Easiest Way to Connect AI Chatbots to WhatsApp

Dave Ebbelaar
17 Jan 202426:42

TLDRThis tutorial demonstrates how to create an AI WhatsApp bot using Botpress platform without coding. It guides through setting up a bot, integrating it with WhatsApp, and utilizing a knowledge base to answer questions, using an Airbnb scenario as an example. The process is quick and beginner-friendly, highlighting Botpress's capabilities for easy chatbot development.


  • 🛠️ The video provides a step-by-step guide to building an AI WhatsApp bot without coding knowledge using the Botpress platform.
  • 📝 The use case demonstrated is an Airbnb chatbot that answers questions based on a provided document containing FAQs about a hypothetical Airbnb property in Paris.
  • 🚀 The process begins by creating a Botpress account and setting up a new bot project, starting from scratch or using available templates.
  • 🔄 The bot building process involves creating a conversation flow with a start and end note, and adding intermediate notes for interactions.
  • 🌐 The video also covers the integration with WhatsApp through the Meta Developer platform, requiring the creation of an app and configuration for WhatsApp messaging.
  • 🔧 The setup includes generating an access token, setting up a verification token, and specifying the default phone number for initiating conversations.
  • 📋 The chatbot is enhanced by adding a document with FAQs to its knowledge base, allowing it to provide factual and context-specific information.
  • 🔄 A loop is created in the conversation flow to enable users to ask multiple questions and receive AI-generated responses iteratively.
  • 📱 The video demonstrates testing the bot within the Botpress platform and WhatsApp, using a test number for initial communication.
  • 🎯 The final step is publishing the bot, which pushes changes to the live version and allows the bot to be accessed via WhatsApp by whitelisted numbers.
  • 💡 The video emphasizes the ease and speed of bot creation with Botpress as compared to custom coding solutions, making it ideal for quick prototyping and testing.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of the video?

    -The main goal of the video is to guide the viewer through the process of building an AI WhatsApp bot using the Botpress platform, without writing any code, and integrating it with WhatsApp for messaging capabilities.

  • What is the use case example provided in the video?

    -The use case example provided in the video is an Airbnb host bot that can answer common questions about a stay, such as Wi-Fi password and check-in time, based on a provided FAQ document.

  • How long does it take to build the AI WhatsApp bot as per the video?

    -According to the video, it takes about 30 minutes to build the AI WhatsApp bot.

  • What platform is used to build the AI WhatsApp bot?

    -The Botpress platform is used to build the AI WhatsApp bot.

  • What is the role of the Meta developer platform in this process?

    -The Meta developer platform is used to create an app and configure the WhatsApp integration, which allows the bot to send and receive messages via WhatsApp.

  • How does the bot access and use the FAQ document?

    -The bot uses the default knowledge base selection in Botpress to add and process the FAQ document, allowing it to answer questions based on the information contained within.

  • What is the purpose of the verification token in the bot setup?

    -The verification token is a string used for security purposes during the setup process to verify that the bot is correctly configured to communicate with the Meta developer platform and WhatsApp.

  • How does the bot handle incoming messages from users?

    -The bot listens for incoming messages on WhatsApp through a webhook URL set up on the Meta developer platform. When a message is received, it triggers the bot to process the information and generate an AI response.

  • What is the significance of the 'publish' button in Botpress?

    -The 'publish' button in Botpress is used to push all changes made to the bot to the live version, making the updated bot available for use.

  • How can users test the bot within WhatsApp?

    -Users can test the bot within WhatsApp by sending messages to the bot's test phone number, which is provided by Meta during the setup process. The bot will then respond based on the configured conversation flow and knowledge base.

  • What is the next step for taking the bot from test to a live environment?

    -To take the bot from test to a live environment, users need to add a real phone number to the bot's configuration on the Meta developer platform and update the phone number ID in Botpress.



🤖 Building an AI WhatsApp Bot with Botpress

The paragraph introduces a step-by-step guide to creating an AI WhatsApp bot using the Botpress platform without coding. The aim is to connect the bot to WhatsApp to send and receive text messages. The example used is an Airbnb host bot that answers questions using a document. The process starts by creating a Botpress account and building the bot from scratch, using the platform's visual builder and emulator function.


📝 Setting Up Meta Developer Account and App

This section details the process of setting up a Meta (Facebook) developer account and creating a new app for WhatsApp integration. It involves naming the app, selecting the WhatsApp integration, and adding products. The paragraph also discusses configuring the bot with Botpress by browsing the integrations and installing WhatsApp functionalities. A verification token is set up, and an access token from the Meta app dashboard is used to connect the bot.


🔗 Establishing WhatsApp Integration and Subscription

The paragraph explains the setup of the WhatsApp integration by configuring the verification token, access token, and default phone number ID for starting conversations. It also covers the need to set up a webhook URL on the Meta site, selecting the type of events to subscribe to, and ensuring the bot can respond to incoming messages. The integration is tested by sending a message and verifying the setup's correctness.


📚 Incorporating AI with Document-based Q&A

This section focuses on enhancing the bot with AI capabilities by incorporating a FAQ document about a hypothetical Airbnb in Paris. The document is added to Botpress, and the bot is programmed to respond to user queries based on the information within the document. The bot's conversational flow is improved by adding a loop that allows users to ask multiple questions and receive AI-generated responses.


