How to Use NovelAI for Writing Fiction

Future Fiction Academy
8 Feb 202407:25

TLDRThe video from the Future Fiction Academy introduces NovelAI, a writing software designed to assist writers and storytellers. It features an LLM model that can generate content, including not safe for work material. The software offers various pricing plans, with the most expensive providing the highest context window and early access to new features. Users can start a new story, choose from different AI models, and adjust the style and output settings. NovelAI also allows users to add memory or notes to guide the AI's output. The software functions as a completion model, best used with a story starter or existing text. It can be directed with instructions using curly brackets. The video demonstrates how to use NovelAI to continue writing from Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' and how to guide the story in a new direction. The platform also includes advanced features like the lore book, which is said to be explored in a future video. The Future Fiction Academy offers resources and access to cutting-edge AI writing software for authors.


  • 📚 NovelAI is a writing software designed specifically for storytelling and fiction writing.
  • 💡 The software has its own trained LLM (Large Language Model) to assist with creative writing.
  • 🚀 NovelAI's models are unmoderated, allowing them to generate a wide range of content, including not safe for work material.
  • 💵 Pricing plans vary, offering different levels of access to features such as context window size and early access to new models.
  • 🖥️ The dashboard provides options for story creation, image generation, and text-to-speech models.
  • 📝 Users can start a new story in 'Text Adventure Mode' or 'Storyteller Mode', and choose from different AI models and styles.
  • 🛠️ Custom presets can be created by adjusting randomness, output length, and repetition penalty to control the AI's output.
  • 📓 The 'Lore Book' is a powerful feature for managing story information, though it is not covered in this video.
  • ✍️ NovelAI works as a completion model, best used with a story starter or existing text to continue writing from.
  • 🔄 Users can easily direct the story by changing the previous text, and NovelAI will adapt and continue writing based on the new input.
  • 📈 The software allows for viewing story statistics and exporting the finished story.
  • 🌟 Advanced features and techniques for using NovelAI will be covered in future videos, including how to use the Lore Book for enhanced story development.

Q & A

  • What is NovelAI designed for?

    -NovelAI is a writing software specifically built to help writers and storytellers by training its own language model to tell stories.

  • What are the different context window sizes available with NovelAI's pricing plans?

    -For $10 a month, you get over 3,000 tokens of memory, $15 gives you 6,000 tokens, and $25 provides a higher context window of over 8,000 tokens.

  • What additional benefits come with the highest NovelAI pricing plan?

    -The highest pricing plan offers early access to newer models and features, additional credits for image generation and AI model training, and a higher context window.

  • How can NovelAI be used for creating stories?

    -NovelAI can be used to create stories by starting with a text adventure mode for RPGs or using the Storyteller mode for more general storytelling.

  • What is the significance of the 'lore book' feature in NovelAI?

    -The lore book is a powerful feature that allows users to share and access all story information within NovelAI, which can greatly influence the AI's output.

  • How does NovelAI differ from other AI models in terms of interaction?

    -Unlike other AI models that may require a back-and-forth conversation, NovelAI is a completion model that works best with a story starter or existing text, continuing the story from there.

  • How can users direct NovelAI to change the course of a story?

    -Users can direct NovelAI to change the story by altering the previous text or by writing new text that the AI will pick up from.

  • What is the purpose of the 'Pro writer' preset in NovelAI?

    -The 'Pro writer' preset is a pre-configured style setting that quickly adjusts how the AI generates text, which can be useful for maintaining a certain tone or focus within the story.

  • How can users provide instructions to NovelAI?

    -Users can provide instructions to NovelAI by using opening curly brackets, which signals to the AI that the text is not part of the story but information to be included for directing the story.

  • What are the different AI models available in NovelAI?

    -NovelAI offers different AI models including the latest model KRA and some Legacy models, each with their own style and approach to storytelling.

  • How can users keep track of their story's progress with NovelAI?

    -Users can view their story stats and export their story once finished, allowing them to keep track of their progress and have a record of their work.

  • What is the Future Fiction Academy and how does it relate to NovelAI?

    -The Future Fiction Academy is an educational platform that provides authors and creatives with the latest AI information to enhance their careers in an AI-friendly environment. It discusses and teaches about tools like NovelAI.



🚀 Introduction to Novel AI: A Storytelling Tool

The first paragraph introduces Novel AI as a cutting-edge writing software designed specifically for storytelling. It emphasizes the software's unique capabilities, such as adapting to various writing styles and genres, and its ability to generate content that can be unsuitable for work environments due to its unmoderated nature. The video's host, Stacy, invites viewers to learn about Novel AI's features, including its pricing plans that offer different levels of context window, which determines how much of the story the AI can reference when writing. The paragraph also mentions additional features like image generation and AI model training credits for higher-tier subscriptions. The dashboard is briefly described, highlighting the ability to work on existing stories, import new ones, and choose between different AI models and styles. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of how to use Novel AI's Storyteller mode to begin crafting a narrative.


