How gravity batteries could change the world

Innovative Techs
3 Sept 202209:45

TLDRThe video script discusses the innovation of gravity batteries as a solution for energy storage, particularly for renewable sources like solar and wind power. It highlights the limitations of traditional lithium-ion batteries and pumped storage hydroelectricity, emphasizing the cost-effectiveness, longevity, and environmental friendliness of gravity batteries. The script introduces a company called Gravitricity, which has developed a prototype that uses the force of gravity on heavy loads lifted and lowered in abandoned coal mines to generate and store energy. The technology faces challenges in implementation but holds promise for the future of renewable energy storage.


  • 🔌 Electricity generation on an industrial scale often results in excess production, especially with renewable sources like solar and wind.
  • 🌞 The unpredictability of renewable energy sources presents challenges in storing energy for use during peak demand periods.
  • 🏗️ Scientists are exploring various solutions to efficiently store and distribute renewable energy, including sand batteries and gravity batteries.
  • ⏳ Gravity batteries can store energy by lifting heavy loads to a height and then releasing them to generate electricity on demand.
  • 🔄 The process of charging and discharging a gravity battery is quick, allowing for rapid response to peak energy demands.
  • 🏢 The first application of gravity for energy was the pendulum clock invented by Huygens in 1656, followed by pump storage hydroelectricity systems.
  • 🌍 Pump storage is currently the most popular method of electricity storage worldwide, with 95% of energy storage facilities in the United States using this technology.
  • 🚀 Gravitricity, a startup company, has developed a gravity battery prototype installed in the Port of Edinburgh, demonstrating the potential of this technology.
  • 💰 Gravity batteries offer cost advantages over lithium-ion batteries, with the potential to store energy at least two times cheaper per megawatt-hour.
  • 🛠️ Maintenance and repair costs for gravity batteries are low, with a service life that can extend up to 50 years, making them a sustainable long-term solution.
  • 🌿 The use of gravity batteries can mitigate the environmental and human rights issues associated with the extraction of metals required for lithium-ion batteries.

Q & A

  • How is electricity typically generated on an industrial scale?

    -On an industrial scale, electricity is usually generated by burning fossil fuels or using water power, which can be regulated to avoid generating excess electricity.

  • What is the main challenge with renewable energy sources like solar and wind?

    -The main challenge with renewable energy sources is that they cannot be easily controlled; for instance, you cannot tell the sun to shine later or the wind to blow in the evening, making it difficult to save and supply energy during peak hours.

  • What are the two types of energy storage solutions discussed in the script?

    -The two types of energy storage solutions discussed are sand batteries and gravity batteries.

  • How does a gravity battery work?

    -A gravity battery works by using electricity to lift a heavy load from the bottom to the top, accumulating potential energy. When energy is needed, the load falls under the force of gravity, and the electric motors switch to generator mode to deliver energy to the consumer.

  • What is the significance of the first pump storage system built in Switzerland in 1907?

    -The first pump storage system in Switzerland in 1907 was significant as it marked the beginning of using gravity to reach energy, and it was the first of its kind to utilize the principle of pumping water from a lower reservoir to an upper one, which could then generate electricity during peak times.

  • How does the gravitricity startup's gravity battery concept differ from traditional pump storage hydroelectricity?

    -Gravitricity's gravity battery concept differs in that it does not require water. Instead, it uses a heavy load (like blocks or trains) lifted by electricity during off-peak times and then allows the load to fall under gravity to generate electricity during peak times, potentially using abandoned coal mines or high-rise structures.

  • What are the advantages of gravity batteries over lithium-ion batteries?

    -Gravity batteries are cost-effective, with lower storage costs compared to lithium-ion batteries. They also have a longer service life of up to 50 years with minimal maintenance, and they do not require the extraction of metals associated with human rights violations or depletion concerns. Additionally, they pose less risk of fire and require less space.

  • What is the estimated capacity and potential of the first full-fledged gravitricity battery?

    -The estimated capacity of the first full-fledged gravitricity battery is 4 megawatts, which could potentially power 63,000 homes for every hour of discharge. The launch is estimated for 2023 or 2024, depending on funding and other factors.

