How To Create Online Courses With AI In 2024 (Step-By-Step)

Channel Profits
3 Jan 202411:26

TLDRThe video script outlines a step-by-step guide on leveraging AI tools to create and sell online courses in 2024. It emphasizes the potential for significant passive income from digital products, contrasting the ease of digital sales with the complexities of physical product management. The presenter shares personal success with course sales and introduces two methods: a manual approach involving research on platforms like Udemy, content outline creation, and AI tools for transcription and script rewriting; and an automated approach using AI tools like Eureka for niche research, content planning, and competitive analysis. The summary highlights the importance of effort in course creation to minimize refund rates and maximize long-term revenue, and suggests using platforms like LearnWorlds for course delivery. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers interested in monetizing their knowledge through online courses.


  • πŸ’° Creating online courses can be highly profitable, with one course potentially generating over $17 million in sales.
  • πŸš€ Digital products like online courses offer the advantage of automation and lack the logistical challenges of physical products.
  • 🎯 Start with research to identify popular and trending topics by exploring platforms like Udemy.
  • πŸ“š Look into the feedback and reviews of existing courses to find areas for improvement and to stand out.
  • πŸ“ˆ Consider beginner-level or less visual topics for courses when using AI to avoid the need for complex screen recordings.
  • πŸ“ Create a content outline and modules for your course, possibly using AI tools like Descript and Chat GPT to rewrite content.
  • πŸ—£οΈ Use AI text-to-speech tools like 11 laabs to create human-like voices for your course narration.
  • πŸ“ˆ For a more personalized touch, you can record scripts and videos yourself, which can be perceived as higher value.
  • 🌐 Upload your course to a learning platform for automated delivery, choosing between a platform like Udemy or self-hosting with platforms like LearnWorlds.
  • πŸ“ˆ Eureka is an AI tool that automates research, planning, and scripting, making the process faster and easier.
  • πŸ’‘ While AI can assist greatly, putting in effort to create a well-thought-out course will likely result in higher earnings and lower refund rates.
  • πŸ“Ί For additional strategies on selling online courses, consider creating a profitable YouTube channel.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of creating an online course with AI in 2024?

    -Creating an online course with AI in 2024 allows for automation and scalability, enabling content creators to generate passive income by selling their courses multiple times without the need for physical product management.

  • How much revenue can be generated from a successful online course?

    -A successful online course can generate millions in revenue. For example, the transcript mentions a course that sold over 1.8 million units at a minimum of $19 each, resulting in over $34 million in sales.

  • What are the advantages of digital products over physical products in terms of sales and distribution?

    -Digital products are fully automated, eliminating the need for suppliers, shipping, storage, and delivery. This makes the process more efficient and cost-effective compared to physical products.

  • What is the first step in creating an online course using the manual method?

    -The first step in the manual method is research, which involves identifying popular and trending topics by exploring large course platforms like Udemy.

  • How can AI tools assist in the content creation process for an online course?

    -AI tools can assist by automating research, planning, and even content creation. They can generate scripts, rewrite content, and convert text to speech, making the process more efficient.

  • What is the role of AI Gap analysis in improving a course?

    -AI Gap analysis provides feedback on what might be missing or needs improvement in a course. It helps course creators to enhance their content based on the analysis and feedback from AI tools.

  • Why is it important to review the comments and reviews section when researching for a course idea?

    -Reviewing comments and reviews helps to identify areas of improvement and understand what was lacking in existing courses, allowing creators to make their courses stand out and better meet the needs of learners.

  • What are the two main options for delivering a complete online course?

    -The two main options are uploading to a platform like Udemy, which handles marketing and sales but takes a commission, or selling it independently through a personal platform or website, which allows for full profit but requires self-promotion.

  • How can AI tools like Eureka help in the process of creating an online course?

    -Eureka automates the research, planning, and scripting process. It provides insights into niche opportunities, course ideas, and potential gaps in existing courses, streamlining the course creation process.

  • What is the key to making money with online courses for years to come?

    -Creating a well-thought-out course that delivers the desired results for students is key to making money over time. This involves more effort and attention to detail, which can lead to lower refund rates and long-term revenue.

  • What is the recommended approach when using AI tools for creating online courses?

    -While AI tools can automate much of the work, it's recommended to put in effort to ensure quality. This includes using AI for research and scripting, but also fact-checking, personalizing content, and creating engaging video presentations.



πŸ’° Exploiting the Power of Online Courses with AI

The first paragraph introduces the lucrative nature of online courses, highlighting a specific course on Udi that has sold over 1.8 million units. Assuming a minimum sale price of $19 per course, the content creator stands to earn approximately $17 million after a 50% commission. This is contrasted with the challenges of physical products, such as managing inventory and shipping. The speaker emphasizes the potential of passive income from digital products and previews a method to capitalize on this using AI tools. The online course industry's booming state is mentioned, and the importance of creating courses that don't require massive viewership for profitability is underscored. The paragraph concludes with an introduction to two methods of creating online courses: a manual approach and one that leverages AI for research, planning, and content creation.


