How to AI Animate. AnimateDiff in ComfyUI Tutorial.

Sebastian Kamph
10 Nov 202327:46

TLDRThe tutorial video provides a comprehensive guide on creating AI animations using AnimateDiff in ComfyUI. It covers various workflows, including text-to-video and video-to-video, and offers tips and tricks for achieving the best results. The presenter also discusses the free and cost-effective options, with the latter requiring minimal hardware. The video explains the installation process for custom nodes and guides viewers through setting up the ComfyUI interface. It delves into the intricacies of the AnimateDiff settings, such as context length, context overlap, and motion scale, which are crucial for fine-tuning animations. The tutorial also explores prompt scheduling, demonstrating how to create animations that transition through different scenes or themes. Additionally, it highlights the importance of using the correct models and samplers for generating animations and discusses the use of FFmpeg for video and GIF creation. The presenter emphasizes the flexibility of the tool, allowing users to experiment with different settings to create unique animations tailored to their preferences.


  • 🎨 The video demonstrates how to create animations using AI with different workflows such as text to video and video to video.
  • 💡 The presenter shows how to use both free and paid versions of the software, with the paid version offering ease of use without the need for additional installations.
  • 💻 For the free option, a GPU with at least 8 to 10 gigs of VRAM is required, and custom nodes may need to be installed.
  • 📊 The importance of setting the correct frame rate and number of frames for the desired animation length is discussed.
  • 🔁 The limitations of AnimateDiff in creating animations of up to 36 frames maximum, but longer animations can be achieved by chaining segments together.
  • 📏 The tutorial covers the significance of the context length and context overlap in fine-tuning the animation segments.
  • 🎭 The use of different models and motion scales to control the level of detail and the amount of movement in the animations.
  • 📝 The script highlights the process of setting up prompts to define what is desired in the animation and what should be avoided.
  • 🔄 The option to use different samplers like DDIM, Euler a, and others for generating the animation, with an explanation of divergent samplers.
  • 🔀 The video shows how to use control net models to influence the outcome of the animation, with adjustments for strength and duration of control.
  • 🌐 The tutorial also touches on the installation of necessary software like FFmpeg for video processing and previews.
  • ⚙️ The presenter explains the use of prompt scheduling for changing the theme or setting of the animation over different frames.

Q & A

  • What are the different workflows for AI animation mentioned in the transcript?

    -The transcript mentions three different workflows for AI animation: text to video, video to video, and prompt scheduling.

  • What are the system requirements for the free option in the AI animation tutorial?

    -For the free option, you need a GPU with at least 8 to 10 gigs of VRAM.

  • How does the frame rate and the number of frames determine the length of the animation?

    -The length of the animation is determined by the number of frames set for the animation and the frame rate, which is the number of frames per second of animation. For example, at a frame rate of 12 FPS and a value of 50 frames, the animation will run for a little over 4 seconds.

  • What is the maximum number of frames that AnimateDiff can create for an animation?

    -AnimateDiff can create animations that are up to 36 frames in length.

  • What is the purpose of the 'context length' and 'context overlap' settings in AnimateDiff?

    -The 'context length' determines how long each segment of the animation will be, and the 'context overlap' specifies how many frames each segment will overlap with the next one. This allows for chaining together of segments to create longer animations.

  • What does the 'motion scale' setting control in the animation settings?

    -The 'motion scale' setting controls the amount of movement in the animation. A higher value results in more wild and animated movements, while a lower value results in slower and more subtle animations.

  • How can one change the appearance of the animation through the prompt?

    -The prompt can be edited to include specific descriptions of what is desired in the animation, such as 'Masterpiece best quality close up a girl on a snowy winter day'. There is also a negative prompt that specifies what is not wanted, like 'bad quality worse quality'.

  • What is the role of the 'seed' in the animation generation process?

    -The 'seed' is used for iterating on an animation. If the seed is fixed, running a new generation will produce the same animation. If the seed is randomized, each new generation will produce a different result.

  • What are the different sampler options available in the AnimateDiff workflow?

    -The transcript mentions two sampler options: DDIM (set to 25 steps cfg7) and a Divergent sampler like Caras. The choice of sampler can affect the consistency and divergence of the generated images.

  • How does the 'Loop count' setting affect the output animation?

    -The 'Loop count' determines how many times the animation will loop. A setting of zero will create an infinite loop, while other values will loop the animation the specified number of times.

  • What is the significance of the 'control net' in the video to video workflow?

    -The 'control net' uses a line art model to influence the end result of the animation. It can help to maintain certain visual elements or styles throughout the animation.

  • How can one install missing custom nodes in ComfyUI?

    -To install missing custom nodes in ComfyUI, one can go into the manager, click 'install missing custom nodes', and then select the nodes to install. After the installation, a restart of ComfyUI is required.



🚀 Introduction to AI Animation Creation

The speaker introduces the topic of creating animations using AI in a short amount of time. They outline the different workflows for text-to-video and video-to-video animations, mention tips and tricks for achieving the best results, and discuss the availability of free and low-cost options. The need for a GPU with sufficient VRAM for the free option and the use of the Inner Reflections guide and workflow are highlighted. The speaker also humorously comments on their changing opinion about facial hair.


