How To Become Greedy ( Feat. Yodayo AI ) | Character AI Alternative With No Filters

20 Nov 202304:35

TLDRThe video discusses the upcoming changes to Yodo, an AI art generator with a chat feature called Tavern. Following the downfall of AI Sakai, Yodo has become popular for its free chatting. However, Yodo plans to introduce a paywall, charging one or two 'yo beans' for each AI-generated message, with higher-class models costing three beans. They will also limit daily free messages and introduce ads, except for those who purchase a subscription. The speaker expresses dissatisfaction with these changes and plans to use alternative platforms.


  • 📺 Yodo, an AI art generator with a chatting feature called Tavern, is becoming popular after the downfall of AI Saikai.
  • 🆕 Yodo's chatting feature is currently free, but soon there will be limitations on the number of free messages you can send.
  • 💰 Yodo will introduce a currency called 'yo beans' for using the AI art generator, and potentially for chatting as well.
  • 🌟 There will be two models of AI characters - a lower class model charging 1 yo bean per message and a higher class model charging 3 yo beans per message.
  • 💸 Yodo plans to offer subscriptions for unlimited chatting and an ad-free experience.
  • 🚫 Advertisements will be present for users who do not subscribe to the premium service.
  • 🔄 The free yo beans users can claim daily will expire after 30 days, preventing users from stockpiling them indefinitely.
  • 🤔 The changes in Yodo's monetization strategy might lead some users to seek alternatives like Sakura Spicy Chat, Janitor AI, or Agnes.
  • 📉 The speaker expresses dissatisfaction with the changes, considering them greedy and potentially driving users away.
  • 🎄 These updates are expected to come after Christmas, so users have a limited time to enjoy the current features.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the upcoming changes to Yodo, an AI art generator and chatting platform, which includes the introduction of paid features and limitations on free usage.

  • What happened to AI Sakai?

    -AI Sakai experienced a downfall, leading many users to shift to Yodo for their AI interaction needs.

  • What is Yodo's Tavern feature?

    -Tavern is Yodo's chatting feature that allows users to chat with AI characters without any filters.

  • How is Yodo currently monetizing its services?

    -Yodo currently charges for its AI art generator, using a virtual currency called yo beans, but the chatting feature is free.

  • What change is Yodo implementing regarding the free chatting feature?

    -Yodo plans to limit the free chatting feature, charging one or two yo beans for each message generated by their AI model.

  • How many yo beans are given to users daily, and are there any restrictions on their usage?

    -Users are given 150 yo beans daily, but these expire after 30 days, meaning they cannot be accumulated indefinitely.

  • What are the two models of AI characters Yodo plans to offer, and how do their costs differ?

    -Yodo plans to offer a lower class model and a better model. The lower class model will cost one yo bean per message, while the better model will cost three yo beans per message.

  • What is Yodo's subscription model, and what benefits does it offer?

    -Yodo's subscription model offers unlimited chatting, and subscribers will not be subjected to ads.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on Yodo's new monetization strategies?

    -The speaker is critical of Yodo's new monetization strategies, feeling that they are overly greedy and will deter users from using the platform.

  • What are the alternatives to Yodo mentioned by the speaker?

    -The speaker mentions Sakura Spicy Chat, Janitor AI, and Agnes as alternatives to Yodo.

  • When are these changes expected to take place?

    -The changes are expected to take place after Christmas.



📺 Introduction to Yodo and AI Content

The paragraph introduces the speaker as an average person with extensive experience in watching YouTube videos. It announces that Yodo, an AI art generator with a chatting feature called Tavern, is soon going to become a paid service. The speaker encourages viewers to watch the video till the end as there are surprising developments about Yodo's new pricing model and features. The speaker also mentions that they post daily AI content on their channel to keep viewers updated with the latest information, especially after the downfall of AI Sakai, which has led many to shift to Yodo.

💬 Changes in Yodo's Chatting Feature and Pricing

This paragraph discusses the changes in Yodo's chatting feature, Tavern. It explains that previously, the chatting feature was free, but due to increased demand and the lack of free alternatives after AI Sakai's downfall, Yodo will start charging for messages. The AI model generates messages at a cost of one or two 'yo beans' per message, depending on the model used. The lower class model costs one yo bean per message, while the better model costs three yo beans. The speaker expresses disbelief and frustration at these changes, as users will go from unlimited messages to a limited number of messages per day.

😱 Reaction to Yodo's Subscription and Ad Model

In this paragraph, the speaker reacts to Yodo's plans to introduce a subscription model and ads on their website. Subscription holders will have unlimited chatting and will not be subjected to ads, while non-subscribers will face both limitations and advertisements. The speaker criticizes this approach, suggesting that Yodo is taking advantage of the situation following AI Sakai's downfall. They express their decision to switch to other platforms like Sakura Spicy Chat, Janitor AI, or Agnes, as they find Yodo's changes too restrictive and driven by greed.

