How To Connect OpenAI To WhatsApp (Python Tutorial)

Dave Ebbelaar
1 Dec 202330:31

TLDRThis tutorial demonstrates how to create a WhatsApp AI bot using Python, walking through setting up a Meta developer account, creating a business app, and configuring webhooks for message reception. It covers the basics of sending messages and integrating AI, like OpenAI, to create a responsive bot capable of answering queries based on provided data.


  • 📱 Start by setting up a WhatsApp AI bot using Python, which is completely free.
  • 💻 Ensure you have a basic understanding of Python to follow along with the tutorial.
  • 🔗 Clone the provided repository for access to all the necessary code and documentation.
  • 👤 Create a Meta developer account, formerly Facebook, to access the WhatsApp Business API.
  • 🏢 Develop a business app within the Meta portal and configure it for WhatsApp.
  • 📱 Add a WhatsApp product to your app to get a test phone number and add recipient numbers for testing.
  • 💬 Send test messages using the API to verify the setup and ensure everything is working correctly.
  • 🔑 Generate a long-lasting access token for your application by following the provided instructions.
  • 🌐 Configure web hooks to receive messages by setting up a server and using ngrok for local testing.
  • 🔒 Understand web hook security measures, including verification tokens and app secrets, to ensure the safety of your application.
  • 🤖 Integrate AI into the application by replacing the default message processing function with a custom AI-driven response function.

Q & A

  • What is the first step in setting up a WhatsApp AI bot using Python?

    -The first step is to have a basic understanding of Python and clone the provided repository which contains all the necessary information and code for the setup.

  • What type of account is required to configure WhatsApp for an application?

    -A Meta developer account, formerly known as Facebook, is required to create and configure an application for WhatsApp.

  • How does one create a business app on the Meta developer portal?

    -By following the documentation and selecting 'create app', choosing 'business' as the app type, filling in the required details such as contact email and app name, and selecting the Meta developer business account created previously.

  • What is the purpose of adding WhatsApp to the application on the Meta developer portal?

    -Adding WhatsApp to the application allows the setup of the WhatsApp Business API which is necessary for sending and receiving messages through the bot.

  • What are the steps to add a phone number to the WhatsApp Business API setup?

    -One must go to the 'WhatsApp' section in the API setup, click on 'setup', and then add the phone numbers that will be used for testing, including the test phone number and up to five recipient phone numbers.

  • The access token is used for authentication and authorization when making API calls. It can be obtained from the app dashboard API setup section and should be stored in the EnV file for later use.


  • What is the significance of the verification token when setting up a webhook?

    -The verification token is used to validate the webhook setup. It is entered in the Meta app dashboard when configuring the webhook and should match the token stored in the EnV file.

  • How long does a temporary access token last?

    -A temporary access token lasts for 24 hours. For longer durations, one can follow the provided instructions to create a token that lasts for up to 60 days or more.

  • What is the role of the 'generate response' function in the AI bot?

    -The 'generate response' function is responsible for processing the incoming messages and generating appropriate responses. It can be customized to integrate with AI services like OpenAI for more advanced functionalities.

  • How can one test the WhatsApp AI bot functionality?

    -One can test the bot by sending messages to the test phone number configured in the WhatsApp Business API setup and observing the responses from the bot.

  • What additional capabilities can be added to the WhatsApp AI bot using the WhatsApp Cloud API?

    -Using the WhatsApp Cloud API, one can add capabilities such as sending messages, polls, images, and creating advanced message flows and sequences for a more interactive bot experience.



🤖 Setting Up Your WhatsApp AI Bot

This paragraph introduces the process of setting up a WhatsApp AI bot using Python. It emphasizes the use of a repository containing all the necessary code and documentation for the setup. The speaker mentions the prerequisites for following the tutorial, such as a basic understanding of Python and a Python environment for testing. The paragraph also outlines the initial steps, including creating a Meta developer account and setting up a business app on the Meta for Developers platform. The speaker provides a walkthrough of these steps, highlighting the importance of each action in the overall process of establishing the bot.


🛠️ Configuring Your Bot's API and Test Numbers

In this paragraph, the focus shifts to configuring the WhatsApp API for the bot. The speaker explains how to add WhatsApp to the business app and set up a test phone number. This involves navigating through the WhatsApp API setup on the Meta platform and understanding the role of the test number in sending and receiving messages. The paragraph also discusses the process of adding recipient phone numbers for testing purposes. The speaker provides a detailed explanation of how to verify the test numbers and emphasizes the importance of this step in ensuring the bot's functionality.


📱 Sending Messages and Interacting with the API

This paragraph delves into the specifics of sending messages using the WhatsApp API with Python. The speaker introduces a Python function designed to send WhatsApp messages and explains the need to fill in certain information, such as the phone number ID and access token, for the function to work. The paragraph also covers the creation of an .env file to store sensitive information like access tokens and app secrets. The speaker demonstrates how to send a test message using the API and Python, highlighting the expected outcomes and the significance of receiving a successful response.


🔄 Receiving Messages and Configuring Webhooks

The paragraph discusses the process of receiving messages and configuring webhooks for the bot. The speaker explains the importance of webhooks in triggering actions based on incoming messages. The process involves running the application, using a tool like ngrok for local development, and setting up a callback URL with the correct endpoint. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to set up the webhook, including the verification of the setup with Meta's test feature. The paragraph also touches on the security aspects of webhooks, emphasizing the need for proper configuration to ensure the bot's safety and reliability.


