How To Use META AI (Complete Tutorial) Beginner Tutorial (LLAMA 3 Tutorial)

18 Apr 202412:05

TLDRThis tutorial introduces META AI, a new AI software from Meta. It covers unique features, including the ability to use the software without signing in, saving conversations, and image generation. The software can access real-time data through Bing and offers basic coding capabilities. The 'Imagine' feature allows users to generate and animate images, though the quality varies. The tutorial suggests that future updates may enhance these capabilities.


  • 🌍 Access to Meta AI may be restricted in certain regions like the UK or EU, but using a VPN can circumvent these restrictions.
  • 📱 You don't need to sign in to use Meta AI, but signing in allows you to save conversations and generate images.
  • 💬 The new conversation screen offers six mini prompts for different tasks, including writing, support, learning, and image generation.
  • 📝 The software can generate content tailored to human preferences, such as blog posts, and provides additional resources like books and conferences.
  • 🔗 Real-time data access is available, with the ability to search the web using Bing for the latest news and information.
  • 📰 If you ask for news, Meta AI will search and provide the latest articles, with the option to view the source material.
  • 💻 Basic text generation capabilities are available, including simple coding in Python, but more advanced coding may not always be successful.
  • 🖼️ The Imagine feature allows for image generation based on prompts, but the quality of the images can vary.
  • 📸 There's a report feature for flagging inappropriate or distressing images, and all generated images have a watermark.
  • ✍️ The 'edit' function in image generation doesn't alter the existing image but instead generates a new one based on the request.
  • 🔄 The 'regenerate' button allows for a new set of images to be created if the initial ones are not satisfactory.
  • 🎬 An 'animate' feature is available for creating simple animations from the generated images, which could be useful for storyboarding.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the AI software discussed in the tutorial?

    -The AI software discussed in the tutorial is called 'META AI'.

  • Why might someone be unable to access META AI directly?

    -Some users might be unable to access META AI directly due to geographical restrictions, particularly if they are in the UK or the EU.

  • How can users bypass geographical restrictions to access META AI?

    -Users can bypass geographical restrictions by using a VPN to access META AI.

  • What are the two main functionalities of META AI that the tutorial focuses on?

    -The two main functionalities of META AI discussed in the tutorial are the 'new conversation screen' and the 'Imagine screen'.

  • What is a unique feature of the new conversation screen?

    -A unique feature of the new conversation screen is the six mini prompts that can be used for various tasks, such as ideas, writing, fun, support, learning, and imagining.

  • What is the purpose of the 'Imagine' feature in META AI?

    -The 'Imagine' feature in META AI is used for generating images based on given prompts.

  • How does META AI provide real-time data?

    -META AI provides real-time data by accessing browsing capabilities powered by Bing, Microsoft's browser, allowing it to search for and present current news and articles.

  • What is a limitation of META AI's text generation capabilities for coding?

    -A limitation of META AI's text generation capabilities for coding is that it provides only basic coding functionalities and may sometimes glitch out or fail to provide the expected code.

  • What can users do with the generated images in the 'Imagine' feature?

    -Users can view, report harmful content, and edit the generated images. They can also animate the images to create a short animated sequence.

  • How can users save the animated image created by the 'Imagine' feature?

    -Users can save the animated image by clicking the 'save video as' button, which allows them to download the animation.

  • What is the current state of META AI's image generation capabilities?

    -The current state of META AI's image generation capabilities is basic, with some images working well while others may not. It is expected to improve with the release of a more powerful model in the future.

  • What is the potential future application of the 'animate' feature in META AI?

    -The 'animate' feature could potentially be used for creating quick mock-ups of storyboards or for making funny gifs as gifts.



🌐 Accessing Meta AI with Geographical Restrictions

The tutorial begins by addressing the geographical restrictions for accessing Meta AI, particularly for those in the UK or EU. The presenter shares a workaround using a VPN to access the software from a restricted location. The video then transitions into exploring the unique features of Meta AI, emphasizing that signing in is not mandatory for basic usage but offers additional functionalities like saving conversations and generating images upon login.


