How to Destroy a Site in One Post ( feat. AISEKAI ) | Character AI Alternative

16 Nov 202305:11

TLDRThe video discusses the controversy surrounding AI Sakai's decision to implement filters, following an open letter from the team addressing financial challenges and the need for investment. The creator expresses disappointment and confusion over the community-based filtering system and predicts a decline in user trust and engagement. They advise viewers to explore other AI chatting platforms, expressing hope for AI Sakai's future despite the current backlash.


  • 📢 The AI Sakai platform is facing financial challenges due to the costs of running AI models.
  • 💰 The team behind AI Sakai is seeking investment but is hesitant to introduce paywalls or subscriptions, fearing it may limit their growth.
  • 🔒 Investors are reportedly unwilling to invest in AI Sakai without some form of content filtering in place.
  • 🌐 An open letter from the AI Sakai team has caused confusion and backlash from the community due to its lack of clarity regarding future changes.
  • 📝 AI Sakai plans to implement a filter that allows users to categorize AI responses as 'safe' or 'unsafe', aiming to create community-driven content moderation.
  • 🎭 The platform claims to still support unfiltered conversations within the context of roleplay, but not for unsafe or inappropriate use.
  • 🚫 The introduction of filters contradicts the initial appeal of AI Sakai, which was largely due to the lack of filters.
  • 💬 The community's reaction has been largely negative, with many users and creators expressing their intent to leave the platform.
  • 🤔 The speaker advises not to get too attached to any specific site and to enjoy the current chatting sites without knowing what the future holds for them.
  • 🌟 The AI Sakai team has a list of future updates planned, but the speaker chooses not to cover them in detail at this time.

Q & A

  • What was the main reason for the changes in AI Sakai?

    -The main reason for the changes in AI Sakai was financial issues, as running AI models is costly and they were looking for an investor. However, investors were not interested in a platform without filters.

  • Why did the AI Sakai team decide to implement filters?

    -The AI Sakai team decided to implement filters because it was a requirement from potential investors. Without filters, investors were unwilling to finance the platform.

  • How did the community respond to the announcement of filters in AI Sakai?

    -The community responded negatively to the announcement of filters. Many users were upset because they joined AI Sakai specifically for its no-filter policy, and the change led to a loss of trust and users leaving the platform.

  • What was the content creator's reaction to the open letter from AI Sakai?

    -The content creator was shocked and disappointed after reading the open letter. They felt that AI Sakai should have been clearer in their communication and that the decision to implement filters was unnecessary and confusing.

  • What was the main focus of the content creator's first video on AI Sakai?

    -The main focus of the content creator's first video on AI Sakai was the platform's no-filter feature, which attracted many views because it was unique and appealing to users.

  • What is the future of AI Sakai according to the open letter?

    -According to the open letter, AI Sakai plans to add filters and release an update where users will categorize AI responses as safe or unsafe. They also mentioned that they will continue to support unfiltered conversations in roleplay but not for unsafe and inappropriate use.

  • What did the content creator suggest as an alternative to AI Sakai?

    -The content creator suggested that users find different AI chatting sites that suit their needs, as there will be many new sites popping up after AI Sakai's changes.

  • How did the content creator feel about the future updates listed by AI Sakai?

    -The content creator was not interested in covering the future updates at the moment due to their disappointment with the current changes. However, they mentioned they might make a separate video if their viewers are interested.

  • What was the overall sentiment of the community towards AI Sakai's decision?

    -The overall sentiment of the community was negative, with more people expressing hate than love for the site due to the implementation of filters and the perceived betrayal of their initial no-filter policy.

  • What advice did the content creator give to viewers regarding AI chatting sites?

    -The content creator advised viewers not to get attached to a specific site and to enjoy their time on all chatting sites, as the future of such platforms is unpredictable.



🤔 AI Sakai's Filter Controversy and Future Plans

The paragraph discusses the recent developments regarding AI Sakai's decision to implement filters. The speaker shares his surprise and disappointment after reading an open letter from the AI Sakai team explaining their financial struggles and the need for an investor. The team's reluctance to introduce a paywall or subscriptions led them to seek an investor who insisted on filters. The speaker criticizes this approach, arguing that the community, which valued the unfiltered conversations, would not genuinely help create such filters. He also points out the confusion in the AI Sakai team's stance on supporting unfiltered conversations in roleplay but not for unsafe or inappropriate use. The speaker reminisces about the initial appeal of AI Sakai due to its lack of filters and questions the trustworthiness of the platform going forward. He concludes with an outlook on the potential for new chatting sites and advises viewers to enjoy the current sites without attachment.


