How to Prompt, CFG Scale, and Samplers - Stable Diffusion AI | Learn to use negative prompts!

Jennifer Doebelin
30 Sept 202204:20

TLDRIn this informative video, Jen guides viewers on enhancing their Stable Diffusion AI results by exploring the use of prompts, negative prompts, and the sampler method. She emphasizes the importance of adjusting the CFG scale for more accurate image generation and introduces image-to-image tools for further exploration in upcoming videos.


  • 🎨 The video discusses techniques to improve results when using Stable Diffusion, an open-source machine learning model for generating images from text prompts.
  • 📝 The difference between a regular prompt and a negative prompt is explained; the former describes the desired image, while the latter excludes certain elements.
  • 🔄 The sampling step slider controls the number of iterations the model goes through to interpret the prompt, affecting both the quality and the time taken for image generation.
  • 🎯 The choice of sampler method impacts the effectiveness of the sampling steps, with different methods potentially yielding better images at lower step counts.
  • 📊 A grid is provided to illustrate how different sampling methods produce varying results at different step intervals.
  • 🔄 Adjusting the CFG (classifier free guidance) scale slider influences how closely the generated image adheres to the prompt, with lower values leading to more creative results.
  • 🚀 The video encourages experimenting with different settings, such as the number of sampling steps and CFG scale, to achieve desired outcomes.
  • 📸 The 'send to image' button allows users to further work on the generated image using image-to-image tools in future tutorials.
  • 📝 The importance of the user interface settings, such as showing the progress bar and browser notifications, is highlighted for a better user experience.
  • 🎲 The video emphasizes the balance between the number of sampling steps and the quality of the generated image, noting that more steps do not always result in better images.
  • 🔍 The video serves as an educational resource for users to learn how to use negative prompts effectively and enhance their Stable Diffusion image generation skills.

Q & A

  • What is Stable Diffusion AI?

    -Stable Diffusion AI is an open-source machine learning model that converts natural language descriptions, known as prompts, into digital images.

  • How does the prompt influence the generated image?

    -The prompt is a natural language description that guides the Stable Diffusion AI in generating an image. It can be simple or complex and directly affects the outcome of the generated image.

  • What is a negative prompt?

    -A negative prompt is a tool used to exclude specific elements from the generated image. By adding words or phrases to the negative prompt box, the AI will avoid including those elements in the resulting image.

  • How can the sampling step slider be used effectively?

    -The sampling step slider determines the number of times the AI processes the model to interpret the prompt. More steps can lead to better image quality but also increase processing time. It's important to balance the number of steps with the desired quality and processing speed.

  • What is the role of the sampler method in image generation?

    -The sampler method affects how the AI generates the image based on the prompt and sampling steps. Different sampler methods can produce varying results and it's crucial to experiment with them to achieve the desired output.

  • What is CFG or classifier free guidance and how does it scale?

    -CFG, or classifier free guidance, is a feature that adjusts how closely the generated image adheres to the prompt. It has a scale from 0 to 30, with lower values leading to more creative, less literal interpretations of the prompt.

  • How can we observe the image generation process?

    -By checking the 'show progress bar' option in the user interface settings, users can visually track the image generation process. This allows them to observe the behaviors and stages of creation in real-time.

  • What is the purpose of the image to image feature?

    -The image to image feature enables users to refine and further develop the generated images by working with them in future iterations, allowing for more advanced manipulation and a deeper understanding of the Stable Diffusion AI capabilities.

  • Why is experimenting with different settings important?

    -Experimenting with different settings, such as the number of sampling steps and sampler methods, is essential for achieving the best results. Different combinations can lead to varying levels of detail, creativity, and processing time, tailoring the output to the user's preferences.

  • How can the user interface be customized for better tracking?

    -The user interface can be customized by enabling features like the progress bar and browser notifications. This allows users to better track the image generation process and receive updates as the AI works through the prompt.

  • What is the significance of the check point files in Stable Diffusion?

    -Check point files in Stable Diffusion represent different versions or configurations of the model. Users can select the specific check point they wish to use for image generation, which can impact the style and quality of the generated images.



