How We Get Paid Helping Businesses Use AI (Agency Casestudies)

Liam Evans
5 Mar 202411:24

TLDRThe video script discusses how AI integration into businesses is a lucrative opportunity, presenting three case studies from an agency's experience. It highlights the transformation of a dental clinic in London through an AI chatbot, a property investment company's lead qualification process with a custom chatbot, and a media company's comprehensive system overhaul involving AI. The agency's approach emphasizes understanding business needs and offering tailored AI solutions, resulting in significant monthly earnings and potential for scaling and client referrals.


  • 🚀 Businesses are increasingly integrating AI into their operations, presenting lucrative opportunities for AI service providers.
  • 🎯 Unorthodox, an AI agency, specializes in improving business systems through AI and custom-built solutions.
  • 📈 The agency has aided over 500 entrepreneurs in leveraging AI, indicating a growing market for such services.
  • 💡 Understanding a client's business processes is crucial for providing valuable AI solutions tailored to their needs.
  • 🦷 A dental clinic in London used an AI chatbot to streamline customer service and booking processes, improving efficiency and client relations.
  • 🏥 The chatbot was trained on transcripts and website content, allowing it to handle customer inquiries and bookings autonomously.
  • 💰 The AI chatbot provided a return on investment by reducing the need for human customer service labor and operating costs.
  • 🏠 A property investment company improved their lead qualification process with a customized AI chatbot, enhancing lead conversion rates.
  • 📊 The media company case study demonstrates the potential for AI agencies to become long-term partners, offering a range of services and solutions.
  • 🔄 AI solutions can supercharge existing business processes, allowing human employees to focus on tasks that require a personal touch.
  • 🌐 Building partnerships and networking can lead to significant client acquisition and business growth opportunities.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of Liam's agency, Unorthodox?

    -Liam's agency, Unorthodox, focuses on helping business owners improve their systems by integrating AI and custom-built solutions.

  • How many entrepreneurs has Liam's agency helped in the last year and a half?

    -Liam's agency has helped over 500 entrepreneurs build their agencies in the last year and a half.

  • What was the main issue the dental clinic in London faced before implementing the AI chatbot?

    -The dental clinic faced a bottleneck at the reception desk, with the reception team overwhelmed by calls and repetitive questions from clients.

  • What platform was used to build the AI chatbot for the dental clinic?

    -The AI chatbot for the dental clinic was built using a platform called VoiceFlow.

  • How did the AI chatbot improve the dental clinic's booking system?

    -The AI chatbot was integrated with the clinic's CRM and booking system, allowing it to find available time slots with specific dentists based on their availability and the type of service needed.

  • What is the main advantage of the AI agent for the dental clinic compared to human receptionists?

    -The AI agent works around the clock, doesn't require holidays or sick leave, and doesn't need additional taxes or payroll expenses, thus supercharging the business without taking human jobs.

  • How did the property investment company handle new leads before implementing the AI solution?

    -Before the AI solution, the property investment company would manually reach out to every new lead when the team arrived in the office, which resulted in leads not being followed up until days after submission.

  • What was the main goal for the AI system built for the property investment company?

    -The main goal was to build a system that could handle and qualify new leads without the need for a sales team member to get involved until it was necessary.

  • How did the AI chatbot and WhatsApp chatbot help the property investment company?

    -The AI chatbot on their website and the WhatsApp chatbot helped by answering questions for new leads, collecting their contact information, and feeding it back into the CRM, allowing the sales team to have a list of qualified leads and more information to work with.

  • What type of client is the third case study in the video?

    -The third case study is a large media company in the UK that manages some of the biggest print media in the country.

  • How did Liam's agency become a trusted partner for the media company?

    -Liam's agency became a trusted partner for the media company by embedding themselves into the business through a series of AI and non-AI solutions that played a vital role in managing their marketing campaigns.



🤖 Introducing AI Solutions for Business Growth

This paragraph introduces the concept of integrating AI into businesses to enhance efficiency and growth. Liam, from the agency 'unorthodox', shares his experience of working with over 500 entrepreneurs to improve their systems with AI and custom-built solutions. The focus is on understanding the client's business and processes to provide tailored AI solutions. The agency has transitioned from custom pricing to a more manageable monthly service model, catering to a wide range of client needs and budgets.


🦷 AI Implementation in a Dental Clinic

The case study discusses the integration of an AI chatbot into a London dental clinic to streamline customer service and booking processes. The chatbot was trained on old transcripts and the clinic's website to handle client inquiries 24/7. It was also integrated with the clinic's CRM and booking system, allowing for efficient scheduling based on dentist availability and service requirements. The AI not only reduced the reception team's workload but also improved the quality of client interactions. The agency earned £4,500 from this project and continues to work on advanced solutions for the client.


🏡 Enhancing Lead Qualification for Property Investment Company

This section describes the AI-driven lead qualification system developed for a UK-based property investment company. The system ensures that leads are promptly qualified and engaged, which is crucial for converting them into clients. The company previously faced delays in lead follow-up, but with the new AI chatbot, inquiries are now handled in real-time, even over the weekend, through both the company's website and WhatsApp. The chatbot collects and qualifies lead information, feeding it back into the CRM for the sales team to follow up. The agency's solution has been valued at £4,000, with the client showing interest in further AI integration.