πŸ” Research and Content Creation for Online Courses

The second paragraph delves into the manual method of creating online courses, starting with research to identify popular and trending topics on large course platforms like Udi. It advises on how to use the platform's search function and review sections to understand what is successful and what improvements can be made. The paragraph also touches on the considerations for using AI, such as choosing less visual and more theoretical topics that are easier for AI to handle. It then outlines the process of creating a content outline and modules, suggesting the purchase of successful courses to transcribe and rework with AI writing tools like Chat GPT. The use of AI text-to-speech tools and the creation of course materials, either through AI or manual efforts, are discussed. The paragraph ends with the options for delivering the course, either through a platform that handles marketing and sales or by self-publishing on a platform like LearnWorlds.


πŸš€ Leveraging AI for Streamlined Course Creation

The third paragraph focuses on using AI to streamline the process of online course creation. It introduces Eureka, a tool that automates research, planning, and scripting. Eureka analyzes topics and niches, providing insights into sales volume and potential earnings of courses, helping to identify lucrative opportunities. The tool also offers an AI Gap analysis to suggest improvements for existing courses. The paragraph explains how Eureka connects with chat GPT to organize and guide the creation of course content, making the process more efficient. While AI can accelerate the process, the speaker advises not to be complacent and to invest effort for better financial returns and lower refund rates. The paragraph concludes with a teaser for further learning on how to sell online courses through a profitable YouTube channel, with additional resources provided in the video description.



πŸ’‘Online Courses

Online courses are educational programs that are delivered via the internet. They offer flexibility and accessibility, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace and from any location. In the video, the speaker discusses the potential for significant income generation from creating and selling online courses, emphasizing their appeal as a source of passive income.

πŸ’‘AI Tools

AI tools refer to software applications that utilize artificial intelligence to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. In the context of the video, AI tools are presented as a means to automate and facilitate the process of creating online courses, from research and planning to content creation.

πŸ’‘Passive Income

Passive income is money earned with little to no effort by the recipient after an initial work investment. The video highlights the ability to generate passive income from online courses as a major advantage, as the content can be created once and sold multiple times.

πŸ’‘Digital Products

Digital products are goods that are distributed in digital form, such as software, ebooks, or online courses. They are contrasted with physical products in the script, emphasizing the ease of creating and distributing digital products without the logistical challenges of physical inventory.

πŸ’‘Content Creator

A content creator is an individual or entity that generates original content, such as videos, articles, or courses. The video focuses on the financial success of a content creator who has sold millions of dollars' worth of an online course, illustrating the potential rewards of content creation.

πŸ’‘Course Platforms

Course platforms are online marketplaces where educators can list and sell their courses. The video mentions Udi as an example, comparing it to Amazon for its vast selection of courses across various niches, which is crucial for researching popular topics and competition.

πŸ’‘AI Writing Tools

AI writing tools are software that use artificial intelligence to assist in writing tasks, such as generating content or rewriting existing text. The script discusses using tools like chat GPT to rewrite content for videos, ensuring originality while leveraging AI to streamline content creation.


Text-to-speech (TTS) technology converts written text into spoken words, synthesizing human-like voices. In the video, TTS tools like 11 laabs are suggested for creating voiceovers for online course videos, offering a more automated approach to video production.


πŸ’‘Learning Platforms

Learning platforms are digital environments designed for the delivery of educational content. The speaker discusses uploading course content to platforms like UDMI or LearnWorlds, which can automate the selling process but may involve sharing revenue with the platform.

πŸ’‘AI Gap Analysis

AI Gap Analysis is a process where AI tools evaluate existing content or courses to identify areas that may be lacking or could be improved. The video describes using this feature within the Eureka tool to find opportunities for differentiation in the online course market.

πŸ’‘YouTube Channel

A YouTube channel is a user's personal space on the YouTube platform where they can upload, manage, and share videos. The video suggests that having a YouTube channel can be a valuable asset for driving traffic to one's online courses, allowing creators to monetize their audience more directly.


A single online course can generate over $34 million in sales, highlighting the potential of digital content creation.

Digital products bypass the complexities of physical product sales, such as dealing with suppliers and shipping.

The online course industry is booming, providing opportunities for content creators to monetize their expertise.

AI tools can automate much of the work involved in creating and selling online courses, making the process more accessible.

Researching popular and trending topics on platforms like Udemy is crucial for identifying successful course ideas.

Analyzing feedback and reviews of existing courses can reveal what to include or improve in your own course.

AI writing tools like Chat GPT can help rewrite content for originality and to create scripts for video courses.

Text-to-speech AI tools can generate humanlike voices for course narration, enhancing the learning experience.

Using AI presentation tools or creating slide presentations can add a professional touch to your course content.

Uploading courses to a learning platform like Udemy or LearnWorlds allows for automated and secure course delivery.

Eureka is an AI tool that automates the research, planning, and scripting process for creating online courses.

Eureka provides insights into niche opportunities, course performance, and areas for improvement based on market data.

Combining AI tools with personal effort can lead to higher quality courses and better financial outcomes.

Creating a profitable YouTube channel can be a powerful strategy for promoting and selling online courses.

A well-thought-out course that delivers on its promises can generate income for years, even with initial high competition.

AI Gap Analysis can identify what is missing from existing courses, providing a competitive edge for new course creators.

The AI Lesson Architect or Content Planner streamlines the process of building out course content and lessons.

Whether using AI or outsourcing, creating faceless videos or recording scripts personally, the chosen style should align with the brand.

The manual method and AI-assisted method both have their advantages, with the latter speeding up the process significantly.