🎨 Introduction to Stable Diffusion and Image Generation

This paragraph introduces the video's focus on Stable Diffusion, an open-source machine learning model that generates digital images from text prompts. The host, Jen, expresses her enthusiasm for the technology and provides a brief recap of the previous video, where viewers were shown how to install Stable Diffusion and create their first image. The video aims to teach viewers how to improve their results by exploring various features and settings, starting with an explanation of the prompt and negative prompt, followed by a discussion on the sampling step slider, sampler method choices, and the CFG scale slider. The paragraph also highlights the importance of settings such as the progress bar and browser notifications to enhance the user experience and observation of the image generation process.



💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an open-source machine learning model that specializes in converting natural language descriptions, known as prompts, into digital images. It is a text-to-image model that has gained popularity for its ability to generate high-quality and creative visual content. In the video, the host, Jen, is a fan of Stable Diffusion and shares tips on how to use it effectively to produce better image results.


Prompts are the natural language descriptions that guide the Stable Diffusion model in generating images. They can be simple or complex, and they serve as the input for the AI to interpret and create visual representations. In the context of the video, Jen uses the example of 'animals playing poker' to illustrate how prompts work and how they can be refined for better image generation.

💡Negative Prompts

Negative prompts are a feature in Stable Diffusion that allows users to exclude certain elements from the generated images. By specifying what not to include in the prompt, the AI can produce images that better align with the user's intentions. This technique helps in refining the output and avoiding unwanted elements in the final image.

💡Sampling Steps

Sampling steps refer to the number of iterations the AI model goes through to interpret the prompt and generate an image. This process can significantly impact the quality and detail of the generated image. The default setting is 20 steps, but adjusting this number can lead to different outcomes, depending on the desired result and the balance between creativity and detail.

💡Sampler Method

The sampler method is a technique used in the Stable Diffusion model that determines how the AI generates the image based on the prompt. Different sampler methods can produce varying results, even at lower sampling steps. It is crucial for users to experiment with different sampler methods to find the one that best suits their creative needs.

💡CFG Scale

CFG, or Classifier Free Guidance, scale is a parameter in Stable Diffusion that adjusts the level of adherence to the prompt when generating an image. Values range from 0 to 30, with lower values leading to more creative and less constrained results, and higher values potentially producing more accurate but less imaginative images. Adjusting the CFG scale can help users achieve a balance between creativity and precision.

💡Image Generation Pipeline

The image generation pipeline refers to the sequence of processes that the Stable Diffusion model follows to transform a prompt into a final image. This includes the initial interpretation of the prompt, the sampling steps, the choice of sampler method, and the CFG scale adjustments. The pipeline culminates in the generation of the image, which can then be further manipulated using image-to-image tools in subsequent steps.


Image-to-image is a feature in Stable Diffusion that allows users to take the generated image and use it as a starting point for further image generation. This process enables the creation of more complex and detailed images by building upon an existing visual foundation. In the video, Jen mentions that future videos will explore image-to-image tools and techniques for advancing the understanding of Stable Diffusion.

💡Check Point Files

Check point files in the context of Stable Diffusion are saved states of the model that can be loaded to ensure the continuity and consistency of the image generation process. These files are important for users who may want to return to a specific state or configuration of the model without having to start from scratch.

💡User Interface Settings

User interface settings are the customizable options within the Stable Diffusion model that allow users to tailor their experience, such as showing a progress bar and enabling browser notifications. These settings help users monitor the image generation process and receive updates on the status of their creations.


Stable Diffusion is an open-source machine learning text-to-image model.

The model generates digital images from natural language descriptions known as prompts.

This video provides tips on how to get better results from Stable Diffusion.

Prompts and negative prompts are used to guide the image generation process.

The negative prompt box can be used to remove certain elements from the generated images.

The sampling step slider controls the number of times the model processes the prompt.

Different sampler methods can be chosen to influence the image generation.

The number of sampling steps can affect the quality and the time taken to generate an image.

CFG or classifier free guidance scale slider adjusts how closely the image matches the prompt.

Lower CFG scale values result in more creative and less predictable images.

Image to image tools will be explored in future videos for advanced usage of Stable Diffusion.

The interface allows users to track the progress of image generation with a progress bar.

Browser notifications can be requested to stay updated on the image generation process.

The prompt box is where users input their descriptions for image generation.

The video demonstrates how adjusting prompts and settings can change the output of image generation.

Experimentation with different settings is necessary to achieve desired image results.

A grid showing the effects of different sampling methods at various step intervals is provided.