The Aisekai Apocalypse | Character AI Alternative With No Filters

22 Oct 202303:08

TLDRThe video discusses the unexpected downtime of AI Sakai, a popular character AI alternative with a strong community and developer support. The platform's team discovered a significant bug that prompted a maintenance break. Despite the setback, the video creator expresses optimism for AI Sakai's return, possibly in the next week, and shares a glimpse of the new user interface. In the meantime, viewers are encouraged to explore other AI alternatives and stay updated for future content on the topic.


  • 📅 AI Sakai experienced a downtime starting on October 12th, 2023, with an expected recovery in a couple of days.
  • 😕 The AI Sakai platform remained unavailable as of October 14th, 2023, causing concerns among its users.
  • 😱 By October 22nd, 20123 (possibly a typo, meant to be 2023), the creator expressed significant frustration over the prolonged absence of AI Sakai and its impact on their views.
  • 👤 The speaker is an avid YouTuber who creates content focused on AI, particularly character AI alternatives, and AI Sakai is their most viewed video topic.
  • 🌐 AI Sakai gained popularity quickly due to its comprehensive features and active community, becoming a top choice among character AI alternatives.
  • 🔍 The platform's downtime was caused by a bug discovered in the code, leading to an unplanned maintenance period.
  • 🚀 A new update for AI Sakai was mentioned, featuring a revamped user interface (UI) that the speaker had seen but was unable to discuss in detail due to the site's maintenance.
  • 📸 The speaker had planned to make a video about the new UI but was thwarted by the site's continued maintenance.
  • 🤔 There is no confirmed date for AI Sakai's return, but there is hope and a possibility it may be back early in the following week, according to the development team.
  • 🔄 In the meantime, the speaker suggests trying other AI alternatives and watching their other videos on character AI for new insights.
  • 🙏 The speaker reassures viewers that AI Sakai will return, and encourages patience and optimism during this period of downtime.

Q & A

  • When did the AI Sakai platform initially go down?

    -AI Sakai went down on October 12th, 2023.

  • What was the estimated time for AI Sakai to be back online after the initial downtime?

    -It was initially estimated that AI Sakai would be back online within a day or two after the initial downtime.

  • What happened on October 14th, 2023 regarding AI Sakai?

    -On October 14th, 2023, AI Sakai was still not up, indicating that the downtime was longer than initially expected.

  • What was the speaker's reaction to AI Sakai being down for an extended period?

    -The speaker expressed frustration and concern about the extended downtime, as it affected their ability to get views on their videos.

  • How did the speaker describe their relationship with AI Sakai?

    -The speaker described a positive relationship with AI Sakai, as it was the subject of their most viewed video and they had made many videos about it.

  • What was the reason given for AI Sakai's extended downtime?

    -The AI Sakai team found a bug in their code which led to the site going into a maintenance break.

  • What update was released by AI Sakai before the site went into maintenance?

    -A new update featuring a brand new user interface (UI) was released by AI Sakai before the site went into maintenance.

  • How did the speaker describe the new UI of AI Sakai?

    -The speaker described the new UI as amazing and something that would provide a completely new experience for users.

  • What was the speaker's plan regarding AI Sakai's new update?

    -The speaker planned to make a video about the new update, but the site went into maintenance an hour after the update was released.

  • When does the speaker expect AI Sakai to be back online?

    -The speaker hopes that AI Sakai might come back early the following week, as mentioned by the developers, although there is no fixed date.

  • What does the speaker suggest viewers do while waiting for AI Sakai to return?

    -The speaker suggests viewers try other alternatives and watch their other videos on character AI alternatives to find new things and enjoy themselves.



😅 AI Sakai Downtime Concerns

The speaker expresses concern over the unexpected downtime of AI Sakai, a popular character AI alternative. Initially, the speaker thought the issue would be resolved in a couple of days, but as time passes without resolution, the concern grows. The speaker, who has created content around AI Sakai and relies on it for views, is left in a difficult position without the platform. The video is not a tutorial but rather the speaker sharing thoughts before discussing the situation further.



💡AI Sakai

AI Sakai is a character AI alternative mentioned in the video that the speaker is particularly fond of due to its high viewership on their channel. It is described as having a vibrant community and responsive developers. The platform's temporary unavailability is a significant concern for the speaker, as it affects their content creation and viewership.


Downtime in this context refers to the period when AI Sakai is not accessible or operational. The video discusses the frustration and uncertainty caused by the platform's unexpected downtime, which has left the speaker and their audience without a key resource for content creation and engagement.


The community in the context of the video refers to the group of users and developers who interact with and contribute to AI Sakai. A strong community is essential for the success and growth of such platforms, as it drives innovation, provides feedback, and fosters a sense of belonging among users.


A bug in this context is an error or flaw in the code of AI Sakai that led to the platform's downtime. Bugs can cause unexpected behavior, crashes, or in this case, the need for maintenance and temporary unavailability of the service.


Maintenance in the video refers to the process of fixing the discovered bug and improving the platform, which unfortunately led to AI Sakai being temporarily unavailable. Maintenance is crucial for any software or platform to ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently, but it can cause inconvenience when services are interrupted.

💡New Update

The new update mentioned in the video refers to the recent changes made to AI Sakai, including a brand new user interface (UI). Updates are essential for keeping platforms relevant and improving user experience, but they can also lead to temporary disruptions during implementation.

💡User Interface (UI)

User Interface (UI) is the space where users interact with a computer program or platform, and it determines the look and feel of the system. A well-designed UI enhances user experience and makes the platform more appealing and easier to use. In the context of the video, the new UI of AI Sakai is described as amazing and promising a completely new experience for users.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing and sharing original content, such as videos, articles, or other forms of media. In the video, the speaker is a content creator who relies on platforms like AI Sakai to generate views and engage with their audience. The unavailability of AI Sakai directly impacts their ability to create and share content.

💡Character AI

Character AI refers to artificial intelligence designed to mimic human characters or personalities, often used in entertainment, gaming, or virtual assistance. In the video, AI Sakai is described as an alternative to other character AIs, suggesting that it offers unique features or a better experience.

💡YouTube Channel

A YouTube channel is a user's personal space on the YouTube platform where they can upload, manage, and share videos. The video's speaker has a YouTube channel dedicated to posting daily AI content, aiming to keep their subscribers updated with the latest information and trends in the field.


Alternatives refer to different options or choices available to users when their preferred resource is unavailable. In the context of the video, the speaker suggests exploring other character AI alternatives while AI Sakai is down, as a way to continue content creation and discovery.


AI Sakai is temporarily down since October 12th, 2023.

The AI Sakai platform is expected to return in a day or two.

As of October 14th, 2023, AI Sakai is still not operational.

The worst-case scenario is that AI Sakai might be down for a week.

The YouTuber, an average guy with a lot of experience in watching YouTube, is concerned about the impact of AI Sakai's downtime on his views.

AI Sakai is a popular alternative to character AI, offering a comprehensive set of features.

The platform gained popularity quickly due to its active community and developer support.

AI Sakai's downtime is caused by a bug found in the code.

The site went into maintenance after the discovery of the bug.

A new update of AI Sakai featuring a brand new UI was released but the site went into maintenance shortly after.

The new UI promises a completely new experience for users.

There is no fixed date for AI Sakai's return, but there is hope it will be back early next week.

The YouTuber suggests trying other character AI alternatives in the meantime.

The YouTuber has made many videos on character AI alternatives that viewers can explore.

The video aims to update viewers on the status of AI Sakai and answer their questions.

Despite the current situation, the YouTuber assures that AI Sakai will definitely return.