📱 Testing the Bot on WhatsApp and Publishing

The paragraph discusses testing the bot within WhatsApp after publishing it. It highlights the bot's ability to handle multiple questions in a loop and the user's option to continue the conversation by sending another message. The bot's functionality is demonstrated through a live test, showing how it responds to questions about Wi-Fi passwords, check-in times, and restaurant recommendations. The video concludes with instructions on how to publish the bot for real-world use and encourages viewers to explore the Botpress platform further.


🎉 Conclusion and Next Steps

The final paragraph wraps up the video by reiterating the efficiency of using Botpress for building AI WhatsApp bots, especially for quick prototyping and testing. It contrasts the simplicity of Botpress with the complexity of building a custom solution in Python. The speaker expresses intent to continue experimenting with Botpress and encourages viewers to sign up, follow along, and explore building their own bots on the platform.



💡AI WhatsApp bot

An AI WhatsApp bot is an artificial intelligence-driven chatbot integrated with the WhatsApp messaging platform, designed to interact with users by sending and receiving messages. In the context of the video, the AI bot is created to answer questions about an Airbnb property in Paris, providing information such as Wi-Fi passwords and check-in times. The bot is built using Botpress, a platform that simplifies the process of creating and deploying chatbots without requiring extensive coding knowledge.

💡Botpress platform

The Botpress platform is a tool used for building, managing, and deploying AI chatbots. It offers a visual builder for designing conversation flows and integrates with various messaging platforms, including WhatsApp. The platform abstracts the complexity of coding, making it accessible for users to create bots without extensive programming experience. In the video, the Botpress platform is used to create an AI WhatsApp bot that can interact with users and provide information about an Airbnb listing.

💡Meta developer apps

Meta developer apps refer to the suite of tools and platforms provided by Meta (formerly Facebook) for developers to build and integrate applications with Meta's services, including WhatsApp. These apps require developers to create an account and set up configurations for their applications to interact with Meta's APIs. In the video, the Meta developer apps are used to set up the necessary connections and configurations for the AI WhatsApp bot to function properly.

💡Conversation flow

Conversation flow refers to the sequence of interactions or exchanges that occur between a user and an AI chatbot. It is designed to guide the user through a series of questions and responses to elicit the necessary information and provide appropriate answers. In the video, the conversation flow is built using the Botpress platform to handle questions about an Airbnb property, such as inquiries about Wi-Fi and check-in times.

💡Knowledge base

A knowledge base is a collection of information, data, or facts that an AI chatbot can use to generate responses to user queries. It typically consists of question-and-answer pairs or other structured data that the bot can search and retrieve to provide accurate and relevant information. In the context of the video, the knowledge base contains details about a hypothetical Airbnb property in Paris, such as house rules, amenities, and local recommendations.

💡WhatsApp integration

WhatsApp integration refers to the process of connecting an AI chatbot or application with the WhatsApp messaging platform, enabling it to send and receive messages. This involves setting up configurations on both the chatbot's platform and the Meta developer apps, including verification tokens, access tokens, and webhook URLs. In the video, WhatsApp integration is a key step in allowing the AI bot to communicate with users through the WhatsApp app on their phones.

💡Verification token

A verification token is a string of characters used to authenticate and secure the connection between an AI chatbot and a messaging platform like WhatsApp. It is a part of the configuration process to ensure that the bot can safely and correctly communicate with the platform's servers. In the video, a verification token is set up as part of the WhatsApp integration process to validate the bot's connection during testing.

💡Access token

An access token is a security credential that grants an AI chatbot or application temporary access to specific features or resources of a platform, such as WhatsApp. It is used for authentication and authorization purposes during the integration process. In the video, the access token is obtained from the Meta developer apps dashboard and is used in the Botpress platform to establish the connection with WhatsApp.

💡Webhook URL

A webhook URL is a unique web address that an AI chatbot or application can use to receive real-time notifications or messages from a platform like WhatsApp. It allows the platform to send data to the bot whenever specific events occur, such as incoming messages. In the video, setting up a webhook URL is crucial for the AI bot to listen and respond to user messages on WhatsApp.


Whitelisting is the process of specifying which entities, such as phone numbers or IP addresses, are allowed to interact with a service or application. In the context of the video, whitelisting involves adding phone numbers to the Meta developer apps dashboard, allowing those numbers to send messages to the AI WhatsApp bot for testing purposes.

💡Publishing the bot

Publishing the bot refers to the act of making the AI chatbot live and accessible to users. This process involves pushing the bot's configuration and updates to the live server, allowing it to interact with users outside of the testing environment. In the video, publishing the bot is necessary to ensure that the AI WhatsApp bot can respond to messages from users on WhatsApp.


Building an AI WhatsApp bot without coding

Utilizing Botpress platform for bot creation

Connecting the bot to WhatsApp for messaging

Using Airbnb scenario as a use case example

Creating a bot from scratch in Botpress

Setting up a Meta (Facebook) developers account for WhatsApp integration

Configuring the bot with a verification token

Accessing the emulator function in Botpress for testing

Publishing the bot for live interaction

Subscribing to events for the webhook URL

Adding a document to the bot's knowledge base

Creating a conversation loop for continuous interaction

Implementing a multiple-choice question for further inquiries

Testing the bot through WhatsApp

Expanding the bot's capabilities with more functionalities in Botpress

The potential for AI to handle repetitive queries in Airbnb hosting

Transitioning from test to a real phone number for the bot

The time-efficient advantage of using Botpress over custom coding

Accessing additional Botpress resources for further learning