  • What are the potential downsides or criticisms of gravity batteries?

    -Some criticisms of gravity batteries include the use of concrete as cargo, which has a dirty production process, and the requirement of suitable mines or high-rise structures, which can increase costs. Additionally, not all locations have ready mines, meaning new ones would need to be drilled or built.

  • What is the future outlook for gravity battery technology?

    -The future of gravity battery technology is promising but still in its early stages. Companies like gravitricity, Energy Vault, and ARIS are working on prototypes and projects. The success of the first full-fledged battery will be crucial in determining the scalability and viability of this technology.

  • How does the synergy of natural forces in gravity batteries contribute to renewable energy?

    -Gravity batteries leverage the natural forces of gravity and the renewable energy from the sun or wind, allowing for the storage and release of energy without impacting ecosystems. This synergy enables more efficient use of renewable energy sources and supports sustainable development.



🌟 Innovations in Renewable Energy Storage

This paragraph discusses the challenges and innovations in storing renewable energy. It highlights the limitations of traditional methods, such as using fossil fuels for energy generation, and the need for efficient storage solutions to handle excess electricity produced by renewable sources like solar and wind. The paragraph introduces the concept of gravity batteries as an alternative to traditional sand batteries, explaining their potential to store and release energy during peak hours. It also touches on the historical development of gravity-based energy systems, from the invention of the pendulum clock by Huygens in 1656 to the modern-day pump storage hydroelectricity systems. The discussion emphasizes the potential of gravity batteries to revolutionize renewable energy storage by addressing issues of cost, efficiency, and environmental impact.


🔋 Advantages and Future of Gravity Batteries

This paragraph delves into the advantages of gravity batteries over lithium-ion batteries, focusing on cost-effectiveness, service life, environmental considerations, and space efficiency. It provides a cost comparison between gravity and lithium-ion batteries, highlighting the potential savings in energy storage. The paragraph also addresses the long service life of gravity batteries, which can operate for up to 50 years with minimal maintenance, contrasting with the shorter lifespan of lithium-ion batteries. Additionally, it discusses the environmental benefits of gravity batteries, including the reduction of human rights violations associated with lithium extraction and the lower risk of fires. The future outlook for gravity battery technology is explored, noting its nascent stage and the challenges of funding and public trust. The paragraph concludes with a mention of other companies and projects working on gravity battery technology, emphasizing its promising potential for the renewable energy sector.



💡Renewable Energy

Renewable energy refers to power sources that are replenish naturally and can be used repeatedly, such as solar and wind energy. In the video, renewable energy is the main focus, discussing how it can be harnessed and stored effectively. The issue of intermittent energy production from these sources is highlighted, emphasizing the need for efficient storage solutions to ensure a consistent energy supply during peak demand hours.

💡Gravity Batteries

Gravity batteries are a type of energy storage system that uses the force of gravity to store and release energy. They work by lifting a heavy load during periods of low energy demand and releasing it to generate power when demand is high. This concept is central to the video, which explores the potential of gravity batteries to revolutionize renewable energy storage, offering an efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional battery technologies.

💡Pump Storage Hydroelectricity

Pump storage hydroelectricity is a method of storing energy by pumping water from a lower reservoir to an upper one during off-peak electricity times, and then releasing it back through turbines to generate electricity during peak demand. This concept is introduced in the video as an early application of gravity-based energy storage, which has evolved into more innovative forms with the advent of gravity batteries.

💡Energy Storage

Energy storage involves the capture of produced electricity for use at a later time. It is crucial for managing the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. The video emphasizes the importance of energy storage in the context of renewable energy, exploring how gravity batteries could offer a solution to the challenges of storing excess energy from the sun and wind.


Gravitricity is a startup company featured in the video that is developing gravity batteries as a novel approach to energy storage. The company's innovative design involves lifting heavy loads using renewable energy and then releasing them to generate power when needed. Gravitricity represents the potential for new technologies to emerge from the quest for more sustainable and efficient energy storage solutions.