📢 Scaling AI Services for a Major Media Company

The final case study involves a major media company in the UK that manages significant print media. The agency's role has expanded from initial contact to a multi-faceted partnership, providing a range of services from analytics to retargeting and data collection. The focus is on building a comprehensive system that combines AI and non-AI solutions to optimize the company's marketing campaigns. The agency's involvement has led to significant advancements in the client's campaign management and data analytics. The client also refers the agency to their other clients, creating a new business pipeline for the agency.

🚀 Growing an AI Agency and Partnership Opportunities

In the concluding paragraph, Liam discusses the potential of building partnerships and scaling an AI agency. He shares a personal anecdote of landing a significant client through a connection, highlighting the importance of networking. The video encourages viewers to explore the opportunity with AI and provides resources for those interested in starting their own AI agency. Liam invites viewers to visit the website for more case studies and to engage in a conversation about the presented material.



💡AI Integration

AI Integration refers to the process of incorporating artificial intelligence technologies into various business systems to improve efficiency, customer service, and overall operations. In the video, the agency helps businesses integrate AI to streamline processes, such as customer service through chatbots and lead qualification in sales, demonstrating how AI can enhance existing systems and offer new solutions to business challenges.

💡Business Owners

Business Owners are individuals who own and manage businesses, seeking ways to innovate and improve their operations. In the context of the video, business owners are clients of the agency, looking for AI solutions to enhance their businesses. They are decision-makers who understand the value of technology in modern business and are willing to invest in AI to gain a competitive edge.

💡Custom Built Solutions

Custom Built Solutions refer to tailor-made services or products designed specifically for a client's unique needs. In the video, the agency specializes in creating custom AI solutions for businesses, which involves understanding the client's business processes and systems to develop targeted AI applications that address specific pain points.

💡Client Case Studies

Client Case Studies are detailed examples or reports that illustrate how a service or product has been applied and the results it achieved for specific clients. They provide insights into the effectiveness of the solutions and serve as evidence of the agency's capabilities. In the video, the presenter uses client case studies to demonstrate the practical application and success of their AI integration services.


Chatbots are AI-powered virtual assistants that can interact with humans through text or voice, providing information, answering questions, and performing tasks. In the video, chatbots are used as a key AI integration tool to improve customer service and lead management, demonstrating the practical application of AI in business operations.

💡CRM Integration

CRM Integration refers to the process of connecting a business's customer relationship management (CRM) system with other tools or services, such as AI chatbots, to enhance data management, automate processes, and improve customer interactions. In the video, CRM integration is crucial for the AI solutions to function effectively, allowing businesses to manage customer information and bookings seamlessly.

💡Business Growth

Business Growth refers to the increase in size, revenue, or market share of a business over time. The video emphasizes how AI integration can contribute to business growth by optimizing operations, improving customer service, and enhancing lead generation and management. By addressing inefficiencies and providing innovative solutions, AI can help businesses expand and become more competitive.

💡Unorthodox Agency

Unorthodox Agency is the name of the company in the video that specializes in integrating AI solutions into businesses. The term 'unorthodox' suggests that the agency employs innovative and non-traditional methods in their approach to AI integration. The agency's services are designed to help businesses improve their systems and grow by leveraging the power of AI.

💡AI Agent

An AI Agent is a software program or system that performs tasks autonomously, often mimicking human-like interactions. In the context of the video, AI agents are used to handle customer service and sales processes, working around the clock without the need for human intervention. These agents are designed to improve business efficiency and provide value-added services to clients.

💡Productized Services

Productized Services are offerings where the service is packaged and priced in a standardized way, making it easier for clients to understand and purchase. This approach simplifies the sales process and allows for scalability. In the video, the agency transitioned from custom pricing to productized services with set monthly fees, which has made their offerings more accessible and easier to manage for both the agency and its clients.


Business owners are integrating AI into their businesses, paying agencies thousands of dollars monthly for assistance.

The video presents three client case studies from an agency that helps businesses with AI integration.

The agency, called Unorthodox, specializes in improving business systems with AI and custom-built solutions.

The most common question asked is about the services one can provide to clients for AI integration.

The agency has transitioned from custom pricing to a productized service model for easier management and scalability.

Clients pay a set monthly price per client and some opt for one-time fees or larger monthly retainers.

Understanding the client's business and systems is crucial for providing valuable AI solutions.

The first case study involves a dental clinic in London that wanted to improve customer service with AI.

The dental clinic's reception team was overwhelmed with repetitive questions, leading to a bottleneck in the business.

An AI chatbot was developed using Voice Flow, trained on transcripts and website information to answer customer queries.

The chatbot integrated with the clinic's CRM and booking system, streamlining the process and allowing staff to focus on relationship building.

The dental clinic case study resulted in £4,500 revenue and ongoing work for more advanced solutions.

AI's role is not to replace human jobs but to supercharge them and improve efficiency.

The second case study is a property investment company that needed to efficiently manage and qualify online leads.

The company previously struggled with lead follow-up, especially during weekends, impacting sales conversion.

Custom Voice Flow bots were developed to answer questions and collect lead information, feeding data back into the CRM.

The bots improved lead management, providing the sales team with qualified leads and more information to work with.

The third case study involves a major media company in the UK that manages significant print media.

The agency's role expanded from analytics to managing a comprehensive system for the media company's marketing campaigns.

The media company now introduces the agency to its clients, creating a new business pipeline and significant monthly revenue.

Building partnerships and understanding client needs are key to offering valuable AI solutions.