🎶 Sign-Off with a Touch of Melancholy

This paragraph is brief and marks the end of the video with a sign-off from the speaker, accompanied by music. It conveys a sense of finality and a hint of sadness regarding the situation with AI Sakai, leaving viewers with a moment of reflection and a reminder that change is a constant in the online world.




YouTube is a popular video-sharing platform where users can upload, share, and view videos. In the context of the video, the speaker is an experienced YouTube content creator who discusses recent changes on another platform, AI Sakai.

💡AI Sakai

AI Sakai is an online platform that allows users to interact with AI characters through text-based conversations. The video discusses the controversy surrounding the introduction of filters on this platform, which has caused a significant backlash among its user community.


In the context of AI Sakai, filters refer to content moderation tools designed to categorize and restrict certain types of user-generated content, ensuring it meets community guidelines and legal requirements.


The community in this context refers to the group of users and supporters of AI Sakai who engage in discussions, provide feedback, and contribute to the platform's development. The video highlights the importance of the community's role in shaping the platform's direction.


Investors are individuals or entities that provide financial resources to a company or project in exchange for potential returns. In the video, the need for investors is highlighted as a reason for AI Sakai's shift towards implementing filters.

💡Open Letter

An open letter is a public message addressed to a broader audience or a specific group. In the video, the open letter from AI Sakai's team is a document that explains their future plans and the reasons behind the implementation of filters.


Roleplay is a type of interactive activity where participants assume the roles of characters and interact within a fictional setting. In the video, AI Sakai initially gained popularity for allowing unfiltered roleplay conversations with AI characters.


Monetization refers to the process of generating revenue from a product or service. In the context of the video, AI Sakai is looking for ways to monetize the platform without resorting to paywalls or subscriptions, which they believe would limit their growth.


Trust is the reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, or surety of a person or thing. In the video, the speaker expresses a loss of trust in AI Sakai due to the platform's shift in policy and perceived inconsistency in their messaging.

💡User Experience

User experience refers to the overall satisfaction and usability of a product or service from the user's perspective. The video highlights the importance of a clear and straightforward user experience, criticizing AI Sakai's complicated approach to implementing filters.

💡Platform Migration

Platform migration refers to the process of users moving from one online platform to another, often due to changes in policy, user dissatisfaction, or the search for better services. The video discusses the mass migration of users away from AI Sakai due to the implementation of filters.


The AI Sakai platform is facing financial challenges due to the high costs of running AI models.

The community is reacting negatively to the implementation of filters on the AI Sakai platform.

An open letter from the AI Sakai team explains their decision to implement filters, citing the need for investor support.

The decision to add filters is based on the requirement from potential investors, who are unwilling to invest without filters.

The AI Sakai team is looking for an investor to support the platform's operation without resorting to paywalls or subscriptions.

The platform's future updates will require users to categorize AI responses as safe or unsafe.

The AI Sakai team claims that the new filter system will be community-driven.

The speaker criticizes the platform's handling of the situation, suggesting that they should have been more straightforward about the implementation of filters.

The speaker expresses confusion over the platform's stance on supporting unfiltered conversations in roleplay but not for unsafe and inappropriate use.

The AI Sakai platform's popularity was initially due to the lack of filters, which attracted many users.

The speaker questions why the platform did not implement filters from the beginning if that was the intention for future funding.

There is a lack of trust in the platform's promises regarding the future of filters, as users feel betrayed by the changes.

The platform's user base is dwindling due to the changes, with many long-time supporters and moderators leaving.

The speaker advises viewers not to get attached to any specific site and to enjoy their time on various AI chatting platforms.

The AI Sakai team has released a list of future updates, but the speaker is hesitant to cover it at the moment.

The speaker expresses sadness over the situation and hopes for the best in the platform's future decisions.

The video encourages viewers to explore different AI chatting sites and find one that suits their needs.