Create a Children's Book to Sell on Amazon KDP | Step by Step Tutorial to Self-Publish in 2024

Ivy Hang
26 Feb 202446:09

TLDRThis tutorial offers a detailed guide on creating and self-publishing a children's storybook on Amazon KDP. It covers setting up book templates, margins, illustrating stories, and the final upload and publishing process. Tips for writing age-appropriate content, using AI for illustrations, and creating engaging scenes are provided, ensuring that aspiring authors can bring their stories to life and reach young readers.


  • πŸ“š Start by designing the interior pages of your children's book before the cover to ensure consistency and to know the exact page count for spine thickness.
  • πŸ–ŒοΈ Use Amazon KDP's guidelines on trim size, bleeds, and margins to set up your book template correctly in a design tool like Canva.
  • πŸ“ Select 'with bleed' for your book's interior pages to have illustrations that extend to the edge of the page, creating an immersive experience.
  • 🎨 Consider various illustration methods such as hiring a professional illustrator, using AI platforms like mid Journey or Leonardo AI, or combining existing graphic elements.
  • ✍️ Ensure the written content is age-appropriate, engaging, and has a clear narrative structure with relatable characters and a conflict to resolve.
  • πŸ’¬ Tailor the language and themes of your story to match the target age group, using simple words and sentences for younger audiences.
  • 🧩 When using AI for illustrations, check out tutorials for step-by-step guidance on platforms like mid Journey or chat gp4.
  • 🌟 To create unique scenes, layer different backgrounds and elements with existing poses to give the illusion of variety without using multiple illustrations.
  • πŸ“ˆ Use Amazon KDP's cover calculator to determine the correct size for your book cover, considering the book's dimensions and page count.
  • πŸ” For the book cover design, pay attention to the margins, spine, and barcode area to prevent important elements from being cut off during printing.
  • πŸ”‘ Include relevant keywords for your book on Amazon KDP to improve discoverability and ensure they are specific and less competitive for better search ranking.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is to provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to create and self-publish a children's storybook on Amazon KDP in 2024.

  • Why should the interior pages of a children's book be designed before the cover?

    -The interior pages should be designed first because it will be easier to design a cover that matches the overall look and feel of the story once the interior pages are completed. Additionally, knowing the number of pages helps in determining the correct book cover size, as it dictates the thickness of the book cover spine.

  • What is the purpose of the 'bleed' in book design?

    -The purpose of the 'bleed' in book design is to ensure that the graphics or text elements extend to the edge of the page without any white border around them, providing a more immersive visual experience.

  • What are the recommended page dimensions for a children's storybook with bleed on Amazon KDP?

    -The recommended page dimensions for a children's storybook with bleed on Amazon KDP are 8.625 inches by 8.75 inches.

  • How can Canva be used to set up the interior pages of a children's book?

    -Canva can be used to set up the interior pages by creating a design with custom dimensions, converting pixels to inches, and setting up margins according to the specifications provided by Amazon KDP.

  • What are some tips for writing the content of a children's storybook?

    -The content should be age-appropriate, engaging, and have a clear beginning, middle, and end. It should feature relatable characters and a main character facing a conflict or obstacle to overcome.

  • What are the different options for illustrating a children's storybook mentioned in the video?

    -The options for illustrating a children's storybook include hiring a professional illustrator, using artificial intelligence platforms like mid Journey or Leonardo AI, or using existing graphic elements from sites like Creative Fabrica or Canva.

  • How can AI be used to create illustrations for a children's storybook?

    -AI can be used to generate intricate character designs and backgrounds, or to create consistent characters using platforms like mid Journey, Leonardo AI, or Chat GPT4.

  • What is the importance of checking the margins when designing book pages?

    -Checking the margins is important to ensure that no critical elements or text are cut off during the printing process, as anything outside the set margins may be trimmed.

  • How does the video guide the process of creating a book cover for a children's storybook?