📝 Features and Capabilities of Meta AI

The presenter highlights the two main screens of Meta AI: the conversation screen and the Imagine screen. On the conversation screen, six mini prompts are available for various tasks. The Imagine screen is introduced for generating images, which requires login. The software's text generation capabilities are demonstrated by creating a blog post about AGI, showcasing the ability to access real-time data through a partnership with Bing. The presenter also discusses the current limitations and potential improvements expected with the upcoming 400 billion parameter model.


🖼️ Image Generation and Animation with Meta AI

The Imagine feature's ability to generate images is explored, with examples of generating images based on prompts. The presenter notes the current limitations in image quality and the presence of a watermark on generated images. The option to report inappropriate content is mentioned. The video also covers the ability to edit and animate images, with the animation feature creating a simple, non-fluid GIF from the generated images. The presenter concludes by noting the potential for future improvements and the current basic state of the software.




META AI refers to an artificial intelligence software developed by the company Meta (formerly known as Facebook, Inc.). In the video, it is presented as a comprehensive tool with unique features for various tasks such as conversing, writing, and image generation. The software is highlighted for its ability to access real-time data and generate content tailored to human preferences.


A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a service that allows users to establish a secure and encrypted connection to another network over the internet. In the context of the video, it is mentioned as a workaround for geographical restrictions that prevent access to META AI in certain regions like the UK or the EU.

💡Real-time Data

Real-time data refers to information that is processed and analyzed as it is collected, giving users immediate access to the most current and up-to-date information. In the video, META AI is shown to access real-time data through a partnership with Bing, Microsoft's web browser, to provide the latest news on topics like AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).


AGI stands for Artificial General Intelligence, which is the intelligence of a machine that equals or surpasses human intelligence across a wide range of tasks. The video discusses the future of AGI and how META AI can provide news and insights on this topic.

💡Text Generation

Text generation is the process of creating or producing text using software or AI. In the video, META AI is demonstrated to generate text based on prompts, such as writing a blog post about the future of AGI, showcasing its ability to produce content in a human-like manner.

💡Coding Capabilities

Coding capabilities refer to the ability of a software to write or generate code. The video mentions that META AI has basic coding capabilities, allowing it to produce simple programs in Python, although it may not handle more complex or advanced coding tasks effectively.

💡Image Generation

Image generation is the process by which a software creates visual content based on a given prompt or description. The video demonstrates META AI's 'Imagine' feature, which can generate images based on prompts, such as visualizing a time traveler or a McLaren 650s in London.


A watermark is a visible, transparent overlay on an image or video that typically contains a logo, text, or symbol to indicate the source or ownership. In the video, it is noted that the generated images from META AI have a watermark in the bottom left corner, which is currently not removable.


Animation refers to the process of creating a series of images or frames that, when displayed in rapid succession, give the illusion of motion. The video shows that META AI can animate generated images, creating a short sequence that resembles a GIF, which can be saved and used for various purposes.


A storyboard is a visual representation of a sequence of events, often used in film, animation, and multimedia production to plan and visualize scenes. The video suggests that the animation feature of META AI could be useful for quickly mocking up a storyboard, especially for comic book style images.

💡Parameter Model

A parameter model in the context of AI refers to a machine learning model with specific adjustable parameters that define its behavior. The video mentions a 400 billion parameter model, which is expected to enhance the coding and image generation capabilities of META AI in the future.


Meta has released a new AI software with geographical restrictions for the UK and EU.

Users in restricted areas can access the software using a VPN.

The software can be used without signing in, allowing for basic interactions.

Logging in enables saving conversations and image generation capabilities.

The new conversation screen offers six mini prompts for various tasks.

The Imagine screen allows users to generate images from text prompts.

Users can request real-time data, with the AI currently powered by Bing.

The AI can generate simple code in Python, though more complex tasks may result in errors.

The Imagine feature can create and animate images based on user prompts.

Generated images may have varying quality, and the AI provides options to edit or regenerate them.

The animation feature can create a simple GIF from a series of images.

The AI's capabilities are expected to improve with the upcoming 400 billion parameter model.

Users can report inappropriate or distressing generated content.

The AI provides real-time news updates when prompted, showcasing its browsing capabilities.

The software allows copying of generated content to clipboard for easy document integration.

The AI can access and provide links to relevant articles and resources.

The text generation feature is in an early state but expected to improve.

The image generation feature includes a watermark on all generated images.

The tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on using Meta's AI software for beginners.