Cost-effectiveness refers to achieving the desired outcome at the lowest possible cost. In the context of the video, it highlights the economic benefits of gravity batteries as an energy storage solution, which are presented as being more cost-effective than lithium-ion batteries and other storage technologies.

💡Service Life

Service life refers to the period during which a product, system, or component can effectively and safely perform its intended function. In the video, service life is discussed in the context of energy storage solutions, emphasizing that gravity batteries have a longer service life than lithium-ion batteries, with minimal maintenance and repair costs over a period of up to 50 years.

💡Environmental Impact

Environmental impact refers to the effects that human activities have on the natural environment. The video discusses the environmental benefits of gravity batteries as a form of energy storage, highlighting their lower environmental footprint compared to lithium-ion batteries, which require the extraction of metals associated with difficult working conditions and human rights violations.

💡Space Efficiency

Space efficiency refers to the optimal use of available space for a specific purpose. In the context of the video, space efficiency is an advantage of gravity batteries over other energy storage solutions, as they require less physical space, making them particularly suitable for areas with limited availability of land, such as in Europe.

💡Energy Synergy

Energy synergy refers to the combined effect of different energy sources working together to achieve a more efficient and sustainable energy system. The video emphasizes the synergy between renewable energy sources like solar and wind, and the potential for gravity batteries to store and release this energy in a harmonious and efficient manner.

💡Technological Innovation

Technological innovation refers to the development and application of new technologies to solve existing problems or improve existing solutions. The video showcases gravity batteries as a technological innovation in the field of energy storage, highlighting their potential to revolutionize the way renewable energy is managed and utilized.


Electricity is rarely generated in reserve on an industrial scale, with the process of generating energy from fuel or water power being regulable and not prone to excess electricity production.

Renewable energy sources like sun and wind present a challenge in managing their energy output, as they cannot be easily controlled or saved for peak hours.

Scientists are exploring various options to save renewable energy, with sand batteries and gravity batteries being two discussed solutions.

The first device to use gravity for energy was the pendulum clock invented by Huygens in 1656, which took 250 years to evolve into the principle of gravity being used for energy.

In 1907, the first pump storage system was built in Switzerland, marking the beginning of using gravity for energy storage.

Pump storage hydroelectricity, initially obtained by burning fossil fuels, has become the most popular method of storing electricity in the world, with 95% of energy storage facilities in the United States using this technology.

Gravity batteries can solve the main problem of renewable energy by saving all the energy from the sun and wind and transferring it to consumers at the right time.

Different forms of gravity batteries can be cheap and wear-resistant, with various startups offering new concepts for gravity batteries.

The new concept of gravity batteries works by using electricity to lift a heavy load, accumulating potential energy, which can then be released by letting the load fall under gravity.

Gravitricity, one of the startups, built its first test prototype in 2021, using a system similar to an elevator with two 25-ton loads rising and falling to generate electricity.

Gravity batteries can deliver energy for several hours and can respond to peak loads quickly, with the potential to deliver from one to twenty megawatts of peak power for up to eight hours.

Gravitricity's engineers estimate that a 20-megawatt power grid could power 63,000 homes for every hour of discharge.

Gravity batteries have the advantage of being at least two times cheaper than lithium-ion batteries for storing a megawatt hour and can have a service life of up to 50 years with little maintenance.

The extraction of lithium and other metals for batteries is associated with difficult working conditions and human rights violations, making gravity batteries a more sustainable option.

Gravity batteries require less space than lithium-ion batteries, making them especially relevant for areas with limited space, such as Europe.

The future of gravity battery technology is promising, with the first full-scale project estimated to launch in 2023 or 2024, potentially using abandoned coal mines for installation.

Gravitricity is a small company that believes successful construction of the first battery will pave the way for scaling the technology, but its success depends on funding, authorities' support, and investor confidence.

Other projects like Energy Vault and ARIS are also working on gravity battery technology, with different designs and methods of operation.

Gravity batteries are seen as a great energy storage solution, cheaper and less harmful than lithium-ion batteries, and capable of being installed anywhere for long-term use.