Please use NEGATIVE PROMPTS with Stable Diffusion v2.0

27 Nov 202210:58

TLDRThis tutorial emphasizes the critical role of negative prompts when using Stable Diffusion v2.0, a tool for generating images from text prompts. The video explains that many users find Stable Diffusion 2.0 underwhelming because they continue to use prompts from previous versions, which do not yield the same results with the updated model. The presenter illustrates how adding negative prompts, such as 'cartoon,' '3D,' 'disfigured,' and 'bad art,' can significantly improve image quality and align more closely with the desired outcome. The video also features insights from Imad, highlighting the model's deduplication and flattening of the latent space, which makes negative prompts particularly impactful. The tutorial provides examples of how negative prompts can refine the image generation process, such as removing unwanted elements like fog or graininess from photos. It concludes by encouraging viewers to experiment with negative prompts to unlock the full potential of Stable Diffusion 2.0 and share their creations.


  • 🚫 Negative prompts are crucial for optimizing results with Stable Diffusion v2.0, as they guide the model away from undesired outputs.
  • 🎨 The use of negative prompts can significantly improve the quality of generated images by focusing the model on the desired characteristics.
  • 📈 Stable Diffusion v2.0 places a higher weight on negative prompts, making them even more important than in previous versions.
  • 📸 Examples given in the transcript show that without negative prompts, the generated images can be less satisfactory, while with them, the results are more aligned with the user's intent.
  • 🔍 The model processes deduped and flattened latent space, which is where negative prompts have a significant impact.
  • 💡 Negative prompts can be used to correct common issues like graininess, poor drawing quality, or unwanted elements in the generated images.
  • 🌐 The community has recognized the importance of negative prompts, and there are many resources available online for users to experiment with.
  • 📝 The concept of 'unconditional conditioning' is contrasted with 'conditioning' in the context of using positive and negative prompts.
  • 🔄 Negative prompts work by guiding the model to denoise the image in a way that aligns with the negative example rather than an empty or generic image.
  • 🧩 The transcript provides practical examples of how to use negative prompts to refine the output of Stable Diffusion, such as removing fog or adjusting colors.
  • ⚙️ The changes in the model's encoder and the way it processes text inputs necessitate the use of negative prompts for effective results with Stable Diffusion v2.0.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the tutorial?

    -The main focus of the tutorial is to demonstrate the importance of using negative prompts with Stable Diffusion v2.0 to achieve better image generation results.

  • Why are people saying Stable Diffusion 2 is bad?

    -People are saying Stable Diffusion 2 is bad because they are using the same prompts as in the previous version and expecting the same results, which is not how the new version works.

  • What is the role of negative prompts in image generation with Stable Diffusion v2.0?

    -Negative prompts help guide the image generation process away from undesired features or styles, allowing the model to focus more on the desired output as specified by the positive prompt.

  • How does the addition of negative prompts change the generated image?

    -Adding negative prompts results in a more refined image that aligns better with the user's intended prompt, avoiding common issues like cartoonish features, 3D rendering artifacts, and poor art quality.

  • What is the significance of the model processing deduplication and flattening of the latent space?

    -The deduplication and flattening of the latent space allow the model to better differentiate between the desired image features and the undesired ones specified in the negative prompts, leading to more accurate and higher quality image generation.

  • How does the Stable Diffusion v2.0 handle the difference between positive and negative prompts?

    -Stable Diffusion v2.0 denoises the image to align with both the positive prompt and an empty prompt (unconditional conditioning), then it takes the difference between these two to determine the noise to remove, creating an image that closely matches the positive prompt while avoiding the negative prompt features.

  • What is the impact of not using negative prompts in Stable Diffusion v2.0?

    -Not using negative prompts may result in images that contain unwanted features or styles, as the model does not have guidance on what to avoid, potentially leading to less satisfactory results.

  • Can negative prompts be used for purposes other than image refinement?

    -While negative prompts are primarily used for image refinement, they can also be experimented with for various creative purposes, allowing users to explore different outcomes and effects.

  • What is the advice for users transitioning from previous versions of Stable Diffusion to v2.0?

    -Users should not simply copy and paste prompts from previous versions. Instead, they should experiment with negative prompts and understand the changes in the model's encoder and processing to achieve better results with v2.0.

  • How can users find useful negative prompts for their image generation tasks?

    -Users can find a list of useful negative prompts through various online resources and communities where people share their experiences and collections of prompts that have worked well for them.

  • What is the general approach to using negative prompts effectively?

    -The general approach is to identify and articulate the undesired features or styles in the negative prompts, allowing the model to focus on generating images that exclude these elements, thus enhancing the quality and accuracy of the final image.

  • How does the presenter suggest using negative prompts for creating images with Stable Diffusion v2.0?

    -The presenter suggests experimenting with negative prompts in the same way as positive prompts, adjusting them based on the desired outcome, and observing how the model responds to these prompts to create better and more refined images.



🖼️ Understanding Negative Prompts in Stable Diffusion 2.0

This paragraph emphasizes the significance of negative prompts in the context of Stable Diffusion 2.0. The speaker explains that many users are disappointed with the results from the new version because they continue to use the same prompts as before, not realizing that the model has evolved. The tutorial aims to demonstrate how negative prompts can drastically improve the output by guiding the model away from undesired features. An example is given where adding negative prompts like 'cartoon', '3D', 'disfigured', and 'bad art' to a prompt results in a much more satisfactory image. The importance of negative prompts is further highlighted by a tweet from Fabian, who initially criticized Stable Diffusion but later acknowledged their effectiveness when used correctly. Imad's insights are also shared, noting that the model processes by deduping and flattening the latent space, making negative prompts particularly impactful. The paragraph concludes with a before-and-after example of image generation with and without negative prompts, showcasing their transformative effect.