    -The video guides the process by first using Amazon KDP's cover calculator to determine the appropriate cover size, then designing the cover in Canva using the generated template, and finally adding elements like background, characters, and text while ensuring they do not overlap with the margins or barcode area.

  • What are the steps to upload and publish a book on Amazon KDP as described in the video?

    -The steps include logging into the Amazon KDP account, selecting the book type (paperback), filling in the book details, selecting categories, choosing keywords, setting the publication date, deciding on print options and pricing, uploading the manuscript and cover, and finally clicking to publish the paperback book.



πŸ“š Creating a Children's Story Book on Amazon KDP

The video provides a step-by-step guide on creating and publishing a children's story book using Amazon KDP. It covers setting up book templates, margins, and choosing between bleed and no bleed options for the interior pages. The presenter suggests designing the interior pages before the cover to ensure consistency and to determine the correct cover size based on the number of pages. Links to KDP's trim size, bleeds, and margins information are provided for reference.


🎨 Designing Interior Pages and Margins in Canva

The speaker explains how to set up the interior page dimensions and margins for a children's story book in Canva, using specific measurements from Amazon KDP. They discuss the importance of setting margins to avoid content being cut off during printing and demonstrate how to use rulers and shapes to accurately place these margins. Additionally, the video touches on writing age-appropriate content and engaging stories for children's books.


πŸ€– Exploring Illustration Options with AI and Graphics

This part of the script discusses various methods for illustrating a children's story book, including hiring a professional illustrator, using artificial intelligence platforms like mid Journey, Leonardo AI, or chat gp4, or leveraging existing graphic elements from sources like creative Fabrica or Canva. The presenter shares their personal preference for AI methods and provides tips on finding and using graphic elements to create unique scenes.


🌲 Creating Scenes with Canva Elements and AI

The video demonstrates how to use Canva's AI capabilities to create and expand backgrounds, like a magical forest, and how to use existing elements to build scenes with characters. The presenter shows techniques for adding text to the scenes, ensuring it contrasts with the background for readability, and using transparency tricks for better text visibility. They also emphasize checking the margins to ensure no elements are cut off during printing.


🏞️ Designing the Book Cover with Canva and KDP

The speaker guides viewers through the process of designing a book cover using Canva, starting with selecting a background and adding elements like characters and objects that fit the story's theme. They explain how to use Canva's AI feature to expand backgrounds and ensure elements are within the cover's margins. The video also covers downloading the cover as a PDF for printing and using Amazon KDP's cover calculator to determine the correct cover size.


πŸ“ Completing the Book Interior and Cover for KDP Upload

After designing the book's interior and cover, the script explains how to download them as PDFs with the appropriate color profiles for printing. It details the process of setting up a new book on Amazon KDP, including entering book details like title, author name, description, and selecting appropriate categories and keywords. The video also covers determining the competitiveness of keywords for better book discoverability on Amazon.


πŸ” Selecting Keywords and Setting Book Pricing

The presenter discusses the importance of selecting relevant keywords for the book's visibility on Amazon and how to assess keyword competitiveness. They guide through setting the book's pricing, ensuring it covers printing and delivery costs while remaining competitive. The video also explains Amazon KDP's process for adding a barcode to the cover and the importance of transparency regarding AI-generated content in the book.


πŸ“¦ Finalizing and Publishing the Book on Amazon KDP

The final part of the script covers the steps to upload the book's interior and cover to Amazon KDP, checking for proper margins, and approving the preview. It explains the cost implications for printing the book and setting a price that allows for a profit while remaining attractive to customers. The video concludes with the publishing process, including the potential wait time for Amazon's review and eventual publication of the book.



πŸ’‘Amazon KDP

Amazon KDP, which stands for Kindle Direct Publishing, is a platform that allows authors and publishers to independently publish their books, including children's books, in various formats. In the video, Amazon KDP is the primary focus as the host guides viewers through the process of self-publishing a children's storybook on this platform, from creating the book's interior and cover design to uploading and publishing it for sale.