📚 Customizing and Controlling Novel AI's Storytelling

The second paragraph delves into the customization options and controls available in Novel AI for steering the narrative. It discusses how users can create presets that adjust the AI's writing style and behavior, referencing community-shared presets and the option to make personal ones. The paragraph also covers the use of an author's note and the lore book feature, which allows users to input specific details and information that the AI should consider when generating the story. The lore book is highlighted as a powerful tool, with a promise of a future video dedicated to advanced techniques involving it. The narrative control is showcased through a demonstration using a text from Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice,' where the host illustrates how to continue the story, alter its direction, and provide instructions to the AI using a specific formatting technique. The paragraph concludes with a note on Novel AI's suitability for different types of writers and an invitation to join the Future Fiction Academy for more in-depth lessons and access to advanced AI writing software.



💡AI models

AI models, or artificial intelligence models, are computational frameworks designed to simulate human intelligence and perform tasks that typically require human-like understanding. In the context of the video, AI models are used to assist in the creation of fiction and storytelling, with NovelAI being a specific model tailored for these purposes.


NovelAI is a writing software that has developed its own language model (LLM) to aid writers and storytellers in their creative process. It is distinguished by its ability to generate content that is not restricted to safe-for-work themes, thus offering a versatile tool for a wide range of storytelling needs.

💡Context window

The context window in NovelAI refers to the amount of the story that the AI can reference or 'look back on' when generating text. This is significant for continuity and coherence in the story, with different pricing plans offering varying levels of context window, from 3,000 to over 8,000 tokens.

💡Pricing plans

Pricing plans are the subscription options available to users of NovelAI, which determine the features and capabilities accessible to the user. The plans range from $10 to $25 per month, with higher-priced plans offering a larger context window, early access to new features, and additional credits for image generation and AI model training.

💡Text Adventure Mode

Text Adventure Mode is one of the writing modes in NovelAI that is particularly well-suited for creating content for role-playing games (RPGs) and other interactive storytelling formats. It represents a specific application of the software's capabilities for a particular genre of fiction.

💡Storyteller mode

Storyteller mode is another writing mode within NovelAI that is used for crafting narratives. It is the mode chosen for the demonstration in the video, indicating its general-purpose utility for storytelling beyond the specific application of RPGs.

💡AI models presets

AI models presets in NovelAI are pre-configured settings that adjust the style and output of the AI's text generation. Users can select from presets like 'Pro writer' or create their own by tweaking parameters such as randomness, output length, and repetition penalty.

💡Lore book

The lore book in NovelAI is a feature that allows users to compile and share story information within the platform. It is described as an 'exciting and powerful feature,' suggesting that it plays a significant role in organizing and maintaining consistency in complex storytelling projects.

💡Completion model

A completion model in the context of NovelAI refers to the AI's approach to text generation where it continues writing from a given starting point or prompt. This model is distinct from conversational AI, which would involve back-and-forth interactions. It is optimized for building upon existing text to create a cohesive narrative.

💡Story stats

Story stats in NovelAI provide users with insights and data about their stories, such as word count and other analytical information. This feature helps writers understand the scope and structure of their narratives and make informed decisions about their writing.

💡Exporting stories

Exporting stories in NovelAI allows users to save their work in a format suitable for further editing or publishing outside the platform. It is an essential feature for writers who wish to take their drafts to a more traditional editing process or share them with a wider audience.


NovelAI is an AI model specifically built for storytelling and writing fiction.

The platform offers various pricing plans with different context windows for story development.

The most expensive plan provides over 8,000 tokens, early access to new models, and additional features.

Users can generate images and utilize different text-to-speech models within the NovelAI dashboard.

Storyteller mode is suitable for authors looking to work on their narratives.

NovelAI's models are unmoderated, capable of producing not safe for work content.

Users can choose between different AI models and adjust the style of the generated text.

Presets are available to quickly modify the AI's writing style, and users can create their own presets.

The AI can be given specific instructions or memory to remember certain story elements or genres.

An author's note can be added to influence the AI's output regarding tone or focus.

The lore book is a powerful feature for managing story information within NovelAI.

NovelAI functions as a completion model, best used with a story starter or existing text.

Story direction can be changed by editing previous text or providing new instructions to the AI.

NovelAI can recognize and differentiate between text written by the AI and the user.

The platform is suitable for pansters who create stories as they go along and those who prefer micro-level control.

Advanced features like the lore book are available for more sophisticated story development.

The Future Fiction Academy offers resources and access to cutting-edge AI writing software like NovelAI.