🔒 Understanding Webhook Security and AI Integration

This paragraph focuses on the security measures involved in webhooks and the integration of AI into the bot application. The speaker outlines the various security checks and verification processes in place to ensure the bot's safety when interacting with the WhatsApp Business API. The paragraph also introduces the concept of integrating AI, such as OpenAI, into the bot to create a more advanced and interactive user experience. The speaker provides a brief overview of the code involved in processing incoming messages and generating responses, highlighting the potential for customization and the integration of AI for specific use cases.


🚀 Expanding Your Bot's Capabilities

The final paragraph discusses the potential for expanding the bot's capabilities beyond the basic setup. The speaker encourages exploring the WhatsApp Cloud API for more advanced features and functionalities, such as sending polls or images. The paragraph also mentions the possibility of integrating other AI models and custom functions to create a more tailored user experience. The speaker provides resources for learning more about AI and data, as well as tips for putting the bot into a real-world application. The paragraph concludes with a call to action for subscribers to stay tuned for future videos on the topic.



💡WhatsApp AI Bot

A WhatsApp AI Bot is an intelligent software application designed to interact with users on WhatsApp, providing automated responses and assistance. In the context of the video, the AI bot is created using Python and can be integrated with OpenAI for more advanced functionalities. The bot is set up to respond to messages, making it a useful tool for customer service or personal use.

💡Meta Developer Account

A Meta Developer Account, formerly known as a Facebook Developer Account, is a necessary prerequisite for accessing the tools and resources to create and manage applications, including WhatsApp bots, on Meta's platform. It provides developers with the ability to create business apps and configure them for WhatsApp integration.

💡Business App

A Business App in the context of the video refers to an application created within the Meta Developer portal specifically for business purposes. It is used as a foundation to build and configure a WhatsApp AI bot, allowing developers to add WhatsApp as a product to the app and manage its settings.

💡WhatsApp API

The WhatsApp API is a set of tools and protocols provided by Meta (formerly Facebook) that allows developers to build applications that can send and receive messages through WhatsApp. It is integral to the creation of WhatsApp AI bots, enabling them to communicate with users on the platform.

💡Test Phone Number

A Test Phone Number is a virtual phone number provided by Meta for developers to use in the testing phase of their WhatsApp AI bot. It allows developers to send and receive messages without using actual phone numbers, ensuring that the bot functions correctly before being deployed to real users.

💡Access Token

An Access Token is a security credential that is used to authenticate requests to the WhatsApp API. It is a string of characters that grants access to specific functionalities and is required for the WhatsApp AI bot to send and receive messages. The token needs to be periodically updated to maintain access.


Flask is a lightweight web application framework written in Python. It is used in the video to create the server-side logic for the WhatsApp AI bot, handling HTTP requests and responses, particularly for incoming messages and sending messages back to users.


ngrok is a tool that allows developers to expose a local development server to the internet. It creates a secure tunnel to the public internet, making it possible for external services like WhatsApp to communicate with the local server where the AI bot is hosted.


A Webhook is a way for an application to provide other applications with real-time information. It is a simple HTTP callback that allows for one application to notify another application when an event occurs. In the context of the video, a Webhook is set up to receive messages from WhatsApp and trigger a response from the AI bot.

💡OpenAI Integration

OpenAI Integration refers to the process of incorporating AI capabilities from OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research lab, into an application. In the video, this involves using OpenAI's API to enhance the WhatsApp AI bot's ability to understand and generate responses to user messages.

💡Message Processing

Message Processing in the context of the video refers to the actions taken by the WhatsApp AI bot to understand, interpret, and respond to incoming messages from users. This involves extracting the message content, analyzing it, and generating an appropriate response.


Setting up a WhatsApp AI bot using Python is completely free and can be done with a basic understanding of the language.

A Meta developer account is required to create a business app on the Meta developer portal for WhatsApp integration.

After creating a business app, one must configure it for WhatsApp and add WhatsApp to the application setup.

A test phone number is provided by Meta for developers to use with up to five recipient phone numbers for testing purposes.

The WhatsApp Business API setup provides a temporary access token that lasts for 24 hours, but a longer-lasting token can be created for continued use.

The first step in the Python function is to simulate the 'Hello World' test message to verify that everything is working correctly.

To send messages with the WhatsApp API, one must have the phone number ID, access token, and the recipient's WhatsApp ID.

A .env file is necessary to store keys and sensitive information required for the application to function.

The Flask application must be running with the correct environment and requirements installed to proceed with the setup.

ngrok is used to simulate a server for local testing, allowing the application to listen for WhatsApp messages.

A static ngrok domain is required for Meta to validate the WhatsApp Business API's webhook setup.

The webhook fields and subscriptions must be configured within the Meta app dashboard to receive incoming messages.

The verification token is a crucial part of the webhook setup and must be stored in the .env file for later use.

The 'shouting bot' example demonstrates the bot's ability to reply in uppercase to user messages.

Webhook security is ensured through verification processes and decorators within the Flask application.

The 'generate response' function is where custom logic can be implemented to process incoming messages and generate appropriate responses.

Integrating AI into the application can be done by replacing the 'generate response' function with a custom function that interacts with AI services like OpenAI.

The tutorial provides a template and structure for creating advanced message flows and sequences using the WhatsApp API.

The final step is to move the application from the local setup to a production environment with a real phone number and server.