🎨 The Mechanics of Negative Prompts in Image Generation

The second paragraph delves into the technical process behind how negative prompts function within the Stable Diffusion model. It explains that the model first denoises an image to align with the positive prompt (conditioning) and simultaneously denoises it to resemble an empty prompt (unconditional conditioning). The final image is then created by considering the differences between these two processes, focusing more on the positive prompt and steering clear of the negative aspects. The paragraph provides a practical example of how negative prompts can alter the generated image, such as removing fog and grain when those are specified as negative prompts. It also touches on the fact that Stable Diffusion 2.0 places a higher emphasis on negative prompts, which is why they are crucial for achieving the desired results. The speaker shares their own experience with using negative prompts to refine the generated images and stresses the importance of experimentation with negative prompts to avoid common pitfalls and to harness the full potential of the model.


🛠️ Experimenting with Negative Prompts for Creative Imagery

The final paragraph encourages viewers to experiment with negative prompts to achieve better results with Stable Diffusion 2.0. It suggests that negative prompts should be used in the same way as positive prompts, adjusting and fine-tuning them to create the desired outcome. The speaker provides an example of how negative prompts can be used to modify the background of an image without altering the foreground, such as removing bricks or changing the road. The paragraph concludes by inviting viewers to share their experiences and creations using negative prompts in Stable Diffusion 2.0 and to engage in a dialogue in the comments section for further discussion and advice.



💡Negative Prompts

Negative prompts are phrases or terms that are added to the input prompts of an AI image generation model like Stable Diffusion to guide it away from generating unwanted features or styles in the output images. In the context of the video, negative prompts are crucial for refining the results of Stable Diffusion v2.0, as they help the model to avoid generating images with certain undesired characteristics, such as 'cartoon' or 'disfigured'.

💡Stable Diffusion 2.0

Stable Diffusion 2.0 refers to an updated version of the AI image synthesis model, Stable Diffusion. The video emphasizes that this version works differently from its predecessors and requires the use of negative prompts for better results. It is highlighted that not using negative prompts may lead to unsatisfactory outputs, as the model has undergone changes that affect how it processes text prompts.


Denoising is a process in AI image generation where the model removes noise or unwanted elements from an image to make it clearer and more aligned with the input prompt. In the video, denoising is described as guiding the image to look more like the positive prompt while also steering clear of the negative prompt, resulting in a final image that closely matches the desired outcome.


💡Latent Space

The latent space in the context of AI models refers to a multidimensional space where the model processes and manipulates data before generating an output. The video mentions that Stable Diffusion 2.0 processes the latent space by deduping and flattening it, which significantly impacts how negative prompts influence the generation of images.

💡Guidance Skill

Guidance skill, as mentioned in the video, is a parameter in the AI model that determines the level of detail or the number of steps the model takes to refine the generated image. A higher guidance skill value results in more refined images, as demonstrated in the examples where different guidance skill levels produce varying results.


In AI image generation, a seed is a random number used to help initialize the generation process, which can lead to different outcomes even with the same prompt. The video uses the term 'seed' to explain how the same prompt with different seeds can result in distinct images, emphasizing the role of randomness in the generation process.


Deduping in the context of the video refers to the process by which the AI model eliminates redundancy in the latent space. This process is important because it allows the model to generate more unique and varied images when influenced by negative prompts.


Flattening, as used in the video, describes the process of simplifying or reducing the complexity of the latent space. This is significant for the model's ability to respond effectively to negative prompts and generate images that are free from undesired elements.


Conditioning in AI image generation is the process where the model is guided or 'conditioned' to generate images that match a specific prompt. The video explains that there are two types of conditioning: one that aligns the image with the positive prompt and another that steers it away from the negative prompt.

💡Unconditional Conditioning

Unconditional conditioning refers to the process where the AI model generates an image without any specific guidance, often resulting in a more abstract or less defined image. In the video, it is contrasted with the use of negative prompts, which provide a specific direction for the image generation process.


The encoder in AI models is a component that translates input data into a format that the model can understand and process. The video mentions that the encoder in Stable Diffusion 2.0 has changed, which affects how the model interprets and responds to both positive and negative prompts.


Negative prompts are crucial for optimizing results with Stable Diffusion v2.0.

Using the same prompts from previous versions can lead to unsatisfactory results in Stable Diffusion 2.0.

Negative prompts can guide the AI to avoid certain unwanted features in the generated images.

Examples given include avoiding cartoonish, 3D, disfigured, and bad art styles in the output images.

The addition of negative prompts significantly improves the quality and realism of generated images.

Stable Diffusion 2.0 has a higher weightage for negative prompts, making them more impactful.

Negative prompts work by guiding the model to denoise the image in a way that excludes the negative features.

The model processes the deduped and flattened latent space, responding strongly to negative forms and waiting.

Negative prompts can be used to refine and enhance the details in generated images.

Different negative prompts can be experimented with to achieve desired effects, such as removing fog or graininess.

The use of negative prompts is a new approach that has been discovered to improve the output of Stable Diffusion.

The video provides a tutorial on how to effectively use negative prompts with Stable Diffusion 2.0.

Negative prompts are essential for users to achieve the best results from Stable Diffusion 2.0.

The video demonstrates the stark difference in image quality with and without the use of negative prompts.

The encoder and model process changes in Stable Diffusion 2.0 make negative prompts even more important.

The video includes practical examples of how negative prompts can be used to create better images.

Negative prompts can be used creatively to alter the background or other elements of the generated images.

The video encourages users to experiment with negative prompts to achieve unique and high-quality results.

The tutorial emphasizes the importance of not just copying past prompts from previous versions.

The video concludes with an invitation for viewers to share their own creations using negative prompts with Stable Diffusion 2.0.