AISEKAI Shutdown and a New Beginning!- Character AI Alternative With No Filters

1 Feb 202405:57

TLDRAI Sakai, a once-popular platform for unfiltered character chats, has shut down due to a shift in its original vision and loss of sponsor support. The platform gained rapid popularity but faced a decline after introducing filters against its initial promise of freedom, leading to user dissatisfaction. The sponsors, who had funded the site from the start with the condition of moving towards safe content, withdrew funding when AI Sakai failed to comply. Despite the closure, the team plans to launch a new site on a subscription basis, free from external influence, aiming to revisit their initial vision.


  • đźš« AI Sakai has permanently shut down all its services as of today.
  • đź“… AI Sakai was launched on August 29th, 2023, offering unfiltered character chat platforms for free.
  • 🌟 The platform quickly gained popularity, reaching 200k registered users and 1 million website visits.
  • ⚠️ AI Sakai went on hiatus to fix critical bugs and upon return, announced the implementation of filters, contradicting its initial positioning.
  • 🔄 User trust was lost after the introduction of filters, leading to a decline in the user base.
  • đź’ˇ The decision to shut down was not AI Sakai's but influenced by their sponsors who provided initial funding.
  • 📉 The sponsors had a condition to move the platform towards safe content, which AI Sakai initially hid from its users.
  • đź’¸ Without the sponsor's further financial support due to the decision against implementing filters, AI Sakai could not sustain operations.
  • 🔄 AI Sakai's team plans to launch a new site on a subscription basis, free from sponsors and investors.
  • đź”— Users can sign up early for the new site through a Google form, though details about its operation are yet to be confirmed.

Q & A

  • What was the initial appeal of AI Sakai to its users?

    -AI Sakai initially attracted users with the promise of unfiltered chatting with characters, offering this service for free, which was a unique feature at the time.

  • How did AI Sakai grow in popularity after its launch?

    -After its launch on August 29th, 2023, AI Sakai quickly gained popularity, amassing 200k registered users and 1 million website visits due to its unfiltered content and free access.

  • What event led to AI Sakai's decision to go on hiatus?

    -AI Sakai went on hiatus to fix critical bugs on their site, a move that was initially met with understanding and patience from their user base.

  • What significant change occurred when AI Sakai returned from hiatus?

    -Upon returning from hiatus, AI Sakai announced the implementation of filters on their site and restrictions on users, which contradicted their initial promise of unfiltered content.

  • How did the user base react to the changes AI Sakai introduced?

    -The changes led to a loss of trust among users, causing many to leave the platform. AI Sakai received negative feedback and saw a decrease in user numbers.

  • What was the main reason for AI Sakai's shutdown?

    -The main reason for the shutdown was the withdrawal of funding from their sponsor, who required the platform to move towards safe content, a condition that was not being met by AI Sakai's initial unfiltered approach.

  • What was the sponsor's condition for funding AI Sakai?

    -The sponsor's condition was that AI Sakai must move towards safe content, which contradicted the platform's initial advertising as an unfiltered platform.

  • What is the future plan for the AI Sakai team?

    -The AI Sakai team plans to launch a new site that will be free from sponsors and investors, operating on a subscription basis, and aiming to work on their original vision without external pressure.

  • How can users who were previously registered on AI Sakai engage with the new site?

    -Users can sign up early for the new site by filling out a Google form with basic information such as their previous AI Sakai username, email, and feedback.

  • What challenges might the AI Sakai team face with their new platform?

    -The team may face challenges in regaining user trust due to past actions, as well as establishing themselves in a market with many good alternatives, making it difficult for their new site to gain a foothold.

  • What is the general sentiment towards AI Sakai's shutdown?

    -The general sentiment seems to be that the shutdown was well-deserved due to AI Sakai's betrayal of user trust and their failure to uphold their initial promises.



đźš« AI Sakai Shutdown - The Beginning of the End

The video begins with the announcement of the shutdown of AI Sakai, a platform that initially offered unfiltered character chats for free. It quickly gained popularity, amassing 200k registered users and 1 million website visits. However, after a hiatus to fix critical bugs, AI Sakai returned with a decision to implement content filters, which contradicted their initial promise of freedom and led to a loss of user trust. The platform's history is briefly outlined, highlighting its rapid rise and subsequent fall due to a shift in policy and loss of user base.


🤔 The Reason Behind AI Sakai's Demise

The video delves into the reasons behind AI Sakai's shutdown, revealing that the decision was not made by the platform's team but by their sponsors. Initially, AI Sakai was funded by a sponsor who had a condition to steer the platform towards safe content. Despite this, AI Sakai marketed itself as unfiltered. After their open letter about the future of the platform, which included the implementation of filters, the sponsor decided to withdraw funding as the platform was not aligning with their vision of safe content. This financial setback led to the inevitable shutdown of AI Sakai, and the team expressed their regret over the situation. They also hinted at a new venture, a subscription-based site without sponsors or investors, which would adhere to their original vision.