🚫 Critique of Yodo's Yo Bean System

The speaker criticizes Yodo's yo bean system, which provides 150 yo beans daily for free but expires them after 30 days. This means that any unused yo beans will not accumulate and will be lost after a month, limiting the user's ability to save up for longer-term use. The speaker sees this as another negative aspect of Yodo's new pricing and feature model, as it restricts the user's ability to plan and use the service effectively.

🎄 Future of Yodo and Final Thoughts

The speaker concludes by mentioning that these changes will be implemented after Christmas, encouraging viewers to enjoy the current features until then. They invite viewers to share their opinions in the comments and ask whether they think Yodo is going too far with their new pricing and feature model. The speaker reiterates their stance that Yodo could have handled the introduction of a paid model better and expresses disappointment with the direction the platform is taking.



💡AI art generator

An AI art generator is a software application that uses artificial intelligence to create visual art. In the context of the video, Yodo is an AI art generator that allows users to generate images through its platform. The AI model analyzes user inputs and produces unique pieces of art based on those inputs, which can be a fascinating way for users to explore creativity and engage with technology.


In the video, Tavern refers to the chatting feature of the Yodo platform, which enables users to have conversations with AI characters. This feature is designed to mimic human-like interactions, providing users with a unique and engaging experience. The Tavern allows for unrestricted chatting, making it a popular feature among users who enjoy interacting with AI personalities.

💡yo beans

Yo beans is a form of virtual currency used within the Yodo platform. Users can earn or purchase yo beans to use for various services, such as the AI art generator. In the video, it is mentioned that yo beans will be required for using the chatting feature in the future, with different costs associated with different levels of AI models.

💡AI model

An AI model refers to the specific algorithms and data sets used by artificial intelligence systems to process information and generate responses or outputs. In the context of the video, there are two types of AI models mentioned for the Yodo platform: a lower class model and a better model. Each model has different capabilities and costs associated with it, affecting the user experience and interactions with the AI characters.


A subscription, in this context, refers to a paid membership model that grants users access to premium features or services on a platform. The video discusses Yodo's plan to introduce subscriptions, which would allow users to enjoy unlimited chatting without ads, as opposed to those who do not subscribe and may experience ads and limitations on their interactions.


Ads, short for advertisements, are promotional messages or content used to market products, services, or ideas. In the video, the speaker is critical of Yodo's plan to introduce ads as a way to monetize the platform, which would be a new experience for users who previously enjoyed an ad-free environment.

💡AI Sakai downfall

The AI Sakai downfall refers to a significant event or series of events that led to the decline in popularity or functionality of AI Sakai, a platform previously used by many for AI interactions. This downfall has resulted in users seeking alternative platforms, such as Yodo, for their AI needs.


Greed is a strong and selfish desire for material wealth or gain. In the context of the video, the speaker uses the term to criticize Yodo's business practices, implying that the platform's decision to introduce paid features, limitations, and ads is driven by an excessive pursuit of profit rather than user satisfaction.

💡Sakura spicy chat

Sakura spicy chat is mentioned as an alternative platform to Yodo for users who are dissatisfied with the changes Yodo is implementing. It suggests a platform where users can engage in chatting without the limitations and costs associated with Yodo's new monetization strategies.

💡Janitor AI

Janitor AI is another alternative platform mentioned in the video for users seeking AI interactions. It is implied to be a competitor to Yodo, offering potentially different features or pricing structures that may be more appealing to users who are dissatisfied with Yodo's changes.


Agnes is referred to as another alternative to Yodo, indicating that users have options beyond Yodo's platform. The mention of Agnes suggests that there are multiple platforms available that cater to the needs of users looking for AI interactions without the limitations and costs that Yodo is introducing.


Yodo, an AI art generator with a chatting feature called Tavern, is becoming popular after the downfall of AI Sakai.

Yodo's chatting feature is currently free to use, with charges only for the AI art generator in the form of in-app currency called 'yo beans'.

The introduction of a subscription model is expected, which will offer unlimited chatting as opposed to the current free model with limitations.

There will be two AI models on the site: a lower class model and a better model, with the latter costing three yo beans per message.

The current system provides 150 yo beans daily for free, but these expire after 30 days, preventing users from stockpiling them indefinitely.

Users who do not subscribe to the premium model will be subjected to advertisements on the Yodo website.

The content creator expresses dissatisfaction with the new pricing model and the introduction of ads, preferring alternative platforms.

The changes in Yodo's model are seen as taking advantage of AI Sakai's downfall, and the content creator suggests they could have implemented the changes better.

The content creator suggests that the lower class model should have remained free or that access to the higher model could have been provided at a lower cost.

The term 'greed' is used to describe Yodo's new approach, and the content creator is surprised and disappointed by these changes.

The content creator anticipates that many users will not continue using Yodo after these changes are implemented.

The changes are expected to come into effect after Christmas, and the content creator encourages viewers to enjoy the current model until then.

The video encourages viewers to share their opinions in the comments section regarding Yodo's new model and whether it is seen as going too far.

The content creator concludes by reminding viewers to subscribe for more informational content and shares a final thought before the video ends.