🎨 Customizing Animation Settings and Outputs

The paragraph delves into the customization of animation settings, including frame numbers, frame rates, and animation size. It discusses the limitations of the anime diff tool and how to create longer animations by chaining segments together. The speaker also covers the importance of model selection, error checking, and settings for the animate diff tool, such as context length and context overlap. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of how to generate an animation with different frame rates and the effects of those rates on the animation speed.


📊 Adjusting Motion Scale and Exploring Video to Video Workflow

The speaker demonstrates how to adjust the motion scale for smoother animations and shows how to use the video to video workflow with a local installation of comy UI. They guide through installing missing custom nodes and models, and adjusting the workflow for video input. The paragraph also explains the use of control net models and their influence on the final animation, emphasizing the need for correct node connections and model installations.


🌟 Fine-Tuning Animation with Control Net and Prompts

This section focuses on fine-tuning the animation using control net nodes and custom prompts. The speaker explains the process of loading a control net model, adjusting the strength of the control net's influence, and setting the duration of its effect. They also discuss the importance of correct frame dimensions and the use of different prompts to achieve desired animation outcomes. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of how to change the prompt for different results and the impact of the K sampler and video combine settings on the animation.


📈 Manipulating Animation Strength and Frame Rates

The speaker discusses how to manipulate the strength of the animation in relation to the input image and how to adjust the start and end percentages for control net influence. They also show how to generate animations with different frame rates and formats, and how to use the ping pong effect for smoother animations. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of setting the correct seed for consistent results and concludes with a demonstration of how to achieve a smoother animation and the option to use different samplers for better consistency.


🌈 Prompt Scheduling for Dynamic Animations

The final paragraph introduces the concept of prompt scheduling, which allows for the animation to change based on different prompts set for each frame. The speaker demonstrates how to set up and run a prompt schedule, and how to troubleshoot errors that may arise. They also mention the importance of correct syntax when setting up prompts, specifically the use of commas. The paragraph concludes with a brief mention of installing ffmpeg for video and GIF previews and provides a guide for doing so.



💡AI Animate

AI Animate refers to the process of using artificial intelligence to create animations. In the context of the video, the speaker demonstrates how to use AI to generate animations quickly. It's a key concept as it is the main focus of the tutorial, showcasing the capabilities of AI in creative tasks.


AnimateDiff is a term used in the video to describe a specific AI tool or process for animating. It is a part of the software or method being taught, which allows for the creation of animations by chaining together segments, each of which is limited to 36 frames.


ComfyUI appears to be a user interface or software platform where the AI animation process is conducted. The video provides a tutorial on how to use this interface to create animations, indicating it is user-friendly and designed for ease of use.


In the video, a workflow refers to a sequence of steps or processes involved in creating an animation with AI. The speaker discusses different workflows such as text to video and video to video, which are methods for generating animations based on textual prompts or video inputs, respectively.

💡Text to Video

Text to Video is a workflow mentioned where animations are generated based on textual descriptions or prompts. The AI interprets the text and creates corresponding animations, which is a significant part of the video's demonstration.

💡Video to Video

Video to Video workflow is another process shown in the video where an input video is used to generate a new animation. This involves using the content and motion from an existing video to create a different animated output.


ControlNet is a term introduced in the context of video to video animation. It refers to a model that influences the output of the animation based on line art or other input models. The strength and duration of ControlNet's influence can be adjusted for different effects in the animation.

💡Prompt Scheduling

Prompt Scheduling is a technique shown in the video where different textual prompts are assigned to different frames of an animation. This allows for an animation to change themes or content over its duration, creating a dynamic and varied final animation.

💡Frame Rate

Frame Rate is the term used to describe the number of frames that appear in one second of animation, which affects the speed at which the animation plays. The video discusses setting frame rates for different types of animations, such as 12 or 24 frames per second.


Checkpoints in the video refer to specific points in the animation process where the AI has reached a certain stage. They are used to load and save the state of the animation, allowing for continuity and the ability to pick up from a certain point.


Sampler is a term related to the technical process of generating images or animations from AI models. Different samplers like DDIM, Euler a, and others are mentioned, each producing different results in terms of image quality and generation process.


The tutorial demonstrates how to create AI animations using the AnimateDiff tool in ComfyUI.

Several workflows are shown, including text to video and video to video processes.

Tips and tricks are provided for achieving the best results in AI animation.

The free version of the tool requires a GPU with at least 8 to 10 gigs of VRAM.

The paid version offers a more straightforward experience without the need for additional installations.

The tutorial covers how to install custom nodes if needed for the free version.

AnimateDiff can create animations up to 36 frames, with longer animations achieved by chaining.

The importance of the context length and context overlap for creating smooth transitions in animations is explained.

Different motion modules are available, with V2 being the default and most up-to-date option.

The motion scale setting controls the intensity of the animation movement.

The prompt can be customized to include desired elements and exclude undesired ones in the animation.

The tutorial shows how to use the sampler and the significance of choosing a Divergent sampler for image consistency.

The frame rate and format can be adjusted for different output needs, such as GIFs or videos.

The ping pong effect can be added to animations to create a reversing motion after reaching the end.

Video to video workflow is demonstrated using a local install of ComfyUI and custom nodes.

ControlNet nodes are introduced for influencing the end result of the animation with line art models.

The tutorial explains how to use prompt scheduling to change the theme of each frame in an animation.

The need to install FFmpeg for video and GIF preview generation is highlighted.

The process for installing FFmpeg on Windows is outlined, including using 7-Zip and command prompt.