Space' can explain tables, equations, and other mathematical content, providing a clear understanding of the statistical information presented in papers.

  • How can users get started with 'Science Space'?

    -Users can sign up for 'Science Space' using the link provided in the video description. The platform offers a free plan to start with, and for those who wish to upgrade, there are coupon codes and links for a 20% or 40% discount on monthly or annual subscriptions.



🚀 Introducing Science Space: AI for Literature Review

The first paragraph introduces Science Space, an AI tool designed to expedite the literature review process. It allows users to input a research question and quickly receive a one-paragraph summary of the top five papers related to the query, providing insights into the literature's conclusions, methods, and results. The tool also offers actual references with links, enabling users to delve deeper into the material. Science Space is presented as a solution for reducing the time spent on literature review from weeks to minutes and is available for free with limitations, and a paid subscription offers a discount through provided links.


📚 Customizing Your Research Insights with Science Space

The second paragraph elaborates on the customization features of Science Space. It allows users to add or toggle columns to focus on specific aspects of papers, such as methodology, results, or future research suggestions. The tool also includes a 'Co-Pilot' feature, which enables users to ask questions and receive answers directly from the paper, facilitating a more interactive and efficient review process. The paragraph also discusses the different subscription plans available, with a free plan recommended for starting and a paid plan offering more extensive features.


🔍 Enhancing Research Efficiency with Science Space

The third paragraph highlights how Science Space can improve research efficiency by summarizing papers, providing bullet points for each section, and offering related papers to expand on specific topics. It also introduces the notebook feature, which consolidates notes and research in one place, making it easier to manage and review. The tool suggests sorting options for related papers and filtering capabilities to focus on authors or topics, streamlining the literature review process.


📒 Organizing Research with Science Space's Notebook Feature

The fourth paragraph focuses on the notebook feature of Science Space, which is currently in beta. It allows users to create notebooks by themes or topics, making it easier to organize and retrieve notes. The tool also offers an 'explain text' feature for clarifying complex passages and a summary feature for condensing information. Additionally, it can interpret statistical data, equations, and tables, making it accessible for those less familiar with quantitative research. All insights and notes can be saved to the notebook for future reference.


🤝 Personalized Help for Academic Writing with Academic English Now

The fifth and final paragraph offers a call to action for personalized help with academic writing. It invites users to book a free consultation with Academic English Now for assistance in writing literature reviews and research papers for top journals. The consultation aims to understand the user's challenges and goals to determine how Academic English Now can be of service.



💡Literature Review

A literature review is a comprehensive evaluation of existing research on a particular topic. It is a critical summary of current knowledge, often used to identify gaps in the research and guide future studies. In the video, the literature review is automated using AI to save time and provide a more accurate synthesis of the field.

💡AI Tool

An AI tool refers to software that uses artificial intelligence to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence, such as recognizing patterns, learning from experience, and problem-solving. In this context, the AI tool is used to expedite the literature review process by summarizing and analyzing academic papers.


Insights refer to the understanding or knowledge gained from analyzing data or information. In the video, the AI tool provides insights from the most cited papers, offering a summarized view of the literature review topic. This helps researchers grasp the essence of the research without extensive reading.


Methodology pertains to the systematic procedures and techniques used in scientific research. The video mentions that the AI tool can summarize the methodologies used in various studies, which is crucial for researchers who need to understand and critique the approaches taken by others in their field.


References are the citations of sources used in a research paper or article. They are essential for academic integrity and for readers to locate the original sources. The video emphasizes that the AI tool provides actual references with links, contrasting with the issue of 'hallucination' where non-existent references are provided.


In the context of AI, 'hallucination' refers to the generation of false or misleading information by the AI, such as inventing non-existent references. The video mentions that unlike some AI systems, the tool in question does not hallucinate but provides accurate and verifiable references.


Co-Pilot is a feature of the AI tool that allows users to interact with a document as if they were having a conversation with it. This feature can provide in-depth insights and answers to specific questions about the content of the document, thereby facilitating a more efficient review process.


Summarization is the process of condensing information into a brief, comprehensive statement. The AI tool's ability to summarize lengthy papers into one paragraph is highlighted in the video, showcasing how it can save researchers significant time by providing quick access to the main points.

💡Research Gap

A research gap is an area of a research topic that has not been sufficiently explored or understood. The video suggests that by reviewing the limitations and suggestions for future research in existing papers, researchers can identify potential research gaps to focus on in their work.


In the context of the AI tool, a notebook is a digital space where researchers can save and organize their notes, summaries, and insights from various papers. This feature helps to keep research organized and accessible, which is particularly useful when writing a literature review or a research paper.

💡Related Papers

Related papers are additional academic works that share a connection with the paper currently being reviewed, often by covering similar topics or methodologies. The AI tool can recommend related papers, which is beneficial for researchers seeking comprehensive coverage of a subject.


Automate your literature review with a single click using AI technology.

Get insights and summaries from the most cited papers in one paragraph.

Receive individual paper insights, including conclusions, results, and methods.

SIACE is an AI tool designed to speed up and improve the accuracy of literature reviews.

The tool suggests searches based on your question, becoming more relevant with use.

SIACE provides actual references with links, unlike some AI that 'hallucinates' non-existent references.

Start with a free version of SIACE, which has limitations but is a great introduction to the tool.

SIACE offers a paid subscription with coupon codes for 20% or 40% discounts available.

The tool provides a table of main topics for each paper, with insights on conclusions, methods, and limitations.

Users can add custom columns to focus on specific aspects of papers, such as results or future research suggestions.

SIACE's 'Ask Co-Pilot' feature allows users to chat with documents for in-depth insights.

The tool can explain datasets, participant backgrounds, and other specific details from papers.

SIACE learns from user feedback, allowing for model improvement over time.

Create and save notes in a centralized notebook to avoid the mess of scattered notes and documents.

SIACE organizes and saves searches, making it easy to revisit and reference previous work.

The tool offers related papers, sorted by citation count or newest first, to expand your literature review.

SIACE provides a list of references that can be sorted and accessed directly from the platform.

Explore related topics to find additional relevant papers for your literature review.

The notebook feature in SIACE is currently in beta, offering a centralized location for notes and AI-generated insights.

Use the 'Co-Pilot Read with AI' feature to get explanations of complex texts, summaries, and additional questions answered.

SIACE can explain equations and statistical tables, aiding those less quantitatively inclined.

Save all your notes, explanations, and summaries to the notebook for easy retrieval and literature review compilation.