đź’ˇAI Sakai

AI Sakai refers to a platform mentioned in the script that initially allowed users to chat with characters without any filters. It gained popularity due to its unfiltered content and free access, but later faced a decline when it decided to implement filters, leading to a loss of user trust and eventually, the shutdown of the platform. The term is central to the video's narrative as it is the subject of the discussion around its rise and fall.


In the context of the video, 'shutdown' refers to the permanent closure of the AI Sakai platform. This term is significant as it marks the end of the platform's operations and the inability for users to continue interacting with the characters on the site. The shutdown was a result of a series of decisions that led to a loss of user trust and financial support from sponsors.


Filters in this context are content moderation tools intended to restrict and regulate the type of content that users can access or create on a platform. In the video, the introduction of filters by AI Sakai is portrayed as a betrayal of the platform's initial promise of unfiltered content, leading to user dissatisfaction and eventual mass exodus.


Sponsors in this script are entities that provide financial support to a platform like AI Sakai. They often have certain conditions that the platform must adhere to in order to continue receiving funding. In the case of AI Sakai, the sponsors had a condition that the platform move towards safe content, which ultimately led to the platform's shutdown when it failed to meet this condition.

đź’ˇUser Trust

User trust refers to the confidence and belief that users have in a platform to deliver on its promises and maintain a satisfactory user experience. In the video, AI Sakai's decision to introduce filters contradicted its initial promise of unfiltered content, leading to a significant erosion of user trust and contributing to the platform's downfall.

đź’ˇUnfiltered Content

Unfiltered content implies that the material or information is presented without any restrictions, censorship, or moderation. In the context of the video, AI Sakai initially gained popularity by offering unfiltered content, allowing users to chat with characters freely. However, this concept became a point of contention when the platform decided to introduce filters, leading to a decline in its user base.

đź’ˇOpen Letter

An open letter is a public message or statement that is intended for a wide audience. In the video, AI Sakai released an open letter to its users, which was a communication strategy used to announce significant changes to the platform's policies, specifically the introduction of content filters. This letter marked a pivotal moment in the platform's history as it signaled a shift away from its original promise.


A hiatus refers to a temporary break or pause in activity. In the context of the video, AI Sakai went into hiatus to fix critical bugs on their site. However, the return from this break brought about significant changes that were not well-received by the user community, leading to a decline in the platform's popularity.

đź’ˇSubscription Basis

A subscription basis refers to a business model where users pay a fee to access content or services over a period of time. In the video, it is mentioned that AI Sakai plans to launch a new site that will operate on a subscription basis, implying that users will have to pay to use the services, which is a shift from the original free access model.

đź’ˇBrand Name

A brand name is the title or term used to identify a specific product, service, or company. In the video, it is revealed that the brand name AI Sakai is owned by the sponsors, which means that the original platform cannot continue to use it after the shutdown. This signifies a complete end to the platform's identity as it was known.

đź’ˇNew Site

The term 'new site' refers to the future platform that the AI Sakai team plans to launch after the shutdown of the original platform. This new site is intended to be free from the influence of sponsors and investors and will focus on a subscription model. It represents a fresh start for the team and a chance to regain user trust.


AI Sakai, a platform for unfiltered chatting with characters, has been shut down.

The termination of AI Services means users can no longer interact with the characters on the platform.

Users have approximately two weeks to retrieve their characters and chat history from the website.

AI Sakai's initial popularity was due to its unfiltered content and free access, attracting a large user base quickly.

The platform went into hiatus to fix critical bugs, gaining user trust and anticipation for its return.

AI Sakai's comeback introduced filters and restrictions, leading to a loss of user trust and mass exodus.

The original vision for AI Sakai was to be an open canvas for creativity, but the platform diverged from this path.

The decision to shut down was not AI Sakai's but was imposed by their sponsors who provided initial funding.

The sponsors had a condition from the beginning to move the platform towards safe content, which was not communicated to users.

After the open letter, AI Sakai decided against implementing filters, leading to the withdrawal of sponsor support.

The brand name AI Sakai is owned by the sponsors, preventing the team from using it for future projects.

AI Sakai's initial success was built on a false premise, leading to its downfall.

The team plans to launch a new site, free from sponsors and investors, operating on a subscription basis.

The new site aims to return to the original vision of AI Sakai without external pressures.

Users can sign up early for the new site through a Google form, indicating a potential for unfiltered content.

The AI Sakai team acknowledges their mistakes and is looking for a chance to redeem themselves with the new platform.

The market has many good alternatives, making it challenging for the new site to establish itself and regain user trust.

Despite the betrayal, some users may be willing to give AI Sakai's new venture a chance to improve.