πŸ’‘Children's Storybook

A children's storybook is a type of book specifically designed for young readers, often featuring illustrations and stories that are engaging and age-appropriate. The script revolves around creating a children's storybook from scratch, discussing aspects such as book template setup, margins, cover design, and storytelling techniques that are suitable for young audiences.

πŸ’‘Interior Page Design

Interior page design refers to the layout and composition of the pages inside a book, including elements like text, images, and white space. The video provides detailed instructions on setting up the interior pages of a children's storybook, emphasizing the importance of correct margins and bleed settings to ensure professional printing quality on Amazon KDP.


In the context of book publishing, bleed is a printing term referring to the extension of graphics or text to the very edge of a page, leaving no white border. The script explains the choice between a bleed and no bleed for the children's storybook's interior pages, recommending 'with bleed' to maximize the visual impact of illustrations.


Canva is an online design tool that offers a wide range of templates and design elements for creating visual content. In the video, Canva is used to set up the book's page dimensions, margins, and to design the overall layout and illustrations of the children's storybook, showcasing its capabilities for self-publishing authors.


Illustrations are visual depictions used to enhance a story, often found in children's books to complement the narrative and engage young readers. The script walks through various methods for creating illustrations, including hiring professionals, using artificial intelligence, or leveraging existing graphic elements, and provides examples of how to integrate them into the storybook.

πŸ’‘AI Illustration

AI Illustration refers to the use of artificial intelligence platforms to generate images or designs. The video mentions AI platforms like mid Journey, Leonardo AI, and chat gp4 as cost-effective alternatives to hiring human illustrators for creating the characters and scenes in a children's storybook.

πŸ’‘Graphic Elements

Graphic elements are the individual components, such as shapes, images, and text, that are used to create visual designs. The script discusses using existing graphic elements from sources like Creative Fabrica or Canva to build unique scenes for the children's storybook, demonstrating a cost-effective method for illustration.

πŸ’‘Text Box

A text box is a container for text that can be placed and formatted within a design. The video describes how to add text boxes to the pages of the children's storybook in Canva, adjusting transparency and colors to ensure readability against various background designs.

πŸ’‘Publishing Rights

Publishing rights refer to the legal permissions required to publish and distribute a book. In the context of the video, claiming ownership of the copyright and publishing rights is a step in the Amazon KDP publishing process, allowing the author to publish their work without infringing on others' rights.


Keywords are important for discoverability on platforms like Amazon. They are words or phrases that potential customers might use when searching for books. The script explains the importance of selecting relevant and less competitive keywords for the children's storybook to improve its visibility and potential sales on Amazon.


Step-by-step tutorial on creating and self-publishing a children's book on Amazon KDP.

Detailed instructions for setting up book templates and margins for cover and interior.

Overview of different methods for illustrating a children's storybook.

Importance of completing interior page designs before creating the book cover.

Explanation of bleed vs. no bleed for book illustrations.

Recommendation to select 'with bleed' for children's storybooks to cover the entire page.

Using Canva to set up page dimensions and margins based on KDP guidelines.

Tips for writing age-appropriate and engaging content for a children's story.

Options for illustrating the book: hiring a professional illustrator, using AI, or layering existing graphic elements.

Demonstration of creating consistent characters using Canva and AI tools.

Techniques for adding text and maintaining readability with transparent text boxes.

Importance of keeping main elements within margins to avoid issues during printing.

Downloading the completed interior as a PDF for uploading to KDP.

Setting up the book cover template using KDP's cover calculator.

Expanding background images using Canva's AI capabilities.

Final steps for uploading and publishing the book on Amazon KDP.

Choosing keywords and categories to optimize book visibility on Amazon.

Checking print preview to ensure all elements are within margins and properly formatted.

Understanding the cost breakdown for printing the book and setting the sale price accordingly.